written by reader ONVO

by xiexgp | October 1, 2013 2:32 pm

This is more of a ”share your questions” than a ”share your thoughts”!
I bought into ONVO last year as a purely speculative long term adventure. I liked their story basically – the decision had nothing to do with financials, etc. beyond the greedy dream of making a few $ should they ever break through.
I had a purchase plan that panned out over a time and I averaged about $1.95.
I have seen them hit 7/8 but in my very long term portfolio I have to admit I break the cardinal rule of knowing and setting an out (having already broken the cardinal rule of buying on emotion).
Just wondering what you informed folks make of their stock price and whether a game plan might be in order. I imagine there are a lot of folks like me bought into them which will surely make the ride wild!?


Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2013/10/microblog-onvo/

6 responses to “written by reader ONVO”

  1. bosley says:

    There is some very spirited debate about Organovo going on over at Seeking Alpha. If you haven’t already, I’d recommend you check it out. From what I read there this is a great story stock. You did great getting in under $2. Its not likely to see $2 again. Conversely its also not likely to see $7 again for a while. So maybe you should have sold some at $7.
    I asked Myron Martin about ONVO, but he won’t have anything to do with biotechs . Personally I love the story. It has unlimited potential, but what is it worth today? There’s a large contingent at SA that believes this stock is the next Apple. But there’s a small vocal group that think they’re burning through cash. and its due for a good size pull back. My take is that for the next year or so people will pay ? for the story until the company actually makes something concrete (or tissue). Until then enjoy the ride.

  2. jhindia says:

    Hi Brad,
    Thanks for the thoughts. Yes, they certainly have ambitious plans but what of those will turn into reality is the big question. I think much of the stock price is as a result of Seeking Alpha type commentary which comes in cycles.
    I am kind of torn about this stock in terms of my not having a good strategy for such loooong term speculative punts. The sensible thing to do would have been to sell half when they doubled and then watch the ride for free maybe getting in an out again on bounces. But I don’t have enough time or experience – I just lucked out on this one. And, truth be told, at the level I’m invested (& capable of investing!) even an Apple-type stratospheric rise wouldn’t see me retire. Would be seriously nice though 🙂 Again, thanks for pitching in with your opinion – much appreciated.

    wondering how Travis manages his speculative punts such as APEOF last week – what is the sell strategy!?


  3. bosley says:

    I am also into APEOF. When someone as conservative as Travis buys into such a speculative stock you gotta notice. I can tell you what Travis did with Africa Oil. When it skyrocketed to $8 he sold part and kept some. He says he still thinks it might still rise, but it sits about $7. I would imagine that if after a reasonable time there is no more positive news, he will sell and put his money some place he feels has more potential. That’s investing. And my experience there’s no better investing site than Gumshoe. Great insight from a lot of good people. I have learned so much.

  4. dljacoby says:

    What is DeHaemer teasing in his Three China Kings?

  5. jhindia says:

    Thanks for that insight into Travis’s activity Brad. Do you have an APEOF plan?

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