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“How to stuff the FDA, Big Pharma and the U.S. Congress into your back pocket” plus a few updates

Solving a biotech teaser, plus looks at GLRE, TPRE, MKL, MPW and Pershing Square for the Friday File

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, August 7, 2015

I’ve got a biotech teaser solution that might make you smile a bit, particularly if you’ve been following Dr. KSS’s articles and discussion threads, and then several holdings that reported recently to update my thoughts on a bit — including at least one that I’ve bought a little more of following earnings results.

The tease is a typical one, from Ray Blanco in an ad for the often biotech-focused Technology Profits Confidential, and it catches your eye thusly:

“All’s fair in business and politics – especially when it comes to BILLION-DOLLAR drug deals

“The BIG Con Gain!

“How to stuff the FDA, Big Pharma and the U.S. Congress into your back pocket

“And run with about $1,150,000… give or take a few thousand… to the nearest Four Seasons Resort to celebrate!”

Which combines all my favorite tropes from teaserdom — revenge on the bureaucrats who are keeping us down, tricking big pharma into making you rich, and then imagining yourself living like the 1% (or one tenth of oner percent) at the Four Seasons.

The big argument is basically that this little company has a revolutionary way of fighting cancer, and they’re going to make beacoup bucks as a result…

“A small New York City company, headquartered on the 14th floor of a 5th Ave. skyscraper, that has become a wholly innocent beneficiary of this game – this law.

“As such, it could openly receive billions, possibly hundreds of billions of dollars – courtesy of the FDA, Big Pharma and the U.S. Congress.

“And for that reason alone – though there are definitely others, which I’ll get to – you might want to seriously consider owning a few shares in this company as soon as possible.

“Because it’s currently trading on the New York Stock Exchange for under $3 per share.

“Though I have to tell you… no sooner had I begun to put this presentation together, the stock recorded a 40% gain.

“No doubt a whole lot of investors discovered what I discovered, all of which I’m about to share with you here.

“But don’t let that intimidate you. Some analysts (whom I have full faith in) believe there are a lot bigger gains on the way.

“Ranging anywhere from a double – within the next three months – to a rather suspect 6,150% gain over the next few years.”

Does that ring a little bell ...

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