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written by reader Ultimate Wealth Report

By gina, February 7, 2013

Has anyone subscribed to the Ultimate Wealth Report from Newsmax and written by James Rickards and Bob Wiedemer? This seems to be a new publication and I wonder if anyone has any thoughts about it. How would you rate it? It’s being highly advertised but I wonder if they’re just using scare tactics. Any thoughts would be very appreciated.

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October 19, 2013 11:19 am

All of this chatter shows me that you can flip a coin on your stock purchases, and
do just as well as all these newsletters mentioned here, and all you have to do
is pay for the coin. In other words, no one has that illusive magic touch that can
turn all your investments into GOLD.

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October 19, 2013 11:26 am

how can you believe anything this guy says


Ron Moore
Ron Moore
October 19, 2013 11:49 am
Reply to  austin

I believe the numbers; it’s better than flipping a coin!

October 19, 2013 3:36 pm

Obviously god helps this poor delusional whack job pick his winners — I’d like to know who picks his losers. People actually buy into this B.S.

👍 1
October 19, 2013 4:26 pm

I am not even aware of all the talk about the biblical code. I subscribe to Hyman’s Ultimate Wealth newsletter. I’ve gone back and looked at his monthly newsletters for the last year and the only reference to God is his sign-off salutation, just before his signature, where he says, “God Bless!” That does not sound like a fanatic to me. I think people would be better off looking at his recent newsletters & his investing results.

👍 6
Eric Alter
Eric Alter
October 19, 2013 11:13 pm

Unfortunately, suckers do fall for Sean’s magical biblical code scam. The ones that do make Sean rich, because he doesn’t get rich from his investments…that’s for sure. He’s failed wherever he’s been. Ask the people at the Sovereign Society. They are so happy to be rid of him. He lost their subscribers money, which is why he’s trying his scam with a new company now: Newsmax. Now these poor chumps who signed up for his Newsmax scam are going to lose money too. Everyone is making money in this stock market. The Fed is keeping it propped up. Just wait until the Fed’s pumping stops. Then you’ll realize that Sean has no idea what he’s doing. I feel bad for the people that signed up for his scam. And that fact that he brings God into his scam is truly despicable. He preys on religious people so they’ll subscribe and eventually lose money when his stock picks tank. So despicable. He’s laughing all the way to the bank. And when this scam fails, he’ll move on to another company with a new product to scam a new bunch of people. Wake up, people. This has happened before. Do some research on Sean’s background. Please. It’s for your own good.

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October 21, 2013 5:14 am
Reply to  Eric Alter

God has nothing to do with investing however, your lack of believe in God is your own opinion and is not a constructive comment to this forum. It just takes away from YOUR creditability. There is no service that pass your test. So… Why does such a smart guys as you come to a site like to post such wisdom? Where should a new investor go to get started?

Eric Alter
Eric Alter
October 19, 2013 11:17 pm
October 21, 2013 4:47 am

Here is some really good and honest opinion and device to that readers of this forum about Sean Hyman’s news letter. It is an excellent new letter for the price. I have subscribed to many during my many years as an independent individual investor. That said… I have some advice for the readers of this forum especially for those new to individual investing in stocks and ETFs. No newsletter can help you if you know nothing about investing. You are guaranteed to lose money if you don’t take the time to study the subject and go slowly. Sean Hyman’s service is more than just a letter. He supplements monthly email newsletters with weekly emails with excellent YouTube like video sessions where he explains what he believes about his picks and why he believes it. He is an experienced technical analyst that uses fundamentals to fine beaten down low PE stocks and tries to help investors properly time when to get in and out of positions through the use of technical analysis of individual charts. The subscriber must still decide if to buy, what to buy and how much to buy. He must decide how to trade his positions to prove is basis and to make sure his portfolio is diversified and properly balanced.
Sean Hyman’s website makes a lot of information available to the subscriber to educate himself but you must make the effort to help yourself. Hyman’s weekly video updates tries to help new subscribers but it is not an individual one on one hand holding service. Newbies must make the effort or they will lose money! Investing in stocks is a great way to improve your asset wealth but it takes a lot of work and individual responsibility to make it work. Starting with Sean Hyman’s service is a good start. The price is right. I like his service because I already used his investment philosophy and I liked many of his picks. He is an excellent technical analyst and I was weak in that knowledge. The price of the service was worth the education in this area. He has made me a better investor. This has been a very good year for me. My own picks supplemented by his service has helped. I like his service to the point that I will not be renewing two other newsletter subscriptions that cost more and help me less.
You should read many different website like,, and don’t treat investing like a lottery.

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who noze
October 21, 2013 4:18 pm

wade cook profession prior to being a scam artist was hat of a taxicab driver

October 21, 2013 7:53 pm

I do not want to sound have a booster but I would like to add something to my comment on the Sean Hyman service above for the benefit of the newbies. The critics are on their own. I believe his service is relatively new. It started sometime mid-year 2012. He currently has 20 positions. He reports his entry points, current yield, current price as of the day of the update , and his current P&L. Some on in the black and some are in the red. That is to be expected for those that understand investors. The ones in the red could actually be better buys offering the better forward return if you believe his service is good. To date he has only sold to positions taking profits of 32% and 51% on these two closed positions. I happened to own one of these two positions when he made the call to sold. I was up 22% as of my entry point and was not ready to exit the position. He was in the position for 6 moths. I only owned it for three weeks. I decided to not exit for another 2 weeks after his call to sell. My decision not his. The stock popped another 9% so I was finally happy and exited the position with a 31%. I was in the position for a shorter. The stock is still going up but the charts are not as attractive. That is how it works. I currently own 6 of his current 20 positions. I have the cash to start more positions from his list but I have existing positions of my own that I like more. Some are in the same sectors as his. Some are very speculative and risky Biotech positions that have doubled in a very short time that I still think have up side. These are much too risky for his service but I like them. His portfolio of stocks as you would expect are constantly moving with the trading day. New subscribers must look at his picks and their exist portfolio and make their own decisions how to use his service and when to buy. They could lose an amount greater than the cost of a two subscription with just one trade if timed wrong. This would not be Sean Hyman’s fault. It is called normal market fluctuations. It could go the other way and you could get the subscription cost back in just one trade. That said you shouldn’t listen to the glass half empty guys above they know nothing. My father told me to stay away from negative people. In the end it is up to you to see what works for you. His service works for me. I use his service to supplement my portfolio and to confirm my own opinions of where the economic and markets are going. The cost of this service is “Hot dog money” compared to other services out there.

One other thing Sean Hyman does not work for Newsmax. Newmax is his publisher and provides a support service to his newsletter. They take a cut out of his subscriptions. He can only make money if he grows the subscriber base. He can only keep that base if he can help the subscribers make money. That is how it works!

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Jeff Cooper
Jeff Cooper
October 21, 2013 8:18 pm

You have no idea how Sean Hyman’s business model works. You state that Sean can only make money if he can help his subscribers make money. Nothing can be further than the truth. I work in Sean’s industry. Sean does not make money by making his subscribers money. Subscribers cancel all the time. In fact, the refund rate is more than 50%. Sean makes money by bringing on new subscribers via scams like his biblical money code. When more than 50% of the people cancel Sean’s service when they realize he has no idea what he’s doing, then Newsmax just re-launches his last promotion or comes up with a new one to bring on new subscribers. It’s call a churn and it’s fundamental to email marketing. Newsmax has a robust e-commerce staff which is responsible for bringing on new names for Sean’s service for all of the people that cancel. It’s called name acquisition in the industry. It’s all a big scam. They bring on new names because so many existing subscribers cancel. That’s how the business works. So, again, people, please investigate Sean’s history before falling for this “biblical money code” shameful scam.

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October 21, 2013 10:35 pm
Reply to  Jeff Cooper

Thanks for enlighten me on the issue. That said… you remind me of those guys that are more concerned about how much money the other guy makes than how much he makes. I really don’t care what Sean Hyman’s business model looks like and I hope he make millions! This I know… He is getting $97 from me for a two subscription for his advise for what it is worth. He puts out one monthly email communication and one or more email updates weekly and talks about his stock picks. His picks or someone else’s picks added together with my own knowledge of investing and the market in three months has increased my portfolio worth on his 6 picks alone by $15,000. That may not be much by some standards but it is a good ROI for the time period. I will keep subscribing as long it make sense financially for me. I will just stop subscribing “biblical money code” not withstanding whatever that means.

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October 26, 2013 9:58 pm
Reply to  gmmpa

Look Jeff Copper. Maybe you and Al Gore invented the Internet. I really don’t care what you do for a living, but I didm’t fall off of the turnip truck yesterday. My definition of a scam is Bernie Madoff. He took millions of dollars from thousands of investors on false promises and returned nothing. Sean Hyman is taking $97 if I want to read his news letter. He is not taking my life savings. He is not forcing me to take his advise. His is not forcing me to buy any of this stock picks, or even believe what he says. This biblical money code thing is a radio promo his publisher is using to sell his product. He made truly believe it himself. If his investment philosophy was based only on his believe in God alone I would not have subscribed to his service. So you should get over it and drop this as your argument that he is a fraud. People don’t need to be saved by you either.
Hyman’s email and internet promotion explained where he thinks the Economy is today and where he thinks it is going. I already shared that view! Hyman’s promotion explained his view of the current political environment under this entitlement oriented government. The role of the Federal Reserve and what is happening to the money supply. I already shared that view! He explained his view on the interaction of the economies of other countries in relation to the USA. I already shared that view! At the time I read this promo he put out his teaser pick of VALE. At the time it was trading at $14.01. I researched the pick as I do with all my purchases regardless of where I got them from. My research concluded it was a good pick that had good up side potential and pulled the trigger on the stock. I gave him $97 dollar not my life savings because: I already shared his views and wanted to see his other stock picks and why he liked them. At the time he had around 22. I liked 6 of them and I liked their stories and reasons he thought they had great upside. Where is the scam?
What you should do with your time is stop trying to save people from themselves and go help Obama fixture his healthcare website with your skills. I hear they are having trouble and are hiring talented guys like you. You sound like you believe in what he is doing to the country. I personally feel it is a scam, but what do I know.

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October 26, 2013 10:22 pm
Reply to  gmmpa

Clap! Clap! Clap! Good job! Well said, gmmpa!!!!!!! 😉

👍 6
October 26, 2013 10:34 pm
Reply to  kycautious

Wonder if gmmpa will tell anybody about getting the clap . . . . .
[ OUCH! Couldn’t resist! :>) ]

👍 1224
Ron Moore
Ron Moore
October 26, 2013 10:23 am
Reply to  Jeff Cooper

Jeff, if “its all a big scam” then why do you work in Sean’s industry?

Jeff Cooper
Jeff Cooper
October 22, 2013 8:03 pm

I’m not one of those guys that are more concerned about how much money the other guy makes than how much I make. Instead, I’m the type of guy that try to prevent other guys from being taken advantage of by a scam, such as Sean Hyman’s biblical money code. Investigate Sean’s history with the Sovereign Society before sending your money to pay for his Corvette.

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Jeff Cooper
Jeff Cooper
October 26, 2013 4:09 pm

Ron, I didn’t realize that this business was a scam when I accepted a position some months ago. I’m trying daily to get out of it. I still have to eat and pay rent until I can find another position in a different industry. Stay away from Sean and his ilk. This is a dirty business. I’ve seen it from the inside.

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Jeff Cooper
Jeff Cooper
October 27, 2013 12:15 am

gmmpa, If you’re too dumb to realize that you are being scammed then I cannot help you. Sean does not make money by his investments. He makes money by rubes like you giving him money. He has no expertise in picking stocks, yet fools like you give him your money anyway. If you had half a brain in your head you would look into Sean’s previous services and see why he no longer has them. Instead you follow the investment advice of a guy who claims that there is a secret, magical code in the Bible to making money. There’s no hope for people like you, which is why Newsmax preys upon people dumb enough to believe in a secret, magical biblical code to making money. There will always be people like you in the world, which makes Newsmax and similar companies like Agora very happy. Your what’s known as easy prey in the business.

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January 16, 2014 9:56 pm
Reply to  Jeff Cooper

Mr. Cooper, Your negative comments are getting to be a bore. I don’t plan to invest in the subscription. But, it is my money, I spend it how I please.

October 27, 2013 12:39 pm

Jeff – I haven’t counted, but there seems to be an equal number of people for the Ultimate Wealth Report as against.
Not having any experience with the newsletter, I can neither praise nor denigrate it. I appreciate your comments and all of the others. I especially appreciate your input as to the industry writ large. But when you fall into the trap of personally attacking another’s comments in order to win the argument, you make your comments embarrassing to read and less likely to be agreed with.

👍 1224
October 27, 2013 1:20 pm
Reply to  hipockets

Wow, and amen to that Hi Pockets! That’s what I said on another forum, we need to stick ot the point, who’s used his advice and either liked or disliked it and tell us objectively and plainly (Financial Wise) why or why not. That’s what I came here to find out.

Jeff Cooper
Jeff Cooper
October 27, 2013 2:35 pm

Hi Pockets, Your comments mean nothing to me and my life.
Everyone else, consider yourselves warned. I tried to save you some money and frustration from dealing with an industry that is a scam. I know. I work in it and I am desperately trying to get out of it because of how it takes advantage of people. Those who want to protect themselves should look into Sean’s past services and ask his former employer why he no longer works there. Protect yourself.

October 28, 2013 1:40 pm

I also tooked the free offer and watched things for a while. The reasoning is sound. So I subscribed and have used some of his picks. 8 of 12 are up and the winners are up much more than the losers are down. Oh, and I didn’t use Vale – too bad – it’s down since he recommended it over a year ago, but up over 15% since I first looked at his stuff this summer. The biblical references are infrequent and have nothing to do with his picks, just his background and personal beliefs, which I can quite easily ignore. I’m only 3 months in, but sor far I’m impressed and making money.

October 28, 2013 3:05 pm

I agree with Dave. I joined up in early July to Sean Hyman’s Ultimate Wealth, and I’m glad I did. I’ve made a bundle so far. I made a list of my gains earlier in this thread. I agree with Dave that Sean’s beliefs don’t appear to have anything to do with individual picks, other than he believes investing in “value” is something he’s found in the Bible. Whether other people believe that’s in the Bible or not, a lot of good investors believe in value investing, and have used that technique to become very successful. When investors can find those well run businesses when they are being ignored by others, but have good P/E, good PEG, good ROA & ROE, and appear to have the potential to rise, that is the kind of investing that I like. I know a lot of people are making money in the market right now, but until Sean shows me that he is not fulfilling his mission to recommend value stocks, I will be following his guidance. Value investing is the lower risk type of investing that appeals to me.

👍 6
October 29, 2013 10:54 am

I thought that I would give Sean Hyman’s news letter a try.
They billed my credit card for three (3) duplicate charges.
I’ve been trying to contact them for three days and haven’t gotten any response.
I’ll give them to the end of the week before I turn this over to my bank’s fraud unit and cancel my credit card.
What a pain in the ass!

October 29, 2013 12:35 pm
Reply to  Carl

Carl, Your solution is very simple. Just call the one 1-800 number on the back of your credit card and tell your bank’s customer service you were billed three times for the same service and you want to two of the three reversed by them. They will take care of it. That it! If you don’t like the newsletter at all just have your bank reverse all three charges. Haven’t you ever used your credit card before? This type of thing happens all the time. That is why you use credits cards for eCommerce. I don’t think it is Sean Hyman correcting your subscription. Just one word of advise about the Sean Hyman news letter. If you should execute three trades for the same security don’t blame Sean Hyman’s newletter and don’t post your problems on No one cares.
However, if you lose money on a trade let us know all the details so we can learn from your stupid trades. Just don’t blame someone else for your trading decisions.

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Jeff Cooper
Jeff Cooper
October 31, 2013 5:59 pm

gmmpa, It’s clear you work for Newsmax or have some connection to Sean. Don’t tell someone that they are stupid if they have legitimate concerns about the poor customer service they are receiving from Newsmax. His problems with Sean’s service are legitimate. Talk to the people at the Sovereign Society everyone. They will tell you why Sean no longer works for them. Investors be warned.

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October 31, 2013 9:11 pm
Reply to  Jeff Cooper

Jeffy… I spent 40 years in the Financial Services industry before I retired. I implemented my first credit card system in 1972 probably long before you were born. Unlike you I know how credit cards systems work and why they sold by the banks originally. Merchants screw up all the time. Consumers have rights and remdies. I was giving Carl very good advise from personal experience. Fastest and least stressful solution to his problem is to deal with his Bank to remedy his problem. I never called them stupid. It will reserve the name calling to YOU! Just read your own comments. That is the beauty of a comments section that cannot be edited by the author. I have no idea why you comment on this blog. Frankly I do care. You contributed nothing. I am here to get investment ideas and to share my opinions, experiences and good investment information with people that are both new to the game and those that know more than I. You sir don’t belong to either group!

Jeff Cooper
Jeff Cooper
November 4, 2013 7:14 pm

Talk to the people at the Sovereign Society everyone. They will tell you why Sean no longer works for them. Investors be warned. Don’t fall for this magical biblical code scam.

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