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written by reader The “Secret” 770 Account

By bfchmv, May 31, 2013

I just read a very provocative teaser (aren’t they all, though?) from Tom Dyson in his Palm Beach Letter. It talked about a ”secret” 770 Account that is taken advantage of by a huge list of the very wealthy, not to mention by banks and other financial institutions, This 770 Account gives a steady 5%interest, plus you can access your money at any time, ……and it is all tax free!! ….under the radar, so to speak. Travis, could you please enlighten us poor peons to this fabulous deal?

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October 25, 2013 7:31 pm

I just heard about this. I’m past 70 and need to retire, but don’t feel secure in doing so. Is this something that would benefit someone my age? I thought about trying to put in a small amount, maybe $2000 to see how it works. Do I have to pay a premium each month like insurance? How long do you need to keep the money in before you could draw it out if you weren’t satisfied?

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October 26, 2013 11:51 am
Reply to  Annette

To answer your questions.
Would you be able to benefit? It depends in many factors. You will have to talk with somebody that is very familiar with this type of account and won’t be just trying to push a sale, but will truly look into your situation and will give you the best advise.

It may still apply, but you may have to do it in a different way. I will give you an example – I just had a client who is 68 buying one of these “770 accounts”. He didn’t have the time to build his policy over the years (putting a monthly or annual premium etc). So we had to do a lump sum – a Single Premium. He had about $500,000 on the stock market, and was worry about loosing his money because of the volatility of the market and the present economic conditions etc. He needed a place to park his money, so he was going to do a CD or money market account that was going to pay him less than 1%.

So we suggested to open this Policy with a single premium from a reputable company (rated A+, paying interests and dividends for over 100 years even on the great depression etc). And they have Guarantees (not like the stock market etc). This were the results:
Single Premium of $500,000.
First year he will end up with just $472,000. Now if we just stop here, then we can conclude that it is the worse investment possible. But let’s see what happened the next years.
After 2.5 years he recapture every single dollar and have a Death Benefit of $810,000.
After that point on, his money will grow at a rate of about 4%!! Way better than any CD or money market account. His money will continually grow tax deferred with guaranteed results for the rest of his life.

Now, that 4% is because the interest rates are so low, but once the interest rates start going up, the interest and dividends that the company will pay are going to be higher as well. So I am hoping interest rates are going to start climbing – because then this policy will do even better than what I am describing right now.

The bad thing about this strategy: you will loose some of the tax-free benefits. It will still grow tax deferred, but gains that exceed your cost basis (premium you paid) are taxable, BUT until the cash value exceeds the cost basis, taking a loan or withdrawal does not create a taxable event. (still much better than a CD or money market)

But if you have specific questions or concerns, let me know. You can always write me an email to, and we can talk about your specific situation and see if it would make sense to you.

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October 26, 2013 12:13 pm
Reply to  Edgar

I forgot to answer your last question: You have a 20 day “free look” – if for any reason, you don’t like the policy, you can cancel without paying penalties. You will get all your money back.

December 5, 2013 11:33 pm

Edgar, I would like to know who in my area handles these accounts and also I would like more detailed info. Your example above on the person who wanted to skip the monthly premiums and invested 500,000 dollars left to many open questions. Try this one please. Let’s say someone wants to do the same thing; what is the least amount of money one can invest to skip the monthly premiums and how long before they start seeing a turnaround like you showed above (800,000 dollars) or course not 800,000 but what would be the equivalent and in what time frame. People starting out don’t have that kind of money. The video on 770 accounts presents it like it’s a particular bank account that you deposit money and it earns 5% interest annually tax-free. But so far with the research I’ve done, it does not seem that simple. What the real scoop? Thanks.

Edgar Arceo
December 6, 2013 1:13 pm
Reply to  Paul

The turnaround was not 800,000 on my example. That was the Death Benefit you will receive. The turnaround on year 2.5 was that he was going to have the $500k he initially put in, and after that point on, his money was going to grow (tax deferred) at a 4%+ rate.
You are right, this system is not that simple. Is not like putting money into an account and done, it needs more commitment on your part etc.
If you want to just do ONE single premium, then you can do as little as $10k if you want.
Now in order for you to get that 5%+ interest rate annually tax free, you will need to do a different strategy – monthly or annual premiums for a specific period of time… But if you need more information or have specific questions, send me an email. I have receive so many emails that I decided to write a letter answering ALL the questions I have received from people all over the US. That letter is a little too long for me to post it here, but I would love to send you that letter if you are interested. (don’t worry – I won’t send you any more emails after that unless you request it).
God Bless you.

December 9, 2013 5:41 pm
Reply to  Edgar Arceo


August 21, 2014 2:31 am
Reply to  Paul

Paul. Did you notice that whenever someone asks Edgar about “investing” a small amount to get started with this “plan”, he jump to the story of the man who puts $500,000 in for starters. Edgar is looking to make a lot of money and then go away. BEWARE!

cristiano ferreira
cristiano ferreira
December 9, 2013 6:24 pm

I deed some info on that please!!

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R.M. Afflitto
R.M. Afflitto
March 7, 2014 12:02 pm

Yes I would like to read the letter you mentioned regarding all of the questions about the “770” account and what it truly is. I am 67 years old and I am in no way interested in anything but “safe” investments. Is this something that is FDIC insured? Truly tax-free?

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Valerie house
Valerie house
April 3, 2014 3:21 am

I also would like for you to tell me of someone in my area who handle these account.Los Angeles Ca 90002

August 19, 2014 7:57 am

I have just been thru a very traumatic half million dollar divorce. So at 78 I now have half of what I expected to be living on in my retirement. Is the 770 worth investing in so I can rebuild my assets get a dividend and move on?
Am I too old for this sure thing investment?
Father died at 77, brother at just 78. Mother at 98, but severe Alzheimer’s s last six years.
So statistically do I have time to invest and reap the benefits?

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August 21, 2014 1:59 am

I don’t know who this Edgar fellow is, or what country he’s operating from. But, he’s dabbling in insurance and investments, two instruments that are governed by Federal laws in the United States. He is approaching the rim of the Blue Sky laws: painting a pretty picture while just pulling numbers out of thin air. Buyers beware! Edgars grammar isn’t any better than his logic. There’s no free lunch anymore. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Ask your CPA. He/she has nothing to gain by telling you to jump in like he might be getting a kickback. I think not. CPA’s have too much to lose to take flyers on scams or recommend them to their clients and friends.

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Lynn Clark, Stock Gumshoe
August 21, 2014 8:26 pm

The Stock Gumshoe article about the 770 account is here:

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👍 165
September 3, 2014 5:03 pm

Macksmart has made some very serious accusations against me. The Bible teaches us: “Answer not a [self-confident] fool according to his folly, lest you also be like him. ” Proverbs 26:4
It reminds of me of the Pharisees in Jesus’ times. They thought they knew it all, and nobody could teach them anything. Jesus didn’t respond to them, but instead He shared the Truth with the people who were open and willing to receive it.
This is a public blog, so there are people who may be open to receiving the truth. This is not a “get rich quick” thing. It is a long term strategy that takes a lot of patience and commitment, but as you can see in the testimony Ronald Ferrill just posted on today , it works! And just like Ronald, there are thousands of people that can give a testimony about this strategy. This is not a “new strategy,” but something that people have done for more than one hundred years. All “mutual insurance companies” that I represent are rated “A” and better.
And if my “grammar” scares you, then you don’t have to go through me. There are hundreds of agents that can structure a policy in the way I have described. If you go through another agent, I would be willing to take some time to double check the policy that he/she is selling you, in order to make sure that it is a well -structured policy and will give you the results you are expecting.
Now, Macksmart questioned me and accused me of deceptive practices without any proof. I could defend myself, but I won’t – that would be “answering a [self-confident] fool according to his folly” (like the Bible says). If you want to make sure I am genuine, do some research on me and my firm – The Arceo Financial Group. Go to the “Best Business Bureau,” and you can see that we are an “Accredited Business” and check our rating. You can see the number of years we have been operating. Come to my office in Brentwood, TN. Ask for references from clients, friends, family members, church leaders and pastors that know me well.
Not only that, but there are many books that discuss this strategy, and some of the authors know me personally, and I am sure they would give me a positive reference as well. I listed some of those books and authors on our webpage.
Daniel Boorstin, the historian, stated it this way: “The greatest obstacle to discovering the shape of the earth, the continents, and the oceans was not ignorance – it was the illusion of knowledge.”
Now, if you are reading this and you have specific questions, or if you don’t understand something and would like to know more about how this works, please send me an email or call me. You can go to our website, and get our contact information at .
“And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.” John 8:32
God bless you!

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John Renna
John Renna
March 23, 2015 10:13 pm
Reply to  Edgar

I would like to find out where I can investigate these 770 accounts. I live in East Northport on Long Island. Are the dividends able to be re-invested into the account? Thanks

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Lynn Clark, Stock Gumshoe
March 24, 2015 2:36 pm
Reply to  John Renna

Hi John-
They’re talking about whole-life insurance. We’ve covered that topic in depth here:
I hope that helps!

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sibyl auten
sibyl auten
October 24, 2016 2:53 am

My colleagues were looking for PS 3801 earlier today and were informed about an online platform that hosts a lot of fillable forms . If others are searching for PS 3801 too , here’s

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