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written by reader Seeking Information

By jr9114560, November 17, 2016

Does anyone have information on the Stansberry ”Dirty Thirty List” ?

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Greg Sansum
November 30, 2016 10:21 pm

I am willing to trust you. I see it if Warrenator buys it (or someone else does), then we send him the split before he sends us the newsletters/updates. I can’t imagine him not doing it. We’re investors, not thieves!

November 30, 2016 10:31 pm

I do not quite understand what you hope to accomplish by sending SBT 3K…You have the tickers…
Now maybe the group can break up the research and come with a time frame on each company’s debt obligations, management, outlook, etc.
Great job Warrenator getting a group together.
Best2All ~ Ben

👍 11604
December 1, 2016 12:53 am
Reply to  SoGiAm

I concur Ben.
IMHO you’d do so much better for yourselves by springing for the Irregular membership with Stock Gumshoe and joining the Gummune here.
But in the meantime . . . A Certain Person who has a life membership to Porter’s ruminations, let me know that he has just bought 1/19/2018 puts with CNQ (49% of debt due in next 3 yrs) & GM (with 17% of debt due in next 3 yrs), plus AVP (76% of debt due in next 3 years) & GGP (11% of debt due in next three yrs). There are many more numbers for each symbol both on the Dirty 30 Companies list and the Dirty Thirty Options list.
Hope this helps.

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👍 1211
December 1, 2016 1:13 am
Reply to  dunnydame

dunnydame, I’ve wondered about that myself.I’d MUCH rather give my $$ to Travis, whose research & efforts are fantastic. But this “Gummune” you speak of…is that just your term for the general Gumshoe community, or is it specific to SBT? Thanks for the (sort of) confirmation of the options I’ve already placed buy orders on. It’d be fun to know if I guessed the right strike price as determined in the posh halls of Porter. Ah, but that’s what people with money don’t have to stress about! Can you tell us, though, IS there a fruitful discussion of this topic w/ the Irregulars?

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December 1, 2016 3:35 am
Reply to  warrenator

We Gumshoe Irregulars talk about being in the Gummune or Gummunity, and being Gummies or Gummerati. There isn’t an intensive discussion of Stansberry option trading there as far as I know of, but you have the basis of a group that you could start off there right now.
As Ben (SoGiAm) said: “Now maybe the group can break up the research and come with a time frame on each company’s debt obligations, management, outlook, etc.
Great job Warrenator getting a group together.”
For myself I subscribe to a Gumshoe group discussing gold & silver trading, one exclusively discussing $ARTH Arch Therapeutics, and another discussing biotech investing in general.
The last one is heavily commented on, with several knowledgeable contributors covering various companies & clinical trial timelines, so much so that I have trouble keeping up with the volume.
And all this is in addition to the several discussions each week that Travis throws into the mix, in particular unveiling the numerous juicy stock hints dangled in front of members by sundry stock promoters, pump-n-dumpers, and stock advisory services.
The membership fee is a bargain for the communal talent that you are buying into.

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👍 1211
December 1, 2016 8:05 am
Reply to  dunnydame

Check out some possible 10-baggers the Gummune bio-team is analyzing here:
Becoming an Irregular at is THE best investment I’ve EVER made.

👍 11604
December 3, 2016 3:18 pm
Reply to  dunnydame

Thanks for the little “push.” I’m in 🙂

December 3, 2016 4:20 pm
Reply to  warrenator

Are you using the same handle – warrenator?
Don’t forget to actually sign in – you can start accumulating thumbs up symbols now.

👍 1211
December 11, 2016 5:50 pm
Reply to  dunnydame

Yes, I am 🙂

👍 71
robert smith
robert smith
November 30, 2016 10:55 pm

HI I would like to get in on the shared info group if we can get enough people

December 1, 2016 1:02 am

I’ve tried to join but can’t seem to quite figure it out

👍 207
December 1, 2016 6:26 am

Be careful of the symbols listed here… a plant feeding false info may be in the midst…

December 1, 2016 2:22 pm
Reply to  Peter

Peter, ha! I think (especially after this horrible election season) that everyone is aware of that possibility.

December 1, 2016 3:48 pm
Reply to  warrenator

Now if you were Irregulars discussing PBT for example, and a mole was planting false info, that person would be challenged by someone who was researching the stock in question.

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👍 1211
December 1, 2016 8:08 pm

Warrenator, are still looking for an additional person in on the group? If so I’m in as long as we button up the details and obviously get approval from Stansberry!

December 27, 2016 9:11 pm
Reply to  Dave

We blew off the idea on a group subscription. S & A doesn’t allow sharing. Sorry.

December 28, 2016 12:37 am
Reply to  warrenator

warrenator – don’t forget to sign in to get credit for any likes to your postings!

👍 1211
December 3, 2016 4:52 pm

I was also fascinated by the new Stansbry idea and sleuthed a few of the stocks he is targeting, but was scared off by the price of $3000 up front and $49/month thereafter. Especially after finding out that although he has the biggest newsletter operation, it is far from the best. It seems his idea involves getting puts with strikes way below the current price and expirations in January 2018 on a large basket of big cap stocks with impossibly high debt service so that the handful of winners will pay well enough to more than make up for the losers (the puts that go to zero on the companies that don’t fail) and that he would adjust his 30 short recommendations each month. OK, good idea, but I look for rising markets to continue to lift all boats as Trump tax cuts raise earnings next year. The trend in most of these names since election day has been somewhat positive and extremely good for some (S, JCP, NBR and DNR for example) with AVP being the only big loser. It is always better to short from a high price than a low price. So maybe it would be better to let some of these move higher before buying puts against them.

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👍 732
December 3, 2016 6:51 pm

Our group is nearly full and almost all members have paid up. If not completed by Sunday night, I can take 2 more members.

December 15, 2016 12:37 pm
Reply to  warrenator

warrenator are you guys full on the SA group?

December 4, 2016 2:17 pm

Love the discussion and positive energy. I would not spend a penny on Porters research to be honest. I used to belong to several of his newsletterstuff and must say I lost money on almost every investment I did on his recommended stocks. I am now a lifetime member here and that is it. Porter makes 1000s of rekomendstions and if he gets 10 or 20 of them right does not make him a genies. He goes on on posting those 10 or 20 winners in his hall of fame. Anyone of us can do better here. He claims so many things some are not even his ideas. Just be careful what you spend your money on.

👍 15
December 4, 2016 3:00 pm
Reply to  1clue2go

Couldn’t disagree with you more! I have been an Alliance member for a decade now (meaning i get access to every Stansberry service)… I have taken a $200k portfolio to over $950k during that period using NOTHING but the Stansberry recommendations (primarily Stansberry Alpha, True Wealth and Doc’s options service). The biggest gains came from seabridge, which I invested $40k in (turned into $320k and I banked the gains… it actually went even further, but I was very happy with the gains so I closed out a little early!).

Each to their own though!

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December 11, 2016 7:13 pm

Hi warrenator, fyi: To provide the link to a post click on the chain symbol of the post, which is located immediately to the right of the time-stamp…copy/cut and paste to location of new post. So your December 1, post at 2:14 pm LINK is: #Best2You&all ~ Ben

👍 11604
December 12, 2016 6:25 pm

I listened in on Porters Dirty 30 and decided I would be on the sidelines, but then to my surprise the list was emailed to me. I asked Stansberry why they sent the list and they said it went out to those who were on the call? So I’ve been watching and unfortunately many of the stocks have continued to increase in price? Maybe the election hype is supporting them. I also checked them against Market Watch and found several listed as a buy? Knowing the options tend to loose value as time passes, I think many who subscribed may have buyers remorse? Over the long haul they may all fall but the timing doen’t appear to have worked out well for Porter’s hype?

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👍 13
December 15, 2016 12:37 pm

warrenator are you guys full on the SA group?

December 16, 2016 5:29 pm

I don’t know if people saw this reply post from Noble Leader Warrenator a few days ago:

Or anyone in the Los Angeles area interested in sharing an account?

November 29, 2016 1:37 pm
I’d be interested. Ideally a group w/ a max of 10 people (just $300 bucks that way!) could be created; maybe a Google group?

Irregular (yup, he’s an Irregular now)
December 13, 2016 8:21 pm
No can do, folks…they won’t allow it.”

But in the words of my most unfavorite saying, “There’s more than one way to skin a cat.”

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👍 1211
December 17, 2016 1:36 am

What on earth is going on with this thread???
I got this email this evening – Fri, Dec 16, 2016 7:34 pm – and it’s a repeat of one from December 3rd.
And the comments in general are all over the place. Is it just me and my computer or is everyone seeing the same thing?

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Author: warrenator

Our group is nearly full and almost all members have paid up. If not completed by Sunday night, I can take 2 more members.

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👍 1211
Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe
December 17, 2016 9:48 am
Reply to  dunnydame

A reader asked that some of his/her comments be removed, which messed up the order a bit. Sorry for the confusion.

👍 22033

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