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written by reader Scandium, Cobalt, and Water Purification: CleanTeQ Holdings

By hendrixnuzzles, February 6, 2017

A Microcap Teaser Solution In Advance !!
(Australian stock exchange CLQ, OTC pinks CTEQF).
CleanTeQ is sure to be the answer to future teasers you will be reading about from resource gurus, To save you all the trouble of solving them, I decided to write this article.
My portfolio was grotesquely overweight in gold and silver positions, and in moments of anxiety I thought it would be a good idea to diversify and take a few positions in something other than gold mines, royalty companies, Mongolian exploration companies, and small-cap copper miners with major operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Thus I made a small speculation in CleanTeQ, solely on the basis that mining titan Robert Friedland was the Chairman, and CleanTeQ was the only resource company I could find that seemed to be in a position to mine scandium, a very rare metal that sells for a couple of thousand dollars a kilo.
My due diligence was so slight that I was embarrassed to emphasize my position to the readers at Stock Gumshoe. We are supposed to study these things a little more than I did for CleanTeQ. And after entering at 50 cents, the stock promptly dropped to 35 cents or so, making me glad that I did not look foolish by publicizing my position.
As the weeks went by, I started to find more information on the company that I should have found out beforehand. This was partly accidental, partly from other Gumshoe readers, and partly from new announcements and company news that occurred after I took a position. But the findings were all very positive, and because the company is so interesting I thought it warranted its own thread apart from the hard asset thread which I moderate.
I have a full long position and high hopes. And I thank Secretsquirrel, Griffin, Larry McKenna, and several others who helped fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle.
Below are my findings, opinions, and summary on CleanTeQ Holdings:
BUSINESS MODEL CleanTeQ is a hybrid company based with three bases: scandium mining and production, cobalt mining and production, and water purification. This seems like an odd combination, but as you will see, it is not. It is a stroke of genius. And I will explain why we should care about scandium and cobalt.
(1) The company is starting production of the Syerston mine, the world’s only scandium mine;
(2) The company will also produce significant amounts of cobalt as a co-product to the scandium;
(3) The company has a large-scale water purification technology, which will target municipalities,
Industrial operations with waste water problems, and mines, which also have water problems

(1) Scandium is a very rare metal that usually occurs in only small amounts that are not economical to mine. It is mostly available as a by-product and the market is opaque, usually between private parties. Scandium has very beneficial applications in aerospace, aviation, and technology, but has not been widely applied because there is not a sufficiently reliable supply of it.
(2) Cobalt is essential in many batteries. Lithium gets all the investment press, but a majority of the battery formulations need cobalt, which is rare compared to lithium. Cobalt has a similar supply situation as scandium, it is mostly a by-product and is not commonly a prime mining target in and of itself. But demand for the electric energy market is growing rapidly and cobalt demand is growing and will continue to grow accordingly. Supply chains on cobalt are iffy.
(3) Water purification is a pressing need throughout the world. Cities with lots of people, industrialized places with lots of factories, or mines with waste water, all have a real and pressing need for large scale water purification. I think most people can accept this premise of widespread demand without a lot of documentation.

HOW DO THESE SEGMENTS RELATE TO EACH OTHER ? I cannot get too technical about the water purification technology, but I will try to explain what I understand, and how it relates to the scandium and cobalt operations. They call it Continuous Flow Ionization. Ionization is not a proprietary technology per se, but CleanTeQ has developed a way to implement ionization in a continuous feed, automated loop that improves volume, improves economics, is reasonably priced for installation, and can be custom-modified to specific waste problems. It can be used in conjunction with other filtration techniques. Further, it can be modified TO EXTRACT CERTAIN SUBSTANCES from the feed waste water. This is done by modifying the resins that are used in the ionization process.

Now it so happens that CleanTeQ has developed resins that can extract scandium and cobalt from waste water. So they potentially will have commercial sources of rare metals from the by-product waste of their water purification process !

HOW CLOSE IS THE WATER THING TO REALLY HAPPENING ? It is happening. CleanTeQ has signed a memorandum of understanding with a major Chinese municipality to implement their technology. There is a joint venture, 55% Chinese/45% CleanTeQ. Once the first one is up and working, China has a mind-boggling potential for water purification. For their teeming urban centers and for their mining and industrial locations, shall we say the potential is very large ?

CleanTeQ has 100% of rest of the world. CleanTeQ is closed-mouthed about other commercial sources, but they let on that they have been in contact with the likes of GE, Dow, and other big hitters. They state a pipeline target of $100 million by 2020; I predict they will do much better.

HOW CLOSE IS THE COBALT THING TO REALLY HAPPENING ? Very close. Battery useage is soaring and is the strategic target of many governments, corporations, and environmental groups. Batteries need cobalt.

HOW CLOSE IS THE SCANDIUM THING FROM HAPPENING ? This will take a while because the applications are high tech, with long lead times, and there is only one scandium mine in the world (CleanTeQ’s newly commissioned Syerston mine). CleanTeQ intends to develop the scandium market by being a reliable source of supply, and by driving the price down.
CleanTeQ will have viable margins with scandium prices up to half of current prices.

To give you an idea, the Russians made a few MIGs with scandium/aluminum alloys. They were faster, lighter, stronger. An addition of 0.5% scandium to aviation aluminum strengthens the frame, removes the need for riveting, reduces weight, and makes repairs easier. . The Russians dropped it because of costs; and Boeing and Airbus will not use it without a reliable source of supply. But there is about to be a reliable source of supply: CleanTeQ.

WHAT ABOUT IP PROTECTION ? I believe the IP and know-how moat is sufficient. CleanTeQ holds a perpetual license from a high-level Russian research organization that provided some of the foundation technology. I am not a patent lawyer and a lot of the know-how will be proprietary, not patented. CleanTeQ has been at this for over ten years, I think the barriers to entry are sufficient.

MANAGEMENT Totally a plus. Robert Friedland is the Co-Chairman and CEO, he has 20% of the company, great credibility and clout with the Chinese, and an unbelievable track record in mining. Sam Reggall is the other co-chairman. I know little about him, other than from my observations of him on an Australian investment show that aired last week. He was impressive.

MONEY AND FINANCES I don’t think there is anything at all to worry about. Friedland must be worth billions, the Chinese are in, and the concept has enormous potential.

Sources: as I mentioned, information is scant. My sources were the CleanTeQ website, presentations and and interviews with Friedland and Reggall, and the sketchy information on the brokerage sites. Nothing you cannot find on your own.

Long CleanTeQ

This is a discussion topic or guest posting submitted by a Stock Gumshoe reader. The content has not been edited or reviewed by Stock Gumshoe, and any opinions expressed are those of the author alone.



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👍 9968
👍 9968
October 30, 2017 3:37 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

We are up to 5,000 tonnes per annum cobalt after the latest upgrade, and those are metric tonnes, which equals 2200 pounds approx. The correct numbers are closer to my calculations I posted a day or two ago, which are almost double yours.

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👍 964
👍 9968
October 30, 2017 4:55 pm

Nickel: The Secret Driver of the Battery Revolution
Lithium and cobalt deservedly get a lot of the press, but there’s also another metal that will also be changed forever by skyrocketing EV demand.

By mass, there is more nickel in EV lithium-ion battery cathodes than any other metal.

Learn about nickel’s vital role, and how the demand picture could change as EV penetration ramps up.

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👍 1233
October 30, 2017 6:11 pm
Reply to  secretsquirrel

secretsquirrel….Yes, I have been saying this. Notice in this link that the Tesla battery cathode is now approximated at 80% nickel, 15% cobalt, and 5% aluminum.

I’m sure the Tesla battery cathodes used to contain a higher percentage of cobalt but it’s now being progressively thrifted, partly because of cost. Nickel, in the form of nickel (II) sulphate is the prime beneficiary. The demand for copper wiring will also soar as EV production ramps up.

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👍 465
👍 9968
October 30, 2017 7:54 pm

We’re flying through the roof in Oz like Dorothy and Toto.

👍 964
👍 9968
October 30, 2017 8:18 pm
👍 1233
👍 9968
October 30, 2017 9:00 pm
Reply to  secretsquirrel

Interesting reminder of the CleanTeq proximity! And good timing on the call from Williamstown and you – from a low price leverage from less than $.013 (?)US when to ~$.08 (so far) yields a very nice return percentage.

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👍 846
👍 9968
October 30, 2017 9:20 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

“AUZ exercises the option on Flemington”

I think that’s a given, my thoughts re position is hold till doubles to 20 cents then half out, put into CLQ after taking a view on both of course…

CLQ is just such a long term solid company that it’s hard to have enough shares, that’s greed eh?

👍 1233
👍 9968
October 31, 2017 3:18 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

CLQ is just such a long term solid company that it’s hard to have enough shares, that’s greed eh?

Probably not made clear but the above was very tongue-in-cheek btw.

👍 9968
October 31, 2017 6:38 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HN just as important is backing your own DD – yourself – and your own convictions.

👍 9968
October 31, 2017 5:06 pm
Reply to  secretsquirrel

ss I was thinking along the same line; but after reading article chas2411 posted a link to, I may rethink that – esp if $AUZ has enough scandium to process. I will be researching more of the other companies near $CLQ/Syerston.

👍 846
October 31, 2017 2:16 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Please excuse me a small rant re greed. There is a large and growing group of Anarchist / Marxists who view any gain or profit as greed.
Greed is properly defined as the desire or lust for something you have no entitlement to or ownership right.

That makes them the greedy ones as they wish to take the earned wealth of those whose labor and talent produced it and enjoy it as their right.

Accumulation of wealth is an overall good as thus you provide for yourself and family and are in a position to help others in need. Note I said need not want and that does not apply to more than the essentials to sustain life. Certainly not a life of ease and even luxury for those who are unwilling to work for it and want guaranteed income from some provider.

Seeking more wealth should be encouraged for the common weal of the community of humans as only by those means is enough produced for all. Wealth does not fall from the skies but must be produced by the labor and talent of humans from the bounty of this earth.

Pooling our goods or wealth to invest in production of more goods is a need and any reward we gain is justified by the risk we take. IMO

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👍 7797
October 31, 2017 12:04 pm
Reply to  arch1

There is a moral/immoral side (9th order of perception where sentient beings struggle to resolve problems) to this issue that manifests in a big way. Doing the work to identify speculations that have what it takes to maximize ROI is no small task. I get as worn out from conducting DD as I do from physical labor and I know first hand because I am doing both today. The goal is the same: comfort and personal satisfaction, and contributing something of value to all. “All” would include yours truly. I doubt anyone here has the ability to manipulate outcome beyond ones exposure to personal risk. Going large in any given position and sharing that risk with others gives evidence of ones faith in his or her choices and ability to identify the most likely to succeed. Buy to your hearts content IMO. On another note I bought $NGPHF at around $.7 in 2014 and hung on till earlier this year where I sold at $.27, got tired of it and lost faith. This past week volume has been on the huge side, looks like there is life in Northern Graphite after-all but I am not holding. Take a look at it, there could be some dips on this $2-$3 stock (my estimate). Best.

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👍 9968
October 30, 2017 10:19 pm

September 2017) online:comment image
[6] El Mercurio Online, “Las Opciones de Chile para Explotar Cobalto, Reafirmar su Liderazgo Minero y Mover US$1,000 Millones Mas”, (25 August 2017) online:…r-su-liderazgo-minero-y-mover-US1000-mas.html; CORFO, “SUMMIT Relaves Mineros: Los Yacimientos del Futuro”, online:; CORFO, “Lanzamiento Programas Tecnologicos de Mineria en Relaves”, (20 January 2017) online:…oticiaNacional/corfoDetalleNoticiaNacionalWeb
[7] Agencia Chilena de Eficiencia Energetica, “VPE de CORFO, Eduardo Bitran: “Con Cobalto, Cobre Limpio y Litio tenemos una Nueva Mineria y Manufactura”, (29 August 2017) online:comment image…g Electric Car Industry Whats Next For Cobalt

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👍 1233
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👍 9968
October 31, 2017 9:36 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

The price action has been beautiful, and if it keeps going, it may get out a bit in front of itself. But way too early to trim anything IMO, we just getting started. I may slide into second with a double today, but looking for a home run with this one. When it hits US$2 I’ll pull back the house I put up. We are right now where I projected and hoped we would be year end, and projecting $2 somewhere around 12-16 months from now, it could come earlier.

👍 964
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👍 9968
October 31, 2017 1:43 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

New ( at least to posting ) Gummie here. I’m more of a reader than poster. Long on ears and short on mouth…. as my Grandpa used to say about the learning process in life. LOTS to listen to here ! Much appreciation to all the contributors of this thread. I was wondering if anyone had read the Quarterly Activities Report from the Clean TeQ news web page dated 10/27/17. Page 2 of the report caught my ear… under the Maiden Offtake Agreement header, about Easpring possibly acquiring a 25% interest in the Project at Syerston and that the two will investigate the potential for a partnership in downstream precursor and possibly battery cathode production at Syerston. With discussions on going at this time. Did I miss this somewhere in this thread being mentioned ? If so, I apologize for bringing it back up. Here is the link and you may have to copy and paste since I am new at this ..Cowboy

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👍 709
October 31, 2017 1:49 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles
👍 709
Charles Ironside
Charles Ironside
October 31, 2017 4:15 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Very good article out on Smallcapnetwork on CleanTeq, especially about Scandium,
They seem to have a really good catch in having Dr. Tim Langan on the pay roll,…dustry/s/via/8996/article/view/p/mid/2/id/34/

also some relevant slides from yesterday’s LME meeting on a consensus poll of Copper, EVs, Nickel forecasts

LME (@LME_news) _ Twitter.html
LME (@LME_news) 6_ Twitter.html
LME (@LME_news)4 _ Twitter.html

Hope the links open OK

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October 31, 2017 4:38 pm

Sorry hope this link works…dustry/s/via/8996/article/view/p/mid/2/id/34/

I will type out the consensus results

👍 105
👍 9968
October 31, 2017 4:42 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Try this…dustry/s/via/8996/article/view/p/mid/2/id/34/

👍 105
October 31, 2017 4:52 pm
Reply to  chas2411

chas, the link from the stockgumshoe email opens fine for me; but the link in the post above does not. The article was really eye opening for me. Thanks for the link – a must read (IMHO) for all CleanTeq holders or watchers.

👍 846
October 31, 2017 5:24 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Poll at LEM meeting
Price of copper by end of 2018
A. Down less than 5%——12% of Poll
B. Down 5-10%————-18%
C. Down more than 10%–15%
D. Up less than 5%———23%
E. Up 5-10%—————-17%
F. Up more than 10%——14%

Price of nickel by end of 2018
A. Down less than 5%——7% of Poll
B. Down 5-10%————-6%
C. Down more than 10%–3%
D. Up less than 5%———25%
E. Up 5-10%—————-33%
F. Up more than 10%——26%

How many EVs’ in 10 years time
A. As now approx 2 million —-2% of Poll
B. 4 to 8million——————16%
C. 8 to 12 million—————-61%
D Nearly all———————-21%

CleanTeq link


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👍 105
👍 105
👍 9968
👍 9968
October 31, 2017 10:35 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I think, and I am no expert is that the copper poll is underestimated (lots of copper in EVs) and that the Nickel poll is probably more realistic to my thoughts. Everything depends on the uptake of EVs worldwide and the timescales. I think the EV numbers are underestimated.
China reports that they will have 5M EVs by 2020
BP projects worldwide 140M by 2035
BHP Billiton projects 100M by 2035
Not sure if these numbers include motorbikes etc
How quickly can governments get the infrastructure for widespread usage? It looks like inner cities will be tackled first. RF is obviously well ahead of the game and seems to have been working on this for a much longer time period than I first thought. Selling the concept/raw material supply/evaluation etc. Another variable will be the battery composition used different EV manufacturers seem to be going down different roads including Hydrogen cells. How much Cobalt will be used?
I feel that Nickel will be my spare cash investment for 2018. What we need is a Nickel mountain! ? any ideas.
Also BHP Billiton are investing in a mega Co/Ni sulphate factory in Australia, bit of competition for CleanTeq.
I can understand Scandium alloys taking a long time to production for aviation but not so sure as to why this would be the case for EVs. I am sure RF has this well covered. Lighter weight, increased battery life , 3D printing EV panels/shells etc, reduced cost faster delivery, savings passed on to consumer, more uptake. (?wishful thinking)

Finally thanks HK for your excellent blog and getting me interested in this whole subject which I have really enjoyed reading about.

Lang may yer lum reek

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👍 105
👍 709
October 31, 2017 8:47 pm

Clq Asx AGM presentation on their website currently at $1.67c aud

October 31, 2017 9:46 pm

$CTEQF – Dear Clean TeQ News Subscribers,

Market commentator Dr John Faessel has recently released a report highlighting Clean TeQ and the potential for scandium to transform the application of aluminum to the aerospace, automotive, marine, and rail transport industries.

$CTEQF long

👍 9968
👍 9968
November 1, 2017 3:10 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Ardea also up 12% overnight, and up close to 40% in the 3 weeks I’ve owned it. I think they are the second best cobalt play in the world. But like all the Australian cobalt/nickel/scandium plays, the game has already started, and its the 3rd inning. If you’re not fully loaded up, you’re late.

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November 1, 2017 4:19 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Re market cap. $AU 1 B $US 760. Million

👍 1691
November 1, 2017 4:18 am

I interpret the action the same way as you. Seems like a classic accumulation by big money. The volume has been high, and the buyer buying up everything at their limit price, keeping the price stable. Seems like it isn’t over, so tomorrow we see if we keep on going. Its been a great ride already.

👍 9968
November 1, 2017 5:11 am

It was news to me that the welding problem with scandium has been solved by using laser welding. Lasers are likely also then being used in the 3D printing process of ScAl alloy. Did you notice that printed cage in the VW pickup does not seem to be for engine transaxle unit but is likely for a battery pak? Strong and rigid backbone upfront for passenger protection and easy service, unlike Prius which requires body removal from floorpan frame to service/replace batteries periodically for about $8,000.
Scandium could/will likely be used in motors incorporated into wheels of EVs to keep the unsprung weight down, which has been a big problem with wheel/motors.
Scandium is likely to be a huge and fierce competitor with nanocarbon technology/Graphene in light weight tech.
Russia and US have been using Scandium for only about 25 years due to high cost and it is already indispensable in hi performance military planes, some of which will need robot pilots as G-forces generated in turns would kill any human.
Scandium reminds me of early days of WahChang in Albany Oregon where titanium recovery was transformed into manufacturing process and Precision Cast Parts in Portland Oregon developed spin casting to make its use essential in all modern Jet engines.
Coal slag heaps as well as ore tailings are likely source of Scandium in future using CLQ technology A weed is a plant we have not discovered a use for,
and waste /pollution may become valuable assets soon. IMO

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👍 7797
👍 9968
November 1, 2017 5:54 am

CleanTeQ AGM Presentation, November 1, 2017.

Lots to enjoy here!

Near-Term Objectives: Page 19

👍 465
November 1, 2017 9:04 am

Regards CLQ/AUZ, thought this was worth a post?

Long CLQ.
long AUZ
Long PGM

Regards cobalt, took a Long position in BLINA MINERALS NL
at 2 cents.

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👍 1233
November 1, 2017 5:06 pm
Reply to  secretsquirrel

SS BDI ASX, has an excellent chance of making you money just by following the current hype of cobalt stocks, and at .002caud, you haven’t much to lose.
Could be a bargain speculative trade at this stage.

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November 1, 2017 8:19 pm
Reply to  williamstown

Yea williamstown, riding the wave perhaps, but grades good, don’t know to much about Chile though. I think most countries need the revenues from this new EV revolution. Could as you say be very good which is why I’m in…..and now!

From a HC post:

La Colbaltera district produced 900 tonnes of Co at 6.37% Co and exported high grade ore at 18% cobalt. There are structures up to 20 metres wide which are mineralised with cobalt and a regional fault 70 KM LONG which could be associated to this cobalt mineralisation . There are new copper cobalt plays in the area which could results in big tonnage at good grade, average grade 1.75% Co.

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👍 1233
November 1, 2017 8:36 pm
Reply to  secretsquirrel

SS BDI Asx NP I’ve a friend who loaded up with them just to trade hopefully on the way up.
I’m not a trader, and don’t hold, but in the current environment could prove to be great returns from a long shot.
All the best with them.

👍 229
👍 9968
November 1, 2017 6:58 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Yes well wanted you to see it over. The poster in my opinion is a bit of a wild card, a real Aussie, talks a lot about magnums, not sure what that is, maybe an ice cream lollipop?

That said, he’s quite a knowledgeable bloke regards AUZ.

👍 1233
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👍 9968
November 1, 2017 10:30 am

In early morning trading, CTEQF +9%, ARRRF +14%, PTNUF +45%. Whose been hammering you on Australian cobalt? What did HN call it? Renbyvision or something like that.

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👍 964
November 1, 2017 10:57 am
Reply to  renbycage

PTNUF long, volume only 36000 shares or about $4000.00 worth. Would like to see a lot more volume than that to sustain price.. But will take it
Cleanteq Long
IVN Long

👍 207
👍 9968
November 1, 2017 4:07 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Here is a new use for Cobalt HN

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👍 709
👍 9968
November 1, 2017 6:46 pm

CleanTeQ….what could this be?

Release Date: 02/11/17 09:35
Summary: Application for listing on TSX and project name change
Price Sensitive: No
The announcement content will be available in 15 minutes at 09:55

Release Date: 02/11/17 09:41
Summary: MLAs appointed for debt financing facility
Price Sensitive: Yes
The announcement content will be available in 18 minutes at 10:01

👍 1233
November 1, 2017 6:55 pm
Reply to  secretsquirrel

Clq Asx US$ 375 M re debt financing of its Sunrise holdings in NSW

👍 229
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👍 9968
November 1, 2017 7:08 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Application lodged for secondary listing on TSX Project renamed Clean TeQ Sunrise Mr Robert Friedland and Mr Jiang Zhaobai, Co-Chairmen of Clean TeQ Holdings Limited (Clean TeQ or Company) (CLQ:ASX; CTEQF:OTCQX), and Mr Sam Riggall, Chief Executive Officer, today announced that the Company has lodged a formal application for a secondary listing of its ordinary shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX), Canada’s preeminent stock exchange and one of the world’s largest and most liquid exchanges. The Company’s ordinary shares will continue to trade under the symbol CLQ on the Australian Stock Exchange and CTEQF on the United States OTCQX Exchange. Co Chairman Mr Robert Friedland noted, “We are seeing a significant increase in the level of North American investor awareness and interest in Clean TeQ. A secondary listing on the TSX will provide improved accessibility and liquidity for a broad range of retail and institutional investors in Canada and the US.” Recent feedback from investors in Canada and the US indicates very strong interest in the battery materials sector and in companies such as Clean TeQ, which offer direct exposure to world-class upstream assets and proprietary processing technologies. A dual-listing on the TSX is an outstanding opportunity to raise the Company’s profile in the North American market and will enable a substantially larger pool of investors to invest in the Company. In recognition of the growing global profile of Clean TeQ and its Syerston Project, the name of the Syerston Project will be changed to “Clean TeQ Sunrise” (Project). The new name signifies the change in focus of the Project as an emerging global source of cobalt sulphate, nickel sulphate and scandium, and provides a strong connection to the local area. Sunrise is the name of a property located to the south-west of the project area which is owned by Clean TeQ. Co-Chairman Mr Jiang Zhaobai commented: “We are delighted to be announcing the re-naming of our Project to the Clean TeQ Sunrise Project. The name not only recognises our connection to the local area, but also the significant progression in the life cycle of this Project under the ownership of Clean TeQ. Clean TeQ Sunrise is emerging as a key and highly strategic source of high-quality raw materials for the

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👍 1233
👍 9968
👍 9968
November 1, 2017 7:42 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

In accordance with ASX Listing rule 17.1, Australian Mines Limited (“Australian Mines” or “the Company”) requests a trading halt for its securities, pending the release of an announcement with regards to a share placement to institutional investors in the United Kingdom, Hong Kong and Australia.
The Company requests that the trading halt end on the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Monday 6 November or when the anticipated announcement referred to above is released to the market.
The Company is not aware of any reason why the trading halt should not be granted, nor of any other information necessary to inform the market about the trading halt.

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👍 1233

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