written by reader YAPPN

by george | June 7, 2013 7:53 am

I have been receiving various teasers, letters, brochures about this new company. Stock jumped approximately 50% today. Would appreciate anyone’s thoughts with a greater understanding of their business.

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2013/06/microblog-yappn/

2 responses to “written by reader YAPPN”

  1. Startup that hasn’t yet released a product, they’re trying to create a discussion board/social network that’s multilingual. The stuff you’re seeing is all promotional material put out by the company and its promotion firm, most likely. Doesn’t mean they can’t eventually turn it into a business, but it’s a lot harder to launch a new web service than you could imagine — and one that’s worth $100 million before it has an users or revenue or even a launched product, is rare indeed ($100 million is is their current market cap).

  2. grobb1934 says:

    Read the Disclaimer in the ProfitDesk.Com bulletin. Profit Desk is a newsletter servise of Catalina Advertising Corp (CAC). CAC Officers and Directors are holding six million three hundred five thousand shares of YPPN common stock. Could be a pump and dump.

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