written by reader education on the Q’s

by stachn306 | March 11, 2012 1:26 pm

I would like to start trading the Q’s any advice on were to start my education. Have just $5,000.00.

  1. lawsonstanley@hotmail.com: mailto:lawsonstanley@hotmail.com

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2012/03/microblog-education-on-the-qs/

2 responses to “written by reader education on the Q’s”

  1. Deborah G Flynn says:

    HI! great to see a new self investor! you have come to the best place on the net for good advice. Our fearless leader here is the best for cytting to the chase and getting to the bottom of all those Hyped headlines. Stay away from them trust me. You’l just waste money . Second I would open a self directed stock account. E-trade, Sharebuiler etc put your $5000 in and then start learning. My opinion is the best way to start is have a small group of stock that pay good dividends and add to them monthly until you have a decent amount of shres. ALWASY chose to reinevest the dividend. Over time the shares grow without much bother. My favorites in this cataogory at MO[ Altria] PM [Phillip Morris] KO {Coke} , P&G{ proctor and gamble, and so on. Do a google seacrch for the ten highest dividend paying stioks and pick a few to grow your nest egg. I do love my ABV a south American Beverage company with high dividends and traded on the NYSE> Take your $5000 open a self directed stock account like share builder or E_TRADE any of them with low fees and buy 10 shares of each to start. The rest leave until you have a better understanding of buying some riskier things. Read everything in fact buy a financial magazine for beginners like MONEY magazine that will teach you the basics. I rememer fondly my first copy and the fun I had . Good luck and become a paying Irregular , he needs the money to keep giving us “free Advice” (-: DEB

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