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written by reader Ultimate Wealth Report

By gina, February 7, 2013

Has anyone subscribed to the Ultimate Wealth Report from Newsmax and written by James Rickards and Bob Wiedemer? This seems to be a new publication and I wonder if anyone has any thoughts about it. How would you rate it? It’s being highly advertised but I wonder if they’re just using scare tactics. Any thoughts would be very appreciated.

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Scott Baxter
Scott Baxter
February 8, 2013 5:38 pm

I have subscribed, Regina, and I like the “Ultimate Wealth Report” by Sean Hyman. Although much of Newsmax leans beary, scary, and conservative, (not that there is anything wrong with that!), Sean keeps it real with low P/Es, high yields, and most of all, excellent chart analysis. When he starts pointing out the 1,2,3,4, and 5 waves on the chart, both up and down then shows the 50 and 200 MDA, MACD, RSI (overbought/oversold), the trends become clearer. As a student of investing, I have grown to appreciate Sean’s writing and speaking style. I think you would too.

Just my opinion. Hope that helps. Thanks, Scott

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Dick Crosby
Dick Crosby
March 10, 2013 5:24 pm
Reply to  Scott Baxter

Amen to Baxter’s comment above. I subscribe to a number of investment newsletters, even though I/we haven’t bought or sold anything for a fair period of time. We’re almost totally invested in a private successful company that’s going to be sold by mid 2014. Hopefully, turning a very decent profit. So, nothing available to invest in the market until then. All my readings are in preparation for late 2014. I expect the markets will be very different at that time. The UW Report is probably the most beneficial to my needs at this time.

August 15, 2013 11:22 am
Reply to  Dick Crosby

Hey Dick,
Can you recommend a investment letter? I am new to investment and a little help will go long way.

taft elmore
taft elmore
August 27, 2013 1:55 am
Reply to  emno

Can you recommend a investment letter to a beginner

September 6, 2013 5:07 pm
Reply to  taft elmore

I swear by Richard Band’s Profitable investing. Been with him for about 30 years.

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November 21, 2013 7:06 pm
Reply to  taft elmore

I’m new to Ultimate Wealth as a newsletter. When subscribed, it came with a trial offer to The High Income Factor, which I accepted. My empahsis is on receiving dividends and I really like what HI has to say, and his choices. Have bought some recently , including PSEC, whcih Gumshoe describes. MAIN has been good for appreciation and payout.

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February 8, 2014 4:42 pm
Reply to  emno

Dav s I have been a subscriber to ultimate wealth report &absolute profits for almost a year,and i just renewed for 2 yrs on both services! (both by Sean Hyman)! I would not be back in the market without the UWR &AP! I look forward to the weekly vidio updates on both services! They let you sign up & the first three months are FREE,and if you cancel during the first 90 days (doubtful) you wont be charged! I Highly recommend UWR & AP!

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👍 4
May 9, 2013 9:27 am
Reply to  Scott Baxter

I just received the sales pitch email letter from Sean Hyman (
In it, among other wonderful things, he is “giving away” a free stock recommendation (VALE, a Brasilian minig company) with an expected profit of 80% in the next several weeks. His reasoning: this great stock has an unbelieveably low “P/E ratio of 7, EPS of 2.46, and an annual dividend of a whopping 6.30%!” I immediately went to Yahoo! Finance and looked up VALE. Here are the actual numbers:
P/E (trailing) = 19.68, EPS = 0.89, Div & Yield = 0.75 (4.40%).
So, I am neither jumping at this great free giveaway nor rushing to subscribe.

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👍 2
May 18, 2013 12:43 pm
Reply to  dtnovice

Good thing you didn’t buy too. That stock is clearly a loser. Pump and dump chumps.

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Magnus Boyd
Magnus Boyd
August 11, 2013 6:58 am
Reply to  dtnovice

I liked his pitch – very rational – so I’m surprised he quoted these figures so incorrectly. it doesn’t make sense because its so easy to check. I’d be interested to hear his response on that.

September 22, 2013 11:00 am
Reply to  dtnovice

In everything I’ve read Sean uses forward P/E as his criterion. Currently 9/22/13 the forward P/E for Vale is 8.01 and the trailing is 19.98 according to I think your criticism is a little unfair. The company has string fundamentals. Further, analysts seem to agree that there is a 25% upside potential here.

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March 26, 2014 12:06 pm
Reply to  dtnovice

Let’s se May 2013 – VALE was 17. early July it was under 13. Returned to 17 by November. Back now to 13. Some 80% expected profit…..

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December 4, 2014 4:46 pm
Reply to  anonymous

And now at a little over $8…

July 3, 2013 9:55 am
Reply to  Scott Baxter

Can you tell me what Sean Hyman’s e-mail address is? Thank-you very much.

Manuel M.Navoa, c/o PWHS, Unit E2 Gueventville 1, Calbayog Street,Mandaluyong City, Philippines
Reply to  Priscilla

I am a missionary going to all the prisons in the Philippines sharing my testimony of my life on how God has saved me from the death penalty by electric chair for the crime I have not committed.This is my commitment and thanksgiving to God for having me be saved from prison and now I am sharing the goodness of God to prisoners. I hope Mr. Sean Hyman can help me so that I can reach more prisons in thePhilippines due to lack of financial help I cannot reach many prisons and God will be the one to shower blessings for him and his family so that the goodness and love for God I can share for the prisoners when I was found innocentof the death penalty for the crime I have not done I want to have prisoners know the greatness of God. I hope being one greatly working for God, Mr. Sean Hyman can help me to reach more far prisons and share my story of the goodness of God when Iam inprison up to time God saved me from death. God reward you for your working for God andI know Go9d has given you all for many to know nothing is impossible to God. Manuel Navoa .My cellphone number 09109773769. You can see thephotos of prisons I have visiyed in theblogspot I pray for Sean Hyman that God give him more wisdom so that many will believe our Loving God in Heaven.

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November 21, 2013 6:59 pm

Great to hear about the Lord’s pardon for you, and your current work emphasis. Suggest you contact Foundation of Praise can be done online) for compliemtary copies of Prison to Praise, a small paper back that is having fantastic results in bringing prisionsers to the Lord.

Paul Berry
Paul Berry
December 30, 2013 5:06 pm
Reply to  Scott Baxter

Your readers might be more enlightened by searching for reviews of Newsmax, the Ultimate Wealth Report publisher. The complaints about Newsmax are very revealing!

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April 9, 2013 12:31 am

The Ultimate Wealth Report is actually written by Sean Hyman. His reports are factual, no scare tactics involved. As mentioned above, his charts are thorough and his system for analyzing the market is easy to follow. You get a wealth of information in the form of the newsletter monthly but also in weekly updates. These updates are often done by video and its Sean himself walking you through his chart analysis. At the end of each report, he updates you on where his picks are sitting since his recommended buy date and price. I subscribe to several reports. This is by far my favorite. I think he’s brilliant (do some research and you will find he’s a self taught guy from the pastoral field).

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June 23, 2013 9:57 pm

Sean Hyman also apparently wrote Currency Capitalist. See the review of Currency Capitalist on

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Bekezela Mathe
Bekezela Mathe
July 27, 2013 4:38 pm

I was impressed by the boblical money making code. The children of Israel must have applied it a lot. Can Sean Hyman assist an investor like me based in Southern Africa?

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November 16, 2013 6:22 pm
Reply to  Bekezela Mathe

God can help you!!

Bekezela Mathe
Bekezela Mathe
July 27, 2013 4:39 pm

I am sorry about that typo….Ooops. I meant “biblical” money making code.

July 29, 2013 6:21 pm

I am truly interested in this system Sean has to offer, however because there are so many frauds in this world today that’s trying to make money off of you, the first thing I want to do is look into this company before i invest in IT!!! after all it’s one of the 1st lessons Sean teaches you. saying this, I need to hear more from people who actually subscribe/ or have subscribed to it. Have you made money, or are you just getting knowledge? Is Sean trully letting you in on his next investment move and recommending you do so as well, or is it just lots of reading on what you “CAN” do.

Please someone help,
thank you all in advance.

October 18, 2013 4:09 pm
Reply to  Georgett

FIRST!!!!!!!! Anytime ANY sales pitch includes making you wait, only to finish you off with an urgency to “give,” you should be cautious. He might be completely legit, but he’s also legitimately and legally taking your money using tried and true marketing tactics. Not only could this guy “sell sunshine up the Pope’s ass,” but he’s actually selling the Pope’s ass so to speak. “But wait…. , in just in minute….., bla bla bla…..,” It’s a sin to love money, but he’s playing directly on that very thing – typical televagelist BS from one end to the other. PLUS!!!!!!!!!! Let’s not forget that the more people he lures in, the more influence he has on the actual outcome of his alleged predictions. He says not to follow the crowds, but keeps dangling, in the bright red stamp graphic, all the other 57,000 people who are following his advice. Kinda contradicts his own advice here alone. Ask him if you can get your money back with interest if you decide not to continue subscribing. Ain’t gonna happen, because he’s earning the interest. If you multiply $50 by 57,000, you’re approaching $3,000,000. That’s if all of his subscribers didn’t get sucked in by the “Premium Subscription,” which he labels “Most Popular.” Are you freaking kidding me? Why would someone who “preaches” not following the herd, stamp his more expensive product with the phrase “Most Popular?” Now, here’s where these goons get really tricky… by playing on people’s “Christian Values.” Because he’s allegedly referencing the Bible, he’s automatically injecting his pitch directly into an entire generation of people who are accustomed to blindly following what their preachers tell them, and he gets away with it by inviting his audience to dig deep and gain some kind of understanding, yet he’s kinda holding your hand. I can go on and on, but his big hook at the beginning is more typical indoctrination BS, skills he probably learned in Bible college, and then honed as a preacher. If you pay attention, and followers aggressively DO NOT, to there own peril, you can clearly see that he’s laying one big guilt trip on his prey, taunting and challenging prospective subscribers to not hoard their money, and connecting that money to one’s “talents.” And yes, FOX news is THE CONSERVATIVE NEWS CHANNEL!!!!!!!!!!! They could not have been happier to have this chump on their lineup, because it supports their cause. Notice how he makes a big deal about being mocked, but in the end, his predictions were right. Well, of course they were!!!! He’s steering the freaking boat, and it was probably something easy to predict in the first place!!!! He even capitalizes on the world’s biggest, “most popular” company, Apple – DUH!!!!!!! Don’t have to be the son of God to know that Apple’s stocks are gonna dip after their generation altering icon Steve Jobs passes away!!!!!!!!!!! Really???????????? But, my last thought is where this seemingly humble brother really gets his rocks off. Free advertising, compliments of “GOD” himself!!!!!!!!!!!! You heard me, free advertising!!!!!!! Why????? Because, anyone who’s been indoctrinated by Christian ideologies, in this case, is used to following, and even worse, blindly protecting those ideologies. You don’t have to dig too deep into this one discussion to know who they are, because they argue their points based on nothing. It’s like getting involved in circular arguments with people that have personality disorders. They are self-fulfilling prophets and usually doing nothing but reporting the weather. And, since when is big money making some kind of stranger to the tax exempt church?!!!! Are you kidding me???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are experts at profiting on people’s weaknesses!!!! That’s what missions are all about, converting the destitute in third-world countries. They are recruiters, not missionaries!!!!!!!!! Here’s another thing…. Who is he giving all his money to anyway?!!! What do we call those people?

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Deborah Bino
Deborah Bino
October 28, 2013 12:29 pm
Reply to  D'Skeptic

I came to the same conclusion as D-Skeptic on Sean’s spiel. I did some research to see what folks were saying, because I am against the Wall Street games that have hurt so many people, and we desperately need those who will share some wisdom (talents), – and by that I mean the real wisdom of Solomon. Sean totally misses what the parable of the talents presents: Jesus was saying to the disciples to NOT hide their talents (their knowledge of Christ), but to use their gifts in the service of God, and to take risks (even death) for the sake of the Kingdom of God. Spreading the Gospel (The Son of God died so that we may live… our choice) is the return on investment meant by this parable. Parting with $49 or $97 serves Sean’s wealth. The only guarantee you have is you no longer have $49 or $97. It would be good to bear in mind that D’Skeptic is correct, “the more people he lures in, the more influence he has on the actual outcome of his alleged predictions”. I like the parable, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven”. The rich man so often is blind to his spiritual poverty because he is proud of his accomplishments and has contented himself with his wealth. So the rich man is as likely to humble himself before God as a camel is to crawl through the eye of a needle. Also, “Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? (Who do you want to trust, God or Sean?) Finally, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matt 6:19-21). I’m afraid Mr. Hyman gave up some treasure in heaven by deciding to follow the path he choose. He was given “talents”, (knowledge where he was schooled in biblical principles) but he opted to go down the path of riches. Evil is alive and well when all it takes is 50,000/yr philanthropy to twist one’s conscience into believing this practice is in any sense Christian principled. God lets each of us decide what we do with what we are given, and God honors an honest penny (tithe) from a poor man.

January 25, 2014 11:49 pm
Reply to  Deborah Bino

The real meaning of the parable of the talents was NOT to illustrate how to handle money, but, to illustrate to the church leaders at the time who were in charge of something they should have seen as ‘high value’, that being God’s law forHis People.

Jesus was using the principle of the law of increase, as mentioned in various parts of the Scriptures ( known to us moderns as the Old Testament ) such as when you Sow the wind, you Reap a whirlwind [ Hosea 8]. Jews at the time were well familiar with the principle.

The church leaders flouted this law for their own ends, and they detected he was making a point against them as evidence in the opening of Matt 26. So the parable was about the administering of the law, but using wealth as a carrier of meaning.

I agree with everything D’Skeptic says, but like others in this post think that a serious level headed investor will CONTINUALLY draw from a number of viewpoints as education, as part of “looking well into” it for themselves. Then they should decide for themselves, not take direct advice from any newsletter. In that the offer is cheap, though long winded.

February 16, 2014 3:43 am
Reply to  rov

The point of using the parable of the talents is not to teach it is about money, per se, but that Jesus used money and investing to make His spiritual point. In that, the parable teaches two lessons, and Hyman simply focuses on the literal teaching about money for the purpose of making his point about investing. That’s not a bad thing, and I don’t think he intended to suggest the parable was strictly about money.

This is true of all Christ’s parables: they use practical lessons as parallels to spiritual lessons. One can see this in simple things such as not covering a lamp, building a house on firm foundations, and how and where one plants seeds. These and more use real world examples to teach spiritual lessons. In other words, Jesus does not use stories that do not match physical world experience to craft His spiritual lessons. Thus, we can use the logic of the stories in the parables in our own physical lives, while also drawing lessons pertaining to the spiritual as well.

November 1, 2013 6:44 pm
Reply to  D'Skeptic

Although I can certainly understand your animosity to some extent (relative to anyone “using” religion to “schlepping the gelt “i.e., in this case making a sales pitch to make money) , your comments are way over reactive in that he is not suggesting one should buy his “stuff” because he is religious but rather that he knows what he is doing, has a track record, and provides a good explanation of his approach and recommendations. You completely ignore the fact that he is not “preying upon” (pun intended) an ignorant “flock” of followers but rather participating in the competitive market place of ideas to earn business. You also miss the point that the man is apparently respected for his analysis and results by his readers as stated herein above by others .
Unlike many tele-evangelists of the past and present, he is not saying that God will reward you with a bucks-up multiple fold return if you contribute to him, but rather advertising that his background, intelligence, and work efforts, e.g., research, and analysis will provide good investment ideas that will help individuals to profit in the international market bourses. Whether that is true or not or remains so for the long term remains to be seen. Nevertheless your comments are clearly over the top, biased, unsubstantiated, and uncalled for. I think you should stop and ponder whether your prejudice gets in the way of your objectivity. chill out, and stop painting those you think to be religious Christians with such a broad brush of damnation. You just might need help from someone someday and then you’ll find out something about who cares.

PS: I have no ax to grind. However, I believe we need to communicate with facts and a modicum of civility rather than invective and vituperation. I along with others commenting herein found your diatribe embarrassing and egregious. I have written critical articles on the web about specific TV evangelists in the past.

John K
John K
November 12, 2013 10:17 am
Reply to  D'Skeptic

Thank you, Madeline Murray O”Hare……Let me guess, you make your money the “Old Fashion Way”….you steal it????

November 16, 2013 6:29 pm
Reply to  D'Skeptic

If GODs name was used in vain for the purpose of stealing money from unsuspecting citizens and therefore benefitting Seans own wealth, do you think he would continue to prosper?

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January 21, 2014 10:30 am
Reply to  Georgett

D”Skeptic, I read your post and agreed with some of the points you were making about the marketing and sales pitch. He may be guilty of using this as a method to get rich and he will be judged for that by GOD when the time comes. You join forces with him by making judgments about Christian ideologies. We do not “blindly protecting those ideologies” we live them openly and to use them to help others find something in life that has meaning and hope. What is wrong with feeding and helping children and giving them something to believe in
Since you seem to be able to verbalize and analyze things, can you take the time to look around you in this beautiful complex world and tell explain how it all came about.
You may be right about him but you need to take time to save yourself by doing at least one thing he talks about. Check out our Christian beliefs and study the Scriptures in great detail and you will find we are not “anyone who’s been indoctrinated by Christian ideologies, in this case, is used to following, and even worse, blindly protecting those ideologies. You don’t have to dig too deep into this one discussion to know who they are, because they argue their points based on nothing”. By the way you at least know enough about God to Spell it with a capital “G”.

Catharine McCasland
July 29, 2013 9:41 pm

Sean is on Fox News about his moves on investments . Look for him on The Fox News Channel. I was not sure either but him being a regular on Fox Is trust worthy for me.

Magnus Boyd
Magnus Boyd
August 11, 2013 6:39 am

Catharine, since when has Fox News been any badge of trustworthiness? You do know that they have been shown to make things up and to doctor edits of news items to match their political view on that channel don’t you?

August 14, 2013 3:28 pm
Reply to  Magnus Boyd

er, just like MSNBC and CNN??

👍 8
Magnus Boyd
Magnus Boyd
August 15, 2013 6:04 am
Reply to  bobbyb444

I’m not defending MSNBC or CNN Robert, I am simply talking about Fox – are you attempting to defend them?

August 28, 2013 8:26 am
Reply to  Magnus Boyd

I’m not defending anyone Magnus. But when you bring up the “trustworthiness” be mindful of the fact that others here might not agree with you, and thus take an opportunity to counter your opinion. Since this is a financial advisory newsletter, any and all financial views as reported is late news anyway, regardless of whom espouses it. At least Fox strives to get all sides of a story, or a platform for them. While the talking heads interrupt too frequently (IMHO), at least there is some balance than the sway to one side on the other channels (I can give you actual examples of CNN, NBC and MSNBC for starters). You must either watch Fox consistently to render your opinion, or you take the opinion of others and call it your own like sheep.

I take my financial news with a grain of salt on every channel. I am conservative with my hard earned money, and Fox is more closely aligned with my viewpoint. I don’t spend money I don’t have, and if I do, it is first to help others in need. I conduct my own research and due diligence, using sites like these as a backdrop to test theories, and create watch lists.

👍 8
February 19, 2014 4:52 pm
Reply to  Magnus Boyd

The Fox bashing is tired, unfounded, and annoying. This is an investment commentary where somebody who has a good track record appears on Fox to provide his opinion. Are you suggesting Fox forces him to say misleading things? What doctored edits specifically are you talking about or are you just a bandwagon jumper with the lame and lazy pile on that is known as Fox Derangement Syndrome? If you like Sean’s analysis then who cares where he shows up.

Chuck Gibson
Chuck Gibson
August 15, 2013 6:01 pm
Reply to  Magnus Boyd

Name just one specific instance when Fox news made things up and doctored items of news to match their political views, just one. No phony replies, no trying to change the subject, just one very specific instance.

Jeffrey Smith
Jeffrey Smith
August 17, 2013 4:45 pm
Reply to  Chuck Gibson
Magnus Boyd
Magnus Boyd
August 20, 2013 1:55 pm
Reply to  Jeffrey Smith

Thanks Jeffrey – just got to this, I hope Chuck isn’t too upset.

Dave Radetslu
Dave Radetslu
September 4, 2013 4:50 pm
Reply to  Jeffrey Smith

Sorry, but your example is poor. Media matters is not a trustworthy source. You’ll have to do a lot better than that.

Ron Rowan
Ron Rowan
December 30, 2013 7:46 pm
Reply to  Jeffrey Smith

One cannot rely on Media Matters when their primary mission is to discredit Fox NEWS, even to the point of conducting investigations into the personal lives of Fox News Channel staff in order to look for dirt. I wonder if they spend as much time on investigating the more liberal Democrats who work for FNC?

Magnus Boyd
Magnus Boyd
August 20, 2013 1:58 pm
Reply to  Chuck Gibson

Sorry to break it to you Chuck if you didn’t already know – but yes, Fox are untruthful. Jeffrey’s link there gives you quite a few instances to chew on…..sorry. : (

August 28, 2013 8:49 am
Reply to  Magnus Boyd

I note on that link that a) most of the stories are anti-Fox, and b) over 90% of the stories have opinions versus facts. That website would be okay, in my opinion, if they also showed errors and bias in reporting for CNN, MSNBC, and NBC (like stroy coverages, pictures of certain political figures larger than their opponents, videos of reporters “across town” while in the same parking lot…etc.

Just curious, did any other these other channel reporters also apologize for their mistakes? You won’t find them on this website.

All the more reason to take anything anyone says, both here and on-line, with a huge grain of salt. Do your own due diligence–that’s the message

👍 8
Thomas Hastings
Thomas Hastings
October 1, 2013 11:22 am
Reply to  Chuck Gibson

“make things up and doctored items of news to match their political views”? You’re surely talking about President Obama, right? He does it in his every utterance.

Wayne Shipley
Wayne Shipley
October 19, 2013 11:20 am

I am not here for anti-Fox bashing. I am here for investing info and learning. If I want your opinions on Fox, I’ll ask for it! Since you raise the issue, thank God for a network that shares some values that the big three, bias, pro Marxist-socialist do not. Please knock off the bashing and get back to investing in a “fair and balanced” manner.

Dr Jenkum
Dr Jenkum
October 19, 2013 1:03 pm
Reply to  Magnus Boyd

The “Fox(worthy)” news service – “You might be a neocon if …”

Gerard Capra
Gerard Capra
November 27, 2013 12:02 pm
Reply to  Magnus Boyd

Magnus, what are you talking about. You are drinking the liberal cool aide. “You know they have been shown to make things up”. Please provide an example.

February 16, 2014 3:45 am
Reply to  Magnus Boyd

Shown by whom?

January 6, 2014 9:04 am

Being a regular on Fox News [sic] makes him much less trustworthy to me. The actual actions of Fox News [sic] show that they are a lying propaganda machine that Goebbels would be proud to have run. IOW if one wants to make oneself less informed the best way is to watch Fox News [sic] and believe what they are saying. Some easy examples, touting Iraq War, Romney will win easily, there was no cheating in FL in 2000 and OH in 2004 for George Bush Jr., Obama was not born in the U.S., Social Security is bankrupt and the list can go on, but the few just mentioned are ALL lies that Fox News [sic] has slogged or is currently slogging.

The only good thing Fox News [sic] is the soft porn being sold by their female presenters with a nice shot of leg while presenting.

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February 16, 2014 3:51 am
Reply to  maxx

Wow! maxx. That’s some fantastical left leaning drivel you’ve got dripping down your chin.

Fox never “touted” the Iraq War.

You can’t blame Fox for believing the voting public was smarter than to allow a second term to the current president.

The cheating in FL in 2000 were by supporters of Al Gore

Fox did NOTHING more than report that some believed Obama was born outside the US.

Social Security is indeed in dire straits unless you think raising the age to qualify for benefits, or decreasing the amount of benefits to keep it solvent is a good thing.

It is you who lies about Fox, except for that part about the good looking female personalities. That’s just another plus.

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February 19, 2014 6:26 am
Reply to  AJC

You can insult all you want, but that does not change reality.

Fox News [sic] most certainly touted the Iraq war, even Fox News [sic] blowhards like O’Rilely admit this.

That Bush Jr. cheated in OH in 2004 and FL in 2000 is not a matter of debate, in both cases he lost until the votes were “massaged”. I am a computer programmer and what the media reports as a “recount” is nothing more than a “rerun”. There were no recounts in either of those elections. Bush Jr. lost in 2000 and lost the nationwide popular vote, Bush Jr. lost in 2004 and won the nationwide popular vote. In both cases Bush Jr. operatives cheated, not the Democrats. Bush Jr. and the repiglicons in general have been exposed to have cheated, but the right-wing biased mainstream media, e.g. New York Times, Wall Street Journal etc. are corporatists and support repiglicon policy.

Fox News [sic] constantly ran the nonsense that Obama was not born in the U.S. when it has always been clear that he was born in the U.S. Now, as I write this Fox News [sic] is quiet about Ted Cruz who was most definitely born in Canada while his father was not an American citizen. Cruz is running for president and there is not doubt about this whatsoever, even Cruz admits it. However, Fox News [sic] is silent about Cruz. Just another example that Fox News [sic] is a propaganda outlet for the repiglicons.

Social Security has over two trillion dollars in surplus. The only dire straits for Social Security are the Wall Street thieves who want to steal the trillions. A very simple change to Social Security would be to make ALL income subject to FICA with no caps on amounts. This would allow raising of Social Security payments and lowering of age for retirement which would employ more younger workers. Social Security is an INSURANCE program that has always been self funding, it is working and has never missed a payment for 74 years.

I do not have to lie about Fox News [sic], they do a perfectly good job of that themselves. All one has to do is look at the facts which you apparently choose not to do.

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sam davies
sam davies
February 19, 2014 5:49 pm
Reply to  maxx

Maxx- I take exception to only one part of your post.

Referring to our 43rd President as “Bush Jr.” is an undeserved kindness.

The person who bushwhacked our country both financially and morally is best referred to as “the rotten shrub that should have been forcibly uprooted from the White House as quickly as possible.”

July 31, 2013 2:28 am

Is the biblical money code legit?

Magnus Boyd
Magnus Boyd
August 15, 2013 6:21 am
Reply to  kevin

Legit? It’s a set of ideas. You can read Jesus’ parables in a very short time and decide for yourself if you agree with Hyman’s interpretations of the meaning of those parables in terms of financial advice. Personally I think it’s an excellent sales pitch because he gets the attention of Christians – including those who may accept it just on that basis with no further analysis , but he also gets non Christian rationalists by making the core argument that this is all common sense stuff and that the key thing is to let go of greed, which is too emotive, and essentially invest rationally. All good stuff – the next step is to decide if his idea of rational investing then stacks up. but I would say they he needs to start by quoting accurate figures for companies he talks about so the errors discussed in this thread are concerning.

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Dr Jenkum
Dr Jenkum
October 19, 2013 1:07 pm
Reply to  Magnus Boyd

Is Hyman a rabbi ?

August 15, 2013 10:57 am
Reply to  kevin



Well, then… but OF COURSE IT IS!

After all, why else would all the Bronze- and Iron-Age middle-eastern bedouin cults have bothered recording their obtuse fairy tales IF NOT to make clueless 21st-ct. punters hand their subscription-$$ over to a mail-order charlat… err, guru.

Scripture is, naturally, all about lillies in the fields expecting to get rich without work.

August 18, 2013 6:19 am
Reply to  Stockster

Really? I think you’re missing the scriptures message entirely. Your even missing the points that Sean tries get across from the scripture.

Dr Jenkum
Dr Jenkum
October 19, 2013 1:10 pm
Reply to  Stockster

Reminds me of Wade Cook of “Wall Street Money Machine” fame – he was a Mormon con artist, sold 5K weekend seminars (no coffee, a Mormon no no), and other outrageously priced investment scams. He quoted a lot of scripture (and not just from the Book of Moron).

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J. Peterson
J. Peterson
October 21, 2013 2:52 pm
Reply to  Dr Jenkum

You just insulted 15,000,000 plus Mormons for one bad apple. Perhaps you ought to delve into it deeper. You may end up a happier more thoughtful person.

Dr Jenkum
Dr Jenkum
October 22, 2013 10:41 pm
Reply to  J. Peterson

Study the characters who created the so called “Mormon” church – con artist all – especially Joseph Smith with his “peep stone” = swindling NY farmers out of room, board and money purporting to advise them where gold could be found on their property. Of course, ALL churches are con games, so don’t be so sensitive, it’s just that being a con is a big part of the Mormon persona.

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February 16, 2014 3:58 am
Reply to  Dr Jenkum

Cook was never accused or convicted of scamming anyone but Uncle Sam. His conviction was for tax fraud. I know of one person personally who made money following Cook’s financial teachings.

April 25, 2015 7:24 pm
Reply to  Dr Jenkum

Now we’re off into Wade Cook and bashing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints–based on the fact that Wade Cook is/was a member? Are you kidding me? Let’s get back to Sean Hyman and investing, instead of revealing all the intelligence you don’t have.

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September 11, 2013 2:55 am
Reply to  kevin

and you feel that Yahoo Finance is always right? I do not. I like Yahoo Finance AND USE IT OFTEN BUT HAVE FOUND DISAGREEMENTS WITH THEIR STATS TO SCOTTRADE’S FOR EXAMPLE.

July 31, 2013 9:00 pm

Has anybody tried following Sean?

August 1, 2013 3:00 pm

I really want to believe this man is on the up and up. I think he probably is.?.
My major concern is this, I don’t understand what he is talking about because I have
never invested…it’s like trying to understand a foreign language. I wonder if I will
miss what he is saying and therefore never invest and I then have lost $20. I didn’t
have to lose in the first place.

April 26, 2015 3:00 am
Reply to  Linda

You have a few choices…
1. Stop investing and just go buy a lottery tickets with your money.
2. Read all his training material online or buy a book on technical and fundamental financial analysis and read it several times until you do understand what he is saying.
3. Just do what he says and don’t try to understand why.

August 3, 2013 10:34 am

Blogger#7 Catherine says ” anyone that is a REGULAR and happens to be about finance or investing on Fox News is…. trust worthy. I would suggest to her or him BETTER start take an antioxidant for the brain.

August 14, 2013 3:32 pm
Reply to  Dave

At least on Fox one gets an audience of all sides, instead of the diatribe of one-sided old financial news on MSNBC and CNN.

👍 8
Magnus Boyd
Magnus Boyd
August 15, 2013 6:05 am
Reply to  bobbyb444

I assume you just mean their financial coverage Robert?

August 28, 2013 8:53 am
Reply to  Magnus Boyd

like I said, old news…I like rational discussion of divergent opinions, not something forced down te pike, and irrelevant.

👍 8
Dr Jenkum
Dr Jenkum
October 19, 2013 1:14 pm
Reply to  bobbyb444

All of the Western news outlets are controlled. The BBC is notorious. They displayed video, for example, of a supposed crowd of cheering Libyans waving their flags upon learning of Qaddafi’s murder – but an examination of the video revealed it was taken from some big Indian political rally – the crowd were waving Indian flags.

August 3, 2013 12:57 pm

Dave, you’re a skilled nutritionist but what about some sound advise in the investment field?
“Fox News” haters are all cut from the same cloth, they attack the messenger but almost always never contribute more than a spewing of hate and discontent. I’ll bet you’re as poor financially as you are in giving sound advise.

August 3, 2013 3:14 pm

I just decided to take a look at this newsletter. Like most of them, I will probably get a refund after a few months. Remember, no one can predict the future, and no one can do the research you must do for yourself. I am strong on fundamental analysis, moderate on technical, and weak on sentiment. I subscribed because I like the triangle concept in the pitch , and need to learn more on sentiment. I expect to learn a few things from him. In the mean time, I am 100% cash and looking for a bottom in gold ( sandstorm warrants… thanks Travis).

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👍 43
September 11, 2013 3:07 am
Reply to  charlier1955

IF you are new to investing consider mutual funds. Morningstar is good source for Fund info..

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November 9, 2013 11:30 pm
Reply to  phpearso

Ah, at last. Someone has addressed the question originally asked. Can we PLEASE have some comments and opinions on the substance of the Ultimate Wealth Report

August 6, 2013 12:35 am

In your professional opinion should i subscribe to the wealth report?

August 7, 2013 12:19 pm
Reply to  kevin

Kevin, if you are looking for a fail safe method to protect from investing loses, I would humbly advise you not put your faith in any man. Do your own reading and studying, you will better be served success in the long haul. and learn how to fish. If you believe that somehow God is going to make you $$$’s richer via Sean’s reports, I personally would discount that spiritual connection. His faith is his, yours is what matters most. What do you believe God wants for your service to Him? Always be a good steward of what has been given and your faithfulness will be rewarded.

August 14, 2013 3:35 pm
Reply to  gpgalka

subscribe at the discount if you can, learn a few things, and continue if you want beyond the expiration date. There are also investment clubs out there…

👍 8
Magnus Boyd
Magnus Boyd
August 20, 2013 2:01 pm
Reply to  gpgalka

Yes – it’s like Siddartha- you have to find your own way….. : )

August 11, 2013 3:52 am

I seek knowledge and want to learn the Biblical 12+12+12 “Seek and ye shall find says the Lord”

Slow down
Slow down
August 11, 2013 10:43 am

Vicki – Seek and ye shall find, as advised by the Lord, was in regard to seeking and finding eternal life. This can be done with or without money. Money just makes the journey more comfortable, but it can also be a burden. Concern yourself first with your soul and second with your body. Your soul lasts forever, but your body is a temporary vessel. Only your body needs money, and it only needs it as long as it lives. Feed your body as necessary, but guard your soul with your very life. It was paid for at a price.

Sunday Girl
Sunday Girl
August 18, 2013 2:22 pm
Reply to  Slow down

Word up, slow down!

[Pun may or may not be intended there. 😉 ]

Jeff Ginn
August 11, 2013 10:35 am

Interesting read but no one has answered the most important question posted; Has anyone subscribed to Sean’s report and actually made money??

Jason H
Jason H
August 13, 2013 2:34 pm

I second the notion, has ANYONE FOLLOWED HIS ADVICE and made noteworthy progress, or is this a scam? And I believe God truly does want everyone to be wealthy, happy and content, as much as they can individually support.

November 8, 2013 9:35 am
Reply to  Jason H

I subscribed to Hyman’s newsletter in July. Over the last 3 months, buying stocks recommended (not all of them, due to free cash in my investment account), and selling at his recommendation (just one equity so far), I’ve had the following results:
1. bought one stock for $2,978, sold it at $580 profit.
2. Reinvested that, and along with the stocks I’ve bought and haven’t sold, I have purchased 12 equities (3 of them twice to add into my position), for $34,516, and have an unrealized gain of $3,540. That’s an 11.3% profit, and an annual return of 114%.

What I like about Hyman is his clear explanation of his method of charting. I learn as much from that as from his buy and sell recommendations.

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August 14, 2013 8:30 am

I watched his LONG presentation which to me seemed pretty repetitive with the Biblical aspects only vaguely attached. He seems to be selling common-sense.

Still, the proof is in the pudding. Has anybody subscribed? Have you made money?

August 19, 2013 6:38 pm
Reply to  Aitch

Long, repetitive, and structured like a sleazy late-night infomercial. It sounds like it’s designed to whip up your irrational “get rich quick” greed, and scare away respectable, rational people. Yet the underlying principles sound solid. It’s a mystery why he’s hawking this in such a sleazy way.

Jason H
Jason H
August 14, 2013 9:59 am

Oh, it is horribly, horribly repetitive. That alone gives me significant doubts. Really, he must tell us 12 times how he went from making $15,000 to giving away $50,000. Yeah, maybe tell us that, uh, TWICE, i think we’ll remember.

August 14, 2013 2:44 pm

I also want to know if this scam? I called 1-800 number and it is good news that some one picked it up. Any one tried the news letter?

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