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Big Bucks from Big Prostates?

By DrKSSMDPhD, November 30, 2014

[Ed. Note: Dr. KSS writes for the Irregulars about medicine and biotech stocks. He has agreed to our trading restrictions, chooses his own topics, and his words and opinions are his own. Enjoy!]

Readers not familiar with Stock Gumshoe usually arrive wondering if the salivation provoked by stock promotional writers for certain companies is justified. Ah, to be teasermeister for today’s company: “In a world where overpriced biotechs are a dime a dozen, here’s an unknown genius biotech company with the best nonsurgical high-tech fix for a problem affecting 30 million American men! With shares now going at a fifth (or less) of where comparable companies are trading! And insiders are snapping up shares!” As we’ll see, this one lives up to some hype.

A Biblical passage has it that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made,” but not many doctors share that sentiment. Our hearts are badly designed to lack redundant or back-up feeding arteries, such that minimal coronary artery blockages claim us. Length, curvature, and need for axial precision make our backs destined to vex us. Our heads are so loaded with both nerves and blood vessels that even slight finickiness in them causes us headaches, events that serve no purpose except to make us suffer. Gallbladders aren’t necessary, and over the fullness of time, impart opportunities for great suffering to many, especially women. Our heads have cavities, called sinuses, with no known function, and they mostly get infected, get obstructed and cause great misery. Many people spend decades with only one health problem: their nose and sinuses, and yet this problem consumes them daily and leads to constant use of multiple medications. Our genitalia are adjacent to our anuses…rather like Kubla Khan decreeing, in Coleridge’s poem, his Stately Pleasure Dome to be built over a sewage treatment facility. And there’s the prostate, improvidently placed so as inevitably to choke off exit from the bladder.

I love Greek and have worked to build fluency in it. Like many terms in medicine, “prostate” is a just a letter-by-letter transliteration of a source word: προστάτης, a noun that approximately means “sentinel,” in the spirit of someone or something that stands at an entry or exit and guards it. The prostate surrounds the urethra, the tube that connects bladder to penis and then to the outside world. While it’s there to contribute fluid needed to accomplish reproduction, it also ...

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