written by reader Experience with Reitsmaster Trading at Zacks?

by gamos4 | March 20, 2017 11:45 pm

Does anyone have experience with this strategy at Zacks (Reitsmaster Tradint)? They do post all their trades for every year since their inception(https://www.zacks.com/rta/performance.php[1]), and it seems to perform well. In their favor, they post all of the losses as well as gains, but for each year, you have to count up the gains and losses to get an overall performance figure. I do that by adding up the gain and loss percentages and subtracting the one from the other to get the overall percentage, but I’m not sure that’s correct. I would LOVE to find someone who would go over a year’s performance to make sure I’m getting the orrect % of gain for the year :-).

  1. https://www.zacks.com/rta/performance.php: https://www.zacks.com/rta/performance.php

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2017/03/microblog-experience-with-reitsmaster-trading-at-zacks/

One response to “written by reader Experience with Reitsmaster Trading at Zacks?”

  1. amccom says:

    I am a paid up..expensive user.. I would like to say it is great so others can face the same drain of capital. Same old story. As soon as they post anything.. I buy and I get shafted. Maybe it is slow electrons. $$$$$$ down the sewer. I think it works this way: they first most likely give their hot evaluations to the BIG BOY HEDGE funds… then later I get their picks on “premium” web site. By then any profit is gone. More losses than gains for me. I also paid big bucks for access to their back testing on line updated weekly software… very expensive. Results… so far of their top five to 10 picks… on average only 2 to 3 are gainers and of those we are talking peanuts. Their scans seem to always miss the markets strong movers. When back tested the results are amazing…. but when the results are traded on the open market the results are terrible… It looks like those massive gains they claim are if you were able to trade backwards / historically from their data base. No I am not stupid. I followed their data base results to a tee since it would be unfair for me to change their recommendations … and then state their guidance was garbage. In my experience with their product. is that only 15 to 20% of 5 to 10 recommendations are gainers. And by gainers some are only 2%. So the only way you can make any $$$$$ is if once and a while you hit a big one. For what I paid… I was shafted. Unless it is possible to trade in the past. Their EPS rating is another Bull Shit number. Fortunately I paper traded. Again the majority of high EPS selected stocks TANKED. Since misery likes company please sign up for their service since I hate to be a lonely sucker. Also, some jerk will say that I should have conducted intensive analysis before trading. Then why pay for their professional recommendations and access to their scanning tools… I would have done better or just as worse using FINVIS.COM …. So please sign up. to prove me wrong.

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