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Rating from 6 votes
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Investment Performance

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Rating: 3.5/5. From 2 votes.
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Quality Of Writing/Analysis

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Rating: 3.0/5. From 2 votes.
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Value For Price

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Rating: 5.0/5. From 1 vote.
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Customer Service

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Rating: 5.0/5. From 1 vote.
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Elton's Dad
Elton's Dad
February 15, 2009 3:44 pm

I have subscribed to Taipan off and on for 3 years. I like their write-ups and market info outside the US. I have tried only several of their pics over the years and watched them to get out with profit. I have been doing more learning than investing with this service. Overall a bargain at the $49/yr auto renew rate.

As with any of these equity services except options, you need to use some of Bill O’Neil’s techniques in “How to make money in stocks” to know when to generally get in and when to go to cash or some other vehicle than equities.

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April 1, 2009 9:03 pm

Wrote some comments about Breakaway investor, but I think they might have posted in the wrong spot.

Breakaway investor is not worth the $49. Buy something else.

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April 2, 2009 10:02 am

I subscribed to Taipan, Wavelength, and a few other of their newletters for over a year in 2005-2007.
They were good at hype and inflating the prices with hype that if you did not exit right away, you would have lost a lot of money.

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July 27, 2009 11:44 am

Taipan Daily is interesting enough as a source of general market information, i.e. perspectives from professional financial types. It suffers in credibility, however, with consistent “BUY ME NOW OR YOU WILL FOREVER BE POOR” pitches for some new advisory service or the other. Every pitch is “the latest greatest” thing and failure to respond usually generates a message along the lines of “I am very confused as to why you did not take advantage of our excellent offer” or, my personal favourite, “We can only hold this offer open until Midnight tonight” which is followed a day or two later by “Due to unprecedented response from readers, we have been convinced to hold it open until midnight tonight…” and this one is also generally followed a day or two later by something like “This is definitely your last chance to become a forex/options/commodities millionaire but you must respond by midnight…” As a novice investor it is easy to feel like you have to get on board the train before it leaves you in the station – but after 2 years of being a subscriber (including a subscription to Breakaway Investor which recently has been getting good returns on stocks picked, i.e. most of them are actually in positive territory) it has become easy to recognise the urgency in the message is more for the benefit of their sales department than it is for the benefit of the investor. I continue to subscribe to Taipan Daily, but not to any of their individual newsletters – the general information provided is worth the small subscription fee but my experience has been that the individual newsletters are not worth blindly following. You are more prone to losing money than gaining! I have found much more useful information from Bill Poulos regarding learning how to think and trade for yourself rather than relying on advisory newsletters – and it was all free.

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April 29, 2010 8:56 am

I have been receiving the Taipan daily email, plus Insider and Safe Haven Investor newsletters for about one month now. The teasers and promos are way OTT with fantastic claims of success. The best promo I had was for an urgent, absolutely last minute, you have to buy this NOW investment subscription – which I later found was first issued in October 2009 – almost 6 months old! Don’t know who’s responsible for quality control or ethical standards at Taipan. The newsletters and emails are generally well written, witty and cogently argued. As I’m in Australia I don’t trade the US/Canadian stocks they recommend, but just follow the general market advice, and tips on hot equity areas. It’s too early to tell what the results will be. For $50 per year it’s fair value – if only for their entertaining, unrealistic, overblown promotions.

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August 3, 2010 8:08 pm

taipan is terrible all they talk is doom and gloom and they r never right ,the said the market was going to crash to dow 6000 starting on june 4th (which coincidentally was the day the unemployment numbers came out) but they said it was because of some fake third wave on some make believe oscillators and that adam lass has predicted everymarket crash ever. i feel sorry for anyone who has paid these clowns any money. you would be better off throwing darts than listening to them

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