by xiexgp | August 13, 2014 10:47 am

Dear Reader,

Today I rip the cover off my company’s secret weapon.

I call him the “reluctant millionaire maker.”

Talk about operating undercover. This guy’s living it.

He craves privacy… he’s been lying low for the past decade… yet his Wikipedia page has 47 footnotes.

What gives?

For a long time, he has run in a handful of super-exclusive social groups, top heavy with corporate and political powerbrokers.

Being a part of these invitation-only circles is kind of like joining an ol’ boys club.

Except that age doesn’t matter. Being filthy rich and hugely influential are the only keys that open these doors.

Our “Beltway Mole,” as we call him, qualifies on both counts. Though it wasn’t always the case.

As the son of a sawmill worker, he was in the fourth grade when his 22-year-old aunt was robbed and murdered.

He eventually became America’s leading political operative, and was branded an “Evil Genius” for his groundbreaking work on the “Willie Horton ad.”

Come on, do you know of anyone else who has single-handedly altered the course of American history?

I’ll share more about this amazing fellow in just a minute.

First, let me jump to the #1 reason I had to get this letter out now…

What if You Were Guaranteed a
$220 Profit for Every $1 You Invested?

Every single day – this very minute included – elite insiders are striking it rich due to the top-level information they’re exposed to.

Well, our “Beltway Mole” is eager to plug you in to some of the very same triggers that have created an amazing storehouse of wealth for these insiders – triggers that could create a 10x, 50x, or 125x explosion in the value of your personal portfolio.

Want proof? Here you go…

One big shot insider sold a stake in Pfizer for $890,400 the same week our “mole” issued a “Strong Buy” on the stock.

Two other insiders at a major cybersecurity[1] company walked away with $149,312 and $101,417 on June 1, 2014. Our “mole” had issued a “Buy” on the same company a month earlier.

A fourth company insider skipped away with over $1.8 million… just days after our ”mole” reinforced his “Buy” recommendation on Northrop Grumman.

Yet another insider cashed out a stake for over $1.6 million only two months after our “mole” issued a timely alert to “Buy” ConAgra on the cheap.

Now, I’m not saying these insiders were following the work of our “mole,” but these examples clearly show that he has a knack for zeroing-in on the most timely profit opportunities.

But that’s old news. Here’s the latest scoop…

By tapping his stellar connections, our “mole” has been plugging his readers into a towering profit opportunity – one offering select companies up to a 22,000% return on investment. All in one of the most volatile and whipsaw markets in memory.

Very few folks know about it. Yet he’s showing readers how to tap this gaping “loophole” not just once… twice… or even 10 times.

Thousands of ordinary Americans are exploiting this loophole to get richer every single day of the week!

Honest, it’s happening right now.

And if you think it sounds like Bernie Madoff territory, you’re dead wrong.

This lucrative opportunity exists thanks to the U.S. government, and it’s 100% legal.

In fact, its epicenter is K Street in Washington, D.C.

I’m just not sure how long it will stay open. So if you’re remotely interested, it’s vitally crucial you take action, ASAP.

Allow Me to Issue a Stark WARNING…

I just got off the phone with our “mole,” so you have my word that this opportunity is red-hot.

Behind the opportunity is a story that will make you sick to your stomach.

Over the next few minutes, you’ll be thoroughly disgusted. You may even question the American Way.

But stick it out. I promise that you could be rewarded handsomely.

All from tapping into a phenomenal “220-to-1” return that a handful of companies experience by making a single investment!

Before today, you probably had no idea there’s a “backdoor” way for you to participate in this profits extravaganza.

But you need connections to invest in this exclusive ”market.” That is, connections to an elite corps of Beltway Insiders earning outrageous $300,000 starting salaries.

Forget investment bankers, and forget powerful hedge funds[2].

I’m talking about the most potent movers and shakers of all.

Care to venture a guess who I’m talking about?

I’m talking about lobbyists!

Every day a dark-suited army of K Street lobbyists descend on Capitol Hill like locusts to shower money on your Congressmen.

They’re mercenaries working on behalf of deep-pocketed and ruthless corporate clients.

And it’s paying off in spades.

Tonight, when you flip on the nightly news, don’t be surprised if up to 50% of the stories are “choreographed” by a small cadre of these influence peddlers.

Heck, they’re far more effective than President Obama himself at getting legislation passed!

Get this…

New studies reveal that every $1 spent on lobbying in Washington returns an eye-popping $220 return.

Holy cow, right? Don’t you want a piece of that action?

Well, Mr. Average Joe Investor, it’s your lucky day.

You no longer have to read about these mega-deals after the fact. That is, when they’re done and dusted… and new riches have already been minted.

Instead, you can get in virtually at Ground Zero – when these gamechangers are just beginning to emerge.

And right now, I’d like to give you the opportunity to receive the work of our very own “Beltway Mole,” who sniffs out these emerging mega-deals before they happen!

Meet Floyd Brown, our
“Secret Agent” Inside Washington

I mentioned earlier that our “secret agent” has been avoiding the limelight.

The reason is simple.

After the Willie Horton story hit – when he was called an “Evil Genius” – all hell broke loose. Floyd realized any lunatic could take him down.

Death threats and ambushes at the local supermarket forced him to rely on personal security like an ex-President.

But I finally convinced him to come out of hiding, and to start pulling the levers for us behind the scenes.

Knowing a bit about his background helps set the stage…

In 1976, Floyd Brown was only 15 years old when he met Ronald Reagan[3].

A Eureka moment? Perhaps.

After graduating from college, Floyd moved to Washington, D.C. – becoming one of the “Reagan Revolution’s” youngest and most passionate supporters.

It’s been a lifetime pursuit.

(Decades later, Floyd even oversaw the preservation of the historic Reagan Ranch… and the building of the $20-million Reagan Ranch Center in downtown Santa Barbara, California.)

He advanced quickly, taking on a major role for the presidential campaign of Bob Dole and consulting for the campaign of Steve Forbes[4].

Floyd tells it best:

I learned about the power of lobbying at a young age. I was working for Senator Bob Dole at the time, and was assigned to work the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines.

The day was grueling. I was at the Senator’s side all day as he shook hands with farmers, business owners, teachers, and cops. He was even photographed in front of a butter cow!

I whispered a reminder to him, “Wheels up 7:00,” and whisked him into the private aviation center. Whoa! From hobnobbing with the locals – to leather seats and fine china on a snazzy corporate jet. By the way, it was owned by UST, aka U.S. Tobacco. A favor given is a favor earned, as I like to say.

It struck me how Senator Dole grew up dirt poor, but now he had an intangible currency called power. The decisions he made on the floor of the U.S. Senate could sway the fate of almost any piece of legislation.

I felt a little like Cinderella. One minute I’m wading amongst the cows and hogs at the state fair, and literally moments later I’m rubbing shoulders with high society.

I got a sniff of the intoxication of power, and my life was never the same!

Years later, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that following the lobbying money is the #1 secret for making ordinary folks rich.

How Floyd’s Lobbying Connections Could Make You Rich…

Floyd may be the consummate D.C. veteran… he even tipped the voting of an entire country with the infamous “Willie Horton ad.”

But I’ll bet he’s astounded at how far lobbying has gone, and how quickly it’s evolved.

A whole new industry has popped up to “grease the wheels inside the Beltway,” as he puts it.

Honestly, you’d do a double-take at the hundreds of thousands of dollars being slipped from fast-talking middlemen to “concerned” Congressmen each and every day.

I mean huge, mammoth, gargantuan “gifts” out of all proportion.

Big Money talks, that’s for darned sure.

For example, Floyd clued me in on these whoppers:
•Whirlpool’s lobbying paid a spectacular 6,700% return when it secured lucrative energy tax credits for making high-efficiency appliances.
•Major multinationals like GE, Citigroup, and Ford Motor Co. realized a return on their two-year lobbying investment of at least 8,200%.
•Top Hollywood players like Walt Disney Co., Viacom, Sony, and Time Warner[5] received a $430-million tax windfall for filming within the USA.
•Two little known makers of electric motorcycles – Brammo, Inc. and Zero Motorcycles Inc. – spent $200,000 on lobbying in 2011 and 2012. Result? They won tax subsidies worth an estimated $7 million. That’s a sweet 3,500% return.

Don’t you wish you would’ve been able to jump in early and make untold riches as a result?

Investing Alongside Lobbying is
the Most Ingenious Moneymaking
Strategy Ever Discovered

Here’s a galling stat for you…

Each year, every member of Congress is on the receiving end of about $12.5 million in lobbying.

Incredibly, America’s “Big 30” corporations paid more to lobby Congress than they paid in federal income taxes for the three years between 2008 and 2010, despite being hugely profitable.

And does all that lobbying pay off? You have absolutely no idea…

Was U.S. Tobacco being generous when it lent Senator Dole that Learjet?

Hell no! They were simply making a savvy business call. Just like major companies do thousands of times a year.

Take Amgen, for example.

Who blame blame the giant biotech for its aggressive lobbying on Obamacare?

Amgen recently spent more than $51 million on lobbying – and, in return, received at least $816 million in drug reimbursements, according to USA Today.

Not a bad return, you say.

What about company insiders who were lucky enough to share in Amgen profits?
•Thomas Dittrich cashed out for $465,987 on May 21.
•Michael Kelly cashed out for $228,079 on April 28.
•Anthony Hooper cashed out for $172,239 on April 27.
•Sean Harper cashed out for $66,957 on April 26.
•Robert Bradway cashed out for $411,325 on April 25 and $3.3 million on March 14.

Heck, even Congressmen can’t resist a shot at a few extra bucks when it’s being splashed around like confetti.

They’re only human. But that doesn’t mean they’re just like you and me.

When you go to the polls, remember you’re not voting for the man or woman next door…

You’re voting for multi, multi-millionaires who talk a good game but are most interested in their own bottom lines.

Floyd’s Ready to Help You Get Filthy Rich

Look, it’s easy to get boiling mad at these examples of governmental greed and never-ending corporate handouts.

I was seething myself.

Especially in these volatile times when many Americans are struggling to put food on the table.

That being said, let’s face up to the facts. The mega-rich (whether companies or individuals) have always managed to rig the game in their favor.

We’re stuck with it.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t get payback and beat America’s Richest 1% at their own game!

Floyd Brown has found a nifty way to do just that, and post huge gains.

It’s a nearly foolproof strategy to make big money – right alongside these fat cats – in a position of ”absolute power.”

Luckily, he’s discovered a “backdoor” way for you to supercharge your portfolio at the exact same time Uncle Sam “repays” America’s Richest 1% for their extraordinary acts of financial kindness. (Or should I say “bribery”?)

Don’t worry. As I said before, the solution I’m presenting to you is 100% legal, but only a tiny cohort of investors know how to trigger it.

You’ve seen how lobbying generates a terrific ROI for American businesses, right?

Well, here’s the kicker.

Since lobbying is so extraordinarily effective for getting important legislation passed, that windfall often flows directly to the company’s bottom line – which, in turn, has a direct impact on its share price.

That’s where the rubber hits the road for ordinary folks like you and me.

Just imagine investing in companies whose lobbying activities are about to be richly rewarded just days or weeks later.

As this chart shows, you could be about 250% richer today.

I don’t know how much capital you have invested (if any at all), but for most folks, a 250% gain is a huge chunk of change.

In a minute, I’ll tell you how Floyd is ready to give you direct access to details concerning 1) who’s putting these lobbyists to work, and 2) how they stand to profit.

Think of finally having the opportunity to buy a beneficiary company’s stock in advance.

You’d be locked-in before the price has a chance to go ballistic.

Simple as that.

Well, Floyd is ready to give you direct access to his private research notes.

Imagine having D.C.’s Ultimate Insider – the guy who knows where these multimillion dollar “bets” are being placed – in your corner.

Now, it’s important for me to spell out, once and for all, that Floyd isn’t in the business of meddling in or sharing illegal, insider information.

What he does is unearth and keep track of information that, while publicly available, is noticed or understood by very few.

Thanks to his 35 years of experience on the Hill, Floyd can connect the dots in a way that others simply can’t. He has a knack for ID’ing these winners before Wall Street even gets a sniff.

That’s why I call him our “Beltway Mole.”

Here’s a snapshot of what he brings to the table…

Floyd Brown
Chief Political Analyst

Floyd boasts a lifetime of political involvement, ranging from political appointee in the Reagan campaigns and consultant to the Bush, Dole, and Forbes presidential campaigns… to his current role as the President of the Western Center for Journalism, a nonprofit dedicated to informing and equipping Americans who love freedom.

He was also the founding chairman of Citizens United, which – under his leadership – grew to be the largest conservative citizen advocacy group in America.

Floyd has appeared on many network and cable TV shows, including: ”The O’Reilly Factor,” the ”CBS Evening News,” ABC’s ”Primetime,” NBC’s ”The Today Show,” FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, and more. From 1995 until 2000, he hosted his own talk radio shows on Seattle’s KVI 570 AM.

Time Magazine wrote that Floyd ”has a stature among devoted conservatives that almost matches his physical heft (6 ft. 6 in. and 240 lbs.)” Floyd’s experience in and around Capitol Hill is practically unmatched, making his insights a “must read” for anyone searching for truthful political enlightenment.

Like Crime, Lobbying Really Does Pay…

No matter what you’ll say about them, our elected Senators and Congressmen wield tremendous power.

They can make or break a company with a single stroke of a pen.

It pays to make sure they have a “little birdie in their ear” humming the right notes.

It should be downright illegal!

But of course, very little changes in our nation’s capital. Washington’s K Street is still thronged with sharp-dressed, fast-talking salesmen.

How many lobbyists are there in Washington?

9,927 at last count, but these are only registered lobbyists. Beyond that, it quickly gets murky.

(Heck, they even changed their official title from “lobbyist” to “government relations professional” to hide their influence-peddling antics!)

Half of these professionals don’t even disclose what they’re up to.

Why? Floyd has his suspicions.

But consider this… D.C.’s lobbying community is thronged with “revolvers,” meaning they once worked inside government before “moving downtown.”

More than half of registered lobbyists used to work for Congress, the White House, or in Washington’s bloated bureaucracy.

Indeed, 50% of corporations now have an ex-politician on their Boards.

Lobbying pays handsomely, too. Peter Schweizer, President of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI), recently told FOX News that “Lobbying is now a lot more profitable than buying or creating a new good.”

Looks to me like a permanent political class enriching themselves at the expense of hard-working Americans.

At least you don’t have to sit back and take it anymore.

How Uncle Sam Helped Investors
Turn $5,000 into $136,000

History is chock-full of situations where the government helped a small company take off.

Consider Vanda Pharmaceuticals. In January 2009, Vanda was trading for about $0.55 per share.

Then, the government handed it a ”quasi-monopoly” by giving it the sole rights to produce and market a new schizophrenia drug.

What happened next? The company’s shares jumped to $15 in less than six months.

That’s an amazing 2,630% gain… good enough to turn a $5,000 investment into $136,500.

The same thing happened with Derma Sciences.

In January 2011, the company was trading for $4.55 per share. But after the government handed it exclusive rights to produce its Medihoney Gel, the stock bolted to $10.77.

Now, I know you missed those blockbusters. But all is not lost.

What if I offered you the chance to call “first dibs” on The Next Big Thing?

What if I said our “Beltway Mole” has his eye on an under-the-radar profit engine busily greasing the wheels in Washington, D.C.?

One with big plans and even bigger potential?

While I can’t promise a 3,000% increase, I’m confident you could expect to double or even triple your investment over the next 18 months.

Getting in now is key.

Introducing America’s Only Moneymaking
Publication Devoted Exclusively to Tracking
Political Intelligence…

Floyd Brown’s publication, Constitutional Wealth, is for any investor, patriot, democrat, republican, libertarian… or whoever else is ready to parlay politics into profits… just like the powerbrokers on Capitol Hill.

No, you don’t need a high-powered computer to enter orders each and every day. As a professional investment researcher, even I don’t have time for all that action.

And the profitable loopholes Floyd Brown exposes inside the pages of Constitutional Wealth aren’t limited to a few blocks along K Street.

He’s after “Major Money Moves,” no matter where he finds them in the nation’s capital.

In the short time Floyd has been publishing Constitutional Wealth, his model portfolio of stocks has been producing impressive returns.

As I write, Floyd enjoys an open track record of 16 wins and only 3 losses, including a steady stream of current winners like these:

+41.8% on an agile U.S. Dept. of Defense[6] contractor

+32.8% on a surprising silver[7] and gold[8] miner

+57.1% on one of America’s leading Energy Titans

+25.1% on a U.S. aerospace and security dynamo with worldwide interests

If you choose to follow Floyd, just 30 days from now you could be wondering how you ever managed your portfolio without the research and recommendations that come from our “Beltway Mole.”

After all, you never know when he’ll be targeting a devilishly effective – and 100% legal – loophole for major profits.

It could be a healthcare[9] innovator on the brink of a major announcement… a real estate[10] trust managing to stay out of the limelight… a major food or commodity powerhouse… or a hospitality giant posed to conquer a brand-new market.

Don’t worry. Floyd will tell you exactly what to say to your broker, what symbols to use, how much to pay, etc. That is, if you want to get in.

Speaking of his latest (and perhaps greatest) discovery…

Floyd’s #1 Blockbuster for the End of Summer

Remember I said that Floyd chases “Major Money Moves” wherever he finds them?

Well, they all have one thing in common.

All these opportunities must have one leg on the ground in Washington, D.C.

It could be on Capitol Hill… at the Pentagon… in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. You get the drift.

Here’s a perfect and timely example.

Lobbying firms are becoming increasingly tuned-in to one issue in particular: cyber security.

In 2008, there were 74 lobby firms involved in cyber security issues. In 2013, that number catapulted to 216.

High-profile attacks – like the data breach at Target in 2013 – have made cyber security a top priority for corporations across the country.

And today’s run-0f-the-mill cyber security platforms just aren’t cutting it.

Remember the “Heartbleed Bug” from earlier this year? Traditional antivirus programs were essentially useless at defending consumers against the vulnerability.

That’s because antivirus products only aim to prevent hackers from gaining access to your data. But it’s a losing battle, and Floyd knows it.

All hackers need is a bit of time, and they’re going to get in anyway.

That’s when Floyd spotted a game changer…

Its technology spots threats that have already breached a system’s defenses, and then takes action to minimize the damage.

This breakthrough is about to completely transform the $70-billion-a-year cyber security industry.

Based on this catalyst, Floyd just issued a “Strong Buy” on a certain company to readers of Constitutional Wealth.

It’s too good for you to miss out on.

So I’d like to rush you a brand-new special report to bring you fully up to speed on this lucrative opportunity that could go through the roof over the next 12-18 months.

If you’re after monster returns, I suggest you download Floyd’s special report today.

It’s guaranteed FREE to the first 750 responders.

The Top 7 Reasons
This Blockbuster is Ready to POP Now
•Reason #1: It’s heavily involved in battling the growing menace of cybercrime[11] around the world.
•Reason #2: It’s at the forefront in cloud storage and systems management solutions.
•Reason #3: 87% of its revenue is recurring. The company just has to maintain its product, and the checks will continue to roll in.
•Reason #4: Margins are very healthy, near 30%.
•Reason #5: It pays an outstanding dividend of $0.60 per share.
•Reason #6: Recently, the real growth has been in mobile security! It’s the wave of the future.
•Reason #7: Share price is temporarily depressed, which is why Floyd is convinced that share prices should easily double in the coming months, at the very least.

Move quickly!

I see your free special report as Step #1 of a profitable new journey.

Over the course of the year, Floyd will rip the lid off other brand-new profit opportunities, too.

In fact, over the course of an entire year, Floyd will typically release about 18 profit opportunities..

Meanwhile, I’ll bet no one else in your zip code has even caught on to these “Inside-the-Beltway” plays!

Claim your special report and get a risk-free trial today.

Heard of “Ransomware?”
You Will Soon…

Ready for a few sobering facts?

  1. cybersecurity: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/cybersecurity/
  2. hedge funds: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/hedge-funds/
  3. Ronald Reagan: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/ronald-reagan/
  4. Forbes: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/forbes/
  5. Time Warner: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/time-warner/
  6. Defense: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/defense/
  7. silver: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/silver/
  8. gold: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/gold/
  9. healthcare: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/healthcare/
  10. real estate: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/real-estate/
  11. cybercrime: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/cybercrime/

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2014/08/microblog-cybersecurtiy-stock-wsd-robert-williams/

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