written by reader has anyone ever heard of “Bitcoin”

by barb650 | August 21, 2013 6:04 pm

This is some form of money that I just heard about.

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2013/08/microblog-has-anyone-ever-heard-of-bitcoin/

3 responses to “written by reader has anyone ever heard of “Bitcoin””

  1. T1 Arizona says:

    I have heard of Bitcoin, but I wouldn’t trust it. Trading in Bitcoin depends on someone else’s technology servers being up even if it is some type of distributed peer-to-peer network. Someone could shut down the entire Internet. I would go with something low tech like gold or silver coins.

  2. hgpark888 says:

    Bitcoin had it’s glory days.
    It was much easier to “mine” as there weren’t as many users involved.
    But, now not so much.
    You need a good computing power and it isn’t cheap to make a build now as there are much more people involved in it.

  3. lily says:

    Bitcoins continue to rise in value. And other than a blip when China said they would be prohibited there they’re on a steady path upward. Plus the fed is looking at how to integrate them into current commerce. Wondered if anyone has a different view on them now.

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