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written by reader Storage of Electricity – #Batteries & BIG image

By SoGiAm, July 29, 2016

This discussion provides the current and future of of Li, G, NAM; H2O and more…
After Fukushima REBECCA JOHNSON 24 March 2011

LONG TSX-V: GGG $0.25 OTCQB: $GPHBF $0.19, July 28, 2016 Graphene 3D Lab Introduces New Type of Single Layer Graphene Material:

$GLFN – and #Gummune

Author: arch1 Comment: New development for battery research to make electric vehicles practical and cost competitive…
Best2You ~ Benjamin @H0U3

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January 20, 2018 11:00 pm

For info of all… you may know that batteries have an anode and a cathode, plus or minus pole’s and usually a solid rod, plate, case etc.
In the Vanadium flow battery the fluid is functionally both anode and cathode in two separate tanks. As the tanks can be as large as you want they can have almost limitless size,,, in theory,but not in practice. You can have multiple modules to store as much power as is available. Remember that most of the life is spent idle so not giving return on investment during that time.

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👍 7797
January 20, 2018 11:04 pm

Breaking Sneak preview of new VW Bug EV……

comment image

Just joking,,, it is the weekend, enjoy it.

👍 7797
January 21, 2018 3:48 pm

Provisional outlook in battery sector

I am new in this sector and have until last week kept my focus on commodity materials needed in batteries and electric power. Thus my picks have up to now been miners or prospectors, mostly in copper, cobalt, nickel, and PGMs. I have small speculations in graphite and an incidental exposure to zinc. I have consciously stayed out of lithium and manganese.

My outlook changed with the Tony Seba disruption video. As a result of it I became convinced of the importance of solar power and battery storage. Accordingly, I started some superficial research into these sectors, and I have became convinced that we are entering a period of very rapid disruption in solar and flow batteries.
IMPRESSIONS AND OPINIONS. the next five years. Other opinions welcome.

VRB I think that vanadium redox (VRB) will have explosive growth, and because of the supply profile I am persuaded that vanadium will present good opportunities on a commodity basis.

ZINC…I think zinc based batteries may have a good future as a secondary format, but they will not dominate. Zinc as a commodity will not be strongly affected by trends in battery storage.

OTHER STORAGE FORMATS…other formats or a new format can succeed, but will be unlikely to gain dominance within the time frame I am considering.
For example, BYD has a proprietary ferro-phosphate battery and it is successful; but it will not become widely used except for BYD installations.

SOLAR CELLS…many types of solar cells are under development but none appear in a position to supplant silicon-based formates in the near future. There are many niche formulations, and solar cells are a target of much research. But there is nothing poised to disrupt silicon cell that I can see, thayt presents a compelling investment case.

I exclude big caps; I am looking for a small cap that will morph into a big cap.

VRB…there are not many avenues available to a public investor to pursue.
Most are private or have gone bankrupt.

ZINC…same situation as VRB.


SOLAR CELLS…even worse. very poor raw material opportunities, and most of the innovators are farther away from commercial application than the storage innovators. In my opinion the best opportunity to keep an eye out for will be some development that improves the performance of the base silicon material.


1. $SPNRF $SRI Sparton…long…fully discussed prior to this post. Sparton is a VRB speculation and also secondarily a vanadium commodity speculation. There are some clear risks that have been called out.

2. $MGXMF MGX Minerals…will go long next week…this is a project developer with a clear focus in energy that has acquired one of the private flow makers ZincNyx.
While I would prefer VRB, it is my opinion that other formats can succeed, as long as the price quoted on projects to clients is competitive.

MGX has other attributes that I find attractive as a mining prospect generator. They are in mine waste recycling and mineral extraction from oil and petro; and they give me some participation in lithium and magnesium. They are also the first miner I have ever heard discussing silicon. But these are secondary considerations to the ZincNyx acquisition, which to me shows great foresight and strategy, and has large and immediate commercial potential.

3. $RFX Redflow…no opinion, no position. Zinc format. They have suffered some recent setbacks in the retail market on account of costs. At least they are public.

4. $ESNC Ensync…no opinion but interested. They are in control and monitoring technoilogy in addition to batteries.

No other targets under consideration at the moment. I will consider big caps as we go along, but I am not ready to invest in the likes of Tesla, Google, Panasonic, or BYD.
I suggest we consider keeping focus on public stock opportunites, or on technologies that have a reasonable chance of market penetration within five years.
From what I can see, this would mean vanadium flow, zinc flow, or other technologies that are able to compete on costs in the very near future, such as the ferro-phosphate technology at BYD.

Ben is the moderator of this thread, for which I thank him, so it is for him to impose guidelines if he sees fit.

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👍 9968
January 21, 2018 5:16 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

MGX Minerals Ticker: $XMG.T also trades warrants.

XMG.WT inc wts
began trading Sept/2016 – offer is to purchase 1 share at .20 until Sept/2018- currently $1.38 + .20 is $1.58 below Fridays close of MGX at $1.75. (??)

XMG.WT.A inc wts
began trading Sept/2017 at $.90 – offer is to purchase 1 share at $1.15 up to May/2019

My brain hurts….but I really want to learn from this.

I’m not sure how warrants expire but I am thinking very similar to a call option. The warrants would have an expired date; a time frame to exchange for a certain amount of XMG stock? or expire worthless if the stock is below the purchase price of the wt and the current share price.

Is this helpful?

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👍 1303
January 21, 2018 5:48 pm
Reply to  Lulu

Yes, it is helpful to know this.

Warrants are somewhat like options, they give the holder the right to buy stock at a fixed price. Usually they have expiration dates that are longer than a typical option.

the present case we can expect all the warrants to be exercised before expiration as long as MGX stays above the warrant strike price.

And we can expect a substantial portion of the stock from them to be sold rather quickly on the open market.

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January 21, 2018 4:34 pm

Second Post Re: conference in Vancouver;
HN – if I may.
In my humble opinion:
There is another conference which may be of more value. It is put on by Micheal Campbell from “Money Talks, Vancouver”. Martin Armstrong from Armstrong Economics is a key speaker. One is able to purchase a complete video rather than attending, very reasonable considering the costs of actually attending…..the negative to that the video is not released until 48 hours.
2018 World Outlook Financial Conferences – Vancouver, BC Canada

I wonder if we could benefit from the video ( which we may not know whether it is shareable until it arrives in my in-box) . I intended to ‘order it’ and since I really want to be able to contribute more, I would do my best to share…….

The conference could be very worthy not just for mines/metals/minerals etc but the disruption thesis.

Fellow Gummies…would you please review the link below and tell me what you think of the list of attendees and if worthy? It would help solidify my decision to order the video and contribute more.
Thank you Lulu

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👍 1303
January 21, 2018 8:56 pm

I haven’t seen this article on here yet that I remember on MGX. Says some things on new to me minerals or elements that MGX has..Tantalum and Spodumene. First the article from Stockhouse… Then Tantalum uses and other info from Google ( Click the questions under the People Also Ask header )….0…1.1.64.psy-ab..1.11.1583.0..0j46j0i131k1j0i46k1.96.9SJb43bie-M And now Spodumene ..

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👍 709
January 23, 2018 1:53 am
Reply to  Cowboy

Cowboy – Et-all, a few moons ago, Mike Kennedy referred us to the value of reports penned and offered by Kees Dekker….some Gummies will have subscribed to his report letters. I subscribed and as he encourages comments, discussion or questions and as he recently presented a report on Cameco, I emailed him about ‘disruptive opportunities and Tony Seba’s U-tube video’ re: uranium. I heard back from Kees and he is in N eastern Mozambique regarding visiting sites for Ta-Li-pegmatites – and I learned………
(“- a pegmatite is an intrusive rock. It is the last leftover of a bigger intrusion in which the volatiles have concentrated as being less prone to crystallise: water, fluorite, chlorite vapours. Because of the high volatile content the crystals that eventually are formed are very large, sometimes huge. In the last remnant of the melt certain elements can be highly concentrated: lithium, tantalum, tin, tungsten. Pegmatites are also know to be the rocks in which certain gemstones are found: the beryls (aquamarine, heliodore, morganite), topaz, tourmaline, etc. Where I am now, Marropino, some of the best morganite is found”) …….
and I am lost without translation.
Anyway, I thought it was interesting and I am hopeful Kees will join us here. If anyone else has subscribed to his reports, perhaps you will invite and encourage him to join us here as well.


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👍 1303
January 23, 2018 11:29 pm
Reply to  Lulu

Thanks LuLu. Sounds like something I need to do. Subscribe to Kees and invite him here too. Ha ! Pain drugs workin tonite…Cowboy

👍 709
January 21, 2018 11:47 pm

VRB patents…fromProfessor Wiki

” The first successful… all-vanadium redox flow battery which employed vanadium in a solution of sulfuric acid in each half was… at the University of New South Wales in the 1980s [using] sulfuric acid electrolytes, and was patented by the University of New South Wales in Australia in 1986.”

The patents may not be used in the current VRB’s, but it is interesting that the first
breakthrough was in New South Wales. That’s Clean Teq territory. What an amazing coincidence.

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👍 9968
January 22, 2018 12:08 am

VRB exploding in front of us. One company has 30 projects under construction in China. Pu Neng is mentioned.

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January 22, 2018 12:38 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I saw that in another link pretty impressive and all the batteries are coming out of one factory. I don’t think most Americans have a clue as to what is going on in other countries, and as long as electricity is cheap and unrestricted won’t bother to know. Our electrical grid needs updating so it will be interesting to see what PNNL may come up with in their studies. I hoping PNNL recommends a more distributed grid i.e. local storage batteries. If a EMF attack was on the military mind. Then some part of the grid might survive if it was distributed.

👍 3700
January 22, 2018 2:08 am
Reply to  Griffin

Griffin You are on target as to local grid hardening. Long distance high voltage transmission towers and lines are extremely vulnerable. There have already been small efforts that have brought them down by physically felling the towers, in Or and CA in remote areas.
Only practical hardening will be done in local discrete units to survive instead of losing entire grid. Compartmentalization.
More smaller generating facilities,,, Wind, Solar, NG or Nuke with local storage to even out instead of using OR/WA power to satisfy CA summer demand. California has been getting rid of everything but solar so that may change.
A lot of $$$$$$ will be needed,,,, and spent.
Increasing demand from EV but even larger from Internet.
Bitcoin alone uses huge amounts of power.
Grid Capacity will need to more than double to meet near term expectations in US.
Eventual EMP is near certain from solar ejecta in future .
Even if military try never happens.

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January 22, 2018 11:57 am

Battery Sector… Portfolio Actions

Went long $MGX, nearly a full position.

$SPNRF, full position, but cancelled some good-til-cancelled oders that would put me overweight. Still trying to untangle the mini-hairball, not willing to put any more in until I understand the corporate assets and Sparton-Vstar relationship a little better.

$TECK…no action pending a more reasonable stock price. On account of their diversity and interest in Zincnix, conversation on Teck could be on three threads: the Hard Asset thread, the Clean Teq thread, or this thread on batteries.

I’ll worry about that if and when I go long; but clearly discussion of ZincNix
belongs on the battery thread.

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👍 9968
January 22, 2018 8:45 pm

No ticker/ perhaps for $INV.T Ivanhoe – Further disruption theory Re: Africa supported by China. $$ and infrastructure.

Not to add another brain drain …. please tell me if I’m out to lunch.

I received this video report from LaRochePAC today. It reminds me of the ‘disruption post from Tony Seba’ but in a different way:

Extending the silk road to West Asia and Africa. It is a new vision of Africa, rather than viewing it as a continent of need or for looting but rather to view Africa as a continent of opportunity. The Chinese don’t view Africa as a problem and have huge plans for Africa…..I think it is well worth a listen. I wonder how RF and Ivanhoe fit into the scheme of this. You can skip to up to the 9 minute mark you are time constrained.

thanks Lulu

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👍 1303
January 22, 2018 11:40 pm

Found this tonight. A couple years old article on another U.S. VRB builder that I didn’t know about and we could invest in, but it is probably a small overall percentage of their business…UTX… Which led me here… They have several Hi Powered Partners, like..United Technologies, 3-M, and Siemens. But again…It’s private….. Cowboy

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👍 709
January 23, 2018 8:55 am
Reply to  Cowboy

Cowboy…the fact that such a high percentage of them are private strengthens my conviction on the opportunity in the sector. They all see a huge wave coming and do not want to sell out until it is cresting. They believe that big opportunity is coming, so they hang onto the companies for now without pesky shareholders.

👍 9968
👍 11604
January 23, 2018 12:06 pm
Reply to  SoGiAm
👍 709
February 2, 2018 10:25 am
Reply to  Cowboy

Now that’s pretty cool, and with LOTS of links to check out!
Good one Cowboy.

👍 1073
January 23, 2018 8:43 am

$MGX np Very interested here after reading everyone’s excellent input. It seems they are in a big time promotion phase right now with a number of announcements, this piece by Mining Marketwatch Journal, etc.

Maybe I’m way off here, but I’m wondering if waiting until things cool off here and the marketing pitch slows down to buy in might not be a good idea.

You never know how it’s going to go, so the safest thing is just to jump in, but I might just sit out and watch this a little and see if I can’t get a better entry point. No investing advice intended and may likely backfire, but just thinking out loud here.

👍 976
January 24, 2018 6:40 pm
Reply to  niizajim

Miiz–No way to know, though usually these stocks do not go straight up.

The flurry of announcements was very noticeable. These things do not happen by chance. And we do not know if the flurry is over, there might be more.

I am pretty quick and impatient when going in, so I am not a very objective commentator on entries. In the case of MGX, I was influenced by Tony Seba’s
demonstration of the increasing speed of adoption, and I felt I was already several months late.

👍 9968
January 24, 2018 10:35 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Actually I wrote this post a couple of days ago. For some reason, it got stuck in moderation. And, I didn’t follow my own advice. Bought in after rereading that write-up on MGX by marketwatch was it? Anyway, I paid top dollar and if I would have waited, I could have gotten it for about $.20 cheaper per share. Oh well. Now long $MGXMF with a starter position.

👍 976
👍 11604
January 25, 2018 8:19 am
Reply to  SoGiAm

I have started laddering more to reduce the impact of poor entries. Trouble is the transaction costs and bid/ask spreads can be expensive.
So on a lot of the penny stocks, it is just a two-step phase in for me.

One good thing, I have to have pretty high confidence becasue the size of the buys must be high enough to offest the transaction “friction”, and also the position has to be big enough to have an impact on my portfolio if the pick is a winner. Unless the pick engenders that degree of confidence,
I feel discomfort with the requisite investment capital required to be efficient.

👍 9968
👍 11604
January 23, 2018 11:13 am

AMYZF, AAPL, TSLA…SA article today on battery recycling… ….Cowboy

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👍 709
January 23, 2018 12:38 pm
👍 709
January 23, 2018 6:08 pm

Complete powergrid timeshifting would be possible by the end of the 2030s. Good article on future Battery capacity needs… …. Cowboy

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January 23, 2018 6:19 pm

I wrote a post this morning that seems to have gotten stuck in moderation. Can’t figure out why though. There are no links or anything in the post.

$MGX I didn’t listen to my own advice and decided that I should just get in. Well, should have listened and waited a bit. Oh well, now long $MGX. Should be fine in the long run.

👍 976
January 23, 2018 6:59 pm

$No ticker
Here’s a link to a Livewire article on Getting Exposure to Electric Cars. The thing I found most interesting was the only Cobalt stock mentioned was CleanTeq.

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👍 846
January 23, 2018 9:10 pm

VRB and $SRI $SPNRF Sparton Resources…Gummie Ashton has made an important post on the Clean Teq thread. Recommended for anyone interested in VRB or vanadium.

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👍 9968
👍 11604
January 24, 2018 11:26 am

$MGXMF – MGX Minerals Announces 1.79% Li 186ppm Ta Over 6m at Case Lake Lithium, Ontario

Like niizajim I’m looking to add and waiting till MGX settles from drill results announcement and gummie bounce on Monday.. Here’s another drill results announcement. 🙁

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👍 3700
January 24, 2018 11:09 pm
Reply to  Griffin

Wish I had waited. I didn’t follow my own advice! Now long $MGXMF and under water, but not worried.

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👍 976
January 24, 2018 1:58 pm

$FYI – Runaway 53GW Solar Boom in China Pushed Global Clean Energy Investment Ahead in 2017

This isn’t just about China it is a good picture of the global investments in energy.

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👍 3700

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