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written by reader Scandium, Cobalt, and Water Purification: CleanTeQ Holdings

By hendrixnuzzles, February 6, 2017

A Microcap Teaser Solution In Advance !!
(Australian stock exchange CLQ, OTC pinks CTEQF).
CleanTeQ is sure to be the answer to future teasers you will be reading about from resource gurus, To save you all the trouble of solving them, I decided to write this article.
My portfolio was grotesquely overweight in gold and silver positions, and in moments of anxiety I thought it would be a good idea to diversify and take a few positions in something other than gold mines, royalty companies, Mongolian exploration companies, and small-cap copper miners with major operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Thus I made a small speculation in CleanTeQ, solely on the basis that mining titan Robert Friedland was the Chairman, and CleanTeQ was the only resource company I could find that seemed to be in a position to mine scandium, a very rare metal that sells for a couple of thousand dollars a kilo.
My due diligence was so slight that I was embarrassed to emphasize my position to the readers at Stock Gumshoe. We are supposed to study these things a little more than I did for CleanTeQ. And after entering at 50 cents, the stock promptly dropped to 35 cents or so, making me glad that I did not look foolish by publicizing my position.
As the weeks went by, I started to find more information on the company that I should have found out beforehand. This was partly accidental, partly from other Gumshoe readers, and partly from new announcements and company news that occurred after I took a position. But the findings were all very positive, and because the company is so interesting I thought it warranted its own thread apart from the hard asset thread which I moderate.
I have a full long position and high hopes. And I thank Secretsquirrel, Griffin, Larry McKenna, and several others who helped fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle.
Below are my findings, opinions, and summary on CleanTeQ Holdings:
BUSINESS MODEL CleanTeQ is a hybrid company based with three bases: scandium mining and production, cobalt mining and production, and water purification. This seems like an odd combination, but as you will see, it is not. It is a stroke of genius. And I will explain why we should care about scandium and cobalt.
(1) The company is starting production of the Syerston mine, the world’s only scandium mine;
(2) The company will also produce significant amounts of cobalt as a co-product to the scandium;
(3) The company has a large-scale water purification technology, which will target municipalities,
Industrial operations with waste water problems, and mines, which also have water problems

(1) Scandium is a very rare metal that usually occurs in only small amounts that are not economical to mine. It is mostly available as a by-product and the market is opaque, usually between private parties. Scandium has very beneficial applications in aerospace, aviation, and technology, but has not been widely applied because there is not a sufficiently reliable supply of it.
(2) Cobalt is essential in many batteries. Lithium gets all the investment press, but a majority of the battery formulations need cobalt, which is rare compared to lithium. Cobalt has a similar supply situation as scandium, it is mostly a by-product and is not commonly a prime mining target in and of itself. But demand for the electric energy market is growing rapidly and cobalt demand is growing and will continue to grow accordingly. Supply chains on cobalt are iffy.
(3) Water purification is a pressing need throughout the world. Cities with lots of people, industrialized places with lots of factories, or mines with waste water, all have a real and pressing need for large scale water purification. I think most people can accept this premise of widespread demand without a lot of documentation.

HOW DO THESE SEGMENTS RELATE TO EACH OTHER ? I cannot get too technical about the water purification technology, but I will try to explain what I understand, and how it relates to the scandium and cobalt operations. They call it Continuous Flow Ionization. Ionization is not a proprietary technology per se, but CleanTeQ has developed a way to implement ionization in a continuous feed, automated loop that improves volume, improves economics, is reasonably priced for installation, and can be custom-modified to specific waste problems. It can be used in conjunction with other filtration techniques. Further, it can be modified TO EXTRACT CERTAIN SUBSTANCES from the feed waste water. This is done by modifying the resins that are used in the ionization process.

Now it so happens that CleanTeQ has developed resins that can extract scandium and cobalt from waste water. So they potentially will have commercial sources of rare metals from the by-product waste of their water purification process !

HOW CLOSE IS THE WATER THING TO REALLY HAPPENING ? It is happening. CleanTeQ has signed a memorandum of understanding with a major Chinese municipality to implement their technology. There is a joint venture, 55% Chinese/45% CleanTeQ. Once the first one is up and working, China has a mind-boggling potential for water purification. For their teeming urban centers and for their mining and industrial locations, shall we say the potential is very large ?

CleanTeQ has 100% of rest of the world. CleanTeQ is closed-mouthed about other commercial sources, but they let on that they have been in contact with the likes of GE, Dow, and other big hitters. They state a pipeline target of $100 million by 2020; I predict they will do much better.

HOW CLOSE IS THE COBALT THING TO REALLY HAPPENING ? Very close. Battery useage is soaring and is the strategic target of many governments, corporations, and environmental groups. Batteries need cobalt.

HOW CLOSE IS THE SCANDIUM THING FROM HAPPENING ? This will take a while because the applications are high tech, with long lead times, and there is only one scandium mine in the world (CleanTeQ’s newly commissioned Syerston mine). CleanTeQ intends to develop the scandium market by being a reliable source of supply, and by driving the price down.
CleanTeQ will have viable margins with scandium prices up to half of current prices.

To give you an idea, the Russians made a few MIGs with scandium/aluminum alloys. They were faster, lighter, stronger. An addition of 0.5% scandium to aviation aluminum strengthens the frame, removes the need for riveting, reduces weight, and makes repairs easier. . The Russians dropped it because of costs; and Boeing and Airbus will not use it without a reliable source of supply. But there is about to be a reliable source of supply: CleanTeQ.

WHAT ABOUT IP PROTECTION ? I believe the IP and know-how moat is sufficient. CleanTeQ holds a perpetual license from a high-level Russian research organization that provided some of the foundation technology. I am not a patent lawyer and a lot of the know-how will be proprietary, not patented. CleanTeQ has been at this for over ten years, I think the barriers to entry are sufficient.

MANAGEMENT Totally a plus. Robert Friedland is the Co-Chairman and CEO, he has 20% of the company, great credibility and clout with the Chinese, and an unbelievable track record in mining. Sam Reggall is the other co-chairman. I know little about him, other than from my observations of him on an Australian investment show that aired last week. He was impressive.

MONEY AND FINANCES I don’t think there is anything at all to worry about. Friedland must be worth billions, the Chinese are in, and the concept has enormous potential.

Sources: as I mentioned, information is scant. My sources were the CleanTeQ website, presentations and and interviews with Friedland and Reggall, and the sketchy information on the brokerage sites. Nothing you cannot find on your own.

Long CleanTeQ

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November 7, 2017 12:40 pm

$GEMC on TSX (np)

Global Energy Metals Corp.

I am looking for under the radar cobalt speculations and came across this company. I was wondering if anyone else has looked at the company.

They have interest in two cobalt properties, one in Australia (Queensland — north of Syerston) and one in Canada. The initial cobalt grades look promising to this novice but not extremely large.

What is intriguing to me is they have a strategic partnership with Beijing Easpring, the same company to which CleanTeq is partnered.

The stock is only $.10 on TSX with a market cap of only $3.8 million.

Any thoughts?

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👍 454
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November 8, 2017 7:47 pm

ARRRF ARRRF. On 30th day anniversary of my purchase, looks like a double. Good dog. Ardea going parabolic in OZ action right now. Australian cobalt was a no brainer, and reaping the rewards. Long CTEQF, ARRRF, PTNUF. All doubles and just getting started.

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👍 964
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November 9, 2017 12:32 am
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November 9, 2017 7:56 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

CLQ – Just a reminder who’s the boss

👍 9968
November 9, 2017 3:32 am
Reply to  rubberworm

Thanks rubberworm,

Looking awesome, Thunder Birds are GO – EOM.

👍 1233
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November 9, 2017 11:30 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Some time back (I can’t remember when), having read all of your posts, I decided CleanTeq was a long term holding for me and possibly a legacy stock. Ivanhoe probably would be too, if it were located somewhere other than DRC (but I have no plans to reduce my position in it either).

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👍 846
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November 9, 2017 12:52 pm

Hey Guys, I randomly found the Gumshoe site a few weeks back while searching for a “next Amazon” or “next Netflix” or something the Motley Fool was touting. I came across Nuzzy’s CleanTeQ article and it resonated. Everything makes sense. Comparatively, I may be considered late to the party as many of you are in at well below $.50/share. I bought in a few weeks ago and again the other day. I think I average in at $1.22. Not 20 minutes ago, Clark Howard was on the ratio talking about the death of the gas engine. Volvo with a 2 year plan for no gas engines. All electrics. China mandate for all electrics. GM, Ford, Chrysler to follow suit with 2/3 electrics within 10 years. All of this benefits CleanTeQ. While I may be late comparatively to the folks on this thread, I think I am early as far as the mainstream public. When these types of things start hitting the Clark Howard show, they are starting to go main. That being said, where do you think CleanTeQ sits (share price) a year from now, 5 years from now, 10 years from now. I know Nuzzy stated that he had a gut feeling of $3/share in the near term, but where do you guys think it goes from there?

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👍 9968
November 9, 2017 9:03 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Thanks Nuz. That’s what I was kinda looking for. Considering construction doesn’t even begin until 2018, I bought with the intent on keeping for at least a few years. I cant help get excited about all the chatter on here and what the stock price has already done. I appreciate all of your input on this company. Its been a real eye opener. I’ll be buying more in the coming week.

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👍 18
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November 9, 2017 9:32 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HN, for the tree to grow in a ruley fashion, it needs to be skillfully trimmed. Then you can enjoy some seasonal fruits, while the tree continues to grow strong. Growth spurts lead to secretion of oxytocin, the love hormone. It makes you want to buy more, regret not loving it more from the start, but strategically that is a losing play IMO. Buy at the bottom, and trim at various strategic points when it breaks out. I am a firm believer in flexible targets. I have trim targets on all my holdings, but will adjust them based on conditions on the ground. Chasing is a path to losses. If i miss something, i miss it. Other opportunities will present themselves.

Gumdaddy my projections are very conservative, and it could easily happen much quicker. But I tend to be accurate, because I don’t wear rose colored glasses, but an electron microscope. I like its chances to hit CTEQF 2 in 2018, and 4 by the end of 2020. My buy in was 62 cents, at 2 I can trim 30%, recoup my capital, and what is left is free shares 2.3 times my original buy in. At 4, I cash in a huge sum of money, and still have 2 times the value in shares as my original buy in. This is how I roll.

👍 964
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November 9, 2017 11:08 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Right now I am doubled in all 3 of my australian cobalt/nickel/scandium plays, in 10,4 and 1 month respectively. I could sell half of all of that, and what an unbelievable victory for me to have created a whole portfolio of billions in the ground high demand minerals in a perfect jurisdiction, and paid for it entirely with other peoples money. But I have made an executive decision that pulling anything out now is premature at this point. We are in the 3rd or 4th inning of this cycle. So my targets are more in the realm of let it triple, trim 30%. This will significantly increase the value of my free holdings. We are a few months ahead of where I projected we’d be price wise, 2 is a HUGE target for me, once we hit that, the Cage Empire will have significantly expanded.

👍 964
November 10, 2017 8:35 am
Reply to  renbycage


I found that very interesting, as one thing I do not have is any planned strategy. I tend to buy and hold as long as it’s going north. Not good really as should trim or take something off the table as you say.

Of my 3 Australian plays 2 are up just over double, but with AUZ it’s 8 times as I got in very early.

I like the idea of free riding as you say, always good to have funds in the bank for other projects or to put away. However I still think the 3 Australian ones have a long way to go yet and I tend to pick for long term. Trading is not me.

👍 1233
November 10, 2017 11:56 am
Reply to  renbycage

Yes Renby, I read earlier, one of your financial projections/analyses on here, which I found to be astoundingly thorough. You clearly have a knack for that. I am wondering if you might consider doing something, say quarterly, for all of us less than technical folks here on the forum. Also, I am wondering if you might recommend a book on how to perform stock analysis/projection, ect. Thanks again.

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👍 18
November 9, 2017 6:27 pm

Here’s a brand new Clean Teq video for all the fans!

Better than porn, if you ask me!

👍 159
November 9, 2017 6:59 pm
Reply to  chrizcringle

Studying the process plant inthe video reminds me of something that RF said in his Lifetime Achievement Award interview in London ( see link below for another long listen).
He mentioned that mineral separation would soon no longer be done by milling and crushing, but by electromagnetic separation, saving massive amounts of energy and money. I wonder if he has some of this technology lined up for the initial stages of processing and separating the ore at Sunrise?

Set aside some time for an inspiring listen to Robert, our guru:

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November 10, 2017 7:19 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Right now they are approved for 2.5. I see a few possibilities. They could seek and hopefully obtain approval to double up to 5. They can buy out a neighbor who may have an approval they could take over. They could work a deal to process for a neighbor who may have an approval. With all of the ore in the vicinity, we agree it doesn’t make sense to let that capacity go to waste, so there is this potential growth in capacity that could be brought on line at any time. But expect the upcoming DFS to be modeled at 2.5Mtpa throughput.

👍 964
November 9, 2017 10:07 pm

$ARL – Extensive scandium mineralisation
confirmed in re-assay of historic drilling at
Goongarrie South
First-pass resampling of historic pulps reveals extensive scandium
throughout the focus area of initial mining at the KNP Cobalt Zone

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biotechlong (btl)
November 9, 2017 10:51 pm

CLQ (long)

Here is a link to a good annotated map that specifies the relative physical locations of CLQ’s Sunrise and neighboring claim sites (including $AUZ/Australian Mines and $PGM/ Platina).

👍 2794
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November 10, 2017 12:08 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I don’t know the facts but if I recall right CLQ has water rights…does the adjoining real estate ?

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November 10, 2017 12:34 am
Reply to  rubberworm

$AUZ – H20: Water licence secured for Flemington Cobalt-Scandium-Nickel Project, New South Wales

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👍 11604
November 10, 2017 12:38 am
Reply to  SoGiAm


👍 9968
November 10, 2017 7:12 am

But hotcopper says AUZ own half of the Syerston deposit???

👍 9968
November 10, 2017 5:14 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

The map to me looks like CLQ has 90% PGM 9% and AUZ 1%

It is the geolite layer over the dunite that is mineralised with Co and Ni – not the tout.

👍 9968
November 10, 2017 8:24 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I will stick to historical pre 2000 black range maps not AUZ cartoons

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November 10, 2017 8:17 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

CLQ is clearly at the front and the more one reads and sees the potential it will be very hard if not impossible for the other 2 in any way to catch up.

I also believe at this point that AUZ’s plans are to definitely become a mine for their 3 sites, 2 x oversubscribed recent PP with their presentations for the recent road shows in Hong Kong, UK and the States only confirm their intention.

PGM is the likely contender for a buy out by CLQ as discussed here previously.

Unless of course CLQ decides to own all 3 for reasons of their larger plan?

I’ve got all 3 covered, so whatever happens it’s all good.

👍 1233
November 10, 2017 7:49 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I see things differently. I don’t see Ardea, Platina, or AUZ as having to worry at all about cleanteq as a competition when it comes to cobalt and nickel. Scandium is a different story, but that is an issue for the future. When it comes to cobalt and nickel sulphate, any OZ company that can produce it will be able to sell it. By the time any of those other companies comes to production, Cleanteq will be practically sold out, and with the music playing, any car or battery company without a seat to the cobalt factory will be desperately hankering for available deals. Sales will be a certainty, the only unknown is price, and that is likely to do nothing but go up. That the world is still pricing companies that own billions in high grade cobalt and nickel in the double digit millions,this is an opportunity for schmucks like us to make some money. I’d say Cleanteq is getting fairly close to fair price on just cobalt and nickel alone [giving us great upsides on all their other opportunities and leverage to cobalt and nickel price], but Ardea, the most conservative market cap I can put on them is 2.5 times greater then its present one. And Platina, at their market cap, if they can come up with a cobalt update that is in the same ballpark as everybody elses in the neighborhood, they could easily go on a run exactly like Auz just went on, that was a 5Xer or even more now. A lot of smart fresh Auz money now going into these other companies. So money to be made all around in this sector, I think we are in either the 3rd or 4th inning, so not even half way thru. I’m holding everything.

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👍 964
👍 9968
November 10, 2017 5:55 am

I had not considered the value of Scandium to the mining industry itself.

When you elevate weight/mass you pay a huge penalty in energy costs and that is readily apparent in aircraft where cutting weight also further cuts the weight of fuel needed in flight and gives much more payload capacity.

In the huge mining dump trucks every tonne saved means a tonne more ore hauled per trip and in todays giant pit mines climbing up from the bottom burns great amounts of fuel. That is where the strength and rigidity combined with low weight can truly shine in mining. IMO
Long CleanTeQ.

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👍 7797
November 10, 2017 7:39 am

Hey guys,

It has been a lovely time sitting by and idly watching the Cleanteq river steadily flow since my entry at 0.8 at the behest of all of the contributions made here by you all. Special thanks to HN, renby and secretsquirrel.

Moving from there, I was hoping to fling out the proverbial line for some bites of wisdom with regards to Vanadium plays. My interest comes from having listened to you all, our guru Robert Friedland, and summary pieces across the internet such as this recent blog post brainstorming the future of the Vanadium market.

I only know of two pure Vanadium producing plays at the moment. The first being Largo Resources Ltd and its Maracás Menchen Mine. An attractive proposition purely on the basis of Vanadium itself, but in lieu of the company’s current leverage and market cap, it is an altogether less shiny prospect.

Beyond Largo I also happen to know that Ferro-Alloy Resources Group are looking to conduct a London IPO in the near future – which is one to keep eyes on. Ferro-Alloy Resources Group mines and processes vanadium at the Balasausqandiq vanadium deposit in Kyzylordinskay oblast of southern Kazakhstan. Lots of great slides jam packed into their original KASE listing presentation, here:

Of particular interest is the low capex cost for Ferro’s mine. The deposit is not comprised of vanadiferous titano-magnetite and is therefore easier to extract and process. Further – though it seems every miner has ‘proprietary extraction methods’ these days – their extraction technology enables vanadium and uranium recovery of over 90%. Estimated resource base is 870,000 tonnes vanadium at 0.67% grade / 5,586,000 tonnes aluminium at 4.3% / 12,000 tonnes uranium at 0.009%. Strong balance sheet relative to Largo, minimal debt. Financing shouldn’t be a problem if their economics check out even moderately distant to what they claim they are. 46%~ of outstanding shares is held by management currently. Citadel 13.9% and my canny Scottish compatriots from Baillie Gifford are early shareholders at 3.5%.

If anyone has any thoughts/opinions/ideas on these two I would love and appreciate hearing from them, and even more so if anyone knows of any other vanadium plays. I know it is not revolutionary thinking around here to say that vanadium is the next big metal play in relation to battery technology and its use in strengthening steel and aluminum so I won’t prattle on in that regard. But without any ETFs or a futures market right now, one has to buy vanadium producing companies.

TIA all

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👍 1111
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November 10, 2017 5:52 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Great assessment HN, I keep slipping more and more under the plan with mods. I think there is good cause to follow some of the power in the metals world, RF. McEwen, Sprott, and Rule.

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November 10, 2017 7:06 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

GReat names here, are you a fan of Amir adnani of $uec and $gldlf ? I know he is a guy people talk about with Nolan Watson.

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November 10, 2017 7:21 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Would a column on the people in mining make sense/be helpful. I wonder if we could track back any their decisions to conference or events they have attended. It would also require knowing who was at a conference. I’ve been interested the idea of who travels in what circles. Some miners are more interested in Gold, others Silver, some REEE.

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👍 3700
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November 10, 2017 12:51 pm
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November 11, 2017 12:06 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I think the SP is high for not even having FS done. Put this is no normal project. The have around 60 mil cash and already setting up 375 mil Dept Financing. Also my guess is that they will lead the scanduim market. RF will be pitching to Canada by the end of the month I think. So I think even though SP seems high now it still has legs to go much higher near term. I have heard from Stockdale when Glass was slow getting back to me. Ben said that Glass is working very hard but was getting lots of questions regarding the TSX listing. TSX listing will be interesting.

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November 11, 2017 4:37 pm
Reply to  rubberworm

without $TICKERS, no one on a mobile phone etc know what you are referring to. I know many threads are dedicated but often other tickers are discussed on the thread.

👍 1303
👍 9968
November 11, 2017 12:18 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HN…. Totally agree and I have further doubled my CleanTeQ holding.

Now, I have the foliowing question.
Ardea’s stock performance in the past four weeks has been stellar. It started behind CleanTeQ, overtook it, and now has taken a substantial lead. On Friday, CleanTeQ’s stock price fell 6c to $1.24 and Ardea’s rose 5c to $1.57 on the OTC. So, I’m wondering why Ardea’s stock has been doing so well. Naturally, I’m happy for both CleanTeQ and Ardea, but I thought CleanTeq held more cards. After all, it has Robert Friedland, an off-take agreement in place, the patented clean technology that gives the company its name, frequent and very polished upbeat presentations, the famous autoclaves, and a likely shorter time frame to production. Ardea, on the other hand, was recently promoted by Casey Research as their Australian junior miner of choice, and by Matt Geiger of Seeking Alpha as his top cobalt optionality play. Ardea has greater in-ground quantities of cobalt and nickel ores, as well as gold and zinc at a second location. Could this explain the difference in performance?

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👍 465
November 11, 2017 1:02 pm
Reply to  eagerbeaver

You can argue whether its better to have double the high grade cobalt [cleanteq], or triple the total deposit [Ardea], but Cleanteq has 5 times the market cap. I’d value the deposits equally. Cleanteq is more of a tech company with unlimited opportunities, while Ardea is more limited to their properties. Ardea is a great investment for the next few years, and may do dramatically better then cleanteq in the next 6 months considering how cheap it is. Cleanteq has the potential to be a legacy type company that just keeps on growing with no limits, but its cobalt/nickel is much more priced in to their stock price at present.

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👍 964
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November 11, 2017 3:12 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Its more of an intuitive than scientific measurement, but my own assessment is a company like Ardea or Platina, or Auz, if you make the assumption that their properties have somewhat similar deposits as Sunshine, at the present time they should be valued at no less than 25% the value of Cleanteq. I give Cleanteq a lot of points for all the reasons we are all familiar with, and 4 times value is probably over-generous until other parts of their business perk up, but I am in the Cleanteq fan club, so give them the benefit of a lot of assumptions. Relative to the 25% rule, Auz would be over-valued, Ardea would be under-valued, and Platina would be extremely under-valued. I believe Australian investors are all over these market cap differentials [thats all they talk about on all these companies message boards], and smart money is now moving from Auz to Ardea and Platina. I think all of these companies are going to make investors a lot of money, though I have done no DD on Auz, which is now both pricey, and has like a trillion shares out and no mine or money. I am long CTEQF, ARRRF, PTNUF, but 6 times more CTEQF then the other two combined.

👍 964
November 11, 2017 3:38 pm
Reply to  renbycage

Based on my above analysis, my prognostication would be that in the next 3 months, the stocks will appreciate in order of most to least PTNUF [.18], ARRRF [1.57], 3. CTEQF [1.24], 4. AUZ [.14]. I make a note to recheck to see on feb.11.

👍 964
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November 11, 2017 9:37 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Its unique opportunity, I don’t think it is that hard to read. Cobalt going in deficit, and these companies owning property with billions of dollars in high grade cobalt selling for less than 25M when I bought Platina, and 70M when I bought Ardea. It sure seemed anomalous to me, and the market has agreed and doubled that for me, but I think these are worth 3X more at least.

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November 11, 2017 9:38 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Travis has discussed Sparton Resources, Inc. in the past.
Sparton’s website,
From homepage scroll down.
States Sparton Resources, Inc., has an 89% owned Subsidiary, Vanspar Mining.
According to this Vanspar website,
Vanspar Is an 18% owner of PU Neng.
Am I confused, or might Sparton Resources, IncTSV:SRI, OTC:SPNRF, be a backdoor way to invest in privately held, Pu Neng?
Needs, more research.

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👍 26
👍 9968
November 12, 2017 11:14 am
Reply to  mhardin54

$SRI.tsv $SPNRF – PuNeng Energy Announces Major Vanadium Flow Battery Contract Clarification
Also look at other members of the BOD and management.

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👍 11604
November 12, 2017 11:23 am
Reply to  SoGiAm

SRI,tsv – Follow link…RF is Chairman of BOD of Pu Neng –

👍 11604
November 12, 2017 3:25 pm
Reply to  mhardin54

$SRI.tsv – Searching ‘HPX’ found that AFS was terminated
Agree with RF, HN and others… Long $CTEQF, AUZ, $$ARRRF. Very grateful to HN for this forum and other contributors. Best2ALL

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November 13, 2017 5:42 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

hn, HPX caught my eye as well. I slogged my way through the 2017 financial report once very slowly; then scanned it for a second pass. I almost got out a blank sheet of paper to draw a flow chart of the company ties; but after re-reading the issue of Chinese entities refusing to pay, I stopped. I tried to find RF’s interest (in # of shares), but had no luck. There certainly are mgmt and board members from other positions we hold. And while I like the low cost (it only takes a few cents to double!), I did not feel comfortable enough to roll the dice this morning.

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November 11, 2017 3:41 pm
Reply to  renbycage

Thank you Renby and Hn for your responses which are most helpful. I seem to remember mentioning Ardea on account of the richness of its resources soon after I discovered this excellent thread a few months ago. If only I had bought some then. Ah well, better late than never.

👍 465
November 11, 2017 4:55 pm
Reply to  renbycage

Thanks, interesting read that.

AUZ did recently raise 20 million and was also oversubscribed 2x that amount. The recent jump up was huge and there are plans from here. Whether and how far this will run I do not know? but my time frame is/was to hold for 2/3 years subject to how it goes of course.

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November 12, 2017 3:25 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Chasing up the shares of early stage junior gold miners in 2010/11 was fun but ended in tears for most people including me. I’ll stick to CLQ because if its ‘picks and shovels’ aspects. Cobalt is the mineral de jour right now, but could be completely sidelined by some of the emerging battery tech including graphene and vanadium redox flow machines. CLQ’s adaptable process IP is the star of the show here, with a bit of mining on the side. There will always be a need for nickel, but if cobalt is replaced as a battery essential, these junior cobalt players could be left high and dry in the long term, as their product does not have many other mainstream uses. Oh yes, and CLQ also has the scandium up its sleeve.

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👍 9968
November 12, 2017 3:32 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Friedland = Musk without the madness!

👍 9968
November 12, 2017 7:36 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

“These are the only ones of which the news has come to Harvard ,
There may be many others but they haven’t been dis- cervered”.
(Tom Lehrer – ‘The Elements’)

👍 9968
November 12, 2017 12:29 am

Long term trends in global exploration–are we finding enough metal?

Includes cobalt and nickel.

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