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“A Good Idea Before Obama … now a Slam Dunk!”

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, November 26, 2008

The ad we’re looking at today is from Street Authority, and I’ve already had one reader send it in with some suggested solutions (she was largely right, of course — one of the many benefits of having the wisest readers in cyberspace!)

Today’s selling story is all about wind — which means we have to sneak in all the cliched jokes and puns we can find. I’ll get you started, and you can throw in as many others as you like:

These newsletter ads are usually full of hot air, and they “blow.”

I can already hear my wife working up a snide comment about my own personal wind capacity, so I’ll leave it there. Your turn!

On to the point, you say? This ad is from Street Authority, yet another of the investment newsletter publishers that’s “just down the road” from Gumshoe Headquarters here in Washington, DC. The particular newsletter they’re selling today is StreetAuthority Market Advisor from Paul Tracy — their special deal today is three months for $40, but I think we can all do the math and determine that the annual subscription price is $160. Not outrageous compared to many, but more than you’re likely to find under the couch cushions.

Hulbert doesn’t track Paul Tracy’s newsletter, and I think I’ve only written about it once before, so I can’t tell you anything about his performance, even anecdotally (if there are any of his subscribers among the great Gumshoe faithful, feel free to pipe up and share your experience). His last pick that I wrote about was when he was riding Warren Buffett’s coattails to tout CarMax (which has done poorly since April … but then, what hasn’t?)

Here’s how the ad begins:

“The Government Made Millionaires of Thousands of Dell, Oracle and Amgen Investors — Guess Who’s Next?

“(This investment was a good bet even before Obama was elected … now it’s a slam dunk!)”

The argument, in not so many words, is that the government can push companies into massive spasms of profit — Dell and Oracle because the government spent a lot of money upgrading its own systems in the early 1990s (and, of course, funding the continuing development of the internet), and Amgen because of the big government research funding push in biotech in the 1980s.

And Tracy thinks the next big push will be in wind power …

“A small group of 20 to 30 stocks is going to be flooded with so much new cash that several are likely to be up more than 10-to-1 in the next three or four years. As I’ll explain in a minute, there’s a very real possibility that a few of the stocks could shoot up 100-to-1. What we’re going to do today is narrow those 20 to 30 down to today’s two or three best buys while they’re still dirt cheap.

“The Next Way Congress Will Make Investors Rich

“Here’s a four letter word I want you to repeat to yourself when you’re wondering where to invest your next dollar: ‘wind.'”

That’s definitely not the four-letter word I’ve been using in recent weeks as I make portfolio decisions — frankly, it’s probably not even in the top ten. But I’d have to use lots of asterisks and ampersands and pound signs to share my words with you here in this family publication, so #*&@, I’ll move right along.

Tracy goes on to talk about the huge promise of wind power in general, and about the big investments made in this sector by some smart people — including T. Boone Pickens:

“The billionaire oil man is wagering $12 billion on what will be the world’s largest wind farm, spanning the Texas panhandle. He has already ordered 667 turbines from General Electric.”

Of course, no mention is made of the fact that the collapse of natural gas prices, and the surfeit of available credit for capital projects, has slowed this and many other big alternative energy projects — Pickens announced a couple weeks ago that he has pushed back much of his massive wind farm project, though he still says it will move forward eventually (he thinks natural gas needs to be around $9 for wind power to be competitive for electricity generation, it’s not far above $6 at the moment).

And Tracy also fails to mention that some other wind projects have been slowed or scrapped — FPL, the Florida utility and one of the major wind investors in the US, has also scaled back its future wind generation plans a bit of late.

But there are many, many people who are bullish on wind power in the long term, and who think that the Obama presidency will lead, as promised, to massive investment in alternative energy research and infrastructure — so a bit of a delay in Boone’s project isn’t necessarily any reason to ignore wind power in general.

So what are the specific investments being touted by the StreetAuthority folks?

Here are the clues we get:

“Is business actually too good for this company? This Spanish outfit is the poster child for the global backlog of wind turbines. It has already sold its entire production run for the next two years. Its stock is up +401% in the past five years and it is making so much money in the wind business that it sold off its solar power division to focus completely on wind. Completely vertically integrated, it designs and makes its own blades, root joints, gearboxes, generators, converters and towers. And it develops wind farms itself, something most of its competitors can’t do. The company has 32 factories in Spain, Italy, North America, Germany and Norway, nine of which were built in just the past 18 months.”

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That’s Gamesa, which trades here on the pink sheets at GCTAF. This is one of the major firms in the sector, to be certain, and it does have a pretty big footprint — like the largest firm in the business, which we’ll see mentioned in a moment, it’s a European company with a core business in the very active wind business in Western Europe, so do keep in mind that, as with most of the big wind players, you’ll probably run some currency exchange risk on this one, depending on whether you think the dollar or the euro will have the upper hand in the years ahead.


“Locked-in growth for years ahead. In April, China declared an ambitious target of expanding wind power capacity to 100,000 megawatts by 2020, up from just 5,600 megawatts today. That’s great news for this company, China’s largest maker of gearboxes — the most critical and complex part in a wind turbine. It plans a four-fold increase in production in the next two years… and is aiming to become one of the top three global gearbox makers. It already supplies General Electric and just raised $272 million through an IPO to fund its massive expansion.”

This must be China Wind, a little Chinese manufacturing company that last year made a big push into manufacturing parts for turbines — it’s closing in on half of their business now, and they are indeed aiming to quadruple their production capacity with their current expansion plan. There’s an interesting quick article from Cleantech News about China’s wind turbine industry, which, although it doesn’t boast industry leaders like the Europeans, manufactures more than half of the world’s turbines and is the fastest growing market for wind power equipment. China Wind trades over the counter at CWSI, and released earnings about two weeks ago — you can see the earnings release here. This is a teensy one — it looks like the market cap is right around $50 million, the shares trade at about 80 cents now, and net income per share in the third quarter was three cents.

They’ve done a lot of diluting since coming public not long ago, I assume largely because they’re trying to fund their big expansion projects, but so far they remain profitable — so that’s something. With everything being cheap these days it’s hard to stretch for a smaller, seemingly riskier company like this, but there’s certainly a chance that as a small Chinese manufacturer of a key component, they’ll be extra leveraged to the expected spike in demand.

“Your safest bet of all: the world’s #1 wind power stock. For a sure play in wind power it’s hard to go wrong with the world leader. This Danish wind turbine company is winning the battle for global dominance, with about 23% of the world market. And its shareholders have been amply rewarded: over the past five years, its stock has risen +449%. It produced enough turbines in 2007 to power about 4.5 million homes. It has plants in Denmark, Germany, Australia, India, Italy, Scotland, England, Spain, Sweden and Norway. In May it announced it is spending $250 million to build the world’s largest wind turbine tower factory in Colorado.”

That’s the big daddy I mentioned above, Vestas (ADR pink sheet ticker is VWDRY). I’ve written about these guys before, since as the world leader in wind turbines they’re certainly the first firm that comes to mind when you get interested in this business. Back when I wrote about Vestas in May they were being touted as the “one stock to buy” before their earnings release — and the earnings were indeed good, helping to drive the shares up a big higher to the mid-$40s. Unfortunately, down the tubes it went from there — the company is still the world leader, but folks don’t love the business (or the stock market) quite as much, and the shares are now trading for about $15.

And finally …

“33 in 1. Here’s the perfect solution for any investor who wants to profit from wind power but who doesn’t want to keep track of shares in Spain, Denmark and Hong Kong. This exchange-traded fund (ETF) gives you all three stocks we profile above… plus 30 other wind-related stocks… running the gamut from equipment makers to utilities with wind operations. Its assets are spread across the globe, mostly in Western Europe (65% of assets) and the balance in North America and Asia. For international access and the ease of buying the entire industry with one purchase on the Nasdaq, you pay only 0.75% in annual fees.”

Whaddya know, it’s an ETF! And there are only two ETFs right now that are focused exclusively on wind power. This particular teaser is for the PowerShares Nasdaq OMX Clean Edge Global Wind Energy Index ETF (PWND). Long name, eh? The other ETF in this sector is the First Trust ISE Global Wind Energy Index Fund (FAN). The performance of both ETFs has been almost exactly the same during their fairly young lives, and they hold many of the same stocks, but in general PWND is slightly more concentrated, and is more exposed to the big European players like Iberdrola, Vestas, and Gamesa. There’s an interesting article that compares the two here, from August, if you’d like to split hairs — but it’s hard to be sure which of the two might perform better without knowing whether or not Vestas, for example, will have a bad quarter.

So is that windy enough for you? I don’t currently hold any of the stocks or ETFs mentioned above, but I would generally agree that it seems likely that the world will continue to push for increased electricity generation using wind … that doesn’t mean these shares will boom next year, or the year after. It’s always possible that a very weak economy and lower prices for competitors like coal and natural gas will slow the development of the rapidly growing wind turbine farms around the world.



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November 26, 2008 10:10 am

Each government stimulus plan strikes out including yesterdays introduction of $200b into asset backed securities. We are a long way from economic recovery and, as a result, excessive consumption of oil/gas. By the time energy demand around the world picks up (??another 8 years), new technology may have easily replaced wind. What would you rather have – small solar panels on your roof (or maybe a solar balloon floating in the stratosphere) or a giant bat-killing, bird-mutilating turbine in your backyard?
Have a great Thanksgiving.

November 26, 2008 10:34 am

Sorry to say, Gumshoe, but your reference links are not working at all, in this article. HOWEVER, that is the only quibble I have. THANK YOU, for an AWESOME write up, as usual~!
I DO have to also add, Medstuff, above, has a very valid point. Solar and even newer technologies may yet come to the fore, and throw everything helter-skelter~!

November 26, 2008 10:38 am

Ahh! Notice I said bird mutilating. Do you really want to confront a beat up Canada goose?

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Bruce Porter Sr
Bruce Porter Sr
November 26, 2008 11:22 am

The real question would be, what happens to the rotor, and possibly the whole mechanism after contact with the bird?
And, where will PETA be in all of this?
I’m more for solar, however, neither technology is where we need it to be.

November 26, 2008 11:55 am

What happens to the rotor and mechanism? Nothing. These things are heavy and strong, they don’t even notice a bird strike.

November 26, 2008 12:29 pm

A couple of points about wind energy:

Keep in mind that there is a big difference between residential wind and utility scale projects. A four hundred foot Vestas turbine (part of a large array powering thousands of homes) is not going to be much bothered by a goose flying into it, while an 80 foot home rotor of 10 feet might not like it much.

Bird(and bat)-kill is a serious, legitimate concern, but has been greatly exaggerated by anti-wind parties. Note that Audubon itself has endorsed wind energy:

Sure, Medstuff, there may be newer, better technologies on the way, but I choose to live in the here and now. (And I hardly believe that it will take 8 years for energy demand to increase!)Both wind and solar are proven, viable green alternatives. What’s not to love?

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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November 26, 2008 1:19 pm

Its all good, however its all “obama elect me” pie in the sky right now, were not just talking about cost but infustructure too that we dont have right now, what we do have is a growing and in place infurstructure for oil and gas that is growing and available right now, with 500 thousand layed off that are not using cars to get to work, less travel by airlines, trucking,we have a surplus thus low prices, however that will soon be gone,ad all the wells coming on line we could see the end of the $800 billion a year in oil imports and even export a few billion. oil and gas will be the way out of this financial delema and thats not pie in the sky.

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November 26, 2008 3:41 pm

Who is the Young guy…………getting something called the Young Intelligence report telling us China is a toxic wasteland for investing…..

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trevor peasland
trevor peasland
November 26, 2008 4:05 pm

I prefer solar over wind because wind turbines have moving parts requiring maintenance. Besides which, they’re ugly. There are continuing improvements in the solar industry. Check out TIM on the TSX for one.
However oil and gas will be required for some time to come. Although I’ve lost a bushel on the oil stocks there is a silver lining. With the lower price, Russia, Iran and Venezuela are all hurting – which can only be good for the West, particularly my American friends.

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November 27, 2008 7:33 am

Alternative energy is being scaled back for a few
obvious reasons. It is still a worthwhile investment…If some can get past the silliness.
Birds do occassionally hit wind blades and towers…They also occassionally hit everything else sticking up on the planet…The PETA crowd
is not the zoological source of knowledge for
opinion…PETA’s greatest feats are at the level of; Burning down a fake fur store;Freeing animals raised in captivity to certain death in the wilds…Well…Seeing the movie Bambie, doesn’t qualify for expertise…So, move on.

Both ETF’s would be a good choice…Wind power is maturing at the point of “Power storage”, and demand release. Ditto solar…No wind;No sun; No power. The ETF with an abundance of battery technology, will be a good choice…And/Or…
Add the Nanotechnology ETF; PXN…
Vestas is a great choice…Gamesa, being Spanish has suffered from the economy in Spain…Particularly due to the Euro.
The Euro is based upon the German Deutchmark model.
Every time Germany raises interest rates…Spain,
Italy, and Greece, take it in the neck.
I’ve owned Vestas, Gamesa, and like FLP Group.
BAM also has a least one wind farm…
Alternative energy ETF’s are probably the best way to invest…And this time going forward a year,
the best buying opportunity…And “birds” will have nothing to do with it…Electricity storage,
will have everything to do with the next level, from here on out.

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Myron Martin
Myron Martin
November 29, 2008 2:55 pm

Wind energy based on government funding may well follow the fiasco known as ethanol, which was all the rage as ittle as a year ago! As so many have pointed out, (while still controversial) the total COST in energy equivalents to PRODUCE a gallon of ethanol is about equal to the energy value produced to say nothing of the effect on food prices when such a high percentage of corn get diveeted to fuel production!

Based on T. Boone Pickens (no fool as an investor) endorsement and investment in a huge wind farm maybe the safest investment is in GE that has a HUGE footprint worldwide in addition to their alternative energy investments. I also like the ETF approach, seems less risky and is easily sold it things do not pan out as projected.

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December 2, 2008 2:11 pm

All that bird crap on the solar panels may make them less effecient, the wind turbines will thin the flock to reduce the bird carbon.

Cool Soupy
Cool Soupy
December 8, 2008 8:18 am

The “dumb” ones end up as road kill! Just like in life.

December 28, 2008 9:53 am

Just wondering, doesn’t wind energy have to be stored? relayed through electic power lines to the point of use? isn’t electric power created from coal?Isn’t electic power mfg the greatest contibutor to global warming and enviromental dirt that we have today? is wind power putting the cart before the horse/ We Need Clean Coal. the electric companys do not research this need> Who does?

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January 1, 2009 2:21 pm


I am a firm believer in RENEWABLE ENERGY & INDEPENDENCE, but…

With all the MidEast Turmoil brewing around, Israel, Iran, Hamas…
(also Iraq, Afghanastan, Pakistan, India, & IRAN’s allies RUSSIA, Venezuela & Cuba)…

We could very soon see OIL “Demand Destruction” turn into a serous Supply Interruption, & thus US Dollar Destruction, if something is real isn’t done very soon… Even possibly before the next congress & Obama are scheduled to be sworn in January 20, 2009.

Will Israel extend Gaza Ofensive against Hamas into a looming ground offensive??
Will Israel (with USupport) use Preemptive Strike Option on Iran’s “peaceful” NUKE Facilities?? After all, Iran is a Chief Sponsor of Terror, funding & arming Hamas/Hizbollah with Iranian medium-range Rockets that are currently firing deep into Israel.

The USA has already sold Israel at least 1000 Bunker Buster Bombs, Advanced IAF Aircraft, & the USA mans & operates Israel’s new Advanced Air Defense Station.

Will Israel/USA wait until Russia deploys its own Advanced Air Defense Station in Iran by Syria border in Feb, 2009??
Or… Will Israel wait for OBAMA for more “Peace Talks”?? W.hY??

“TO BE, or NOT TO BE?? That is the Question.” – A. Einstein
I believe Israel chooses “TO BE.”

Anyway, Iran is strategically located around the vital Straight of Hormuz, where ALL Persian Gulf OIL can be shut off.
Navy Ships from various countries, including US, are in Gulf of Aden, due to Somali OIL PIRATES. Who will be the REAL OIL PIRATE??

Why would IRAN mine/shut down Hormuz, when they can just $end any of its many Terrorist Allies with Iranian Missiles to destroy a major Saudi OIL TERMINAL?? $pOIL PRIES would immediately $urge to over $200/Barrel overnight, & $pOIL the “Global Economic Recovery”. Incidentally, Iran recently turned their National Reserves into Gold & moved it to Asia for some reason… WhY??

If Iran uses THE OIL WEAPON as threatened, in any way at all, the entire world will likely suddenly genuinely feverishly seek Alternative Energy Sources of all kinds, rather than just having more decelerating talks and debates, as OVERSOLD energy prices have fallen off the cliff late in 2008 (aside from the $8 Surge in OIL the very last day of 2008).

Edwin Black, best selling New York Times Author, has written a great book about the imminent Global OIL Supply Interruption Problem, THE PLAN for a viable SOLUTION… Aside from any current US Government CONTINGENCY PLAN for such a scenario, that IRAN, RUSSIA, & VENEZUELA would all greatly benefit from IMMEDIATELY, much to the detriment of “free” Western Nations, so dependent on IMPORTED OIL (aside from Brazil).

I believe it would all directly benefit ISRAEL in the not-so-distant future, according to Bible Prophecies of the Coming War over the Flow of the LIFEBLOOD of the MODERN GLOBAL ECONOMY, and effective WEAPON OF WAR in Economic Warfare, a virtual WMD NUKE of the interconnected Global Economy…

The $pOIL Weapon?? Truth be told… Could The World already be long past PEAK OIL??

Could Israel have more Pure Liquid Golden $weet “HONEY” that the rest of the entire world… ZION OIL in the Jezreel Valley Plain (Megiddo), at the foot of Mt. Carmel by the Mediterranean Sea??

Energy, Energy Alternatives, & various Commodities, hard & soft, including Gold & Silver (shortage?) will likely $URGE way higher than the recent “Commodity Bubble” last summer, very soon… Especially with Printing Pre$$e$ running overtime, FED credit creation, with all those Trillion$ in “Bailouts”… where does it all end?? If they just print a Billion Dollar$ for every US Citizen, we can all be Billionare$!!! (not that a Billion Dollar$ will then buy even a Coke, with all that Corn Syrup and Water going to ethanol production, all the imminent Hyper-Inflation of Fiat Paper Debt Instuments)

Beaten down Companies (that remain) in Renewable Energy & Mining Sectors can NoW be purchased for pennies (or less than one real copper penny) on the Paper US Dollar…

Just something to seriously consider in the context of this “LONG-WINDED” ENERGY DEBATE, that seems to be so full of Political HOT AIR, at least until the LIFEBLOOD of $pOIL runs out, & it’s suddenly so very urgent to the National Security of Industrialized Nations once again.

Beware of the Global Propaganda Ministry. Pray, & Don’t be scared, but be PREPARED!!!
(just in case prophecies of Isaiah 17, 19, Ezekiel, etc. are all true)

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Kitty Finch
Kitty Finch
January 5, 2009 5:13 pm

Re the long-winded dissertation on global oil (especially Israel’s) – nothing makes an argument more plausible than a wrongly ascribed quote. Poor Bertie and poor Hamlet!!

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allen l smith
allen l smith
January 6, 2009 4:03 pm

On the Crow Indian Reservation in South Montana. The Coal to Fuel plant is being built with the help of the Aussies,after all the Germans used this process to fly that Twin Engine Jet (ME209}during WWII and we will be using the same soon, the US has COAL that will last 600 yrs.Watch this stock when it comes out…..GO-CLEAN-COAL.

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September 11, 2010 6:45 pm

I've been reading about liquefied natural gas. Other countries are already doing it. If you hear clean liquefied natural gas is coming from coal. Because it is considered dirty and the American people need the word clean. Our North Carolina Senator Richard Burr and another senator have already put in a bill for liquefied natural gas. It's going to be the same players, but Exxon bought out XTO Energy which is natural gas, Smith Int'l which is natural gas has been bought out by one of the oil and gas companies. The natural gas companies are being acquired. The storage tanks are already under construction, which houses 4 times more liquefied natural gas than petro.. So, if we can get 40-60 Republicans elected this bill might go through. Obama will become a lame duck, puts Pelosi dismantled, and we might get on with our business. Let's pray that God doesn't lift His hand from the U.S.A.

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September 11, 2010 6:47 pm

EI've been reading about liquefied natural gas. Other countries are already doing it. If you hear clean liquefied natural gas is coming from coal. Because it is considered dirty and the American people need the word clean. Our North Carolina Senator Richard Burr and another senator have already put in a bill for liquefied natural gas. It's going to be the same players, but Exxon bought out XTO Energy which is natural gas, Smith Int'l which is natural gas has been bought out by one of the oil and gas companies. The natural gas companies are being acquired. The storage tanks are already under construction, which houses 4 times more liquefied natural gas than petro.. So, if we can get 40-60 Republicans elected this bill might go through. Obama will become a lame duck, puts Pelosi dismantled, and we might get on with our business. Let's pray that God doesn't lift His hand from the U.S.A.nter text right here!

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