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written by reader Celiac Disease and the Ubiquitous Gluten-Free Diet

By Michael Jorrin, "Doc Gumshoe", February 27, 2015

[ed. note: Michael Jorrin, who I like to call “Doc Gumshoe,” is a medical writer (not a doctor) who shares his thoughts with our readers a couple times a month. He does not generally cover investing topics, but I find his discussions of broader health issues interesting and useful. Enjoy!]

Doc Gumshoe would not be posting a piece about celiac disease if it weren’t for the fact that he (along with just about everybody else alive and breathing, in these parts at least) is daily assailed by offerings of gluten-free this and that. In our own town a cute little shop has sprung up to supply residents with gluten-free treats, and of course the grocery store has lots and lots of gluten-free items.

So what’s going on? Are there really that many people with celiac disease who require a gluten-free diet? Or is it something else?

As a jumping-off place into this potentially tricky quagmire, permit me to stake out my own basic position on this. I am not doing this because I wish to engage the proponents of the gluten-free diet – who are also likely to be partisans of managing health through diet, life-style adjustments, and supplements – in a protracted war of words. I have already, in a previous post, made it as clear as I could that the feud between advocates of mainline medicine and those of alternative health is mostly unnecessary and unproductive. At the same time, it’s also clear that there are fashions and trends in health, and some of them don’t make a whole lot of sense.

Here’s the Doc Gumshoe position in a nutshell:

• Celiac disease is a serious, potentially fatal medical condition, for which there is no known treatment other than the gluten-free diet.

• However, celiac disease is relatively uncommon, and lots of people without celiac disease have adopted the gluten-free diet based on the belief that it is somehow “healthy.” But this diet confers no benefit whatsoever on persons who do not have this condition – in fact, it is likely to bring significant and specific harms.

What, exactly, is celiac disease?

In normal digestion, the contents of the stomach pass into the small intestine, which is where almost all of the nutrient extraction takes place. In the stomach, whatever we ate has been churned up and subjected to an acid bath, and sugars have already been converted into glucose and absorbed into the circulation, and the resulting slurry descends into the small intestine. There, nutrients from this slurry are removed. The agents for this removal are called villi, plural of the Latin villus, meaning “tuft of hair. In effect, the mucosal lining of our small intestine is totally covered with these villi, which extract all manner of nutrients from the matter passing through.

In celiac disease, for reasons that are not totally understood, the villi atrophy. Instead of being covered with villi, the lining of the small intestine in persons with celiac disease are relatively smooth. This has a number of consequences, ranging from deficiencies in a number of nutrients to effects on the quality of the stool, which is now carrying matter that would, in the normal process of digestion, have been removed from the intestinal tract.

The symptoms of celiac disease arising from this can be mild or severe. Some individuals with mild or early stage disease may experience only fatigue or anemia. Diarrhea is common, and the character of the diarrhea is somewhat unusual: it is light-colored, greasy (because lipids have not been absorbed), voluminous, and evil-smelling. Severe pain, stomach cramps, and bloating may occur because of the volume of gas generated in the gut. As the disease progresses, individuals can become severely malnourished. Persons with untreated celiac disease appear to be at a higher risk for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and also risk of developing ulcers of the small intestine.

The nutrients in which persons with celiac disease may be deficient include carbohydrates and fats, several minerals (iron, calcium, and others), and several vitamins (A, B12, D, E, K, and folic acid).

And celiac disease symptoms are not limited to the digestive system. Celiac patients have a higher incidence of other autoimmune diseases including Type 1 diabetes mellitus and some skin diseases, as well as liver abnormalities and increased risk of infections.

The term “celiac disease” is singularly imprecise. “Celiac” means nothing more specific than “abdominal.” It is derived from the Greek κοιλιακός (koiliakós), “pertaining to the stomach cavity.” It used to be called “nontropical sprue” or “celiac sprue,” sprue being usually a tropical disease causing some symptoms similar to those in celiac disease.

In other words – to repeat myself – celiac disease is a serious and potentially fatal condition. The question immediately arises, what gives rise to this dadly disease?

How does celiac disease occur?

You notice that I am avoiding the word “cause.” The trigger has been confidently identified as gliadin, which is a gluten protein found in wheat. Some other grains such as barley, rye, and some wheat varieties such as durum and spelt, have similar gluten proteins. These gluten proteins react with an enzyme called tissue transglutaminase (tTG) which modifies the gluten protein such that it sets off an autoimmune reaction. The specific mechanism of this reaction at the cellular or molecular level is exceedingly complex, and there is debate as to which of the actors – the gliadin/gluten protein or the tTG enzyme – is responsible for the several manifestations of celiac disease. The T cells are involved, and it’s thought that these busy reservists in the immune army may be subverted to attack villi. Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is also involved, and along with tTG is considered a celiac disease marker.

However, to call gluten proteins the “cause” of celiac disease, as many commonly available sources do, is a considerable overstatement. I say this confidently, seeing that the great majority of the planet’s population consumes gluten without developing celiac disease. What makes gluten trigger celiac disease in a small minority while having no adverse effect at all on the majority is the question which much research is trying to answer. Favored candidates are a couple of variants of the HLA-DQ protein; most celiac patients have one or the other of those two. However, HLA-DQ cannot be said to be determinative, since up to a third of the general population has those genetic components and most of these people do not have celiac disease. Therefore, some additional factors must be involved.

Identifying the cause of celiac disease is a major part of the puzzle. Another part, perhaps with less impact on treatment, is figuring out why a genetic disposition to celiac disease has persisted in our species, since it is clearly the opposite of a survival characteristic. Consider for a moment the condition of lactose intolerance. This condition emerges gradually as infants are weaned; obviously, newborns cannot be lactose-intolerant or they would not survive. But as a child’s diet moves away from dependence on milk, the capacity to absorb lactose can diminish and disappear, and this happens very commonly in populations where milk products are not part of the normal adult diet. However, in populations, such as those in Europe where milk products early became essential parts of the diet, lactose intolerance was clearly an evolutionary albatross. Thus, in persons of mostly European descent, the prevalence of lactose intolerance is less than 5%, while in parts of Africa and Asia it approaches 100% in adults.

The same evolutionary pressures could apply to celiac disease; after all, humans have been consuming gluten-containing grains for 10,000 years or so. How can this potentially disabling genetic characteristic have been passed on? A possible answer is that celiac disease confers some as yet unidentified evolutionary advantage. An analogy might be the prevalence of sickle-cell anemia in some populations, particularly in central Africa. The explanation for this is that sickle-cell anemia confers protection against malaria; thus, it is a distinct survival advantage in regions where malaria is endemic. (We’ll see whether, as malaria comes increasingly under control, sickle-cell loses its evolutionary benefit and disappears – wait a thousand years or so.)

Is it possible that there is a similar connection between celiac disease and some unsuspected disease or condition that celiac disease protects against?

In any case, I can easily understand why even the remote possibility that eating gluten-containing foods could actually cause celiac disease would be of considerable concern. Whether this is a legitimate concern or not depends on the details, and here are some details.

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How common is celiac disease?

In a word, not common at all. Here are some data: First, a rigorous study done by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) in 2009-2010. This survey included 7,798 persons, median age 45. All had blood tests for IgA and tTG and were questioned about prior diagnoses of celiac disease and whether they were on a gluten-free diet. Based on this information, the prevalence of celiac disease in the US was estimated to be 0.71%, or 1 in 141 persons, similar to that in most European populations. Most of the individuals in the NHANES cohort who were found to have celiac disease according to these criteria were undiagnosed. However, the number of people on a gluten-free diet exceeded the number of diagnosed celiac disease patients by a factor of 10.

Depending on how celiac disease is defined, prevalence estimates vary. If we’re talking about diagnosed clinical disease, about 1 in 1750 persons are affected. If the marker is IgA / tTG in blood samples, the prevalence may be as much as 1 in 105 persons. Persons of African, Chinese, and Japanese descent rarely have celiac disease, and Hispanics seem to have a significantly lower incidence than people of European descent.

A question that the prevalence data pushes to the forefront is this: considering that the number of people with serologically-confirmed celiac disease is about 10 to 15 times greater than the number of people with clinically-confirmed celiac disease, does this not mean that there should be a focus on managing disease in individuals before clinical symptoms emerge? In other words, should all persons with elevated markers for celiac disease be on a gluten-free diet even if they have no clinical symptoms? And does this suggest that the entire population be screened for celiac disease?

Let’s look at the second question first.

Who should be screened for celiac disease?

Here are the recommendations, from the American College of Gastroenterology, as of May 2013:


  1. Patients with symptoms, signs, or laboratory evidence suggestive of malabsorption, such as chronic diarrhea with weight loss, steatorrhea, postprandial abdominal pain, and bloating, should be tested for CD. (Strong recommendation, high level of evidence)
  2. Patients with symptoms, signs, or laboratory evidence for which CD is a treatable cause should be considered for testing for CD. (Strong recommendation, moderate level of evidence)
  3. Patients with a first-degree family member who has a confirmed diagnosis of CD should be tested if they show possible signs or symptoms or laboratory evidence of CD. (Strong recommendation, high level of evidence)
  4. Consider testing of asymptomatic relatives with a first-degree family member who has a confirmed diagnosis of CD. (Conditional recommendation, high level of evidence)
  5. CD should be sought among the explanations for elevated serum aminotransferase levels when no other etiology is found. (Strong recommendation, high level of evidence)
  6. Patients with Type I diabetes mellitus (DM) should be tested for CD if there are any digestive symptoms, or signs, or laboratory evidence suggestive of CD. (Strong recommendation, high level of evidence)

The emphasis here is clearly on signs and symptoms, followed by laboratory evidence. The symptoms mentioned are the same as the ones we described earlier (steatorrhea is the technical term for the type of diarrhea mentioned above). The laboratory evidence is the presence of IgA and tTG in blood samples. Because of the possibility that first-degree relatives may be susceptible, they too are potentially candidates for screening. And, because of possible links with liver disorders, persons with elevated liver enzymes may be candidates for screening, as are persons with T1DM with suggestive symptoms. Testing for celiac disease includes upper endoscopy with biopsy of the duodenum, which is a tube connecting the stomach with the rest of the small intestine. This is not a routine procedure, and there has to be good reason for doing it; thus, the American College of Gastroenterology has stated its recommendations in such as way as to make it clear that there has to be reasonable suspicion of celiac disease before carrying out this procedure.

We should point out here that there is an immense difference between screening for celiac disease and screening for a number of cancers. The basic and essential difference is that if a patient with celiac disease symptoms initiates the gluten-free diet, the symptoms will resolve, and, what’s more important, the villi in the small intestine will re-grow. Celiac disease is not like cancer; it will not metastasize. There are certainly advantages is detecting it sooner rather than later and bringing it under control, but it’s not a race against the clock as it is with some cancers.

And as for the first question …

Should everyone with markers for celiac disease be on a gluten-free diet?

This is a hard question, no doubt about it. The gluten-free diet will almost certainly prevent the individual with markers for celiac disease from progressing to frank, symptomatic celiac disease. But if recommendations are followed, and this individual is diagnosed with celiac disease based on serologic screening and biopsies demonstrating changes in the villi lining the upper intestine, the gluten-free diet can be instituted and the individual will be restored to health. And that means not only the absence of symptoms, but also the absence of celiac markers from the blood.

In short, there should be no rush to put an asymptomatic person on a gluten-free diet.

The downside of the gluten-free diet

The question is, what do we consume instead of gluten? The usual substitute for wheat flour in food products is rice flour, and there are at least a couple of potential harms in swapping rice flour for wheat flour. One is that there is much less inherent flavor in foods made with rice flour (don’t get me wrong, I love rice, but it needs a good-tasting something served over it). So gluten-free products tend to have other stuff in them to enhance the flavor – most often sugar, but also fats and salt. Usually the gluten-free product will have more calories than the product it’s aiming to replace.

Another factor is that rice flour tends to contain traces of arsenic – not much, but enough so that if food products made with rice flour are a mainstay of your diet, you may be consuming too much arsenic. A 2014 study in Spain, reported in Consumer Reports in January, 2015, estimated that if a 165-pound man was on a diet in which rice-flour products regularly substituted for wheat-flour products, he would take in 247 micrograms of arsenic per week – about 10 times the maximum safe level. Is this cause for alarm? Probably not for most people, at least in the short term. In fact, fashionable ladies in past times used to take tiny amounts of arsenic because it was good for the complexion. We excrete arsenic extremely slowly, through the skin, hair, and fingernails, which (in the meantime) look terrific. So maybe the gluten-free diet will be attractive to girls seeking to be supermodels. But prolonged exposure even to low levels of arsenic can be harmful, and, on balance should be avoided.

“Gluten-free” has become one of those cheerful little phrases that I suspect manufacturers of food products attach to anything that they can think of in order to catch the attention of the health-conscious, whose numbers are legion. Of course, all the products that normally contain wheat flour – bread, pasta, cookies and crackers and muffins and bagels and and and … are now available in gluten-free versions. But one also sees all manner of products that would normally have no reason to contain gluten now being labelled as gluten-free – tomato sauce, salad dressing, potato chips, laundry detergent, makeup. “Gluten-free” has now, in the view of lots of people, become nothing more than a synonym for “healthy.” And, as such, it’s being employed by the marketing contingent in the same way that they use the word “green” whenever they mean to imply that whatever they’re pushing on us is energy efficient, environmentally sustainable, and morally admirable.

But how should the person with celiac disease go about following a gluten-free diet?

Ordinary common sense will steer him or her in the right direction, perhaps supplemented by the advice of a nutritionist. There are lots and lots of foods in the supermarket that are absolutely gluten free – the entire produce section, the fish counter, the meat aisle, the dairy department – none of those will have any gluten. Okay, maybe if you buy fish sticks that have already been breaded, or chicken pot pie, or pizza. But the celiac patient should not simply rely on the food products labelled gluten-free that have been prepared to look just like their non-gluten-free counterparts. More than anything else, it’s a matter of using (in the words of Miss Charlotte Truesdell, my 11th grade math teacher) the brains we were born with.

The “what do we do instead” factor

This applies not only to the gluten-free diet and to diet in general, but to many things we do in life. For example, my grandfather was advised by his wise physician to stop smoking. This was in Cuba (where I was born) and quite a long time ago, so it was perhaps an unusual recommendation. The old man was in the habit of lighting up as a reflex. Just to be doing something with his hands he would reach for a cigarillo and light up. The doctor told him to start carrying a walking stick, and if he had an impulse to fiddle with something, play with his walking stick. It seemed to work pretty well.

But what we do instead isn’t always quite so benign as playing with our walking sticks. The data in the USA these days is discouraging. When our fellow-citizens were advised to cut back on fats, what they ate instead was probably worse for their health than the fats they cut out. Consumption of carbohydrates and sugars has soared, from about a quarter of our total calories to more than a third, and in some groups, up to about 40%, with dire consequences for such diseases as Type 2 diabetes. Cut out sugary soft drinks? That’s a good start, but the data on artificially-sweetened soda pop is not cheerful. And I’ve noticed that when Alcoholics Anonymous meetings break up, a lot of the members light up as soon as they hit the sidewalk.

Fortunately, avoiding gluten, for those relatively few individuals who really must avoid gluten, doesn’t land us in a quandary. There are abundant other non-gluten carbohydrates, and the other food groups are, to adopt the chosen label, gluten-free.

Are there any possible options for celiac patients other than the gluten-free diet?

Not at present, but that doesn’t mean that the pharma outfits are sitting idle. One small biotech, ImmusanT, has completed Phase 1 studies of an agent that – if it proves effective – will permit persons with celiac disease to consume gluten-containing foods. The biotech has raised $12 million for Phase 2 proof-of-concept studies for its agent, which they have tentatively called NexVax2. GlaxoSmithKline and AbbVie are also in the hunt. So, even though celiac disease is relatively uncommon, if we go by a more-or-less 1% prevalence figure, that’s 3.5 million in the US alone, and plenty more elsewhere. Pharma is going to keep looking at ways to manage this disease, and, based on the great success in managing several other autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, I would expect progress.

* * * * * * *

In my last piece, I overlooked the FDA’s approval of Pfizer’s Ibrance (palbociclib), which happened on February 3, 2015, a couple of months ahead the expectations. This drug, an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6 (CDK4 & CDK6), is now approved to treat post-menopausal women with breast cancers that are estrogen-receptor responsive but not human epidermal growth factor 2 (HER2) responsive. CDK4 and CDK6 are active in promoting cancer cell division, and inhibiting their action is thought to be a promising avenue to the treatment of several other cancers. This is just another sign of the ferment of activity in cancer research that is going on in the pharmaceutical industry.

And Novartis’s panobinostat (Farydak) got FDA approval on February 23rd as treatment for multiple myeloma, a blood plasma disease that affects about 20,000 Americans annually and has a fatality rate of about 50%. The drug blocks some enzymes (histone and non-histone deacytilase enzymes, HDACs and DACs), that can foster the growth of cancer cells, and in a clinical trial in combination with two other drugs, it doubled survival from about 5 to about 10 months in patients who had failed two previous trials. As I said earlier, this hardly looks like great data, especially when considered in the light of the severe side effects that panibinostat can cause. But, as with all cancer clinical trials, modest success in the most difficult patients may be a harbinger of more clear-cut successes to come.



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March 2, 2015 11:42 am

Very in-depth article, but… I’ve never had celiac disease, but have had other autoimmune problems, and found that finally going completely grain-free handled them quite nicely. Gluten is just one type of lectin that many people are sensitive to.

(Keep in mind that Gundry is addressing his patients and the public on that blog, not doctors. He saves the medical nomenclature for other forums.)

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👍 689
March 2, 2015 12:01 pm
Reply to  Patricia

Wait a minute! Not sure where I got that “gluten is lectin” but they’re at least closely related:

No more of this commenting on one side of the screen while watching Bloomberg on the other, it’s too easy to generate errors while not paying full attention.

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👍 689
March 2, 2015 12:05 pm
Reply to  Patricia

Yes, celiac disease is rare. But wheat allergy is one of the most common food allergies, and “gluten-free” markings on packaging make it very convenient for people avoiding wheat. There are MANY salad dressings and other products that contain wheat in a disguised form (like “modified food starch”), so what is the harm in marking something “gluten-free” so that every consumer doesn’t have to stop and read the ingredients carefully, and then hope that there is not some trace amount of wheat that is in there under some other name? It certainly doesn’t cost the manufacturer any more to print those words on the label, and it’s a time-saver and safety factor for those who need the knowledge. There is a sort of reverse snobbery prevalent now, sneering at people who have gone gluten-free or wheat-free for various reasons. As the poster above says, many people with various auto-immune diseases have found that they feel better when they avoid gluten, whether it is from avoidance of a grain that they are allergic to, or whether it is in fact the gluten. One need not have celiac disease to appreciate manufacturer’s noting which products are safe for those who have difficulty with certain foods.

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George Ohanessian
George Ohanessian
March 4, 2015 4:59 am
Reply to  Drano

Agree with Drano. My partner’s mother has celiac disease, and as a result I’ve become more aware of the day to day problems for people with this disease. When we go out to dinner she has to grill the waiting staff with all sorts of questions about ingredients and additives used, she has become an expert in identifying innocent culprits, because a small amount ingested always has dire results. Often what might on face value seem to be gluten free, can often have gluten added as a by product , like soy sauce, icing sugar and baking powder to name a few. When you are out shopping it as a big help to have products marked accordingly.

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March 2, 2015 11:58 am

My two cents: Wheat and many simple carbs cause a large insulin response (seems to be a down side to that over time). Not good. Saturated fats have been demonized with little science to back up the attacks. I don’t eat wheat because of the insulin response (or almost any other simple carbs, especially sugar).
The nutrition “experts” are endless. Once again affirming to me, how little the scientific method is applied and how little the credentialed class knows.

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👍 18
David C.
David C.
March 2, 2015 11:59 am

Yes, I have gotten rid of wheat in my diet and I am finding digestion to be much better. I do miss the taste of gluten, but when I have gone back and tried it the results have not been good. I initially di an elimination diet for about 6 weeks. Then added it back in to see the results. I lost weight with out it and feel that my energy is much better. No more mid-afternoon slumps in energy. I also have mostly eliminated sugar and other sweeteners. I have lowered consumption of other carbs, although I worry some about brown rice, as mentioned in this article. I don’t eat the substitute foods that are advertised out there. I suggest interested folks should read Wheat Belly and Grain Brain. Modern gluten is much more complex that what our ancestors consumed. Those books are written by doctors who deal with this daily in the practices and have seen amazing results from the elimination of gluten and other high carb foods.

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March 2, 2015 4:05 pm
Reply to  David C.

I just received the book a few days ago and am looking forward to it.

March 3, 2015 12:55 pm
Reply to  David C.
March 3, 2015 1:06 pm
Reply to  balzy

Sounds like very good results from books you mentioned, but always interesting to hear another side. But then again, this doctor is also promoting a type of diet.

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March 3, 2015 5:52 pm
Reply to  balzy

Wow, Dr. McDougall has discredited himself first by comparing the Wheat Belly Diet to the Atkins Diet and if he had read the book ( apparently not) , Dr. Davies makes no mention of the Akins Diet and proposes a hefty diet of vegetables and fruit,, which was totally not mentioned in Dr. McDougall’s article. It’s unfortunate that articles like Dr. McDougall’s are construed to misinform readers.
There are far more studies showing successful results of eliminating gluten wheat from diets, than not and all results have found success from not only celiac, but many other autioimmune diseases. Replacing gluten with non-gluten products is not the answer. As our writer pointed out, much added chemicals and toxins are added to the non-gluten products that are just as bad. The problem in today’s world, there is very little in our food supply, especially processed foods, refined sugars, wheat, corn, dairy that isn’t GMO! The only way I found to eat healthy is Clean whole Foods that are non-GMO. Foods from nature, nitrate free lean animal protein, fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. I have been gluten and dairy free for 2 yrs and never felt better!

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Charles Reid
Charles Reid
March 2, 2015 12:01 pm

Too much emphasis on one disease, and not enough emphasis on the processing, additions and so called enhancements in foods of gluten have to do with neurological and endocrine disorders. Such limited view should be judged as such.

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March 2, 2015 12:15 pm

Nice column, Michael. Celiac disease is an eternally vexatious problem for those with Irish ancestry, and some have postulated that genes for hemochromatosis (a disorder of pathologic overabsorption and over-retention of iron) may have been selected for because of celiac disease. Anyone with iron deficiency anemia that cannot be otherwise explained needs definitive screening for celiac disease.

I wonder if celiac disease inadvertently first appeared in the 1001 Nights of Scheherazade. Unable to remember the code phrase “Open, sesame,” a character repeats “Barley, wheat, oats, rye!”

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👍 47658
March 2, 2015 6:10 pm
Reply to  DrKSSMDPhD

Good comments. I am diagnosed as Celiac. However, I was not found to have the disorder until I was about 55. Prior to that I was told I had “Nervous stomach”. My mother died anemic and at her death was found to have Celiac disease. Personally, i find glutens and lectins to be very difficult for me. Over 50 years ago I was repeatedly exposed to Agent Orange. Since I did not have boot on the ground in Viet Nam the VA seems reluctant to discuss the issue. If anyone has research on the issue of AO possibly aggravating and/or mimicking Celiac I would love to learn of it.

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March 2, 2015 12:16 pm

This makes me think of “If I can’t see it, it’s not there”
How long did it take to convince people of tobacco health issues? Vascular, pulmonary, skin, bones, you name it and there is a problem with tobacco…psych excluded.
People who are gluten sensitive and get off gluten can show improvement in how they feel.
My own eye opener was not gluten but my HDL which after years of being in the high 30s to low 40s went to 75 to 80 after going on a low carb diet. My HDL has been above 75 for a few years now, CRP is undetectable, TGs are around 45 (they used to be 150-200)
I have followed my lipids for years because 26 years ago I had an MI, so for over 20 years I tried raising my HDL without success until I went low carb.
Will this help? I don’t know, but my lipid ratios and CRP are good, so I’ll continue with low carb.
Gluten sensitive people if they feel better, they know to avoid the stuff.
Many people have no issues with gluten, carbs, lipids and for them it probably is not an issue.
Anyways, if you can’t see it does not mean it’s not there.

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March 2, 2015 12:21 pm

Fair disclosure: I am not a Dr. either.

But…It is commonly known by nutrition enthusiasts that the reason to avoid gluten has nothing to do with the relatively small segment of population suffering from Celiac disease. The reason we ALL want to avoid grains and gluten is its inflammatory effect and blood sugar/insulin/fat implications. Implying that only Celiac’s need worry about gluten is both ignorant and irresponsible. Next time in addition to researching studies and media funded by big Ag, see other data points such as Dr. William Davis’ book “Wheat Belly.” Or see this interview for some cliff notes

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March 3, 2015 7:36 pm
Reply to  scott

The point Mr. Jorrin was trying to make about foods labeled ‘gluten free’ is that they substitute the lost flavor with sugars, fats and other non-healthy ingredients (like sodium) which, unless you are actually suffering from CD, you end up worse off. I’m all in favor of reducing carbs & sugars especially from processed foods, but you do not need to eliminate them completely nor does that elimination mean going ‘gluten free’ unless you really do have CD. As for feeling better by not eating products with gluten, hey, whatever works even if it is a placebo effect.

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John Monguillot
John Monguillot
March 2, 2015 12:28 pm

As a homebrewer, my “gluten sensitive” wife can tolerate beer if treated with Clarity Ferm before drinking, preferably before fermenting, but we’ve been successful using it on draft and bottled beers on occasion.

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March 2, 2015 12:29 pm

More than 20 years I have suffered from pain in my knees, which felt like inflammation. Trips to many doctors, including physiotherapists told me that nothing really helped. I kept having severe pain when walking down stairs. Doctors told me that I had arthritis symptoms. Once inflammation started in some of the joint in my hands and elbows, I looked into other alternative solutions. About five years ago my daughter told me that she had read that gluten may have a relationship with inflammation of joints. I tried to eliminate gluten from my diet. Of wonder! 6 months after I started the gluten free diet I was w/o joint pain. Amazing! I do not know what the exact reason is but “Gluten Free” works for me. I am now completely w/o joint pain. When eating gluten during a few meals in a row, I feel the symptoms of inflammation starting again. So just eating gluten free is the solution for me. I can recommend to try it out if you have similar problems.

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Roman Richardson
Roman Richardson
March 2, 2015 12:39 pm

Hang on a minute… you go from the very strong statement of “But this diet confers no benefit whatsoever on persons who do not have this condition – in fact, it is likely to bring significant and specific harms.”, and then say the only harm is that people might eat gluten substitute foods that contain rice flour? That’s your big damning point?

You have neither proven that a gluten free diet has no benefit to those without Celiac disease, which is demonstrably false given the wealth of research into gluten sensitivity, nor have you proven the “significant and specific harms” of a gluten free diet. Your entire argument against a GF diet appears to be an argument against rice flour; which is a completely different argument. To argue against something because someone might do something else instead is absurd.

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March 3, 2015 7:39 pm

Not what he said. Rice flour was an example of a substitute. Fats and sugar are often used as flavor enhancers in ‘gluten-free’ foods.

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D McCullam
D McCullam
March 2, 2015 12:41 pm

Stop eating wheat, rye and barley and you’ll lose weight and keep it off.

Valerie Robertson
Valerie Robertson
March 2, 2015 1:51 pm
Reply to  D McCullam

No, you won’t automagically lose weight and keep it off.

*I do have celiac disease* (thanks, mom), diagnosed by blood test–if your glutenin and gliadin intestinal antibodies show up in blood drawn from your arm at 10x max normal levels, you don’t need no stinking biopsy, or so my internist said.

I’ve been on a gluten-free diet for nine years. Haven’t lost a damn pound as a result.

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Janet S.
Janet S.
March 2, 2015 12:48 pm

I don’t have celiac disease. However, I went gluten free to see if it would improve my overall health. Well, my frequent migraines markedly decreased in frequency and intensity on a gluten free diet. The few times I risked eating foods “tainted” by wheat flour (fries cooked in a deep fryer where breaded food items had also been cooked), I had a whopper of a migraine.

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March 2, 2015 12:54 pm

There is a simple finger tip one drop blood test for celiac disease. It’s produced and patented by a Finnish company Biohit. I took the test last summer and it was not expensive. But I don’t know whether it is available in the U.S.
Here is the link:

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March 2, 2015 2:34 pm
Reply to  Pia

Not true. The only credible diagnostic test for celiac disease is upper GI endoscopy with small bowel biopsy.

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👍 47658
March 9, 2015 5:08 pm
Reply to  DrKSSMDPhD

Wow! You just lost my trust, doc KSS.
I trust the published studies and open research protocol that the company uses.

Bob Burwood
Bob Burwood
March 2, 2015 1:20 pm

Hi I find if I come off carbs I stop using anti acid tablets. As they are sold by the ton many others must also suffer food intolerance. It is hard to identify which item is worst. I met a lady about 28 years ago who had gone through investigative surgery before they found out she was a Celiac. For roughage I use ground Flaxseed or Linseed, as we call it in the UK.

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March 2, 2015 1:32 pm

Since the article is entitled, “Celiac Disease and the Ubiquitous Gluten-Free Diet,” I didn’t find it disturbing that the article focused on that topic. What Michael Jorrin does say is that GF diet has reached fad levels exploited by marketers (I saw gluten-free meat in the store this week). He did not deny the existence of wheat allergies. I don’t think he said that over-consumption of carbs and simple sugars does not lead to obesity or will not affect cholesterol levels. Nor did he mention by name the placebo effect, which often taints our views of dietary changes. Given that we cannot clone ourselves to create a control group, we sometimes have to rely on very subjective conclusions based on the dietary experiments we perform on ourselves.
Say I go to dinner with a friend who says, “I’ll pass on the oysters – I’m allergic to shellfish.” I am not going to think, “I’ll quit eating shellfish, too, then I’ll feel better.” There must be some of this kind of thinking going on, considering the ubiquity of GF products. Incidentally, I neither claim nor mean to imply that the posters above don’t have legitimate health reasons for their dietary choices.

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👍 4
March 2, 2015 1:33 pm

5’10”, 205 lbs. Sleep apnea, High blood pressure with 2 different prescriptions, high cholesterol. That was almost 3 years ago. Cut out most carbs, all grain and sugar (Wheat Belly). Lost 55 lbs, no more high blood pressure meds, no more apnea, cholesterol is fine, and went from a 38 inch waist to 32. No exercising. I don’t necessarily call this gluten free, as most of the stuff sold this way is junk, but I do avoid gluten. Shop the perimeter of your grocery store. Produce, meat. If I get a craving to go back, I’ll take a little trip to Wal-Mart and take a look around. Look at their carts, and look at them. No thanks. Been there.

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March 3, 2015 4:52 pm
Reply to  Thomas

Congratulations! I am in week 2 of my low carb, no gluten diet with the hope of reducing my blood pressure and cholesterol. It is still early days to be looking for results but So far I have noticed that I don’t feel bloated as I used to before(I sit at my desk for 8 hours a day).

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March 2, 2015 1:51 pm

Well, one of the major problems with consuming wheat, not just glutin, is that the wheat berries need to be soaked in a mildly acidic solution before use in cooking. Many commercial interests have failed to employ this practice. So, this is one cause of why people can not tolerate some of these food products. Secondly, people avoid wheat and its glutin because it has a tendency to quickly pack on the pounds. Hybridized wheat and high fructose corn syrup are pretty much responsible for obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and heart disease all four. Get rid of the sugar and carb loading and go back to eating more saturated fats, and amazingly people find that they lose weight and their health returns. Plus, since there is no such thing as an essential carb, it really begs the question of why the medical community was pushing people off saturated fats to consume more carbs in the first place? It’s like they knew it would make people sick, which is essential to the bottom line of any doctor’s medical practice. Doctor’s need patients to continue making boatloads of money. Funny, so do pharmasutical companies. It really makes one wonder how far we can truly trust doctors and drug companies, when their profits depend on keeping people sick.

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March 2, 2015 7:18 pm
Reply to  Corey

we all need to put ”bread” on the table, even big pharma and their sheep (doctors)

David C.
David C.
March 2, 2015 1:57 pm

I saw the documentary Fed Up this weekend. It goes into the crazy relationship between the obesity epidemic and the food industry, which has so much power in Washington they can dictate what guidelines are considered for dietary changes. So much so, they have eliminated stuff unfavorable to the soft drink industry (sugar too). Someday we will look look on all of this like the tobacco industry in earlier times. crazy stuff!

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March 2, 2015 1:59 pm

It is not the doctors it is the schooling it seems.
It seems that diet and nutrition are generally not something that many doctors feel is related to health issues. Very odd indeed.
Grain Brain and Wheat Belly are great books that explain it very well. I lost my belly in 3 weeks just by stopping bread/grains and sugar. Not easy to always do but it works.


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👍 222
March 2, 2015 2:06 pm

Your evolutionary explanation is a pile of bull!!!!

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