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written by reader Scandium, Cobalt, and Water Purification: CleanTeQ Holdings

By hendrixnuzzles, February 6, 2017

A Microcap Teaser Solution In Advance !!
(Australian stock exchange CLQ, OTC pinks CTEQF).
CleanTeQ is sure to be the answer to future teasers you will be reading about from resource gurus, To save you all the trouble of solving them, I decided to write this article.
My portfolio was grotesquely overweight in gold and silver positions, and in moments of anxiety I thought it would be a good idea to diversify and take a few positions in something other than gold mines, royalty companies, Mongolian exploration companies, and small-cap copper miners with major operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Thus I made a small speculation in CleanTeQ, solely on the basis that mining titan Robert Friedland was the Chairman, and CleanTeQ was the only resource company I could find that seemed to be in a position to mine scandium, a very rare metal that sells for a couple of thousand dollars a kilo.
My due diligence was so slight that I was embarrassed to emphasize my position to the readers at Stock Gumshoe. We are supposed to study these things a little more than I did for CleanTeQ. And after entering at 50 cents, the stock promptly dropped to 35 cents or so, making me glad that I did not look foolish by publicizing my position.
As the weeks went by, I started to find more information on the company that I should have found out beforehand. This was partly accidental, partly from other Gumshoe readers, and partly from new announcements and company news that occurred after I took a position. But the findings were all very positive, and because the company is so interesting I thought it warranted its own thread apart from the hard asset thread which I moderate.
I have a full long position and high hopes. And I thank Secretsquirrel, Griffin, Larry McKenna, and several others who helped fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle.
Below are my findings, opinions, and summary on CleanTeQ Holdings:
BUSINESS MODEL CleanTeQ is a hybrid company based with three bases: scandium mining and production, cobalt mining and production, and water purification. This seems like an odd combination, but as you will see, it is not. It is a stroke of genius. And I will explain why we should care about scandium and cobalt.
(1) The company is starting production of the Syerston mine, the worldโ€™s only scandium mine;
(2) The company will also produce significant amounts of cobalt as a co-product to the scandium;
(3) The company has a large-scale water purification technology, which will target municipalities,
Industrial operations with waste water problems, and mines, which also have water problems

(1) Scandium is a very rare metal that usually occurs in only small amounts that are not economical to mine. It is mostly available as a by-product and the market is opaque, usually between private parties. Scandium has very beneficial applications in aerospace, aviation, and technology, but has not been widely applied because there is not a sufficiently reliable supply of it.
(2) Cobalt is essential in many batteries. Lithium gets all the investment press, but a majority of the battery formulations need cobalt, which is rare compared to lithium. Cobalt has a similar supply situation as scandium, it is mostly a by-product and is not commonly a prime mining target in and of itself. But demand for the electric energy market is growing rapidly and cobalt demand is growing and will continue to grow accordingly. Supply chains on cobalt are iffy.
(3) Water purification is a pressing need throughout the world. Cities with lots of people, industrialized places with lots of factories, or mines with waste water, all have a real and pressing need for large scale water purification. I think most people can accept this premise of widespread demand without a lot of documentation.

HOW DO THESE SEGMENTS RELATE TO EACH OTHER ? I cannot get too technical about the water purification technology, but I will try to explain what I understand, and how it relates to the scandium and cobalt operations. They call it Continuous Flow Ionization. Ionization is not a proprietary technology per se, but CleanTeQ has developed a way to implement ionization in a continuous feed, automated loop that improves volume, improves economics, is reasonably priced for installation, and can be custom-modified to specific waste problems. It can be used in conjunction with other filtration techniques. Further, it can be modified TO EXTRACT CERTAIN SUBSTANCES from the feed waste water. This is done by modifying the resins that are used in the ionization process.

Now it so happens that CleanTeQ has developed resins that can extract scandium and cobalt from waste water. So they potentially will have commercial sources of rare metals from the by-product waste of their water purification process !

HOW CLOSE IS THE WATER THING TO REALLY HAPPENING ? It is happening. CleanTeQ has signed a memorandum of understanding with a major Chinese municipality to implement their technology. There is a joint venture, 55% Chinese/45% CleanTeQ. Once the first one is up and working, China has a mind-boggling potential for water purification. For their teeming urban centers and for their mining and industrial locations, shall we say the potential is very large ?

CleanTeQ has 100% of rest of the world. CleanTeQ is closed-mouthed about other commercial sources, but they let on that they have been in contact with the likes of GE, Dow, and other big hitters. They state a pipeline target of $100 million by 2020; I predict they will do much better.

HOW CLOSE IS THE COBALT THING TO REALLY HAPPENING ? Very close. Battery useage is soaring and is the strategic target of many governments, corporations, and environmental groups. Batteries need cobalt.

HOW CLOSE IS THE SCANDIUM THING FROM HAPPENING ? This will take a while because the applications are high tech, with long lead times, and there is only one scandium mine in the world (CleanTeQโ€™s newly commissioned Syerston mine). CleanTeQ intends to develop the scandium market by being a reliable source of supply, and by driving the price down.
CleanTeQ will have viable margins with scandium prices up to half of current prices.

To give you an idea, the Russians made a few MIGs with scandium/aluminum alloys. They were faster, lighter, stronger. An addition of 0.5% scandium to aviation aluminum strengthens the frame, removes the need for riveting, reduces weight, and makes repairs easier. . The Russians dropped it because of costs; and Boeing and Airbus will not use it without a reliable source of supply. But there is about to be a reliable source of supply: CleanTeQ.

WHAT ABOUT IP PROTECTION ? I believe the IP and know-how moat is sufficient. CleanTeQ holds a perpetual license from a high-level Russian research organization that provided some of the foundation technology. I am not a patent lawyer and a lot of the know-how will be proprietary, not patented. CleanTeQ has been at this for over ten years, I think the barriers to entry are sufficient.

MANAGEMENT Totally a plus. Robert Friedland is the Co-Chairman and CEO, he has 20% of the company, great credibility and clout with the Chinese, and an unbelievable track record in mining. Sam Reggall is the other co-chairman. I know little about him, other than from my observations of him on an Australian investment show that aired last week. He was impressive.

MONEY AND FINANCES I donโ€™t think there is anything at all to worry about. Friedland must be worth billions, the Chinese are in, and the concept has enormous potential.

Sources: as I mentioned, information is scant. My sources were the CleanTeQ website, presentations and and interviews with Friedland and Reggall, and the sketchy information on the brokerage sites. Nothing you cannot find on your own.

Long CleanTeQ

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February 6, 2017 4:54 pm

I just posted this on other thread before I knew about this one.

$CTEQF โ€ฆ Doing some due diligence and found this company. Scandium Intl. ($SCY). Some competition for CleanTeq? A Scandium mine in Australia. Goal is to be first scandium-dedicated mine in the world. Appear to be a little ahead of CleanTeq in that Definitive Feasibility Study is complete โ€” 4th Qu 2017 for CleanTeq. Production goal is 38,500 kg/yr. Grade appears to be half that of CleanTeq (300-600 ppm for CleanTeq v. 200 ppm for $SCY. $SCY will use chemical extraction to extract Scandium. SCYโ€™s presentation does not mention Ni or Co.


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๐Ÿ‘ 454
๐Ÿ‘ 9968
๐Ÿ‘ 9968
February 7, 2017 3:56 am

$CTEQF From the june/16 annual report, this describes the water division, its 50/50 partnership with a chinese company, and what looks like a “show” project ready to come on line, presumedly as the first step towards penetrating the vast chinese market.

The Water Division was focused on developing commercial opportunities for the Companyโ€™s technology to treat waste waters, with an emphasis on opportunities in the large Chinese market.
During the financial year, Clean TeQ executed a binding agreement with Jinzhong Hoyo Municipal Urban Investment & Construction Co., Ltd (โ€˜Hoyoโ€™) to form a Chinese incorporated joint venture (โ€˜JV Companyโ€™) which will pursue water treatment opportunities in Chinaโ€™s Shanxi Province utilising Clean TeQโ€™s water purification technology.
Clean TeQ and Hoyo have also reached in-principle agreement on the terms on which the JV Company will build, own and operate a Clean TeQ CIFยฎ water treatment plant at an existing wastewater treatment facility owned and operated by Qixian Hoyo Waste Water Treatment Co., Ltd (โ€˜Qixianโ€™) in Shanxi Province.
Hoyo and Qixian are both members of the Nanjing Hoyo Municipal Utilities Investment Administration Group (โ€˜Hoyo Groupโ€™). Hoyo Group is a large diversified private Chinese conglomerate which is active in a range of industries including pipeline construction, operation of urban sewage and waste water treatment plants, construction, aviation and manufacturing of agricultural machinery.
The JV Company, Shanxi Hoyo Clean TeQ Environmental Company Ltd, is to be owned 50:50 by Clean TeQ and Hoyo and will be capitalised through equity contributions of US$600,000 from each of the parties. Clean TeQ will fund its share of the equity contributions from cash reserves currently on hand. The start-up capital contributions are expected to be sufficient to build the first project and fund modest overheads of the JV Company until it becomes cashflow positive.
A number of significant water purification project opportunities have been identified, both inside and outside China, in a number of key markets with a focus on treatment of waste water from mining operations.
Clean TeQ will continue working towards securing commercial contracts in the near future, and anticipates both the Water and Metals Divisions to produce substantial revenues in the future.

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๐Ÿ‘ 964
๐Ÿ‘ 9968
February 7, 2017 4:08 am

$CTEQF From their website: Not sure if this implies Syerston is not definitively feasible?? I believe Q4 2017 ends in june.

A Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) is underway for the Syerston Project, due for completion in 2017, Q4. The DFS will assess the economics of a large scale project producing battery grade nickel and cobalt sulphates โ€“ key raw materials required by the lithium ion battery sector โ€“ and by-product scandium oxide.

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๐Ÿ‘ 964
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biotechlong (btl)
February 8, 2017 11:49 pm

$CLQ [ASX] long

Caesarโ€™s Report published yesterday captioned: โ€œClean Teqโ€™s Advanced Stage Nickel-Cobalt Project Could Draw A Lot Of Attention In 2017โ€

Article published today in the Financial Post captioned: โ€œCobalt may take reins from lithium in 2017โ€

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๐Ÿ‘ 2794
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February 18, 2017 9:31 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Had to up your post purely on the mention of nuts….. (-:

February 10, 2017 9:52 am

This is my own thoughts after due diligence, it probably just overlaps what HN has already presented.


This is a company that has already seen its market cap grow from 20 mil to 270mil in the last two years, and is presently sitting at its all time high stock price, so it needs a careful look, especially since it presently has almost no revenue. However when looking at the big picture of this company, it doesnโ€™t take long to see its potential. It has two very high potential divisions, the water division and the metals division. The water division specializes in water purification technologies with focus on the mining industry, but has municipal and industrial applications as well. The thing to understand about their proprietary technology is 1. it has application to mega-scale projects 2. it saves up to 30% relative to present costs for mega-scale water purification projects 3. they can deliver this savings and still get super high margins on this business. They are just ramping up a demonstration project in china, and have done a 50/50 partnership with a well established chinese company that has a water purification division. They are focusing on a large china market, but have identified other potential markets as well. They are anticipating multiple 100 million dollar contracts. The metals division owes its potential to its technological advancements in economically pulling out elements seemingly from just about anything, including mining wastes and sludges, that previously had no economic way of being realized. And then they went out and purchased Syerston [from Ivanhoe], which is flush full with super high grade nickel and cobalt, which the lithium-ion battery people are going to be increasingly hungry for, and super high grade scandium, which when combined with aluminum gives a lighter weight option in transport and aero-space applications. Both divisions are ramping up to commercialization. A definitive feasibility study will be completed on Syerston in the next few months. That could be a stock price catalyst. From what I can gather, feasibility is not in doubt, and the combination of this unique mineral resource, and their one of a kind expertise in economically extracting it, should result in significant profits. Iโ€™m not sure about the risks. I donโ€™t see debt issues. Friedlandโ€™s involvement has to be a plus, if not a double plus. I donโ€™t know how fast this company can grow. To ramp up from basically zero revenue to what they are hoping for multiple hundred million dollar projects, how prepared they are for that kind of growth I have no way to know. I wish I had been looking at this a few months ago, at a much lower price, but I am not too concerned as it seems we are still in the very, very early stages. Catalysts to the stock price will come as contracts for scandium orders and large scale water purification projects are signed, and those should be coming over the next few years beginning anytime. The demand for scandium, nickel, and cobalt are all anticipated to increase over time, with possible supply strains, and they have what seems to be one of the highest grade sources of those elements and the expertise to produce it cheaper than anyone else. And if they can purify large water projects significantly less expensively than the present technology, with high margins for themselvesโ€ฆโ€ฆ. the picture I see is a money printing type potential. Iโ€™m in.

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๐Ÿ‘ 964
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February 12, 2017 5:27 am

Thanks Hendrix for this write up. I noticed a discussion on Clean Teq over the past month, but didn’t pay much attention, but this article got my attention.

I looked at the most recent presentation (Feb., 2017) and there is not one mention about the water partnership in China. This seems to me to be a huge opportunity for the company so it seems strange that there is absolutely no mention of it in the presentation.

In fact there wasn’t much information on the water purification on the website – except old presentations. It looks like the agreement with the Chinese company is a couple years old and yet still hasn’t gotten going.

Do you know anything about how soon this will begin and how soon new partnerships might be signed?

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๐Ÿ‘ 976
biotechlong (btl)
February 13, 2017 8:29 pm

On its first day of trading on the OTCQXยฎ Best Market, Clean TeQ (CTEQF) closed at USD 0.59 (equivalent to AUD 0.77).

Long $CLQ (ASX)

๐Ÿ‘ 2794
biotechlong (btl)
February 15, 2017 9:54 pm

Long $CLQ (ASX)

Here is a link to Clean TeQ 6-month report for the period ending December 31, 2016, released by the ASX a few minutes ago. The 35-page report includes a good executive summary of mining and water treatment division activity and objectives at pages 4-10.

This link opens to a pdf file. I am not sure that the link posted as a hyperlink; you may have to copy and paste it into your browser.

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๐Ÿ‘ 2794
๐Ÿ‘ 9968
February 16, 2017 7:26 am

Are most of you holding $CTEQF or $CLQ? Thx- Joe

๐Ÿ‘ 1768
February 17, 2017 5:55 am
Reply to  JoeS

I’m holding $CLQ, not sure it makes much difference really, wiser heads would know. Only just available as $CTEQF.
Up yesterday, as word of “the story” has started to get about on other forums, people taking positions etc. RF being involved after Ivanhoe’s run up partly to do with it plus all the ingredients Cleanteq is offering.

This one could outdo Ivanhoe and that’s saying something!!

๐Ÿ‘ 9968
๐Ÿ‘ 9968
February 19, 2017 8:23 am
Reply to  secretsquirrel


Thx- To Both of You

๐Ÿ‘ 1768
๐Ÿ‘ 9968
February 16, 2017 7:11 pm

Regards cobalt/batteries/ cars etc, also recalling what RF said on his very recent SA trip which was briefly up through periscope tv.


This just one aspect of the CleanTeq jigsaw.

๐Ÿ‘ 1233
๐Ÿ‘ 1233
February 16, 2017 10:06 pm

received this from CleanTeQ this afternoon

$CTEQF – Cobalt gets ready to shine
Clean TeQ has been featured in an article in The Sydney Morning Herald: โ€œCobalt gets ready to shine from Tesla, Apple, Samsung demandโ€. The article can be accessed via the weblink below.

Highly respected journal The Economist also published an article recently which provides an excellent overview of developments in the electric vehicle market: โ€œElectric cars are set to arrive far more speedily than anticipatedโ€. The article can be accessed via the weblink below.

Clean TeQ Holdings Limited (ASX:CLQ) is the owner of the Syerston Nickel/Cobalt/Scandium Project in NSW, Australia. Syerstonโ€™s unique mineral resource, when combined with Clean TeQโ€™s proprietary ion exchange extraction and purification processing technology, positions Clean TeQ to become one of the largest and lowest cost suppliers of key cathode raw materials to the lithium-ion battery market โ€“ nickel sulphate and cobalt sulphate.

The Syerston Project will also produce significant quantities of scandium for the next generation of light-weight aluminum alloys for transportation markets.

X post

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๐Ÿ‘ 3700
February 17, 2017 9:01 am

$CTEQF – Feb 17th filing: Section 708A Cleansing Statement and Appendix 3B
Have a wonderful long weekend Gummunity! Long $CTEQF

๐Ÿ‘ 11604
February 17, 2017 9:40 am
Reply to  SoGiAm

Can anyone explain what this means briefly, thanks.

February 17, 2017 10:57 am
Reply to  secretsquirrel

Looks like 500,000 shares issued to satisfy previously issued options issued at prices below current market. Options converted.

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๐Ÿ‘ 1691
February 17, 2017 12:41 pm
Reply to  hedy1234

Thanks hedy….

๐Ÿ‘ 1233
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๐Ÿ‘ 9968
February 17, 2017 12:30 pm

Not sure how important/relevant this is?

Email from Ionic just sent out mentions CleanTeQ.

Dear Ionic shareholders and associates,

It is with real excitement that I can inform you of this recent development. Ionic, together with CleanTeQ and Monash University have been awarded a presitgous Australian Government CRC-P grant (Cooperative Research Centres Projects). This will see over $1.05 million (including more than $600,000 from government funding) spent on advancing our graphene-oxide based water filtration technologies toward commercialisation.

This is huge news for Ionic, cementing our alliance with CleanTeQ and Monash; it provides wonderful endorsement of our graphene water filtration technologies and the potential for them to address some of the world’s greatest challenges (and biggest market opportunities).

All the best,

Ionic Industries

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๐Ÿ‘ 1233
๐Ÿ‘ 9968
February 18, 2017 11:38 am

Kenora’s Old Gold Deposit Could be New Again. John Kaiser –
February 17, 2017

Discusses CleanTeQ among others…..

Starts Brazil/agriculture/….then 11:30 scandium.
CleanTeQ – 13:10 – 18:25 scandium/colbalt etc.

Also separately this mentions CleanTeQ. Cobalt grades/resources.

Table 2 โ€“ Ardea Benchmarks,
ASX-listed companies ranked by contained cobalt metal
Company Size
(Mt) Co (%) Co metal
(kt) Project Mineralisation style
1 Ardea Resources 805 0.05 % 386.4 Kalgoorlie Nickel Project, WA Laterite Ni-Co
2 CleanTeq Holdings 109 0.10 % 114 Syerston, NSW Laterite Ni-Co-Sc

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๐Ÿ‘ 1233
๐Ÿ‘ 9968
February 19, 2017 2:52 pm

hn, saw you posted on the other thread about blue skies regards CleanTeQ, looking forward to that. Now not sure how this adds up If at all or is useful in any way, but here are some pieces. Excuse the disjointed spread of links.

Clean TeQ maybe the bigger player from what I can see and RF sits in some ways at the top of this tree or could do If suited him, anyway…

Strategic Energy Resources Limited

Ionic Industries Limited is Australiaโ€™s first company focused on the commercialisation of graphene technologies. SER is the major shareholder of Ionic and holds circa 20% of the issued capital.

3 new people going to Ionic from Monash University ??

Director of Monash Infrastructure, Associate Dean Research and world-leading water researcher Professor Ana Deletic. Monash researchers Dr Rico Tabor and Associate Professor David McCarthy..

Monash University looks impressive with many learned people coming from it.

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๐Ÿ‘ 1233
February 21, 2017 8:01 am
Reply to  secretsquirrel

So when Friedland says no to Elon it makes you wonder what they have up their sleeve


February 21, 2017 10:12 am
Reply to  Johnnn

There are a lot of analyst who are predicting a cobalt shortage for lithium-ion batteries. All the current lithium battery news seems to be Tesla, but there are another 1/2 dozen factories in process. I’ll try and find the article I read that in and post it here. Elons’ offer was a stink bid. ๐Ÿ˜‰


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