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Here We Go Again! Another Plot to Suppress Life-Saving Cures!

What are the "7 New Disease Treatments" the Alliance for Advanced Health says are being suppressed by President Obama's "Sleeper Agent?"

By mjorrin, June 1, 2017

[ed. note: Michael Jorrin, who I call Doc Gumshoe, is a longtime medical writer (not a doctor) who writes for us about medicine and health a couple times a month. He has agreed to our trading and disclosure restrictions, but does not generally write directly about investment ideas. His ideas, thoughts and words are his own, and you can see all his past pieces here.]

This one is fiendish indeed, and the arch-fiend is none other than our former President, Barack Obama.   I’ll try to whiz past the particulars of the plot as quickly as I’m able and take a look at a few of the life-saving cures that Obama is attempting to bury.   This particular spiel emanates from an outfit about which I know absolutely nothing – it’s the Alliance for Advanced Health, which sounds upstanding and forward-looking and benevolent in every possible way.

Here’s how the pitch leads off:


Obama’s Deadly Revenge Against American Seniors

Confirmed: If you are over 60 as of January 1, 2017, you need to protect yourself now…

WARNING: This Alert Is Intended Only for American Citizens. Unauthorized Persons Should Not View This Broadcast.

In the next 60 seconds, you’re going to be presented with verified information that PROVES Barack Obama was the most corrupt president in US history.

But this information will also expose a NEW plot by ex-President Obama…

A so-called “Death Order” he signed back in 2016…

…that could result in the needless deaths of more than 1.3 million American seniors this year.”

What President Obama’s “Death Order” consisted of, according to the screed, was the appointment of Robert Califf, MD, as Commissioner of Food and Drugs, on February 16, 2016.   Why Dr Califf should be more evil than his predecessors such as Margaret Hamburg or Andrew von Eschenbach is not explained, but the implication is that Dr Califf will use his position to deny Americans the right to use a great many life-saving drugs.   The pitch even includes a photo of Dr Califf, with a little black patch over his eyes, because it’s important to conceal his identity.   Here’s a bit more:

“You’re about to learn about Obama’s one final act of revenge against the American people he hates.

And there is innocent American blood on his hands.

Because we’re about to reveal how, in his last year as president

Obama planted a sleeper agent into the US government

…to benefit a group of corporate elites who personally paid Obama more than $4.5 million.

But make no mistake, this is NOT political “business as usual” because…

This sleeper agent’s mission could result in the deaths of more than 1.3 million American seniors in the next 12 months.

That’s an American senior every 29 seconds

And more every single year after. It’s already underway.

You are now at immediate risk

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You’ve already guessed the effect of Obama’s “Death Order” and the “corporate elites” that stand to benefit from it.   The “Death Order” prevents the manufacturers and suppliers of would-be pharmaceuticals from stating that their products have direct curative properties.

And the “corporate elites” are, of course, the pharmaceutical companies that would be damaged by competition from these miracle cures.   The pitch from the Alliance for Advanced Health goes so far as to reproduce a page of campaign contributions to Obama from individuals linked with pharmaceutical or medical device companies, headed by a statement that in the years 2002 through 2016 Obama received a total of $4,547,333 from pharma-linked sources.   (I might note that compared with what the super-PACs shell out, that’s not a whole lot.)

We’ve heard it before, many many times, that Big Pharma will stoop to any and all low tricks to squelch the natural cures that can come from the supplements and “nutraceuticals,” because if folks twigged to the truth, that those natural cures would really cure diseases, it would totally put Big Pharma out of business.   Here’s the credo according to Alliance for Advanced Health:

“You see… there’s one chilling fact the drug companies hope the public never figures out…

Drugs don’t CURE anything…

It’s true.

There’s not a single chronic disease in history that’s been cured by a prescription drug.

After all, why would they want to cure you?

Then you’d stop taking the drug… and their profits would tank.

No, their goal is to keep you on their dangerous drugs… and make sure you keep paying for them – while never actually getting better.”

The statement “Drugs don’t cure anything” is, on the face of it, a flat-out lie.   Drugs cure – actually cure! – any number of infectious diseases, including such killers as pneumonia and influenza, and there are millions of cancer survivors currently in remission with combination treatments that include drugs.   Pharma companies like Gilead have made huge news by developing agents that effectively cure hepatitis C and reduce the viral load in patients with HIV to undetectable levels.   The Alliance slightly qualifies the assertion that “drugs don’t cure anything” by referring to “chronic diseases,” which presumably excludes those acute infectious diseases that do actually get cured by drugs.   But that could also depend on what we mean by “cure.”   If we insist that “cure” translates to “drug-free with complete absence of symptoms” that would exclude the millions upon millions of patients who are able to live normal lives despite relying on relatively inexpensive drugs that keep their symptoms under control.   I would not claim that those patients are “cured,” but there’s no doubt that the great majority of patients with many different chronic diseases are way, way better on drug treatment than they would be without.

And, by the way, how does the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, whether Dr Califf or any of his predecessors, have the power to prevent Americans (or anyone else for that matter) from getting access to the miracle cures promised by the Alliance?

The Commissioner of Food and Drugs and the FDA seldom intervene in the marketing of drugs that are presented as “natural,” other than to place restrictions on medical claims unsupported by evidence.   There were efforts by the FDA to regulate megavitamins; these were defeated in Congress in the mid-1970s.   Then, in the early 1990s, there was another attempt by the FDA to regulate supplements, which was again defeated in Congress.

The FDA does, to a minor degree, regulate supplements, especially with regard to specific medical claims.   A supplement cannot go beyond stating that taking that supplement “supports” a particular area of health, such as heart, bone, digestive, etc, unless – as happens very seldom indeed – there are acceptable clinical studies substantiating specific claims.

This restriction is easily circumvented.   All the supplement marketer needs to do is find a compliant physician and a few patients who have used the supplement and experienced benefits, and the personal testimonials regarding the supplement’s effectiveness as a cure for any and all ailments can be propagated far and wide with no restrictions.   That’s what the Alliance for Advanced Health is doing in the present spiel.

As for safety, the NIH language makes it clear that it’s the responsibility of manufacturers of supplements and similar products to have evidence that their products are safe, but that they do not have to provide that evidence to the FDA before the products are marketed.

So I don’t think there’s much to Obama’s plot.   But it suits the marketers of miracle cures to present themselves as the victims of schemes by the unholy alliance of pharmaceutical companies, established medicine, and government over-regulation.   That’s the reason that your doctor keeps you on those expensive prescriptions for years on end, when you could be getting the natural miracle drug and be really cured in a short time.   It’s a plot, and what’s behind it?   Look for the money, of course!

What the Alliance for Advanced Health and similar promotional elaborations are seeking to do is compensate for the fact, regrettable from their perspective, that the great majority of physicians and health professionals do not recommend, let alone prescribe, the products of non-FDA approved manufacturers to their patients.   It absolutely couldn’t be because those products are ineffective, or Heaven forbid, not safe!   Therefore, it has to be a conspiracy to suppress those products in order to protect the venal interests of Big Pharma.

Onward to the Miracle Cures

So, let’s ignore the conspiracy aspect of the spiel and try to figure out whether there is legitimate promise in any of the miracle cures being touted by the Alliance homily.   Here’s their list:

“There are 7 NEW DISEASE TREATMENTS available right now that could help END this epidemic for good

That could help protect you… and even CURE you… from each of the 7 most dangerous diseases affecting American seniors:

  1. A cancer treatment that destroys even deadly pancreatic and colon cancers… and is 3,000 TIMES stronger than chemotherapy. (Shocking, but true!)
  2. The Asian wonder called “Coptic salt” that WIPES OUT Type 2 diabetesand is better than diabetes drugs in head-to-head trials
  3. A weird-looking mushroom from Europe that can REVERSE the effects of Alzheimer’s Disease… better than every dementia drug on the market.
  4. How the world’s most disgusting food – Japanese “stink custard” – can save YOU from a lurking heart attack or stroke. (Don’t worry, you don’t have to eat it.)
  5. A simple mineral supplement that can now ERASE chronic pain. Yet 80% of us are deficient right now. (You won’t believe how easy it is to live free of pain…)
  6. The true secret to reversing blindness… that is in your stomach. Just wait until you hear about this one…
  7. How a little-known breakthrough for men can RESTORE the physical and sexual performance you had in your 20s… (and even protect against cancer).

They’re called the “Silent 7” because they’re all but unknown in our country

They are DENIED by our corporate-owned US healthcare system…

Some might even say COVERED UP…”

Number 1: Annona muricata, aka graviola

The first one is identified by the Alliance blast as “muricata.”   It is described as the fruit of a common tree in the Amazon rain forest, and the one true cure for cancer, 3000 times stronger than adriamycin, a common chemotherapy drug.   The scientific name for “muricata” is Annona muricata, and it is known by a number of other names, including graviola, cherimoya, guanábana, corossol, soursop, custard apple, and Brazilian paw paw.

According to Cancer Network, an online information site provided by the journal Oncology, the active ingredients in this natural product, which they refer to by the more usual name of “graviola,”  are phytochemicals called acetogenins,  which may have some physiologic effects in humans, including potentially countering the Herpes simplex virus.   Extracts of this plant in vitro have demonstrated effects against some human cancer cells, including doxorubicin-resistant breast cancer cells.   Thus far, studies in human subjects are lacking.   Muricata may also cause movement disorders and nerve damage with symptoms similar to those in Parkinson’s disease.

A lengthy paper in PLOS ONE (Moghadamtousi, SZ, PLOS ONE DOI:10.1371 /journal.pone. 0122288 April 10, 2015) seeks to justify the use of graviola/muricata in traditional medicine primarily based on low cost and a supposed relative absence of side effects., viz:  “The long history of employing natural products in ethnomedicine with low-prices and limited side effects, in contrast to expensive synthetic drugs with severe adverse side effects, was the main reason for the development of new pharmaceutical drugs from natural sources.”   The authors, from the University of Malaysia, conducted a study in several groups of rats, in which they found that several substances found in this plant did have potential beneficial effects in several classes of cancer cells, including the capacity to trigger apoptosis (cell death) in some cancer cells.   Among other things, the study monitored the formation of aberrant crypt foci (ACF) in rats, those being the earliest identifiable pre-cancerous lesions in colon cancer.   The conclusion was that extracts of graviola/muricata had the capacity to diminish the formation of these pre-cancerous lesions in rats, as well as other potential anti-cancer effects, and thus had significant promise in the treatment of cancer.

A couple of small caveats: PLOS ONE is not a traditional peer-reviewed journal; thus the paper was not submitted to a panel of oncologists prior to being published.   That’s a relatively minor caveat.   The big caveat is that there is a huge distance between a carefully-conducted study of the active ingredients in a naturally-occurring substance, whether plant or animal, and a supplement concocted by a manufacturer that simply states that it comes from that naturally-occurring substance.   The PLOS ONE authors painstakingly extracted those chemicals from the graviola/muricata plant, and that’s what they tested.   What the supplements manufacturers did, who knows?   The Annona muricata tree may indeed bear promising fruit, but my guess is that we’re many years away, if ever, from seeing an effective cancer drug based on that fruit.

Number 2: “Coptic salt,” aka Coptis chinensis 

This one has a bunch of names, although “Coptic salt” appears to be the Alliance’s own moniker. It is made from the root of a plant called Chinese Goldthread, of the Ranunculacea family, which is used in folk medicine for a number of diseases and conditions.  According to the World Health Organization, these may include bacterial diarrheas, acute conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis, boils, and cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis (“oriental sore”).  Coptis chinensis is also used in the treatment of arthritis, burns, diabetes, dysmenorrhoea, toothache, malaria, gout, and kidney disease. WHO points out that none of these uses are in any way supported by clinical data.

The active constituent of the so-called Coptic salt is the alkaloid berberine, which does have in vitro antibacterial properties, inhibiting the growth of some common bacteria including staphylococci, streptococci, and some pathogens that cause cholera and dysentery, but not of others, including E. coli, Salmonella, and Shigella.   The specific mechanism through which berberine exerts its antidiarrheal effects is thought to be inhibition of cyclic AMP accumulation, which results in a reduction of the motility of the intestinal system.   Essentially, what berberine does is reduce stool volume.   It does not appear to combat the infection itself.

The Alliance claims that there are more than 2,700 scientific studies in this particular substance.   I could find 317 listed in PubMed, all in vitro or in animals.   The Alliance also suggests that there was a head-to-head study in which Coptic salt “ran circles around” metformin in treating diabetes.   The closest one I could find was a study in mice in which a tablet called JiQi-JiangTang, which contains Coptis chinensis along with other substances, was demonstrated to reduce insulin resistance and improve beta cell function.   A study by Peng Ji-lan and others from the Tongji Medical College in Huazhong concluded that the JiQi-JiangTang tablets were no more effective than placebo in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Where the Alliance for Advanced Health got their data about the miraculous effectiveness of Coptic salt as a cure – not a treatment, but a cure! – for diabetes, I know not.

Number 3: Erinaceous mushroom, AKA Lion’s Mane mushroom

The scientific name is Hericeum erinaceous, and the Alliance swears that it is a sure-fire cure for Alzheimer’s disease.   Here’s that part of their gospel:

“… the amazing Erinaceous mushroom extract actually cleans the plaque out of your brain… like scrubbing baked-on grease off a dirty pan

And there’s even more than that.

Scientists are now learning this incredible natural medicine

…also SAVES your vital brain cells

That’s right. It actually stops your brain cells from dying… so your brain can function just like it used to. Imagine…

Your mind stays scalpel sharp… those embarrassing “senior moments” become few and far between…

And your healthy brain is SAVED from the slow decline into dementiafor good.”

There is a 2009 paper (Mori K, Phytother Res 2009;23:367-372) reporting a double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial comparing two cohorts, 15 subjects each, with mild cognitive impairment.   One group received tablets consisting of dried powder of the Yamabushitake mushroom, which is what the erinaceous mushroom is called in Japanese, while the other group got placebo.   The findings were that the group that got the mushroom treatment showed improvement on a cognitive function scale starting after about 8 weeks of three-times-daily dosing.   But by about 4 weeks after the 16-week treatment period, those improvements in cognitive function faded.   The authors concluded that the erinaceous mushroom treatment regimen could be effective in treating mild cognitive impairment.

This, if I may make a mildly negative comment, is a far cry from curing Alzheimer’s disease.   Several drugs have been shown to improve cognitive function, at least on a short-term basis; these include drugs used in treating Parkinson’s disease – Aricept and others.   The mechanism of action of most of these drugs is inhibition of the enzyme acetylcholesterinase, which breaks down acetylcholine in the brain.   Acetylcholine (ACh)  is vital to brain function, and one of the things that happen in AD is a decline in the numbers of cholinergic brain cells, so any means of increasing the amount of circulating ACh is a potential boost in brain functioning.

Number 4: Japanese “stink custard” aka durian, or Kinase N4, 

As per the Alliance credo, here’s what that one does:

“…there’s a special enzyme found in a smelly Japanese food… that naturally “eats” blood clots.

The food is called “stink custard” and for good reason. 

It’s a foul mash of fermented beans – but don’t worry, you don’t have to eat it.

The enzyme in the food that dissolves clots can also be found in supplement form.

So you just pop an inexpensive capsule,
and your heart and brain are protected

And numerous research studies now confirm it: This enzyme, called Kinase N4, dissolves blood clots on contact.”

I will confess that my digging around for clues about this particular miracle cure led me far and wide, but to no satisfactory conclusion.   The Alliance’s spiel identifies that active ingredient of the Japanese “stink custard” as kinase N4.   The “stink custard” appears to be the fruit of a tree called the durian, and it does indeed stink, although some people find its overpowering smell somewhat tolerable, at least.   The fruit of the durian is large and covered with sharp spines, such that people walking under durian trees have sustained nasty injuries if a durian fruit came loose and bonked them on the noggin.    When split with a machete or similar sharp instrument, it contains a stinky inner core that some people like, and that has numerous roles in folk medicine, including as an aphrodisiac and as a fever cure.   According to, durian’s health benefits include the treatment of depression, anxiety, insomnia, pain, migraine, Parkinson’s Disease, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and a bunch of other conditions.   But no mention of anti-clotting activity.   PubMed lists no papers mentioning either durian or kinase N4 in connection with anticlotting activity.

So, is it possible that the Alliance has secret information about durian/kinase N4?

Number 5: Magnesium as a cure for chronic pain

The Alliance’s doctrine as usual goes too far, but on balance Doc Gumshoe doesn’t have much of a quarrel with this one. In general, magnesium tends to be a muscle relaxant, so if the pain is muscular pain, magnesium supplements may well help, especially in persons who are magnesium-deficient.  The Alliance says that about 80% of us are magnesium-deficient, but I see no basis for that.  Elderly people and women are more likely to be magnesium-deficient than the rest of the population.  And if the pain is not muscular, it’s not likely that magnesium will help.

Number 6: Lutein and zeaxanthin as a cure for age-related macular degeneration

The declaration starts out by raising the specter of terrifying but ineffective treatments:

“The “mainstream” treatment isn’t for the faint of heart.

I’m talking about drugs injected directly into your eyeball… lasers burning up the inside of your eye…

Or scary eye surgery.

And after all that, there is still no cure.”

The miracle cures touted by the Alliance are lutein and zeaxanthin, which are indeed acknowledged to be essential antioxidants in the eye, reducing the risk of chronic eye diseases including age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts.   What these two carotenoids do is filter the high-energy blue short wavelengths of light, protecting the healthy cells in the retina.   We do not synthesize lutein or zeaxanthin, and they do tend to break down over time, but they are present in foods such as green leafy vegetables and eggs.

Many studies have shown that lutein and zeaxanthin reduce the risk of chronic eye diseases, including AMD and cataracts.   The American Optometric Association notes that some people who do not get enough of these nutrients from their diet may benefit from taking supplements of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are widely available.

So far, the Academy appears to be on the same track as mainstream medicine.   Where do the secret miracle cures come in?   Just wait – here’s the payoff:

“You also can’t just start taking a supplement with lutein and zeaxanthin.

These 2 vision-restoring nutrients don’t dissolve well into your body. Most of it just passes right on through you… and out the other end.

I think you catch my drift…

But there is a way to get lutein and zeaxanthin right to your eyes… where they can stop and even reverse the effects of macular degeneration.

You have to take a very special form– a combination that allows them to be fully absorbed.”

And, of course, only by becoming members of the Academy for Advanced Health, will you be able to find out precisely which supplement you need to take.

By now you’re getting the drift.   But let’s take a look at the last miracle cure.

Number 7: A testosterone supplement the Academy calls “Man Roots”

Despite assiduous sleuthing, Doc Gumshoe can’t swear what this one is.   Here’s what the Academy says:

“Of course, supplementing testosterone is nothing new for guys who have a little grey up top…

And who maybe are experiencing some “bedroom” issues.

But the mainstream options are scarywith an increased risk of blood clots or heart problems.

Now, thanks to the discovery of Man Root, there’s a much safer – and better – way.

In fact, scientists are now learning that an extract of Man Root is a kind of wonder supplement for men who want a return to their youthful vigor.

It’s been studied repeatedly, with researchers finding that Man Root extract increased testosterone levels…

But when Man Root was tested on men with ED… well, that’s where things get really interesting. You see, scientists found that Man Root…

Improves the ability to get an erectionand helps maintain hardness.”

There’s a testosterone booster called “Well Root,” which contains zinc, copper, tribulus terrestris, L-arginine, L-citruline, Tongkat ali (alias Long Jack), ginseng, and Co-enzyme Q10.   Of those, zinc and ginseng are thought to have some testosterone-boosting characteristics, perhaps along with tribulus terrestris.   Might the Academy’s “Man Root” be the same as “Well Root?”   Or might it be another combination?   Other substances that are thought perhaps to be testosterone/libido boosters include creatine, stinging nettle, ginger, maca, and aspartic acid.

The Academy also promises that their “Man Root” will improve cognition, putting an end to “senior moments,” and also have wonderful body-building effects.   But, of course, you can’t identify the specific miracle supplement they’re touting on your own.   No indeed!   It’s only by joining the Alliance, and getting their free book, that you can learn about these amazing cures.

“You see, every single one of the breakthrough treatments and “underground” cures you heard about today…

were first revealed to the 14,000 members of the Alliance.

And our work never stops. In fact, we’re researching some astonishingly powerful cures right now.

Prostate cancer… Parkinson’s… hearing loss… osteoporosis… MS…

With so many of our most devastating diseases, we are SO CLOSE

Today, you learned about the most advanced health solutions we’ve found so far.

And you’ll get all of them in your free copy of our new Uncensored Health encyclopedia of cures.

But it’s only through an Alliance membership that you can truly trust in your health and happiness… for decades to come.

Our goal for all Alliance members is to live a life free of disease… or even the worry of disease. If you were an Alliance member now…

While others succumb to aging… to dementia… to heart disease… to cancer… or worse… you’ll stay healthy and happy.”

The general outlines of the Alliance’s proposal are familiar.   You, dear readers, are invited to become members of the Alliance, for some fee which they do not immediately disclose in their promotional material.   In return, you get their book, Uncensored Health: 25 “Forbidden Cures” You Can Have Today, which they claim is “free,” but which you can only get by joining the Alliance. You also get another booklet, 10 Drugs You Should Never Take (And Their Safe, Natural Alternatives) plus one more, The Underground Secrets to Ultimate Male Vitality. But the most important benefit is that you have access to exactly the right formulations, at exactly the right doses, of these forbidden cures.   Simply going to your neighborhood health food store and browsing the supplements aisle is a total waste of time and money.   The Alliance for Advanced Health – and only the Alliance! – will guide you so that you can reap the benefit of these miracle cures.

As usual with these promotions, somewhere in their extravagant blather there is a small foundation in fact.   Their “forbidden cures” are mostly used in folk medicine, and may in certain cases, in some circumstances, deliver some clinical benefit.   Earnest, sober, serious scientific researchers are no doubt looking into the specifics of what is in these cures that might have a positive physiologic effect, and in the fullness of time, valuable drugs may be developed from some of these “natural” substances, much in the way that aspirin came from willow bark and tamoxifen from the Pacific yew.   You can bet that the drug companies – Wicked Big Pharma – will be all over any hint that from durian, or any of those others, a valuable drug might be developed.   Who knows, they might be working on those right now!

* * * * * * *

Doc Gumshoe confesses that he takes up these miracle cure promotions partly for their entertainment value.   The spiels are P. T. Barnum taken to new extravagant heights!   Last time around, it was the Nazi cure for cancer that was suppressed, and this time our former POTUS is cast as the scheming villain.   However, there is a serious side in delving into these promotions.   I truly believe, for example, that urging people with diabetes to forgo the standard treatment in favor of their touted miracle cure, “Coptic salt,” which will supposedly permit them to eat all manner of delicious food without the least concern, is seriously unethical.   One thing is to recommend a harmless mushroom-based supplement that just might slow cognitive decline and another thing is to derail a treatment protocol that keeps many millions of people with diabetes in reasonably good health.   Sounds to me as though the folks at the Academy for Advanced Health have their eye on the money as well.



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Philip G. Budd
June 2, 2017 11:53 am

A pharmacology researcher told me his company altered homopathic cures chemically in six to ten variations in order to allow them to patent the substance. (Natural substances can not be patented.) The problem that company had experienced was the chemical alterations to the natural substance routinely generated more adverse side effects and/or were a less effective cure than the natural substance. A marketing campaign for the natural homopathic cure would not be profitable because other companies would offer an identical, less expensive product without those promotional advertising costs.

June 9, 2017 11:23 am
Reply to  Philip G. Budd

Join the discussion You are right Mr. Budd, I cured my prostate cancer with a natural substance. I thought maybe I could make a few bucks with this discovery but, since it is natural I could not figure out how to patent or control it for any benefit, I sent emails to
prominent people but never heard anything back. Nobody seemed to care, I am thinking
about selling the info on a online store and see what happens. I may end up getting shot.

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Tomy Baldwin Jr
June 2, 2017 11:57 am

Gee it seems that death is still the major cure of mother nature which is a grave thought. (>:

Lewis Austin
June 3, 2017 4:17 pm

“Stink custard” is more than likely to be natto. See this article:

👍 653
June 5, 2017 12:42 pm
Reply to  mjorrin

I take from time to time (about twice per year) Rutozyme, it is from a company, Mucos Pharm, a German company that produces it and it is a combination of enzymes with “Nattokinase” from fermented soybeans. It dissolves plaque in your arteries and is awesome. I do it for maintenance to avoid blood clots. I’m sure if that is what you are talking about, but it works for me.

👍 552
Lewis Austin
June 3, 2017 4:25 pm

This could possibly be the source of “Kinase N4”:

June 4, 2017 12:13 am

I have spent the last 10 years living half the year in Australia and the other half in Thailand. The Thai people area a very superstitious lot and are bound up in folklore and a strong belief in natural substances and home remedies, especially in the poor farming areas and among the hill tribes people. Thailand is one of the Asian countries where Durians grow in abundance and are for sale everywhere at this time of year. Although most Thais like Durians and have eaten them for several hundred years i have never heard any praise for the fruit in having any so called medical qualities at all. I would take a bet that no medical extract will be forthcoming from the Durian in the next ten years, i won’t take it on twenty years because probabilities suggest i may not be around to collect. There are a dozen well known so called medical doctors who have switched over to being natural health doctors and they all push their own range of natural health products with extracts from plants and fruit from the “Amazon jungle”, “mountains of Tibet” and many other way off places. They all have two things in common, 1 – they all claim that their product is the best and purest and the others are no good. 2 – all of their products are expensive and all are long time health supplements. SO, Are they or are they not after the money just the same as the pharma companies.

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June 4, 2017 1:40 pm

Thanks Doc. I can’t imagine how much time it took you to research those claims.

Question: Have you written about Parkinsons in a past article I could access? My wife was just diagnosed with it and we would like to get educated.

👍 11
June 4, 2017 2:18 pm
Reply to  Ron4USC

I Have heard & read more than once, decades ago, that longer lasting benefit can be had by consuming Fava beans (which are very high in L-DOPA; & wherein it was first discovered); than by taking the “drug” (pills). The benefit of the “drug” is shorter in duration & negative “side-effects” occur. In Egypt Fava beans are the “national breakfast” for healthy & disease free people (in other words: everyone). Of course there are no “side” effects; there are only effects. The ones we can’t “sell” well, we label as “side”. I have taken them daily for decades for health benefits, & Life-Extention & have never had Parkinson’s that I know of. Thought this information might be helpful.

👍 653
June 6, 2017 12:41 am

#4 could also be natto, which is, in fact fermented soy beans and directly matches the description “It’s a foul mash of fermented beans”… Natto is a well-known source of a form of kinase known as nattokinase:

👍 28
June 6, 2017 9:31 pm

That is a major reason why people can’t depend on the internet to provide any information that has any truth to it.

👍 450
David Lynn Coles-Dobay
June 25, 2017 9:54 am

I noticed the sound of a little religiosity from this article.
Theists have guiding literature and beliefs.
AntiTheists aka atheists tend to replace that same need for truth with belief in discovery and theory. It is in the single center mindset that men of all ages have believed they are at the pinnacle of knowledge and have all truth exposed bare to them.
It is both the source of ignorance to believe all who have gone before ignorant and a source arrogance to believe that truth can be revealed to them. It is also this religiosity that drives all debunkers to take time to critically refute any and all knowledge that they do not have or does not originate with their same source of knowledge. This seems much more evident almost anywhere you look today. I think that it is the misconception that a single tome is equal to an author’s compendium. The wait to death marketing pitch is always a pain I agree.

I did find the article helpful in identifying the traditional medicines I was interested in, thank you. I was interested in the zinc, manganese to reduce chronic inflammation and pain.

This is my fifth year without pharmaceuticals using hibiscus, willow bark, and organic whole milk to survive terminal 4th stage kidney failure.
I was first diagnosed with extreme high blood pressure and prescribed pit viper venom ( lisynapril ) and sea cucumber venom ( norvase ) in very high dose over a 6 year Doctor’s treatment that almost killed me. I hunt rattle snake and make a great stew I informed doctors of the fact that I had anti-venom and antibodies to snake venom. The cause of the High Blood Pressure was a bullet fragment impinging on a nerve at l4 l5 not what AMA pushers sell drugs for.

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July 18, 2017 4:34 pm

The latest group to stop at nothing to defame President Obama is a bunch of huckster quacks. I stumbled onto their video this afternoon. Thanks for your investigative work. I already get lutein in my macular degeneration capsule, but there’s more Vitamin C & E plus copper and zinc.! The AAH practically dared me to do an Internet search…lol

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Mark T
July 25, 2017 7:05 pm

I have no argument with the particulars addressed here, but there is evidence of government/industry collusion/suppression. A few cases:
1. A U.S. tech firm, Computerized Thermal Imaging , had a thermal imaging device that would have saved millions of women from unnecessary exposure to ionizing radiation from mammograms. The idea was to pre-screen with the thermal imager and then follow-up with the mammogram if it looked like it was worth it. The FDA killed the company by refusing to approve US sales. Not a word of the extensive struggle the company went through ever made it into US media. “Debunkers” might try the experiment of looking up references to this device in Australia media, as last I checked a different company was using it there, it costs $150 for a scan. And the media-medical establishment there is throwing a fit trying to kill it off.
2. Web search for something like “statin drugs scam” and see what you find.
3. There are no country of manufacturing origin regs for those expensive drugs you buy. You have more of a right to know where your fish came from than the pharmas. Contaminated Heparin from China killed about 100 Americans and there was less media about it than a single death from an herb tea in SF Chinatown. (laugh at vaccine skeptics if you will but do you want to get injected with Chinese water?)
4. Current ground-breaking research by Dr. Valter Longo has received no major media but for a single feature on PBS. He is scientifically validating the benefits of fasting/caloric restriction and may well be on a frontier of a major breakthrough in cancer and autoimmune disorder research. I know because his protocol saved my life from a horrific and (untreatable by conventional methods) case of “atopic dermatitis” which is really just another MD “beats me” term.
5.Dr. Carlos Lima of Portugal demonstrated the restoration of sensation and movement in snapped spinal cords over 10 years ago. This was featured on the PBS show “Innovation”. You still can’t get access to this in the U.S (think about this and all the para/quad injured war vets!)
6.Look at the evidence at and Those mind drugs apparently cause violent and self-destructive behavior. Their link to the mass shooting cases is never discussed in the corporate media.

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August 5, 2017 4:51 pm

Having worked in health care for over 30 years, I can attest that BIG PHARMA IS ALIVE AND WELL.. Pills manufactured by drug companies have actually harmed and killed more people then you will ever know. The American Heart Association has been claiming to decrease heart disease in this country for years but it has just become more of a problem –via what the AHA promotes in regard to diet and pills..
Where has common sense gone ?? Your body is a chemical factory with many ongoing
complex biochemical interactions.. Why are we not using natural cures for treatment
of health problems rather then synthetic drugs that have so many side effects..?? It is because Big Pharma cannot make money off their products if people would start to use more products from plants- nature as the Japanese and Chinese have done for centuries.
I have seen people suffer from illnesses that could possibly treated with herbs-supplements- diet but instead the MD just increases dosages of the meds without any improvement in the disease– hence the term chronic diseases becomes significant.
It took the US Cancer Doctors over 10-15 years to use alpha lipoic acid in treatment for cancer despite the evidence found that it was effective in treating cancer..
Is was initially found by a biochemist that later became an MD. Why did it take so long?
Well, Pharmaceutical companies really could not profit as with their own synthetic created drugs..
Why are people so resistance to new information that does not involve pills made by
pharmaceutical companies.. The US ranks as one of the worst countries for health
despite all the health related products we have access to.
Our diet is killing us because it is overly processed and contaminated- our body’s do not due well in absorbing and using the processed foods but know one wants to talk about the disaster the food industry brings to us because of the money involved in these
Be savvy and start to take control of your own health buy trying different approaches and quit being spoon fed lies.

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November 25, 2017 6:25 pm
Reply to  Latie

Well said. My eye doctor has been trying for years to get me to take needle injections of a drug directly into my eyeball to supposedly heal damage from diabetes, (which I no longer have, my latest ACI reading was 5.7 and I have been off insulin injections since Feb. after several years of multiple daily injections, so don’t ever accept a medical doctors misinformed opinion that type 2 diabetes is incurable and you will need insulin injections for the rest of your life. I was even sent to a specialist to convince me that I needed these eye injections, but fortunately he was also well versed in nutrition and agreed with me that the eyes are no different than any organ in the body and given the right nutrients and blood flow to circulate them, they would heal themselves without drugs if I kept my blood pressure in the normal range and my blood sugar controlled as well. He gave me a diet sheet, )most of which I was already following based on my own research in nutrition and natural healing, so I am hoping to avoid the drug injections. This wise doctor made a very profound statement to me, he said 90% of his patients are unwilling to make the lifestyle changes necessary to actually CURE their condition, they prefer to opt for”the quick fix” that drugs provide and allows them to continue their bad dietary practices.

The side effects of diabetes are wrll known, not only eye and kidney damage but also the very real threat of amputation of toes, feet or even legs, so it is a very real threat that you ignore at your peril, and NO insulin or drugs are no guarantee that these adverse side effects will be prevented.

I also continue to surprise my kidney specialist who told me on my diabetes diagnosis 3 years ago, that diabetes was incurable and I could expect to be on insulin for the rest of my life. His prognosis was also that the damage to my kidneys was irreversible and I would ultimately need dialysis, in fact he had me scheduled for “fistula surgery when my kidney function was down to 8% which is normally where they prep you for dialysis, A few months ago my kidney function was up 3 points and I cancelled the surgery, and my latest bllood test showed further improvement of another 2 points and an amazed doctor said “to continue whatever I am doing because it is obviously working” and if the progress continues I can stop worrying about needing dialysis.

He further said it is virtually unheard of for someone with diabetes to go off insulin and require no other drugs to control blood sugar. Marvelous what natural cures involving lifestyle changes can do.without the negative side effects experienced with mist prescription drugs.

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Charlie Wood
August 10, 2017 4:09 am

the manroot…could be the mandrake root, an ancient remedy from European countries. I have read about it but never seen one. “”Mandrake has a long history of medicinal use, although superstition has played a large part in the uses to which it has been applied. It is rarely prescribed in modern herbalism.[citation needed]
The root is hallucinogenic and narcotic. In sufficient quantities, it induces a state of unconsciousness and was used as an anaesthetic for surgery in ancient times.[14] In the past, juice from the finely grated root was applied externally to relieve rheumatic pains.[14] It was also used internally to treat melancholy, convulsions, and mania.[14] When taken internally in large doses, however, it is said to excite delirium and madness.[14]
In the past, mandrake was often made into amulets which were believed to bring good fortune, cure sterility, etc. In one superstition, people who pull up this root will be condemned to hell, and the mandrake root would scream as it was pulled from the ground, killing anyone who heard it.[3] Therefore, in the past, people have tied the roots to the bodies of animals and then used these animals to pull the roots from the soil.[3] “” ( this is from Wikipedia ) I would Never try it!

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September 7, 2017 8:13 am


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Hank Vance
September 17, 2017 2:32 am

I call all of the stuff Jesus blood and Jesus flesh

November 25, 2017 6:50 pm
Reply to  Hank Vance

Not completely sure what your point is, but if you are implying that the Saviour is our real healer, that is true to the extent that we recognize that our Creator designed oue bodies to be sele healing, IF we do our part by adopying a lfestyle in harmony with nature, recognizing that he put into plants, including herbs and spices all the elements from healthy soil that will sustain our bodies in good health if we eat naural organically grown whole foods.

Shrager gervais
October 6, 2017 4:40 pm

another great article only to take down in matter of weeks.

October 10, 2017 3:41 am

How the world’s most disgusting food – Japanese “stink custard” kinase N4– I think #4 may be referring to Nattokinase, which is supposed to be a disgusting, slimy, fermented bean dish that they eat for health reasons. If you google it, there is a lot of information about it and supplements you can buy instead of the beans. It is said to dissolve blood clots and keep the blood thinner.

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👍 1
October 10, 2017 9:07 am
Reply to  bobbi7

I use a product called “Rutozyme from Mucos Pharma. Rutozyme dissolves arterial plaque. Mucos Pharma makes Rutozyme, their most popular product is called Wobenzyme N. Wobenzyme N is used to reduce inflammation.

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👍 552
February 13, 2018 1:17 pm
Reply to  bobbi7

Natto kinase

October 13, 2017 9:52 pm

The Pharmaceutical industry is just more proof that money is the root of all SORTS of EVIL.

👍 -191
Penelope Bell
October 18, 2017 12:06 pm

Hardly a convincing hatchet job on natural medicine, given that any who ARE politically aware, let alone medically aware, know that all of our “World Organisations”, be it WHO, or WTO, or UNESCO, or the UN itself are all agents for the globalist corporate gangsters, with one goal, to globalise everything under their centralised global control plan. Therefore quoting WHO is WORSE than quoting Alliance Health. If it means control of the drug market, WHO will do anything to maintain that control – even lie through their teeth.

No credibility at all Doc Gumshoe, besides in EVERY case, bar the last one, you HAD to admit that ALL active ingredients have been medically tested to show BENEFITS, even if not as extensive as claimed by Alliance Health. So, my take is BEFORE now going to do some research on each of the active ingredients for myself, that the truth probably cuts somewhere between your scathingly biased opinion and Alliance Health’s claims, which is therefore still a positive for Alliance Health. That’s the way I see it balance out. Perhaps you are a Democrat voter and the claims targeting Obama, even if unfair, clouded your fairness of judgement.

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Gary F
January 7, 2018 8:47 pm
Reply to  Penelope Bell

Any Dr. who even utters the word “CURE” can have his/her license revoked, receive a $100,000 fine and spend 10 years in prison. Dr. Morris Keller who, in the late 80’s, had pacreatic cancer, cured himself naturally. Wrote a book about it and, after threats from Big Pharma and their EPA lackeys, had to leave the country before they could prosecute him. He is living in Belize and thriving. He knows first hand that what this yahoo is stating is total deceiving BS.

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Dr. Jack H
November 18, 2017 11:50 pm

FYI: L-arginine and Tongkat ali (“Long Jack”) do produce noticeable testosterone-enhancing effects in many men. Long Jack is hard to find in its active form and strength and fake forms proliferate, especially on Amazon and ebay.

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