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written by reader Sun Gas

By xiexgp, February 13, 2014

Sun Gas Do you havae any ideas about ”sun gas”?

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April 29, 2014 11:14 pm
Reply to  greenfire67

Folks – the company is Canadian, went from about $6 to$22+ from Jan 2013 to Jan 2014
The ticker is HYGS

May 9, 2014 1:23 am

Hi Hi,
what a mess! That’s not a discussion, but a market place dealing with whatever deals more or less with energy.
I identify:
A – how to make petrol/gas from manure
B- how to make H2
C – how to break CO2
with interesting mixes between the points. It is normal, it comes down to one, and only one point; how to make dirt cheap clean energy by the TW (terawatt, just following the inflation).
Once we have that cheap power, we can do what we want. We should focus as mankind on that issue. If we fail to get enough energy to clean our mess, we are dinosaurs.
Wind, oil, hydro, fission, solar (as we know it), tide, coal, geothermal are either limited in output (hydro, wind) or are not producing energy on demand, but on supply (solar, geothermal, wind, tide), or are killing us slowly but surely (coal, fission, oil) because they are DIRTY. Don’t tell me, I have been living in China. But they are getting good.
To me the question of eliminating our waste not to be considered. Cleaning our mess would require more energy than what we obtained while producing our waste. We are losing brain power, manpower energy and dreams looking at the wrong side of the microscope. We have to focus on clean and powerful means of production. So far, I see two in reasonable shape, and they should be getting all our attention and support NOW – and we are already very late:
1 – fusion: this is a real shame. We all know that we can make it work. But the little boys placed on the job are lacking of any kind of backing – financial and brain power. 10 year of focused research is what we need if we join forces, i.e. brain and money. Another 10 years, and you have fusion power home.

2 – solar panels – with a twist: in orbit. They would be always exposed to the Sun, and may cool down a bit our poor Al Gore and his friend Obama, who both suffer from an apparent
heat brainstroke. The transmission system down to the Earth is the technical challenge. I note that the japanese, who are extremely practical are beginning small scale tests. They need support from everybody!
For the rest, we better continue with what we have now, it is not a big deal. We are not going to die in 40 years if we are doing simple basic things, like in China now.

As mankind, we should concentrate that, and may be another act from a genius to reveal himself. But we cannot wait any more.
No time to lose guys, if you want to have grand kids. Stop listening to Gore. Act intelligently.

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June 4, 2014 12:02 pm

I note that in the latest blurb for “Sun Gas”, the talking head says that “By 1975, pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly produced the world’s first vaccine. It was the best “home-grown” product Lilly created that eradicated Polio.”

The Salk Vaccine was first tested in 1952.

The Sabin (oral) Vaccine was first tested in 1957, and approved in 1962.

Neither Jonas Salk nor Albert Sabin were associated with Eli Lilly.

If this is an indication of the quality of the advice offered, I would advise staying away.

June 27, 2014 1:20 am

I am wondering why nobody has picked up from where TESLA was headed, free energy from the earth and wireless transmission of it.

July 19, 2014 3:47 pm

Might buy a penny’s worth if my broker will forget transaction fees

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