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written by reader Stellar Biotechnologies – The real deal or just more tulip bulbs?

By theblindsquirrel, August 21, 2013

DISCLAIMER: I am long shares of SBOTF and may add to the position at any time.
”Even blind squirrels find an acorn every now and then”
OK, I know .. there is already plenty of discussion re Stellar Biotechnologies (SBOTF) on the site. Since Travis posted the tease from Nick Hodge in early July, the stock is up a hair over 100% (my Special Situation account sends many thanks for that one!). The reason I’m opening this thread is because the majority of comments from those of us interested or already invested in SBOTF are being posted under another wonderful – yet mostly unrelated – thread by Doc Gumshoe that talks about Alzheimers and possible causes/treatments/cures. Great stuff, but not fully germane to the topic of SBOTF. So, tho seperate the two discussions, I thought I’d try this so we can focus on each of the topics independantly.
That said, here’s some commentary about SBOTF that I have gleaned from the original tease, tracking the price action since July, reading member comments on this site, and studying anything and everything I can find about the Company and it’s product, Giant Keyhole Limpet Hemogobulin, a/k/a KLH.
First, a little peeve I’ve developed; the actual name of this animal that is the central focus of the business. I’ve noticed a trend of sorts by readers to refer to the Limpet as a ”snail”, ”escargot”, or something along those lines. While some may be using this as a light-hearted way of referring to the animal, it is not any of those. Please, use the proper name – as silly as it might sound. New readers could easily dismiss the entire idea and be misled otherwise. No disrespect meant to any who have done this, but I think it’s important we stay on track.
Now, some factoids for you.
If you haven’t done your due dilligence yet, the place to start is right here on this page. In the upper right you’ll see a box that says ”Teaser Tracking.” Click on that. The page that comes up is a list of the teases which Travis has posted over the past many months. Second from the top is the one re SBOTF. Some good tidbits of info right there. But what you want to do is look all the way over to the right and click on the link to the original tease posting. Open that and you’ll get the full story that Travis wrote when he first uncovered this tease (produced by Nick Hodge) and is a solid foundation of info about the company. Read it – two or three times to get an understanding of what SBOTF is all about.
Next, if you can find it, try and get a post that has the original video that Hodge did to tease the company with. In it, he (Hodge) interviews a couple of the company’s top executives and takes the cameras outside the room totalk with another employee about the ”farming” process that SBOTF has spent years and millions developing and patenting. You’ll get a pretty good visual inspection of the plant itself, the ”grow tanks”, and the Limpet. Good stuff. By the end you’ll have a fair overview of the company and what it does. FYI, the video tease runs about 40 minutes. It’s the first 25 minutes or so that will interest you. The remainder is what all teases consist of, overblown and repetitive pleas to get you to subscribe to the newsletter service that the promoter has to offer. Save yourself time and money by skipping that stuff.
A few takeaways from the video and additional research:
SBOTF has been around since the late 1990’s, working on how to extract the blood from the Limpet without killing them (they have done that and gotten patents on the process) and how to raise them in captivity in order to ensure a continuious supply of the animals to work with. This ”farming” process has, for the most part, been perfected and SBOTF can now raise them from fertilization of sperm and egg to maturity. They have a lifespan of some 30 years, and coupled with the patent-protected process they developed for extracting the blood without killing the Limpet, the company can now say with assurance that they can provide the Big Pharma with all the KLH they need to conduct clinical trials and produce the drugs they develop once FDA approval is granted. And – this is a big ”and” – they are the ONLY company in existence that can do this at the present time. The many patents they hold may ensure that to be the case for years to come.
Did I mention that KLH cannot be synthesized? So far nobody has been able to do that, so the supply of KLH from SBOTF seems to remain the only game in town.
Stellar Bio has yet to turn a profit. Sales and not much to write home about. That is mainly due to the small supply available and that SBOTF has focused on R&D in the past moreso than actual KLH production. That’s my best guess – I can’t verify that but seems to be the case. It is changing, however. The R&D is still in full swing, but the ability to produce and sell KLH is starting to ramp up as witnessed by increasing sales volume. It’ll take time but those increasing sales are coming.
In the wild (ocean floor), the Giant Keyhole Limpet has never been found ANYWHERE in the world other than in the small colony (estimated to be about 100,000 animals) which is just offshore from the Stellar Bio plant in Ventura County, CA. The enviromental community has been getting more and more concerned about the harvesting of the Limpets from this colony since there apparently aren’t any more around. Whisper talk about possible extinction have begun to surface, although no official governmental action regarding a ”protected specise” has yet been issued. This is why the farming of the animals has been crucial and why Stellar has such a leg up on any possible competition. If the Tree Huggers get hold of that idea, the ability to harvest the colony could – and probably would – be severely impacted.
Recent price and volume action has been fast and furious. As more and more people are becoming aware of the company by means of Hodges’ tease and thing such as this discussion, volume has had days that were near three times the average six months ago (175K shares average vs. some days now running around 500K). And most of this is upside volume indicating increasing demand for shares of a small float. This of course leads to highr prices as we are witnessing as I write.
For now, the gravy train is tearing down the track. The question is, when will demand for shares be curtailed as investor thirst for a bite of Limpet pie become satisfied? When will Nick Hodge back off this promotion, letting the press subside and therefore lessening investor awareness (the stock is not covered by any analyst, anywhere, that I can find, nor is it held by any mutual fund or investment management company). If and when this interest backs off, what effect will that have on the stock price? Trees don’t grow to the sky … or do they?
I can’t answer those questions. Just like you, I can only hold ’um and not fold ’um – yet. That day may come, and that is why I suggest anyone long the stock keep a DAILY eye on it. I’m making no prediction whatsoever about where the price will go over the next several weeks or months. In the interest of full disclosure, I have already taken some money off the table just to partially protect the quick profits I made since purchase. I sold about 30% of my initial position when that part became valued around 50% of my original investment. What remains is valued today right at the same $ amount I first put in. The amouunt I pulled out gives me full protection of some 50% of my original investment. Would I be better off today if I hadn’t done that? Yes. I would, because the price continues to rise. Will I be better of for having made thaat sale if the price stumbles and falls in the near future? Again, yes, I will – if the price falls. Some wise man once said ”you can’t go broke if you take profits” and I believe in that. Me, I don’t care for the idea of going broke, so I’m perfectly happy with this concept. No regrets about putting actual money in the bank, so to speak.
Comments? Concerns? Insights? Let the fun began!
Your Resident Blind Squirrel
Jim Skelton

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R. T. Barzallo
R. T. Barzallo
August 23, 2013 6:24 am

I invested in SBOTF for the long term. I was drawn by Nick Hodge with his very informative report about this rare sea snail off the coast of Ventura California. I did my research, same steps that Mr. Skelton covered. I bought this rather late at .77cents and I expect to buy some more when the stock dips and panic sets in below .77cents. With that said, the stock is very risky and in the early stages prone to short sellers. The company is going to need more cash for R & D and for expanding into additional farms to minimize the possible danger of losing the entire farm to a disease. Contracts are signed with some of the big Pharma, so the rise in share price will start sometime next year. The 12 mill investment by some private investor does not bother me one bit, it seems to be a businessman and investment is guaranteed a profit @ $1.05 p/share. to $1.35 p/share. All we can do is wait until this special purchase goes in the books.
There’s an important meeting in October of this year that unveils the use of KLH to combat some disease. I expect the price to jump after that for a short term and that’s when the short sellers will cause the drop. This stock has the potential of reaching $5 p/share but 2 years from now. Stellar is the only company doing this, it holds the patents for the production and harvesting, Big Pharma needs KLH to rush their drugs asap for FDA approval. KLH is also very expensive to make and Big Pharma has deep pockets. We just need to be patient and go long.
Good Luck everyone.
R. T. Barzallo
Rookie investor.

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August 23, 2013 10:27 am
Reply to  R. T. Barzallo

R.T., I’m interested in SBOTF, but there are some inconsistencies that I’d like to understand. Does SBOTF really say they are the only company doing this? ThermoScientific sells mcKLH from keyhold limpets grown in mariculture (i.e., “farmed”) rather than in the wild, according to their website. A copy-and-paste is “Inject Mariculture KLH (mcKLH) is KLH that has been harvested from limpets grown in mariculture rather than captured from the wild.” See
Also biosyn sells KLH. A copy-and-paste from their website is “biosyn returns the animals back to its natural habitat, as it is a humane approach as well ensures that the animals recovers readily…”. See

I tried getting an investor presentation from Stellar’s website and was unable to. I’ll look again.

👍 37
David Brown
August 23, 2013 8:56 am

Good comment R. T. Despite being ticked off by what I see as some definite misdirection and manipulation by the company, I’m hanging in there. Jesus Jim not everything is about you. I didn’t call you any names, but if you think the shoe fits regarding the pompous moron comment then that’s your choice.

August 23, 2013 12:54 pm

Well, boy’s enough of the peeing contest. We all would like run with the big dogs, however most of us do not have the deep pockets to do so, if so most likely you would not be on this site. I never read that Stellar was the only company with KLH or the only farm. Stellar is the largest farm operation of farm raised stock. Stellar produces the HIGHEST QUALITY KLH, and is capable of suppling large quantity for the many studies being conducted world wide, Stellar has the contracts and pattens for the methods. If the other producers of KLH can prove them selfs , perhaps they two will receive big dog backing and some of my investment money.
How do we know that the wild keyholes live after giving blood and than being returned to the ocean by other farms?

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👍 192
August 23, 2013 6:58 pm

Hello Jim,
Would you mind sharing the link for the teaser video?
I’ve been looking for it the past 20 minutes with no luck.
Much appreciated,

P.S. The person who commented about Stellar not being the only one producing and farming is James Fernow, he replied to R.T. Barzallo in the comment #21.

👍 192
August 23, 2013 6:38 pm

Closed at high of day on strong volume 1.32+. Glad I was able to get shares out weak hhands at $1.11. Broughht down my avg. Too bad wasn’t some of thhose that went for .95-.99
Back to cruising altitude momentarily just some turbulence ladies and gentlmen

Oh and jim. Thanks for thhe blockbuster story. It relates to one of my current businesses aside from the lesson on investing. Little extra inspiration/motivation to keep pusing on.

👍 192
August 26, 2013 10:07 am

Stellar up again on strong volume!

August 26, 2013 10:16 am

I don’t usually do this but considering your experience, maybe we should talk business

August 26, 2013 11:44 am

Wow and on that note stellar explodes to $1.61 new 52 w h

August 26, 2013 4:58 pm

Everyone was so talkative after the financing news lol

August 26, 2013 9:46 pm

I gotta say. You look at most other investment publications, and they are weak — very, very weak. But when you look at the wealth of knowledge on the Gumshoe network, it is so impressive. Between Travis, Myron Martin, and Mr. Skelton here, there is such a wealth of knowledge here. And different perspectives and styles of investing. And the comments from the peanut gallery are a cut above. I’ve been investing for 5 years, and for the first time I’m starting to feel confident in my investing. Kudos to you guys, and definitely “I am not worthy.”

👍 66
David Brown
August 27, 2013 1:50 pm

It’s been a roller coaster ride since the private offering.

August 27, 2013 9:16 pm

And it will continue being a roller coaster ride.

👍 192
August 28, 2013 1:15 pm

The balance of power seems a bit equal in this $1.35 range which is also the sell price for the PP.

David Brown
August 29, 2013 12:38 pm
Reply to  Sean

The private offering has undoubtedly had a deleterious effect on the stock price. I’m actually pleasantly surprised that the dilution of the price hasn’t been greater given that the company basically added almost 20% to the market cap. at $1.05 and then another almost 10% at $1.35. Given that, the stock price is holding up surprisingly well. All we need now is some good news and I think the shares will rocket up again.

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August 29, 2013 1:34 pm
Reply to  David Brown

Agreed. Trading is very balanced right now.

September 3, 2013 4:29 pm

So glad to find this forum and mix of ideas and information! Will try to summarize my thoughts/situation in 500 words or less:)
Got the tease video about 2 weeks ago, as part of my daily inbox investment barrage. Watched the whole thing. Fascinated by the premise and the science (have a science/healthcare background). Read everything I could find in the past week, and I mean everything! Started to get “that feeling”, to quote Jim, despite the trading halt and also not qualifying as a “qualified (?) investor. That’s just part of investing, and I agree with others that what Stellar is doing is capital intensive, and has been years in the making. The R&D costs alone on a project of this magnitude would probably shock all of us.
Have read their poster presentations and research thus far, but what really stopped me in my tracks was the recent memo about having the exclusive worldwide patent rights to develop a vaccine against C-diff!!!!! Between the fact that immunology is at the forefront of disease prevention and treatment, that KLH, and ONLY KLH has the molecular properties necessary to make any of these ideas possible, that it can’t be synthesized…..the hairs on my neck are standing up….. When Stellar, or,whoever owns Stellar at the time, perfects this C-diff vaccine, and I think they can and will, it could blow us all away. Hospitals will use it like Tylenol (it’s an epidemic in hospitals and nursing homes, and you can take nugget of wisdom to the bank:).
OK, so I am late to the party perhaps, but having a long-range mindset, is there any reason not to get in at $1.40? Usually I’d be kicking myself for not getting in for half that, but oh well…What also has my blood stirred up is not just the national presentation they are giving this month but the presentation next month at a prestigious international science meeting in Australia I think. You don’t get invited to speak at these events unless you have something big to present. I fear the stock price rising after this. Someone opined this rise would be short-lived, because of short sellers? Can someone explain ? Thanks for listening everybody.

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September 4, 2013 9:56 am
Reply to  Jana

Jana, thank you for joining us. Yes, you are right. This has the potential to be a blockbuster…the hairs on your neck type.

These two conferences will gain more exposure and will bring in many new buyers. The volume has dried up a bit so we are going to battle back and forth in this range. The market makers are in control right now and they’ll want load up before a surge. Be patient. The shares are very oversold at this point. I still believe it is a great buy at these levels. Once we get some positive news, we’ll never see this range again.

David Brown
September 4, 2013 12:07 pm

is this “the pause which refreshes?” Rocky road right now–down about 7% for the day as I write this–time for a cast iron gut as I remain a believer with over 10% of my portfolio in Stellar. This is likely an excellent time to add to one’s holdings, but I can’t risk any more at this point. The private placement has thrown the steady rise of the shares into a bumpy ride for the time being. If the company continues with good news in coming weeks this will just be “the pause which refreshes.” The upside to this company remains great. Thanks for joining us Jana–excellent first comment. It’s nice to see other intelligent/educated folks seeing the upside that I and others are seeing.

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September 4, 2013 1:57 pm
Reply to  David Brown

Thanks for the feedback guys. I think it’s time to jump in, and I hope (and pray) that you are right Sean, that after the good news is out the price will soar. But I’ve also lost enough in the market to know there are no sure things. Still I have more hope than fear about Stellar. Again I am so thrilled to find this forum!

September 5, 2013 10:48 am
Reply to  Jana

Jana, Prayer is essential. After all this wonderful creature was made by God himself. I like your reference to prayer. Good luck to you.

September 5, 2013 10:47 am

I intent to buy more the closer it goes to $1/share as I feel it will again bounce up this fall. I have owned and sold it before. Love the technology, like the stock. This is a great group of knowledgeable people. Thank you.

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September 5, 2013 6:21 pm
Reply to  Sean

Hey, good luck to all of us. David, I do hope this is the “pause that refreshes”! And thanks for the kind words; Sean, if it really drops to $1 I’ll smile for you as I grit my teeth…actually I’m happy at my entry point (way under the 1.40 I spoke of earlier). Hope this makes it to the board; I’ve had a little trouble posting with nothing showing up on the board. Under “website” I put “none”. Is that important? I don’t have a website.

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David B
September 5, 2013 9:42 pm

I just read an article posted on the KLH blog on a site called stockhouse that quotes Norm Chow of Stellar stating that 50 keyhole limpets can be harvested twice a year to make 20 grams of the KLH protein which is worth $100,000. The article also has some great insights about KLH being used in cancer vaccines. The article seems to be from an interview and is dated September 3, 2013. I hope this helps everyone. The stockhouse site has some really good info but, unfortunately seems currently dominated by two guys arguing with one another (fordman and goldbarron).

My opinion of what is currently happening with the stock is that it is trying to find it’s range between $1.25 and $1.50. I actually see this as a promising sign as I expected the watering down of shares to keep the stock considerably lower for much longer. I’m glad I didn’t join the Lemmings and bail when the stock backtracked to $1. I think the stock will start a consistent upward trend again in the near future. However, any negative news could send it tumbling. Such is the risk of a microcap, no matter how promising.

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September 5, 2013 10:45 pm

This is the real Sean. Not sure who my fellow poster is but the last two were not me. My last post was the Sept. 4 post.

I think you are in great shape at any of these prices. There is serious accumulation going on with some very sophisticated investors. Today’s volume is proof of that. The Market Makers are going to manipulate this and get the best price they can before a run up. Meanwhile, there are many investors who saw $1.20 again and re-upped. This issue is not for the weak. Long term, we are going to see a great return. The short term should be extremely volatile. Again, welcome and happy trading.

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September 6, 2013 11:44 am

Sorry to the first original real Sean. I am the second Sean. We are different people as there is two of us. Good luck to all. Keep up the research as it helps us all. That’s how we should be. Just needed to clear that up. Sean F.

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