written by reader This Company is About to Smash a Mobile Crime Ring

by partykkj | June 26, 2013 4:25 pm

This fellow (AND others) are teasing this same stock……………
Meet one of today’s most underhanded crooks.

One whose epic crime spree results in $190 billion being stolen from unsuspecting people every year.

I’m not talking about a shady banker, or corrupt politician.

I’m not talking about a common street thug, either. This guy doesn’t use a gun. Nor his fists.

[ Related: more news tagged with “Verizon Communications” ]

In fact, you don’t even know you’re a victim until he’s long gone.

That’s because this unscrupulous cyber-thief uses modern technology to commit his crimes. Secretly… silently… and emphatically.

You see, while technology has given us some remarkable innovations, it’s also spawned a new breed of tech-savvy criminals, willing to exploit gaps in the system.

And you can find this devious character in any store or mall.

He’s quietly taking advantage of a major security flaw.

When I say “major,” I REALLY mean it.

You see, this security flaw is holding back the inescapable age of “m-commerce,” a brand-new, trillion-dollar industry.

[Can you keep a big secret about today’s article? If so, click here.]

Welcome to the Age of M-Commerce

For the past decade, Citigroup (C)[1], Google (GOOG), Apple (AAPL)[2], Verizon (VZ)[3], AT&T (T) and a host of other heavyweights have poured billions into building a mobile infrastructure that’s set to replace the old ways of doing business.

I’m talking about the mobile payment market – “mobile wallets” that allow us to pay for goods wirelessly using a smartphone.

It’s inevitable that this will happen.

I need you to understand that.

Easier ways to make payments will lead to better sales. Period.

In fact, Visa (V)[4] says that people born in the last five years will never own a physical wallet. Instead, smartphones will hold everything – credit cards, debit cards, driver’s licenses, social security cards, store cards, etc.

And with it, the ability to pay for goods anywhere with your phone.

That’s m-commerce.

And one technology is at the heart of it…

[Can I trust you with more information about this? If so, click here.]

The Technology Powering a Massive New Industry

It’s called near-field communication – or NFC, for short.

Simply put, it’s a chip that’s embedded in smartphones that allows for easy, quick payments at stores.

The easier the payment, the greater the sales potential.

With a $1-trillion market up for grabs, you can see why the world’s biggest companies are going “all in.” For example…

Google Wallet is in every Android phone on the market. And 400,000 Android phones are activated every day.
Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile have created ISIS – their own mobile payment service.
And MasterCard (MA) has 400,000 NFC-enabled payment terminals across America.

Great stuff, guys. But you’ve omitted one crucial factor – something that chokes this massive market every single day: criminals.

Hack Attack

I’ve witnessed, firsthand, how easy it is for crooks to break into phones and steal people’s identities, credit cards… anything they want.

With a few simple items, they can hack their way around the mall, using their smartphone to pick off information from anything equipped with this NFC technology. Mostly phones.

There are 100 million NFC-enabled phones currently active – and another 151 million on the way.

Needless to say, the big boys don’t want these two-bit crooks to torpedo their big mobile payment investment.

But here’s the shock…

[Can you refrain from telling a soul about the details in this article? If so, click here.]

For all their power and wealth, these big banks, credit card companies, tech firms and phone manufacturers have failed miserably in stopping these criminals.

Not one of them has created technology powerful enough to prevent NFC-based theft.

Talk about pathetic!

Instead, a tiny, unknown small-cap company is doing it for them.

One with the technology – and the patents protecting it – to smash this mobile crime ring in a New York second.

With the $1-trillion m-commerce market at stake, the heavyweights will be falling over themselves to get their hands on the technology.

Technology that’s absolutely essential in crushing the crooks’ efforts.

And technology that’s about to become the industry standard for smartphone security.

Don’t believe me? One investor recently piled into the stock and now owns almost 40% of the company.

Nobody does that unless something big is about to happen – and my own research confirms it. I expect a major announcement in mid-August to shoot the stock absolutely vertical. It could even happen overnight.

All the details are in my brand-new Validation Report.

Everything you need to get started is in the report, including…

The company’s ticker symbol.

The six-month and one-year price targets.

Confirmation of a market-ready, anti-theft prototype for Android.

Confirmation of the first anti-theft prototype for the iPhone.

And all the details concerning the August 14 announcement, where I believe news of a partnership will hit.

A partnership that could ultimately lead to this company’s technology protecting all of Apple and Google’s wireless devices.

Remember, the global heavyweights NEED this tiny company’s technology to protect their precious m-commerce market.

Click here for immediate access.

Ahead of the tape,

Louis Basenese[5]

  1. Citigroup (C): https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/citi/
  2. Apple (AAPL): https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/aapl/
  3. Verizon (VZ): https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/vz/
  4. Visa (V): https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/visa/
  5. Louis Basenese: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/louis-basenese/

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2013/06/microblog-this-company-is-about-to-smash-a-mobile-crime-ring/

6 responses to “written by reader This Company is About to Smash a Mobile Crime Ring”

  1. giostone124 says:

    Trying to find out myself. I’ll keep you posted if I hear anything

  2. Rommie Toler says:

    I am already a member

  3. misterht01 says:

    Gumshoe has already posted the Ticker of the company. Do your DD on the Gumshoe site and you will find it.

  4. partykkj says:

    Yes, I found it AFTER I posted. It is IWSY

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