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written by reader John Jagerson and Slingshot Trader?

By tbone3506, August 5, 2012

Has anyone used his service? Info on Slingshot is elusive. Jagerson certainly has the quals. Want to try but can’t find a review on his service. Thanks.

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October 12, 2016 4:45 pm

I tried the promotion some time ago, lost some money but traded very few options as recommended, I think their claims are a bit imaginary.

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October 29, 2016 5:46 pm

I’ve been with the service for three months and it’s been very profitable with more winners than losers and with a couple of 100 % winners and one just last week of almost 200%
It’s also great that there is a meeting once a week that they discuss the market and their expectations and then the go over the positions held one by one and then they answer all questions.
So far it’s been really good and worth every penny!

December 26, 2016 4:05 pm

Thanks for all these excellent reviews—- saved me a lot of research / heart break.

Charles Mallett
Charles Mallett
January 18, 2017 9:59 am
Reply to  dick

Charles Of all the comments listed , only one dissenter …Edward . he is obviously doing some thing special. Not enough to cause me to be tempted to join him ! Especially after the 5 year analysis of Slingshot results !

January 18, 2017 8:48 pm

This is a current message– avoid them like the plague 2016 was an awful year with them — many more losers than winners and their hype shows only the winners — nothing about the losers!!! Regret ever joining their service

February 18, 2017 3:38 pm

Been with them for about two years off and on. Same results as all the others 50/50 on their trades and can have sustained losing streaks. AVOID THEM and save your hard earned dollars

March 1, 2017 10:32 pm

I joined Slingshot in December. So far I would have to say that their service is better than the dozen or more other services that I have tried. I trade most all of their suggestions, but do very small amounts, never more that $400 invested in any trade and most of the time I only put in between $200-$300. As of March 1st I have entered 34 trades. 15 winners and 13 losers with 6 trades still open. To date I have a net positive return of $1,640. Not great, but like I said, better than any of the other services.

👍 13
July 10, 2017 3:23 pm

Hello. I have been on Slingshot Trader for around 2 months. I’m totally disappointed with their losing alerts. I asked for a refund due to the losses I took on 3 simultaneous trades. They refused. I’ll never deal with these folks again! I’ve been on many free stock sites that put them to shame.

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July 10, 2017 3:53 pm

Hello. I have been with Slingshot Trader for around 2 months now, and have done 3 trades with their alerts. All 3 were done in the last 2 weeks. They put 2 recommendations on the same trade in a short period of time, and the day after the 2nd recommendation to buy, they put out a sell recommendation, after myself and I’m sure many others had doubled down. I’ve been with many different stock services and do have not been let down like that. I gave them another try just after that loss, and am down approx 18% on the day after the trade. I’ve been trading for at least 15 years, an have tried several trade alert webs, all with better results than this bunch of losers. I asked for a refund, but no luck with that either. Goodbye, Slingshot Traders.

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August 5, 2017 4:05 pm
Reply to  Robert

As you will find out, trying to make money by BUYing options, especially from reco’s off an advisory service like this one (and many others that promise consistent profits, Sarnoff, etc) is going to be a losing proposition over the long run. That’s because, if you analyze things mathematically, the probability of winning on long option trades is low – usually less than 25% – you must get not only the direction but the timing exactly right or you risk losing all your investment. Since options are constantly depreciating in value, especially short-term ones, like weeklies, most will expire worthless and you lose all your money on the trade. The smart options traders are option SELLERs – selling premium, using OTM strikes, in which you have an 80% probability or more of being profitable. It’s not as ‘sexy’ or exciting as hitting home runs by buying options, but you’re much more likely to have winning trades than by being an option buyer. Try to learn how to do this and figure out your own trades – by avoiding the rest of the long options traders who ‘follow like lemmings’ off the cliff, you have a much great chance of being profitable over the long-term. BTW – one option selling technique – used by the great Warren Buffet – is selling puts on individual stocks. If the stock price goes up, you keep the premium. If it drops below your strike, you must buy the stock, but at a lower price than it was trading at when you entered the trade. You only do this on great stocks you want to own, since you can wind up with a long position, but if it’s a stock you want to own (which is why Buffet does it all the time) – you get to buy the stock at a great price, or make money from the sold premium, and keep doing it.

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August 11, 2017 8:50 pm

ONE ADVISE. STAY AWAY FROM SLINGSHOT-TRADER. You will do better in Las Vegas or Lottery.

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August 22, 2017 4:08 pm

Here are most of the closed trades from 6/26/17 thru 8/9/17.
You can do the math. I’ve been a paid member for a couple of months. According to my math and their closed trades, You would have lost 3x your money if you took every trade they offered in 2017 thru August.
-64.17% 8/9/17
50.00% 6/26/17

August 30, 2017 11:30 am

I started a trial in April and on my first trade (GLD Calls) I lost over 90% of my investment. I decided to watch for a few months and it seemed like they were making some money so I jumped back in during August. I traded every one of their recommendations (except one). I still have a couple of open positions but it looks like I will end up losing roughly $3500 trading 5 contracts on each recommendation. I did miss one trade because the option price was substantially higher then their max price recommendation before I got the email. Ratio of losers to winners is just under 3 to 1. Average loss for me was just over 50% and average gain on the winners was 38%. Latest loss was a recommendation to by Puts on a stock that subsequently went up 10% in a week. I have only myself to blame for this. Years ago I subscribed to Bernie Schaeffer’s newsletter and took a bath. Oddly enough I was able to break even by buying puts when they recommended calls and buying calls when they recommended puts. I may take the same approach with Slingshot.

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October 4, 2017 7:56 pm
Reply to  Mark

Hey Mark
Thanks for the heads up on Slingshot trader. I was about to try their 3 month trial but after reading your comments (and a few others) , I will definitely take a pass.
Right now I’m on a month trial with Bernie Schaffer but so far,this hasn’t gone well with many of his recommendations so I won’t be renewing with him either.
I’m thinking of trying either Bill Poulos or Chuck Hughes as from their videos and various online articles they both seem to have some good trading and risk management strategies but they are very expensive and I am not sure how easy it would be to get your money back if things didn’t work out.


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Scott Paul
Scott Paul
October 11, 2017 5:07 pm
Reply to  John

As I posted before, it unlikely that there’s any option buying services that are consistently profitable, probably because buying options is pretty much a losing game. You’re going against very smart people who sell those options, and they don’t sell at a price unless they feel they have their risk priced in. It would seem from the big losses that SlingShot (and other services) have consistently, that one could take the other sides of their trades and be profitable. Just use a 100% stop loss on the sell (and perhaps avoid trading through earnings announcements, where gaps can happen), just as you’re effectively using a 100% stop loss on a buy (i.e., total loss to expiration). Of course, your margin requirements for selling options will be much higher.

All these people, Hughes, Poulos, Schaffer, Trester, etc., make big promises of double and triple digit winners, but they’re going to be more than offset by the uncontrolled losses that they incur by letting these things run to 0. Also, the slippage in getting fills that match the recommendation. The real problem is that these services are oriented and compelled to deliver a series of trades regularly. Sure, it’s possible to make some big option trades, but they can often take months for a big enough move to make it happen and fully realize profit. These services have to crank out several trades a week to justify their high subscription prices. I’m not sure there’s that many big winners that often to be had, because the moves in that short period of time are often not enough to offset the intrinsic decay, let alone someone being able to pick those trades out and to know that not only will the underlying make a big enough move to profit from, but to do it within the time span of the option. This is the bottom-line problem with buying options. When you have to generate a bunch of trades on a schedule regardless of whether the moves are there in time or not, you have a recipe for lots of losses. And that’s what the “gurus” mostly seem to get. As with any of these services, if they were so profitable, why do they need so much of YOUR money to subscribe to it? The real obvious answer is …. blowing in the wind, my friend.

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July 19, 2018 12:19 am
Reply to  Mark

Hi Mark,

That might not be a bad strategy as I have been getting options rec from Daily Options Alerts newsletter and encountered more than one of their recommendations on puts when the stock had just begun an uptrend. Weird I know but I guess it’s some kind of play on words?? Well a signal is a signal and you get what you pay for I guess. May I ask why you only broke even when you executed the opposite trades and should have won those trades that were in the money??

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Scott Paul
Scott Paul
September 2, 2017 11:09 am

From their latest email:

Most people aren’t cut out to trade options.
Their expectations are all out of whack — 500% profits from a trade are a rarity, not a given. And nobody — no matter what they claim — ever banks 55 winners in a row. So please, don’t believe those get-rich-quick claims.
And if you do decide to give options trading a try, make sure you have good reasons for making every trade.
Don’t trade Netflix or Facebook just because they’re “hot.” And please ignore the 30-second soundbites on CNBC.
One final tip: It doesn’t matter how good a trade idea is…
…unless you get in — and get out — at the right time and price.
Even winning trades can go south fast. You can’t just “set it and forget it;” you’ve got to manage your trades, too.
Exhibit A, a sampling of recent trades from our SlingShot Trader service:
SlingShot Trader 2017 Winners: SlingShot Trader 2017 Losers:
103% gains — DIS calls 36% loss — KSU puts
226% gains — BMY puts 45% loss — EA calls
50% gains — FB calls 3% loss — AMD calls
131% gains — MO calls 44% loss — DAL puts
56% gains — FXE calls 10% loss — C puts
77% gains — SNAP puts 15% loss — AN puts
227% gains — HBI puts 31% loss — GME puts
Get the point? You will have losses. Count on it. But the whole idea is to nip those losers in the bud and let your winners run.

Even if these numbers were true, losses of 31 to 45% are pretty crippling to your stake, and will more than offset any winners up to 100%. From Mark’s description, it doesn’t sound like they get anywhere near 100% or more winners, and lots of 50% losers. That’s a recipe for overall large losses. And yet they blithely keep on lying about their results (as most trading services do, apparently). Thanks for the Stock Gumshoe forum!

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October 4, 2017 6:16 pm

I wish I had found this site before losing $5k this year with these morons. I guess there is no recourse or method to get the losses back and these idiots out of business?

Gabriel R Georgeian
Gabriel R Georgeian
November 19, 2017 5:16 pm
Reply to  Steve

I did join a company in England GlenRidge Capital .they do not exist any more . Puff my 5K . Why the Government does not tract these shady business ?
they are lose animals in the land . thanks for the input . ( also the credit card company is on it too . within 24 hrs they would not cancel my charge. they work with the crocks .


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January 14, 2018 11:15 am

Hello, all the option advice gurus do not teach you how to profit in options.I tried a few,never made a profit. The best way is to subscribe to MARKET CLUB !! There you find TRADER TRAVIS.[or google him] He teaches you how to use MARKET CLUB and how to trade options . I only am a member for 2 weeks and I made a $ 2100.00 profit trading VERYconservaivly on a $10000 account . That way you learn to trade options the right way and you do not have to rely on anyone to tell you what to trade.By the way I ONLY trade single CALLS/PUTS no Straddles/Strangles/Spreads/Condors or the other nonsense
Try it -you will like it

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July 19, 2018 12:24 am

Hello Peter, thanks for your input on Market Club I have been getting their newsletter as well for some time but have not signup for the premium services yet. How do I sign up for their options service and get mentored by this trader Travis. What is their approach to trading options?? Are their training?? Much thanks for any input.

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June 13, 2018 1:32 am

Bill Spetrino’s By Invitation Only forum, and his Inner Circle will help you make good returns investing in options., Bill is always available, as well as other option trading members.

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👍 173
July 9, 2018 12:20 pm
Reply to  jillsami

Completely agree. The Inner Circle has had good ideas re: trading, but the BIO (by invitation only) service is a fantastic array of investing ideas and talents, all monitored by Bill Spetrino himself. When I’ve posed a question to him about an option idea or rationale for a trade, he personally responds very quickly. Certainly worth the price of admission!!

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