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“Friday, May 6 at 9:30AM, You Could Have the Chance to DOUBLE Your Money when This Tiny Tech Company Goes Public…”

What's the urgent pitch from Jeff Brown's Exponential Tech Investor?

Today I’ve been asked about another urgent pitch from the Bonner & Partners crowd, and it’s so similar to one of their past ads that I thought I’d throw out the quick answer for you and let you chew on it a bit.

The basic spiel is that there’s an IPO scheduled for Friday, and that Jeff Brown at Exponential Tech Investor thinks it will be similar to an opportunity he recommended a few months ago… and he thinks that investors who get in “on the ground floor” by buying this IPO will make huge profits.

I generally prefer to avoid IPOs personally, since the opportunities that come when IPOs “bust” and fall apart six months later on insider selling or on faltering enthusiasm tend to look more appealing to me, but it’s true that Brown did recommend an IPO in February that has done very well for those who got in early — that was Editas (EDIT), and we covered that teaser ad here.

Here’s a small taste of the new ad:

“This Friday could be a day to remember for the rest of your life…

“That’s because, while it hasn’t been officially announced, when the NASDAQ opens at 9:30AM, I believe a tiny company will make their initial public offering (IPO)…

“Soon after, I predict its share price will skyrocket…and fast moving investors will make a quick fortune.

“I’m certain of this, because the situation I’m alerting you to now is virtually identical to one I alerted my subscribers to earlier this year…

“And anyone who followed that recommendation could have doubled their money in less than three months….

“(The last time I sounded the alarm on an opportunity like this, my readers saw 105% potential gains in just 85 days!)”

The rest of the ad is more or less the same as the February ad — which makes sense, because the new stock he’s pitching is in the same business of editing genes and offering that “potential to cure 6,000 diseases and change the face of modern medicine.”

Seems likely the whole thing will spend a lot of time in court, since the leading companies are all fighting over patents and this is very much a pre-commercial technology these days, but the upcoming IPO Brown is teasing is Intellia Therapeutics (likely ticker NTLA), which has a big collaboration with Regeneron and has received investments from Novartis.

There’s been plenty of coverage of this stock since the IPO chatter started, including this recent note from Investorplace, and I have no idea how it will go — but the expectation is that they will price their offering late this week and start trading on Friday morning.

I don’t have anything to add personally — the technology is way beyond me, and the commercialization of the technology is many years away, but there’s likely to at least be a lot of chatter about the stock late this week. According to the latest S-1 filed last week for the IPO, they hope to advance to IND-enabling studies over the next year or two (meaning, the studies they’ll have to do just to prepare for and justify the first clinical trial), and it will presumably be at least a decade before anything actually gets approved for widespread use outside of clinical trials (and that’s if all goes pretty well).

(FYI, The S-1 is the “registration statement” for a company that’s about to offer shares publicly — that’s the only source for “real” numbers and disclosures for a company that hasn’t gone public yet or released quarterly or annual reports — you can see Intellia’s S-1 here)

So with that, I’ll leave you to it — will Intellia shoot up by 100% or so like Editas did? Will they both boom over the next few years, or wither on the vine as investor patience is tested? Let us know with a comment below.

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May 4, 2016 2:47 pm

We were surprised by how well EDIT did. We liked it but the company and the deal certainly had risks which investors decided to ignore. Our full writeup is here:

Intellia is mentioned in the note because they are one of a few well-capitalized and partnered up players in the space. Based on how $EDIT did this one may indeed trade up. So far I haven’t heard that the deal is hot but we might see that tomorrow heading into pricing. We’ll do some work on it and post an update. If you want to play it short term I’d do a “ladder limit” order to buy on the open and then maybe use a trailing stop.

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👍 167
alan pennock
May 4, 2016 8:26 pm
Reply to  heuristocrat

heuristocrat, Hi I’m gard. And thanks, that is a bit further away 4 me. And I like the idea of a Ladder Limit and trailing stop. I don’t think EDIT is going away, and is trading in a range 30-42 $’s. Long edit @ 38
Intellia w/ Generon may have started late out of the gate, but they r no slackers, I’ll say
no position yet in intellia

May 5, 2016 10:19 am
Reply to  heuristocrat

In psychology, heuristics are simple, efficient rules which people often use to form judgments and make decisions. They are mental shortcuts that usually…
🙂 0)

👍 223
May 4, 2016 5:34 pm

$NTLA is shaping up to be a play in a context as was the case for RNAi in 2014 and CAR-T in 2015. The gene editing space is overpriced and will become more so until it FINALLY sinks in with investors that full-scale clinical applicability of its promises is years off. People were sure, just sure, that RNAi agents were knocking at the door at 2014. Where are they? Answer: waylaid in development hell. People were sure, absolutely sure, last year that CAR-T was the place to be and that a Cure for cancer was at hand. Where is CAR-T? Mostly its overpriced stocks have driven away investors as the methodology wrangles with toxicity and with expense. If CAR-T can be tamed, it will be an expensive third line option reserved for rare patients in tertiary centers.

I’ve written on CRISPR/Cas-9 at SG because one reader asked for an explanation. One was posted in a separate thread about a year and a half back, and perhaps Travis or Lynn can find it and post a link to it.

People willing to be long $NTLA, and I am not among them, need to be prepared to wait, to watch ethical squabbles surface, to see the field grapple with upscalability and broad applicability. Gene editing is NOT a panacea, just as gene therapy, RNA inhibition and CAR-T haven’t been. All face major obstacles. I’ll follow from the sidelines, but definitely see absolutely no quick money to be made here.

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👍 47658
alan pennock
May 4, 2016 8:32 pm

Hi Dr. Kss, gard here. yeah we have all ceen it. But I am still so interested in Sarepta. Micro RNA that was serendipitusly found off the end of electrophoresis gels, :
Micro RNA is “command and control”. It doesn’t get any higher than that. ?

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May 5, 2016 6:14 am

C.R.I.S.E.R ? iS a way of both identifying and copying gene segments. Is one of several ways of controlling, by the command structure, Who&WhatUR. (by manipulating genes). cas9 is a switch to get crispy critter there goin’. It is a protein made from a gene.
is an RNA-guided DNA enzyme/catalyst. Ha, this gets me to RNA and then microRNA. Just short lines of code, that command and control … u. And this is where Sarepta comes in. and yes they have a competitor, BMRN?, I forget. It came to us via Norway, Finland, Denmark-Where something may be rotten. and France. And this makes a long story short. %)

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👍 223
May 5, 2016 6:29 am

p.s. If I invest in the stock and a dir. exercises an option @ say 10% and sells it at market, then he gets paid more, doesn’t need/has a bonus and money goes to the company (reduces payroll). If I sell my stock for a profit then the money goes to me for investing in the company. And even if DirMom at nih on the ad-com doesn’t recommend it (she didn’t), I see investors push it right back up. Therefore : long srpt
So we have C.R.I.S.P.E.R. cas9 with Edit and Intellia Ntla
and srpt and brmn? for micro RNA.

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👍 223
May 5, 2016 9:49 am

I shorted $BLUE back in August 2015. Now look at the insider trading. Wow they were cashing in like crazy. Look back b4 after april 1, 2015. Now the way I c it, is that they were using company money, investor money to buy shares at market and give them as “gifts”, etc. to THEMselves and then sell them back to market. This would help keep the shares going up and they make out like bandits. And that is why the company is only worth $1.5B now at $39.76 and got up to $194 =4.8 times as much(480%) instead of $7.2B. This is not ethical, and I don’t know if it is legal.

👍 223
May 5, 2016 9:52 am

I shorted $BLUE back in August 2015. Now look at the insider trading. Wow they were cashing in like crazy. Look back b4 after april 1, 2015. Now the way I c it, is that they were using company money, investor money to buy shares at market and give them as “gifts”, etc. to THEMselves and then sell them back to market. This would help keep the shares going up and they make out like bandits. And that is why the company is only worth $1.5B now at $39.76 and got up to $194 =4.8 times as much(480%) instead of $7.2B. This is not ethical, and I don’t know if it is legal. and all they did was buy marketing rights for an approved drug from a European co. IS THIS ANOTHER VALEANT??

👍 223
May 5, 2016 9:59 am

$BMRA BIOMERICA 52 WK range 0.75 to $1.75 and now @$1.58

👍 223
May 5, 2016 10:00 am

Closed out $Blue some months back 4 approx. 10% profit

👍 223
May 5, 2016 10:31 am

If u would b so kind….a riddle:
If the mountain won’t come to Muhammad then Muhammad must go….. where?
a. Home
b. 2 C(Sea)
c. mtn. Do u c?

👍 223
May 5, 2016 10:39 am

And the mtn. is( depending on how u define is. Bill Clinton)was…..
a. Moses
b u
c me


👍 223
May 6, 2016 2:11 am
👍 11604
who noze
May 7, 2016 5:31 pm

Dr.kss have u ritten anythithing on MRSA

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July 21, 2016 9:00 pm
Reply to  who noze

#ZKSS and #DocGumshoe have penned multiple comments regarding MRSA over the years #WhoNoze. If I may assist you in finding something specific about #MRSA, I shall bird-dawg the site for you; just ask… – Jammin’ 🙂

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👍 11604
Normally Dubious
Normally Dubious
May 23, 2016 7:37 pm

NTLA is doing nicely so far – thanks for the deciphering

July 21, 2016 5:45 pm

Travis Johnson performs one of the greatest services to investors. We are all a bit greedy and would love to have bought Apple at its cheapest, but one would have lost on hundreds, if not thousands of penny stocks to have found Apple. He brings us back to reality about all these newsletters full of hype. Use your money to buy good dividend paying stocks and not these newsletters.

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