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written by reader Gold and Silver and Hard Assets after Trump’s Inauguration…2017

By hendrixnuzzles, January 23, 2017

This thread is a continuation of several threads posted previously by the author on gold and silver and hard asset investments. I am still a believer in hard assets. I also believe we are entering a period of inflation with continued dollar devaluation, higher interest rates, and a sluggish economy with chaotic dislocations. I believe there will be a lot of uncertainty and high volatility.

PURPOSE My intent is to find and discuss good mining and commodity ideas. Gold and silver remain a focus, but I want to achieve a more balanced approach still based on tangible commodities.

STEEL and IRON ORE…I believe Trump’s programs will benefit iron ore and steel. Stocks in this sector have been beaten down terribly but are rebounding. I am long VALE, a Brazilian company which is the world’s largest iron ore producer. I have been long Arcelor Mittal but do not have a position at the moment. Anybody know anything about cement and asphalt ?
COPPER, ZINC, PGM METALS…My very best conviction stock is Ivanhoe Mines IVPAF. I am completely comfortable with a large single position in IVPAF to cover these metals. However other investors may be uncomfortable with a small cap in sub-Saharan Africa. So I think it is beneficial to introduce other names even though I myself am not interested. Rio Tinto, Freeport-McMoran, Teck, Turquoise Hill, BHP and others come to mind. Travis, our host, is long Altius Minerals, and I have been also.
URANIUM…I’m bullish but the choices seem pretty limited. My top three investment-grade choices are Cameco first, then Cameco second, or my third pick would be Cameco. After that, you are speculating on small caps, or buying ETFS or funds comprised of Cameco and some small caps. At the moment, I am long Cameco and UEC.
LITHIUM…I am considering a long position in lithium. I have nothing to recommend at the moment, although I am strongly considering Galaxy, an Australian company. And I like Neometals, also an Australian, but it is difficult to get from my broker, who hates it when I want to buy obscure 50 cent companies on small foreign exchanges. If anybody’s got a great battery play, I am interested.
POTASH/FERTILIZER…very interested but they all seem pretty expensive. There has been consolidation but I have considered Agrium, Mosaic, and there is a German company whose name I forget at the moment (K&D? K&S?).
OIL AND GAS…I would like some very good conviction picks accompanied by strong reasons and decent research. This field is so big, we could get completely lost just tossing names around. I am somewhat worried about price weakness in the energy sector but feel that it is worthwhile to develop a point of view on a few companies. I have little experience although I made very good money in the past on XOM and CVX. Currently I would be interested in pipelines, LNG, or any other sector that someone knows something about. In natgas I like OGZPY.
SOLAR and WIND…really not too interested. The results depend too much on politics, the time frames seem too long. But I am not completely closed-minded on it if you have conviction on something.
COAL…same opinion as solar and wind, but the prices are low and depressed instead of hyped and high-flying. I am still stuck with some defaulted Arch Coal bonds that my financial advisor recommended. They went to ZERO. Now they are worth a Starbucks latte and a pastry. And no espresso shot in the latte, either.
AGRICULTURE…very interested. A large sector but really not too many choices if you rule out futures, like I do. I have a few obscure favorites, but no positions at present:
WHGPY (Chinese pork processor who bought Smithfield)
LAND (Gladstone Land, California farmland)
INCPY (Input Capital, a Canadian canola, streaming model).
Open to more conventional picks like ADM and DBA.
GOLD AND SILVER…my picks have been discussed at length previously. I follow these pretty closely. I am long royalty/streamers SAND, FNV, SLW, and OR; miners PVG, MAG; developers SA, CLASF, MRDCF, BALMF, KNTNF, and LXVMF; and I own PSLV and physical bullion. I swing trade big caps ABX and NEM.
DISCLOSURES. I am a retired executive and an amateur investor. I like both fundamental and technical analysis. I am a medium-term to long-term position player and prefer to discuss stock investment in that context. Please no minute-by-minute reports that oil is now 52.50 down 10 cents and the Iranians may suspend Ramadan next week so you are going long until the afternoon bell.

I am not an expert in any of the commodities discussed nor am I qualified to give advice.
Everyone makes mistakes and I make more than my share.Sometimes I change my mind.

When I post, I express my opinions and my positions. These are just that…they are my opinions and my positions. They are not advice or recommendations, which I remind you I am unqualified to make.

Opinions and positions are subject to change at any moment. That is quite unlike the pig-headed and foolish political convictions everybody carries around adamantly, and which change only rarely for unpredictable reasons that have nothing to do with logical thought or reasoned discussion.
Because of this, political developments can be introduced on this thread only when they have a clear bearing on the commodities or companies under discussion.

You are responsible for your decisions, and I am responsible for mine. Caveat emptor.

I would like to operate in a friendly, honest, and constructive atmosphere.
As thread moderator I reserve to myself the role of referee, censor, arbiter, and Grand Poobah, subject to the over-arching authority of Travis, who owns the site and who has on occasion exercised his right to ruthlessly censor and suppress my radical blatherings.

This is a discussion topic or guest posting submitted by a Stock Gumshoe reader. The content has not been edited or reviewed by Stock Gumshoe, and any opinions expressed are those of the author alone.

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February 23, 2017 10:15 am

I have a general question about holding vs. selling PM stocks if the economy takes a big hit, which I happen to think is a good bet given local and global economies and geopolitical “messes.”

I have long (but not large, due to a lack of cash to invest) positions in about 20 PM stocks.

If there is some “black swan” event (or even an expected event) that causes a large drop in the markets, what are your thoughts about just sitting tight on the PM stocks and waiting for them to go up again? My thinking is that such an event would eventually be very good for PMs and, therefore, for PM stocks.

I know that some folks recommend setting a trailing stop, selling, and then buying again when the stocks are lower. That makes a lot of sense if one has relatively large amounts invested in each position. However, if I did that, the transaction costs of selling then buying back would take a pretty large chunk out of many of my smaller positions. Also, I’m NOT good at timing the markets.

I guess the big question is: If the economy tanks and takes stock prices with it, is it a good bet that PM stocks (specifically PM stocks) will eventually shoot back up for nice gains for anyone willing to patiently wait out the crash?

Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom from the Gummunity!

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👍 680
February 23, 2017 10:30 am
Reply to  leslie7

1. Transaction costs on most purchases or sales are less than $10. If that is an issue you should not be in stocks.

2. Are you investing or trading?

3. If nothing has changed regarding the financial or assets story of the company why react?

4. To be an investor is to be able to control your emotions. Not ignore reality but to know when to act and when know when to hold.

👍 1691
February 23, 2017 5:48 pm
Reply to  hedy1234

Thanks, Hedy.
#1. Good point
#2. I’m investing, not trading.
#3. That’s what I was wondering 🙂
#4. Therein lies a problem for me, I’m relatively new (about one year) to PM stocks, and I’m not sure that I “know when to act and know when to hold.” That is why I’m looking for a “rule of thumb” or sage advice on which is better should there be a major economic event.

👍 680
February 23, 2017 7:29 pm
Reply to  leslie7

One good rule is when a small miner goes up 100%, sell half and take a free ride.

Also keep trailing stops and follow them without exception.

👍 1691
February 23, 2017 7:30 pm
Reply to  hedy1234

Trailing stops not stocks.

👍 1691
👍 9968
February 23, 2017 8:47 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Investment cash allocation typically 20-30%.

Trailing stops vary by type of stock. Use TradeStops as a tool. None ever put with broker.

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👍 1691
February 24, 2017 2:37 am
Reply to  hedy1234

My trim the bushes when they grow a bit unruly/ fertilize them when they get a bit droopy strategy, has allowed me to double my gains [vs total passivity], while only trading around 15% around the edges of my portfolio. It takes discipline and vigilance, and it works best if you are in a bull market, with a little bit of volatility. The less I sell the better, as far as I’m concerned, but opportunities avail themselves, and I am nimble to jump on them. Also if a company manifests some suckiness causing down movement of the stock, I want to be the first one out the door. If you don’t perform, you’re off the team.

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👍 964
👍 9968
February 23, 2017 10:44 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Thank you, HN!!

👍 680
February 23, 2017 11:32 am

I would put this in the For What It’s Worth category but I received this email from my broker yesterday:
Dear Clients,

In light of this past year’s sharp upward move in Ivanhoe Mines, I’m encouraging clients to begin harvesting some profits ahead of what I believe may be a pending capital raise (a dilutive event).

When we first invested in the company they had 3 world class discoveries – a platinum project in South Africa and both a zinc and a copper discovery in the Congo. This past year they’ve added a second massive copper discovery in the Congo which, in addition to a rising copper price, has led to the company being up over 500% in the past 12 months.

Anytime a stock posts such gains, it is prudent to pull some capital off the table and harvest gains. I am still optimistic about copper and Ivanhoe, in general, but it’s important that we recognize the heightened political risks associated with the location of their deposits and the potential for an ugly negative event that could occur in such parts of the world.

I guess nobody can predict the future but I told him to sell half my shares and I am going to buy some Bear Creek and some Clean Teq

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👍 11
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👍 9968
February 25, 2017 3:38 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Hey HN…I reached out to my broker and as you suspected there is nothing concrete that he would own up to. He stated that with such a sharp increase in price , most management teams will use that window to tap equity markets, but as you have said, Friedland is not necessarily like other management teams. My broker is with Rick Rule’s group and is very sharp so he may know more than he is saying so I guess the best course of action is to just be cautious.

👍 11
👍 9968
February 26, 2017 11:39 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Bridutt. If you have been in this for awhile you may have a triple or more. Just take your original money off the table.

👍 1691
👍 9968
February 26, 2017 10:37 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I am perplexed as to why you view Robert Friedland with such high regard. By any chance have you read “The Big Score Robert Friedland and the Voisey’s Bay Hustle” by Jacquie McNish? He is not a miner but a promoter.. He has a long record of promoting mining projects that benefit him monetarily, but NOT the investors. His ethics are questionable. I would be highly skeptical of any endeavor associated with Robert Friedland.

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👍 88
February 23, 2017 2:50 pm

Cobalt Miner News For The Month Of February 2017 – by Matt Bohlsen of SA

This article has the current forecast for Cobalt and what the big cobalt miners are doing. It also mentions $CTEQF and $ECSIF junior miners. It mentions that there are 12 megafactories coming online, but again no mention of who or when.

x posted

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👍 3700
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👍 9968
February 26, 2017 1:17 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

They basically have the ability to clean up the dog sh*t out of my back yard and turn it to gold. It sounds ridiculous, but its not that far off. On top of that, they basically can take toxic water, pass it through their magic resins and magnets or whatever they do, and out the other side comes two streams, drinking water and money. Let me repeat people, they can turn toxic sludge to gold, and toxic water to money. I’m pouring money into this one and kind of laughing, maybe I’m not reading it right.

Clean TeQ’s Clean-iX® continuous ion exchange process provides highly efficient extraction and purification for a range of valuable strategic metals from slurries and solutions. Clean TeQ is focused on applying its proprietary ion exchange processes to the recovery of strategic metals from ores and tailings where the conventional routes are economically marginal or pose an environmental burden that is not sustainable.

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February 26, 2017 6:27 am
Reply to  renbycage

Not wishing to rain on anyones parade, but this sort of press release ”Clean TeQ’s Clean-iX® continuous ion exchange process provides highly efficient extraction and purification for a range of valuable strategic metals from slurries and solutions.” Its a bit like a washing machine maker saying ‘Ours washes whiter’….what would you expect them to say? Wheres the process defined?

👍 4092
👍 9968
February 28, 2017 1:56 pm
Reply to  alanh

Hi Alan,
You can see the company’s 4 minute YouTube description of the iX process circuit at:
When A Certain Person gets back from the SME conference in San Diego, I’ll get him to comment. He understands these things. In fact he’s willing to have you all send him to Perth (Western Australia, not Scotland) to check it out in person for the shareholders! How’s that for a deal?!
ACP has worked in depth on such areas as arsenic removal, plutonium remediation and bankable feasibility studies. He’s also professionally checked out “secret processes” for promoters that one could only describe as shady (both the processes & the promoters). Many a story there.

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👍 1211
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👍 9968
February 26, 2017 9:52 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Love that quote…..(-: and they said it could never be done!

Long/Large already CLQ

👍 1233
February 26, 2017 10:26 pm
Reply to  renbycage

Clean TeQ is focused on applying its proprietary ion exchange processes to the recovery of strategic metals from ores and tailings where the conventional routes are economically marginal or pose an environmental burden that is not sustainable”

This is bringing back many bad memories. . I have a PHD in mining given out to those losing more than a million $.

I staked ground near Robert Friedland’s Voisey Bay. I chased Bre-X in Indonesia. Go see movie “GOLD.” The whole mining industry is infested with LIARS and Cheats. I chased PHD’s talking about recovering gold from everything for many many years.

Some PHD’s even talked about resins and ion exchange in 1996. I thought I was smart enough to figure it all out. WRONG !!! I have done everything in the mining industry and at one time knew everyone. Even audited a gold and silver refinery in Amarillo and a copper smelter. I thought I knew everything….. Right !! Cleaned my clock. BEWARE !!!

But hey you all have to be way smarter than this FOOL !!!

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February 26, 2017 10:54 pm
Reply to  Cleveland

I also travelled that road. Only received a
B.S. Emphasis on B.S.
Sage cautionary words you speak!

February 26, 2017 11:04 pm
Reply to  Cleveland

BTW I use to hang out with Rick Rule in the 1980’s and early 90’s at conventions. They would travel the convention circuit. I worked in NYC at the time. They were all rock stars.

I have seen and heard it all. I did so much due diligence it was crazy. You can never never overcome outright lies and deceit no matter how smart you think you are. I have paid a huge price for being a FOOL here.

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👍 9968
February 27, 2017 12:44 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HN – it is always a pleasure to see the Wheat separated from the Chaff, but we must admit there is a lot of Chaff in the precious metals mining business. Your focus on specifics is always appreciated.

👍 1540
👍 9968
February 27, 2017 3:45 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Long IVPAF. Thoughts on where recent downward trend might stabilize. Looking to add.

👍 9968
👍 9968
February 27, 2017 12:20 am
Reply to  Cleveland

If you are smart you can tilt the playing field in your direction, but the bigger factor, for better or worse, is luck. I bet the house on a satellite launch with a 92% success rate, and set up tent the next day at the local park while they picked up the pieces scattered in the desert. [ok I’m being dramatic again, but you get the idea]. Plan B failed also, fortunately plan C worked, because there was no plan D.

👍 964
👍 9968
February 28, 2017 2:05 pm
Reply to  Cleveland

Hi Cleveland (& others),
Post BreX:
For Canadian companies look for a QP (Qualified Person) designation for some technical person in authority (or their mining/geological/metallurgical contractor); for Australian companies look for a CP (Chartered Professional) designation. The designations are used in the US too.
Of course given the right incentives, even a QP or CP could pad out the truth (“alternative facts”?), but odds are against it.
We enjoyed the movie too. Chain of command of the samples was the problem.

👍 1211
February 26, 2017 5:13 am
February 26, 2017 7:45 am
Reply to  renbycage

Thanks Renby…I got answers to many of my questions above from this vid.

👍 4092
February 26, 2017 6:13 am

Ive only been here a short time, so plenty of reading still to do, but Id appreciate some pointers.
1/ What is it that Cleanteq’s water filtration system is doing thats unique. Ion exchange technology has been around for years. Is it just that no one has thought to apply it to metals extraction ? Whats the USP about their system? Is the method defined anywhere? Is there a patent of any kind?
2/ I assume that the process could be retro applied to existing slag heaps world wide offering the heap owners an extraction %, rather like a royalty.

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👍 4092
February 26, 2017 8:01 am
Reply to  alanh

This is the takeqway I got from the 1st feb 17 vid.
1/ They have 2 USP’s……a small footprint and tailored ion exchange for different metals.
2/ He speaks of patents but says that the problem with patents is that it gives the IP game away….so their patents are v general and probably unenforcable. He’s relying on secrecy to protect their methods.
3/ He found reluctance to get miners etc to change their way of doing stuff, so in having their own mine, they dont have to convince any old school miners. Sensible, but sort term theres no revenue expectation from the filtration product. Of course though, once they can demo the system works to others, sales may begin to happen…..but that wont be next week.
4/ The Chinese use is mostly focused on pollution control……..any revenue from metals recovered is mostly going to pay for the filters installation/operation cost.
5/ He says that the scandium is a solution looking for a market. I think it will take many years before aero companies inc this alloy. Id see more accepteance (less risk), in reducing the weight of elec/gas automobiles to improve mpg/range
6/ The stock is cheap so, as a sleeper, it may pay off handsomely in the looooong run…..just like ARTH.
Just my 2 cents. Starter position.

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👍 4092
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👍 9968
February 28, 2017 3:51 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

“Sorry…more posts that belong on the CleanTeQ thread.”
hn – do you want responses posted on the CleanTeQ thread or left here? It’s kind of a hybrid company, especially with the Friedland involvement.

👍 1211
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👍 9968
February 26, 2017 10:44 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I see the parallel and am not aiming to throw rotten eggs….but being new to this company, I must ask myself questions. Both Cleanteq and ARTH will produce product. The question is, which will generate more revenue? Cobalt/water purification/Scandium or liquid Band Aid? Maybe the most compelling arguement lays in portf diversification.

👍 4092
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👍 9968
February 28, 2017 4:13 pm
Reply to  alanh

From Mining Weekly regarding CleanTeQ on the mining side and its BFS (Bankable Feasibility Study):
From the above article:
“The BFS is now fully funded to completion, and is on track for release in the fourth quarter of 2017.
While the BFS is being completed, the company will undertake a range of activities to secure financing for the development of Syerston, including progressing a range of options in relation to offtake finance, project level financing and debt financing.”
Patience needed.
Penny (long $CTEQF and ASX $CLQ)

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👍 1211
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👍 9968
February 26, 2017 3:23 pm
👍 680
February 26, 2017 11:22 pm
Reply to  leslie7

NAK np – In case any one is still looking at NAK as a good investment, I am going to reiterate that the development of the Pebble Mine faces a lot of opposition, mainly because it sits at the headwaters of the largest sockeye salmon run in the world. Even with a new EPA head and a more favorable climate in Washington, NAK and the Pebble Mine are foolishly risky as an investment.

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👍 383
👍 9968
February 27, 2017 10:04 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

NAK np – The late Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens was a respected republican and strongly pro development of resources. The following is a quote attributed to him. “The Pebble Mine is the wrong mine in the wrong place.” He was against this project moving forward. There are a lot of valid reasons for his position that have nothing to do with “ire and cynicism towards the mining industry.” The opposition to this project is formidable. That’s what makes this a nonviable deposit. If there was none, it would be full steam ahead. The staggering size of the deposits would prove to be highly lucrative. Whether an investment or speculation, I am stating that there are many roadblocks to this project and am suggesting caution to the unwary investor.

👍 383
👍 9968
February 26, 2017 10:34 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

The entire industry. Go hang out with the mining industry in Canada and USA for some period of time. Just hold on to your wallet. They can talk you into anything. Been there.

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👍 9968
February 27, 2017 10:20 am

Hendrix, question for you. Here is a teaser from a precious metals guy named Dudley someone. Can’t remember now. Any idea of what the newly formed gold company is here that he is talking about?

Mining warrants (still a heavy component of CSW) are set to make outrageous gains Dudley’s portfolio (available with our Gold subscription) has been on FIRE and subscribers have enjoyed massive gains in the last year.
Content is constantly added to expand the information available to each of you

My current number 3 holding in my personal portfolio is a stock warrant on a recently forming gold company which YOU MUST OWN.

This gold company, which has $65 Million in cash, is ready to roll and the stock warrants have just shy of 5 years of remaining life which is more
than enough time for the markets to perform and for the company to execute on its business plans.

This company is a favorite of some of the biggest newsletter writers and investors in the resource sector and you need to own these stock warrants.

Personally, I am looking for my investment to be a 10 Bagger or more (i.e. 1000% gains) and you can join me in this exciting opportunity
at the same prices that I have paid, if you act NOW.”

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👍 976
Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe
February 27, 2017 11:10 am
Reply to  niizajim

That’s almost certainly Luna/JDL Gold (soon to be Trek Mining). I own some Luna shares.

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👍 22025
February 27, 2017 11:00 pm

Thanks. I was going to ask if that might be the case.

👍 976
February 27, 2017 10:28 am

~~~ Lithium Miner News For The Month Of February 2017 ~~~

Lithium spot and contract price news – Lithium spot prices rose slightly.
Lithium market news – Dr. David Deak quoted: “To electrify the world’s fleet of vehicles: mine over 3.1 million t LCE of lithium every year, for 20 years”.
Lithium miner news – Lithium X acquires Arizaro lithium brine project in Argentina.

x post

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👍 3700
February 27, 2017 2:49 pm

$KNTNF (long)

Mining results from grade control drilling on the Irumafimpa Deposit:

👍 454
👍 9968
February 27, 2017 11:01 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Thanks for the update, mm2 & hn. I’ve hung onto my $KNTNF shares too, despite their being in the red (but not as red as some of my biotech positions, which has probably saved them.) I admit to having cast hungry eyes on them, looking for something to sell to free up cash.

👍 1211
👍 9968
February 27, 2017 10:19 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Though I do invest in PMs, I’m really happy if the Pebble mine complex never gets off the ground because it’s only one of the most ravishingly lovely, ecologically complex & vital wild cold spots on Earth. Plus if people really must dig mines they can do it with far less environmental stress & more profit with say,SAND or IVPAF or PVG or MAG IMO

March 6, 2017 11:31 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HN, I have realized a long time ago that you will continue to be negative towards any positive news and views towards NAK, so I will not waste time trying to come up with arguments in favor of the company. I also have to give you a lot of credit for your awesome contribution to the forum in general, so don’t get me wrong, HN.
Sadly, I don’t have much free time to write in these forums so I always try to keep things short, and I’m not the best responder.

I’m not buying NAK because I will sit on it for years and not sell my position before it gets built. Maybe the mine will never be in production, but that’s OK with me. I’m buying it because it can give me some insane gains within a short period of time; and so far it has! Like I’ve written before it has given me around 700% and has been one of my best performing stocks. I sold a big portion of my position recently, but now I have loaded up even more getting ready for what I hope is a new ride up very soon. This is of course not a stock that is by any means risk-free, but if you can handle the risk and not put all your money into it could be very rewarding; which it has for me no matter what happens from here!

Regarding John Doody: I’ve been a subscriber of his newsletter some time back, but I no longer take things he says/writes serious. My biggest loss ever was because of his recommendation on Rubicon Minerals. He also recommended the subscribers to load up even more when Rubicon crashed. His other picks in the newsletter also performed terrible, so when I see a statement like this I perceive him as a big joke. My personal opinion.

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👍 159
👍 9968
February 28, 2017 9:31 am

$NIP (TSX): Nippon provides test results of 2 Thermal Fragmentation trials in Australia:

“Nippon is pleased to provide summary information regarding its Thermal Fragmentation activities in Australia with its distributor SAFESCAPE. Thermal fragmentation activities in Australia has consisted of two trials, one of which was conducted at narrow gold vein mine located in Victoria in order to evaluate several key points of the equipment and process, including but not limited to its efficiency and versatility. Three holes were made, two in waste rock and one in a gold bearing quartz reef. The equipment performed well in horizontal, downhole and uphole configurations. In the uphole configuration adjustments were required to account for the rapid rate of fragmentation of the material. Further metallurgical testwork on the ore mined generated a lot of interest. It was discovered that a significant portion of the coarse grained gold separated from the quartz during mining, additionally, while the thermal material is much smaller than blasted material they found that it also contained inclusions and micro fractures on a microscopic scale which resulted in significant improvements in comminution costs when compared to blasted and crushed material of the same genesis.”

From my original post earlier in this thread, I said I was more of a pick & shovel type guy in this industry. I do believe, in due time that Nippon will change how the industry mines its gold and precious metals.

At the time of my post on Jan 24th, NIP was at $.07 which is now 40% higher at $.11 and at its 52 week high. Wait for a pull back if you interested.

Long $NIP

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👍 757
February 28, 2017 10:20 am

Have you ever taken a look at Pershing Gold ($PGLC)?

No position, but considering it. Seems like they are close to starting to mine in Nev. Just got some final permits according to a recent announcement. Low float for a miner and High IRR although only a 5.8 yr mine life. But lots of potential for further discovery. Seems like they are undervalued and are sue for a correction, especially as production looms in the near future. I think reserves measured and inferred total around .85 million if I remember correctly. That is probably not accurate. Anyway, just thought I would ask. Stock trades for around $3.15 right now.

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👍 976
👍 9968
February 28, 2017 7:15 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Got it. Thanks for the opinion. Totally understand. Although Pershing might be undervalued, the reserves are nothing to get excited about so the HOG value is probably not all that great.

Question about CTEQF: How do you think it will hold up if there is a market crash? I’m getting a bit nervous about that and want to get more money into gold right now. I’m a bit overweight in bio so am looking to realign a bit as money becomes available. I have two plays that should finish by the end of this month.

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👍 976
February 28, 2017 10:58 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Hi Hendrixnuzzles, with the big drop in Ivanhoe
What is your near and longer term outlook, with them and the recent smack down in the metals my portfolio has been beaten up! Always appreciate your insight and effort you put into your posts!!

👍 207
February 28, 2017 4:10 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Now ya tell me…I just bought CLQ !!! 🙂

👍 4092
February 28, 2017 4:40 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I sold IVN when someones broker (above) said sell. I will buy back soon.

👍 4092
February 28, 2017 4:24 pm
Reply to  alanh

But Alan, its a normal reaction that when you buy something, the Gummune gets the urge to sell 🙂

👍 3533
February 28, 2017 4:24 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

A tip of my cap to you. You are a true investor buying your strongest belief when it turns down. Ivanhoe now down about 27% from recent high. I was tempted as well but couldn’t pull the trigger.

👍 1691
👍 9968
February 28, 2017 4:31 pm

IVN – March Presentation

Nicely timed after the last few days……

👍 1233
1 6 7 8 9 10 22

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