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written by reader Ultimate Wealth Report

By gina, February 7, 2013

Has anyone subscribed to the Ultimate Wealth Report from Newsmax and written by James Rickards and Bob Wiedemer? This seems to be a new publication and I wonder if anyone has any thoughts about it. How would you rate it? It’s being highly advertised but I wonder if they’re just using scare tactics. Any thoughts would be very appreciated.

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November 8, 2013 5:11 pm

Hey Jeff Cooper… How about you provide us poor uninformed newbies investors at with a link to the people at Sovereign Society explaining why Sean Hyman is a fraud? Perhaps I can provide a good link for you :

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Eric Alter
Eric Alter
November 8, 2013 7:20 pm

Yes, please do be careful before investing in this silly scam about secret biblical magical codes. Do people really fall for that crap? Two services to look into: Currency Cross Trader and Commodity Trend Alert. Sean Hyman used to be the editor of those newsletters. Now he no longer is. Gee, I wonder why? Investigate before giving a penny of your money, people.

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November 8, 2013 8:52 pm
Reply to  Eric Alter

Hyman’s investment advice doesn’t mention the Bible, so there is nothing to fall for. He uses business fundamentals, sentiment, price and a couple of chart indicators. You mention two services he edited for, and say you wonder why he left. If you know just tell us, and provide a link so that others can read your proof. If you’re just guessing, as your posts imply, then why not listen to people, like me, who have made money? You and Jeff Cooper just come across as unreasonable, because you say bad things about Hyman, but don’t give proof.

It’s possible Hyman is just giving good advice right now because the market is up, and anyone would make money. In that case, when the market doesn’t start buying the stocks he’s recommending, that will be proof I can see in my own account. So far, I’m up with $580 profit, $3700 unrealized gains, after buying $34000 in equities recommended by Hyman. Maybe Hyman gave bad advice in the past, but what he’s saying seems okay now — maybe he’s learned from his past mistakes.


Jeff Cooper
Jeff Cooper
November 8, 2013 9:39 pm

Here is the promo scam where Sean Hyman mentions that his investment advice comes from a magical secret code in the bible:
Don’t fall for this scam folks. It’s the same as those television preachers on at 2 am that promise to send you a special prayer cloth if you send them your money. I can’t believe that people fall for this tuff but they do. Don’t send your money in to this charlatan. You’re just making him rich.

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November 9, 2013 3:55 am

I did a little detective work of my own. It seems Jeff Cooper has a newsletter of his own. As a competitor his strange attacks on Sean Hyman make sense. I couldn’t understand how someone could get so worked up over people buying a newsletter, but losing market share and money is a pretty good explanation.
Maybe Jeff Cooper isn’t the same Jeff Cooper, but his consistent refusal to provide a link to anything Hyman has done can be explained. Schlocky marketing messaging purposed to sell a newsletter is different from the advice actually given. Hyman may claim to have gotten rich following the Bible, but I’ve made money following his advice — advice that is based on price, sentiment, technical indicators and financial fundamentals. At no point has Hyman said to buy a stock for any spiritual reason — saying otherwise is either based in ignorance or an attempt to bring down a financial opponent.

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November 9, 2013 4:29 am

Hey folks… to the Readers of reading this thread on Sean Hyman investment newsletter being a fraud. Check these links: and

The posters here that are posting negative comments to this site are FRAUDS not Sean Hyman!!!! This character Jeff Cooper…. This other character Eric Alter…. I didn’t read the all. They must be shells for the link posted above. Posting to discredit Hyman. I could not figure out their continued and repeated comments without providing links to the sources backing up their comments. Now I understand. You can take my word for it first hand. Because I happened to subscribe to both of these Sean Hyman and Agora Financials service which is somehow associated to Sovereign Society. Agora Financials newsletter is a waste of money and time as service subscription. Even if the editors are good but you will never make any serious money from this newsletter because of its format, content and delivery schedule. Even an excellent newsletter like Motley Fools stock adviser has timing issues. My subscription is still active for Agora. It is auto renewal which I did know. I plan fix that tomorrow. The portfolio positions and their news reports they issue are Bullshit. If you should invest in one of their picks and make money it will probably be an accident! If you read my comments on this thread from the beginning you will see that I subscribe to many newsletters. I plan to drop this one and perhaps one other that are no help to me and my investment style.

Investment research is a LOT of work and newsletters are worth the cost not scams. they are supposed to help reduce the research time not only for good stock picks. A good newsletter keeps you informed on economy, polticals and business news and can be worth the cost with just one good well timed stock pick that can make you money immediately. For these of you that are new to the game. If you execute an order at the wrong time of the trading day even for a great stock you can loose hundreds of dollars on the trade on a heavily traded volatile stock. This is a normal thing that happens all the time. Folks are always worried about commissions. Commissions are hot dog money. The worst feeling is to execute a trade and watch it lose one or two percentages immediately on a $10,000 starting position. Invest in a bad teaser stock from a bad scam service and you will loose thousands that you will never recover. You can loose money with Sean Hyman’s service to however his investment philosophy is sound. His picks are well researched and his technical analysis expertise is excellent. If you are new to the game he will help you get in and out of a stock even if you know very little. This is unlike other months newsletter services that leave you entirely on your own. Hyman teaches you if you are new to the game. This is what you get for $49. It is no scam. It the price of a good investment book which his site makes available to subscribers in PDF format. If you are an experienced investor like myself you can increase your profits by dollar cost averaging for getting a full position and not just execute one trade as Sean does. I am sure he understands this but does not do that in his service because it is too hard to explain to a newbie and only matters if the entry point goes down unexpectedly which no one can guaranty. In the end it does not matter most if the stock is probably valued. This is the biggest mistake a new investor can make. Buying an over priced stock high and selling it low when they get tired holding it or need the money for something else they thing is a better use of the money. I hope this will help someone out there that is new. Trust me this is good advise. I never read Investing for dummies but I will guaranty it is in there if it is a good text. This is the help youall should be seeking more than a simple newsletter promising instant riches. There is no free lunch! This is not in the biblical money code what ever that is… but it should be.

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November 9, 2013 4:42 am
Reply to  gmmpa

Sorry for the many errors. Unfortunately I can not edit the final posting after release. You should try and get my intent if you can.

November 9, 2013 4:56 pm
Reply to  gmmpa

Gmmpa, I used to have a problem composing comments. Now I use Notepad (or another text editor) to do the writing and editing before copying and pasting the post to the website.

‘Preciate your comments.

👍 1224
November 10, 2013 5:18 am
Reply to  hipockets

Hi Pockets… Thanks for the suggestion. Next time I set out writing a novel instead of a short comment I will take your good advice. Some blogs allow continuous editing after comment release but before closing the session. does not. I do not often post to blogs at all. This time I felt a compelling need to help some of the good folks looking for help on this issue. Commenting on matters of personal wealth is not easy in any form written or verbal.

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Eric Alter
Eric Alter
November 9, 2013 9:50 am

Hey folks. Here is Sean Hyman’s scam promotion:
He claims that there is some secret magical biblical code that helps him invest. (shh! it’s a secret. But he’ll tell it to you if you send hime your money.) He’s no different that those tv preachers who promise to send you magical holy water if you send them your money. Be warned, Don’t fall for this secret magical biblical code garbage like others have. It’s shameful that he is bringing God into this scam.

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January 16, 2014 10:19 pm
Reply to  Eric Alter

It sounds like you are working for him. You keep pushing his ad.

November 10, 2013 12:54 am

Stock newsletters & “magic” “secret” codes & etc. Even a blind pig finds the occasional
acorn. If newsletter writers were better than you at stock picking what are they doing wasting time writing? Do your own research,only buy value. The rub is how do you find true
value? If you really know, become wealthy & then share with the rest of us. Really there is
a great deal of guess-work in investing at best. My opinion for what little it’s worth .

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👍 7797
November 10, 2013 1:03 am

Addendum: Find an enterprise selling a product that no-one needs
but everyone wants. Buy in early,make your fortune, get out before the fad runs out.

Simple isn’t it?

👍 7797
November 10, 2013 1:17 am

after reading all these comments,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, could someone even attempt to answer Regina’s original question,” Has anyone subscribed to the Ultimate Wealth Report from Newsmax and written by James Rickards and Bob Wiedemer? This seems to be a new publication and I wonder if anyone has any thoughts about it. How would you rate it? It’s being highly advertised but I wonder if they’re just using scare tactics. Any thoughts would be very appreciated.

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November 10, 2013 4:16 am
Reply to  stevo524

Rich, I think many posters have answered Regina’s original question including myself. What is it that you want to know that hasn’t been said?

Eric Alter
Eric Alter
November 12, 2013 6:17 pm

Here is Sean Hyman’s scam promotion:
He claims that there is some secret magical biblical code that helps him invest. (shh! it’s a secret. But he’ll tell it to you if you send hime your money.) He’s no different that those tv preachers who promise to send you magical holy water if you send them your money.

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Dave Gaskin
Dave Gaskin
November 16, 2013 11:00 pm

It is never a secret when it is sold, everyone knows about it.
Instead of buying lottery tickets, spend the same amount in Metal, Energy or Agriculture companies that you have checked out using the Fundamental, Technical and Sentiment triangle.

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Dave Gaskin
Dave Gaskin
November 16, 2013 11:03 pm

It is never a secret when it is sold, everyone knows about it.
Instead of buying lottery tickets, spend the same amount in Metal, Energy or Agriculture companies that you have checked out using the Fundamental, Technical and Sentiment triangle. Have a buy price and a sell price already in mind and keep to it.

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November 18, 2013 9:52 pm
Reply to  Dave Gaskin

Don’t pay any attention Dave. Do not surround yourself with negative thinking from cynical individuals that have no clue about wealth is creation. They will still be listening to themselves talk about how they saved a $45 subscription fee that could be a scam while you are trying to take positive actions that could move the bar higher toward financial freedom. These people need to buy lottery tickets and over priced coffee at starbucks where they post to Internet blogs instead of reading them.

There is no big secret to financial success. Work hard and save your money and invest it in under valued good companies that are hated by the market that have a high probability for recovery and success in the current economic environment. I am not a religious guy so I have no clue if that is the “Biblical money code” or just common sense. All I know is that it has always worked for me. I didn’t learn it on Fox News, MSNBC, investing for dummies or listening to idiots.

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November 20, 2013 12:01 pm

I have recently subscribed to Sean Hyman’s Ultimate Wealth Report and despite the many negative and vitriolic, even, comments about him personally (and not his actual stock picks for the most part), I find his detailed weekly investment advice a priceless education in the field of investment fundamentals.

While Hyman’s technical, fundamental and sentiment analysis all appear to be extremely well grounded, and he is a technically qualified and licensed analyst, the fact the Hyman is a pastor who has an investment philosophy based on conservative Biblical advice on investment seems to enrage some beyond reason. Hyman does not base his recommendations on something ‘God revealed’ to him–his reports are pragmatic and down to earth, with great attention to detailed analysis in his weekly almost hour-long reports which are usually in the form of a video. His investing approach will make sense for long-term investors, and not so much perhaps for those who are interested in playing the market.

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👍 2
November 20, 2013 3:26 pm
Reply to  trader99

I agree with Nalin 100%.

👍 6
Eric Alter
Eric Alter
November 20, 2013 4:35 pm

Here is Sean Hyman’s ridiculous promotion about his investing techniques that are part of some secret, magical biblical code. Pure snake oil, folks. This is no different than the preachers on TV telling you to send them money for a magical holy cloth. There is much better investment advice out there than something from a guy who claims that he has a secret, magical biblical code to making money. Try watching this promo without laughing…and then getting mad at how he uses God in a vain attempt to get rich from the money you send him.

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David J
David J
November 22, 2013 3:26 pm

I am a professional trader, trading on my own now & with Bright Trading in the past. I spend an hour or two per week looking for new ideas and what others are doing. Today I watched Hyman’s pitch. Don’t know anything about him. I’d like to comment that he does not claim anything to be magical in his approach. He does use sound biblical principles as encouragement to not be overcome by fear or greed. His research methods (tech, analytical & semtiment) are sound and used by many. It sounds like most who have subscribed are happy with their returns. All you nabobs of negativity out there: What’s your problem?

November 26, 2013 8:14 am
Reply to  David J

Their problem is that many have another agenda which revolves around selling other news letters and investment services that are loosing subscribers. The Internet is a great place to get confirmation of the experiences of others, good and bad information, and express your right to free speech. For that benefit and right you much sift through the mug generated by idiots to find the occasional jewels of wisdom.

Bob James
Bob James
November 25, 2013 10:23 am

This is all such fake b/s.

Eric Alter
Eric Alter
November 27, 2013 5:29 pm

Here’s Sean’s secret, magical biblical code again. He’ll tell you all about it. But first you must send him your money, Just like those preachers on TV who tell you that they will send you a magical biblical cloth that will make you rich. I feel bad for the suckers that fall for this.

November 27, 2013 11:42 pm

Those gentlemen who do not wish to be convinced either way will not be convinced no matter what. The only way to end this repetitive back and forth is to let the nay-sayer gentlemen have the last word on the matter (cold comfort as that may be), while the others who are diligently applying what they learn from Sean’s report have the comfort of banking cold, hard cash profits.

Eric Alter
Eric Alter
November 29, 2013 12:39 pm

A secret, magical, biblical code to investing? What kind of people fall for this stuff? The same people that send TV preachers their money in exchange for some “magical” cloth. Poor suckers.

November 29, 2013 4:31 pm
Reply to  Eric Alter

Ho Eric! Why don’t you take your BS to another website. I’ll tell you what I can’t believe… I believe you don’t care one bit about anyone looking to make their life better by increasing their asset wealth. I can’t believe anyone that has never subscribed to this service and is trying so… so… hard to convince folks that they should not spend $45 to make thousands and at the same time learn about how to make prudent investments in the stock market is a total phony with a separate agenda. May be it is time you tell us who you are and why anyone should listen to you! What part of “we are making money” do you not understand? If you have not try it you are not qualified to criticize it. You sir have NO creditability and are doing a great disservice to the folks that come to this website to get real reviews for investment services, stocks, and investment opportunities.

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David Brown
November 29, 2013 5:38 pm

Wow gmmpa I didn’t realize telling someone to take his BS elsewhere was part of the biblical code to investing. Is there a possible contradiction here? Oops

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