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written by reader Ultimate Wealth Report

By gina, February 7, 2013

Has anyone subscribed to the Ultimate Wealth Report from Newsmax and written by James Rickards and Bob Wiedemer? This seems to be a new publication and I wonder if anyone has any thoughts about it. How would you rate it? It’s being highly advertised but I wonder if they’re just using scare tactics. Any thoughts would be very appreciated.

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November 29, 2013 7:47 pm

No contradiction here. So… What is your point? Do you know or have a review or opinion about Sean Hyman’s news letter? Have you subscribed to this news letter? What do they think if you have? Or maybe you just don’t like his religion? You and your friend Eric should stay on the original topic or take you worthless comments to some other place. So how are you help the people that are asking for the truth? You obviously do not like the newsmax marketing approach. Are you mocking them?

Reading this thread there seems to be many new to investing and the stock market. Trying to do it alone without help is the fastest way to losing money. You and Eric are telling them to save there money, not invest in something you know nothing about and stay poor. That is the contradiction. But then what do I know. I just use the service and them making money.

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Frank Perri
Frank Perri
September 15, 2019 11:26 am
Reply to  gmmpa

I have had many investments subscriptions and the only one that made me money year after year is The Dividend Machine, by Bill Spetrino.
This guy is the real deal

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Eric Alter
Eric Alter
November 30, 2013 5:46 pm

Here it is again folks. A secret, magical biblical code to investing. Send your money to Sean and he’ll reveal this secret, magical biblical code to you. But you must send him your money first. Sounds familiar to you? Just like those TV preachers who tell you to send your money to them and they’ll send magical holy water to cure your diseases. These people make me sick. There is no secret, magical biblical code to investing folks. This is a promo meant to take advantage of the gullible.

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December 11, 2013 4:01 am

I will try this with a fake investment account nothing to loose… $90 is not going to bankrupt anybody…

Eric Alter
Eric Alter
December 14, 2013 9:54 am

But it will be a waste of $90. Here it is again folks. A secret, magical biblical code to investing. Send your money to Sean and heโ€™ll reveal this secret, magical biblical code to you. But you must send him your money first. Sounds familiar to you? Just like those TV preachers who tell you to send your money to them and theyโ€™ll send magical holy water to cure your diseases. These people make me sick. There is no secret, magical biblical code to investing folks. This is a promo meant to take advantage of the gullible.

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December 17, 2013 2:23 pm

Well, I have joined the UWI and I am just beginning to review his 2013 recommendations to see their performance. And I did run across his high recommendation in June 2013 for The Revelation Forex Fund — which by the way is now in receivership just one month after his recommendation How could his due diligence be so very very much off?…was it the love of money?!! I am seriously questioning his ability to really see the true nature of an investment if he could be so so terribly WRONG on Revelation and the fraud its creators tricked him and its investors.
See his quote below
โ€œThe Revelation Forex Fund is the real deal,โ€ says Sean Hyman, Editor of Ultimate Wealth Report. Revelation continues to outperform the equity markets, precious metals and most of the hedge funds across the U.S.โ€

โ€œWe have been very pleased with the performance of the Revelation Forex Fund, and we continue to be one of the best performing Forex funds. The Revelation Forex Fund has a solid record since its inception in 2009, with positive results posted in 42 of the previous 52 months through April 30, 2013,โ€ commented Kevin White, President of KGW Capital Management.

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๐Ÿ‘ 1
December 28, 2013 5:06 am

Hello people, please am outside the USA and subscribed to the ultimate wealth report could someone please recommend a good stock broker to me that i don’t need to be in the USA to buy stocks with. Thanks in anticipation.

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December 28, 2013 11:08 pm
Reply to  Gabe

Gabe, There are many exchanges in the world where stocks are listed and traded. You need to make sure the broker you select will execute trades for stocks that are listed in those exchanges. The ultimate wealth report is a USA based news letter and any foreign or domestic security that he discusses can be purchases using an American based broker like Fidelity, Etrade, Schwab, Vanguard, etc. You don’t need to be in the USA but it would make sense for your broker to be here.
That said I suppose there are other brokers in other countries that will execute trades for any stock listed on any exchange from anywhere in the world but that would be a little over the top for a retail investor which I assume you are. Otherwise you would not be asking such a question from this forum.

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๐Ÿ‘ 2
March 22, 2017 9:58 pm
Reply to  Gabe

try interactive brokers ..find it on google..

December 28, 2013 10:36 pm

I keep my portfolio and assets at fidelity and have traded through I have traded there since the beginning of Internet 1995. Some folks use I am sure there are others. I don’t know Etrade’s rules but Fidelity charges $7.95 per transaction to execute electronic trades. Phone calls to a trader is more. I don’t need to do that. Customer service is 24/7 anywhere in the world. I can monitor my account and trade anywhere in the world I have an Internet connection on any type of device, smartphone, Tablet, or computer without assistance. Etrade will probably do the same. The real question is where do you want to keep your funds, do you trust them, and how easy is it to move around electronically between your brokerage account and your regular checking account.

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Eric Alter
Eric Alter
December 29, 2013 9:21 pm

This is just sad: “Well, I have joined the UWI and I am just beginning to review his 2013 recommendations to see their performance. And I did run across his high recommendation in June 2013 for The Revelation Forex Fund โ€” which by the way is now in receivership just one month after his recommendation How could his due diligence be so very very much off?โ€ฆwas it the love of money?!! I am seriously questioning his ability to really see the true nature of an investment if he could be so so terribly WRONG on Revelation and the fraud its creators tricked him and its investors.
See his quote below
โ€œThe Revelation Forex Fund is the real deal,โ€ says Sean Hyman, Editor of Ultimate Wealth Report. Revelation continues to outperform the equity markets, precious metals and most of the hedge funds across the U.S.โ€

โ€œWe have been very pleased with the performance of the Revelation Forex Fund, and we continue to be one of the best performing Forex funds. The Revelation Forex Fund has a solid record since its inception in 2009, with positive results posted in 42 of the previous 52 months through April 30, 2013,โ€ commented Kevin White, President of KGW Capital Management.”

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Paul Berry
Paul Berry
December 30, 2013 4:54 pm

Your readers might be more enlightened by searching for reviews of Newsmax, the Ultimate Wealth Report publisher. The complaints about Newsmax are very revealing!

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December 30, 2013 10:37 pm

To these that come here looking for the Truth!

(Eric Alter —- Paul Berry)

The readers on this blog should be weary of these two guys above. They consistently posting negative robo-comments on this forum about Ultimate Wealth Report. I don’t read every subject on this website but I compelled to here in this subject because it keeps showing up in my inbox. Those of you that already subscribe to Ultimate Wealth Rport already know the truth and probably don’t care about newbies. These guys above are dishonest and are doing a great disservice to the editors of this blog and the new readership. The postings number 108 and 109 are completely off the charts bogus comments that are not even close to what the Sean Hyman’s newsletters is all about. Whatever the reason for their dislike of Sean Hyman it must be personal because it make no sense why they would be doing this. They trash everyone that claims to have subscribe to the newsletter or anyone that posted the truth about this service and tries to dissuade these that are thinking about subscribing.

For you newbies out there reading this… The Internet is great median to get information about just about anything you can think of. It is also a place that have guys like these that are viruses to the TRUTH and make it a place not for children. I cannot even imagine their agenda. It certainly is not helpful to the readers that come here to get honest comments and reviews.

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January 11, 2016 5:52 pm
Reply to  gmmpa

I disagree, I am a subscriber of the UWR and I have lost most of my money on every pick that Sean recommended. Just in the last month he recommended yet o ce again a stock that has tanked. The stock is RIO. He recommended this just a month ago at 50.00 or under, well, it is now under 25.00. Thank god I did not buy in this time.

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CT Bell
CT Bell
April 7, 2016 6:11 pm
Reply to  Frank

I am beginning research on UWR, but this comment is completely false. First, why would anyone keep on trading a losing strategy to the point that they would have “most most of my money”.
Second, the commentator states that the UWR recommendation was made when the stock’s price was at $50. He is writing this on Jan 11, 2016. He says that the recommendation came in the previous month (December). Well, the stock, RIO, has not been at $50 since September of 2014.
In fact, the highest price for RIO in December, 2015 was $30.07. This stock, did drop to as low as $23in January, but has gone up to as high as $32 at the beginning of March and has gone through a normal pull back to about $27 now. Also, it is paying a dividend of 7.78%.
All in all, not a great short term return, but still not a loss. And, my understanding is that this newsletter is for trading 12-18 months. So, if that is the strategy that is the platform the advice, then it is too soon to be making any conclusion on this trade of RIO.

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December 31, 2013 2:39 am

For those who want to see one of his old reports, here’s a pdf of one from August 2012. Just remember that he does give weekly updates to his subscribers, and may have told his subscribers to sell these stocks already. Judge for yourself what you want, I have not yet subscribed, but have started looking into subscriptions. Being newer to investments I’ve been reading up on basics and fundamentals of investments, and the fact that he gives out an investing guide with the subscription intrigues me. As he says to do in his video I’m doing my research both on this newsletter and others before I make a decision, and many newsletters have people who say they are horrible newsletters/scams as well as people who say they did well with the newsletter.

December 31, 2013 2:39 am
Reply to  dvh
January 11, 2016 5:56 pm
Reply to  dvh

If you are looking to subscribe to a news letter I recommend (the dividend machine) edited by Bill Spetrino, much better, I am up on all accept RIG. My oil is down. But at least I am up.

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January 1, 2014 2:22 am

I believe this service only started around July 2012. Maybe a few months earlier. I subscribers to the service around May 2013 after viewing this promo :
I would love to post just one page of the full current newsletter. The one that has the closed positions with the realized gains from the beginning of the service to today. However I would be no better than the clowns above posting lies. It is not ethical to do so. However, I can give an honest review:
I believe is an excellent newsletter and service for the price anywhere. Believe me I have subscribed to many over the years. The test for a good newsletter is whether you believe in it enough to use it and above all it makes money for you. It isn’t just the monthly newsletters that I like, but the weekly updates that are educational and most informative as a technical trading aid. I am a long time individual investors that have always believed in a contrarian style that focused on fundamental analysis and lots of reading of current business and economic news. This service fills a technical analysis hole in my background. It makes me better more confident more complete investor that has much greater chance of success in what some might call a rigged game.
Happy New Year to you all. Live long and prosper.

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Eric Alter
Eric Alter
January 2, 2014 12:03 pm

Here it is again folks. A secret, magical biblical code to investing. Send your money to Sean and heโ€™ll reveal this secret, magical biblical code to you. But you must send him your money first. If you fall for this I feel sorry for you:

January 16, 2014 3:46 pm

I simply asked for refund and i truly got it. Am surprised but really the programme was not going to work for me as am outside the Unites States. Happy investing am happy i got my money back without hassle.

June 4, 2015 1:11 pm
Reply to  Gabe.

Gabe, I’m surprised you weren’t able to find a way to invest in the picks highlighted in the UWR newsletter. I know that earlier you were looking for a stock broker but that’s not necessary, I invest using an online account which I believe is available to those outside of the United States as well. I use ShareBuilder but am not advocating that in particular, Fidelity and other highly reputable firms are just as good.

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January 20, 2014 3:15 am

Thank you all for providing your insight about UWR and other strayed topics. Not quite a newbie, but one still learning what to look for and to understand what it means. I tried several newsletter in the past and followed their recommendations (Leeb, MF, bunch of KCI (SoR, BY, PF, LR)). I did not do very well, but I did very good following Neil George’s Inner Circle. Lately I realized I need to do more research on my own before investing into recommendations either from newsletters or by word of mouth. It appears Sean’s newsletter will teach me more. So after viewing Sean’s video and reading these threads, I just took the plunge tonight and subscribed to the electronic version for 2yrs at $86. While my order was processing, his publisher entertained me with another video.

January 11, 2016 6:01 pm
Reply to  Gregory

Be careful, I bought it to and lost my shirt.

January 20, 2014 11:38 am

I believe you made a good decision. This service is like no other out there that I’ve subscribed ever to. It is more interactive for a service under a $100. However, if you have tried other services or taken advice from others money managers you should know that you don’t just jump in and start buying every stock in the newsletter without knowing the stories behind the companies and why Sean likes them even though he says you don’t have to. Remember the Sean uses a contrarian strategy and uses technical analysis to time entry and exits to positions. Timing is important and what it is for me and my portfolio is not the same as yours. Your existing portfolio, strategy, available cash needs, and timeline should be considered. You should read all his past newsletters and view his weekly update videos to see where he has been and where he is now. Buy existing picks slowly or wait for new recommendations to add to those you already own.

Also you should ignore robo-postings on this website from “Eric Alter says:” which may have already seen here. This guy has some sort of agenda and hates the Sean Hyman service. He has no clue what it is. I suspect he has one of his own that no one reads.

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๐Ÿ‘ 2
Jeff Cooper
Jeff Cooper
January 23, 2014 10:51 pm

Here it is again folks. A secret, magical biblical code to investing. Send your money to Sean and heโ€™ll reveal this secret, magical biblical code to you. But you must send him your money first. If you fall for this I feel sorry for you. Suckers. Sean gets rich from your subscription money, not from his investments. Watch the promo in the link and tell me you don’t feel stupid for falling for this.

January 26, 2014 12:33 am

If following the principles gained by subscribing, makes your overall position -say- 5% better off, but the food chain you invested in gave the final push for Yay Energy company to start drilling for CSG near your home town, are you still happy with what you “won” via stocks.

Oh wait, the whole trading game always has the rubber meeting the road in some other poor sap’s home-town. You can afford to relocate.


January 26, 2014 12:43 am
Reply to  robv

strike that comment.
I realize ( a few minutes later ) that’s part of his first prong of fundamental investigation. “do i have belief in what i’m in vesting in? what if i’m buying the whole company?”

January 28, 2014 4:19 am

I’m with gmmpa. I wasted almost half and hour reading a bunch of rants and blather about everything *except* whether Sean Hyman’s product was a good one. Oh, yes, and also a few replies that were on point. “Thanks”, to those posters.

Don’t the rest of you guys have anything better to do with your time? IMO, StockGumshoe needs a moderator to delete non-responsive comments. Or put them into a “junkyard” where people who want to read them can. I think something like that would greatly enhance the value of the site.

๐Ÿ‘ 5
January 28, 2014 4:25 am

Did I see that right? “Your comment is awaiting moderation.”?????

You mean these comments *are* moderated and you still let all of those non-responsive posts get published? Shame on you!

Come on Mr./Ms. Moderator, start doing your job and deleting the non responsive BS.

๐Ÿ‘ 5

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