written by reader Santo Mining Corporation (SANP)?

by Anonymous Questions | October 16, 2012 11:07 am

What’s your take on Santo Mining Corporation (SANP)?

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2012/10/microblog-santo-mining-corporation-sanp/

4 responses to “written by reader Santo Mining Corporation (SANP)?”

  1. The only stuff I’ve seen about Santo indicates that the stock is the subject of a paid promotion campaign (ie, “newsletters” are being paid to recommend the stock widely). There can be more legitimate versions of these, when “investor relations” firms try to raise attention for a stock, often because the company needs to raise money by selling more stock, but this kind of aggressive promotion is more often linked to outside pump-and-dump traders.

    If you don’t know what a pump and dump is, it’s when shady operators buy up big chunks of penny stocks (sometimes they’re related to the company, sometimes the company has no idea) and then hire a promoter to publicize and “recommend” the stock, hope lots of folks then buy it to drive the stock up, then sell it and take their profits.

    None of that means SANP is or isn’t a real company, I haven’t checked, but when I see paid stock promotions I think the risk is very high that the company is little more than a manipulated shell, and I stay away.

  2. Jin Akashi says:

    Vippennystocksite dotcom, is the best place for SANP stock and the analysis is the best and is a must subscribe

  3. Jin Akashi says:

    Go gain a complete understanding of SANP stock for determining trends, visit, Vippennystocksite dotcom, it is a must subscribe

  4. Jin Akashi says:

    The team at Pennystockchief has performed some wonderful analysis and through this they have provided some compelling insight, which has assisted me in the decision making process and now I have a better understanding of SANP stock, check it out at, pennystockchief dotcom

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