by baygreen | June 9, 2014 1:38 pm

Don’t know how you would find out , but you can rate all the news letters and teasers but I would like to know which one has to or people cancel the most when they find they are not top notch like Gumshoe! I think you are right on and do great work but who has to pay back there guarantee money once people see what they get. Keep it up , tough question or do they publish that trash that gets put out there just to take investors money, just a thought to see if you could say if you could find that I will bet the BBB does not carry that and they are not any help anyway. Keep up good work Travis and thinkolater!

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2014/06/microblog-as-good-as-travis-and-thinkolater/

3 responses to “written by reader AS GOOD AS TRAVIS AND THINKOLATER”

  1. toff says:


    Please peruse the newsletter reviews at http://www.stockgumshoe.com/reviews/ … there is a lot of great information from newsletter subscribers and former subscribers. Travis doesn’t subscribe to any newsletters, and has no affiliations with any of them, but has provided a place here for subscribers to report their experiences … you will not find a better resource anywhere to evaluate newsletters and their publishers.

  2. Pushpavati Amin says:

    Travis, you are one of the best writers I have come across. None of the other news letter writers come close to your style of writing. Your articles are informative and helpful in many ways. For example to-day’s article on Potash Riches has so much information on the fertilizer industry. It is a learning experience for me. Also your style of writing is so nice and entertaining. I love to read your articles everyday. Thanks.

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