written by reader How You Can Profit From the $1 Trillion “1531(b) Program”

by koncurn | October 21, 2017 12:37 pm

Has anyone seen this article from Manward press? Any ideas?

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2017/10/microblog-how-you-can-profit-from-the-1-trillion-1531b-program/

51 responses to “written by reader How You Can Profit From the $1 Trillion “1531(b) Program””

  1. mrich4549 says:

    How did you recover your $49 investment

  2. mrich4549 says:

    How do i need to get int the Pittsburgh Project?

  3. DONNA BURNS says:

    I am so sick of reading about these scams to get regular monthly income, and then after reading forever, you find out you have to pay for something to get the information! I feel like it is all hype to sell whatever they are trying to sell! Very wrong and misleading!

  4. Linda says:

    Those of us that could truly use the extra are the only ones biting on this crazy info They are getting rich little by little off those of use who truly need the extra money and never get it. I was interested that I read one person was able to make their investment back.

  5. farinc says:

    Did anyone on this board invest with a real estate development firm by the name of Equity Build Finance that was run by the Cohen father and son team? I’d love to know your experience.

  6. Pa K says:

    I didn’t listen, I just read the transcript: Dear Reader,

    Starting just days from now, a select but highly powerful group virtually hand-picked by the Obama administration will lay the groundwork for an audacious new law…

    It will have a longer-lasting financial and personal impact than the crisis of 2008 or even the Great Depression did.

    It will bring sweeping changes to our investments and our way of life.

    For most Americans, it will mark the end of a long and prosperous era.

    That’s because, starting just days from now, a historic event could transform our money supply.

    I expect that you will experience this frightening and volatile event up close and personal by early 2019.

    The stakes could not be higher for our wealth and our families.

    When it happens… America’s economic legacy will be destroyed. Our markets will be shaken. And Big Government will have more power than ever before.

    But folks who are paying attention – folks who can see the writing on the wall and follow the five simple steps I outline today – will totally avoid the economic chaos that lies ahead.

    When Washington makes its move… you must be set to pounce. Your freedom depends on it.

    That’s why I’ve created this urgent presentation.

    Not only am I prepared to mail this free survival kit to those who claim it… but what I’m about to tell you over the next few minutes has the potential to change your life forever.

    Let me warn you, though: We’ve never witnessed an event quite like the one that’s coming…

    I’ve Seen it All… But Never Anything Like This

    I’m Andy Snyder. If you’re one of the tens of thousands of folks who read what we publish at Manward Press each week, you know me well. I’ve certainly never been accused of keeping my thoughts to myself.

    But even if you’re not one of the quarter of a million subscribers that read Manward every day, you’ve probably seen or heard my name before.

    I’ve been featured on networks like Fox News… I’ve been heard on countless radio stations… I have a popular book… I’ve penned thousands of financial columns in numerous outlets… and I’ve even been invited to exclusive closed-door meetings with some of the most powerful names in Washington (including John McCain, Dick Durbin and George Bush’s commerce secretary, just to name a few).

    But in all my years writing about, researching and studying the markets… I’ve never witnessed an event quite like this – one powerful enough to transform our economy… the American way of life… and the very basis of human civilization.

    And as usual, it’s a sinister, shadowy group of Washington’s slimiest insiders – leftovers from the Obama administration – pushing this radical agenda.

    Combined with other forces, an audacious new law could radically disrupt the supply of physical money in America.

    It’s going to change the balance of economic power in this nation like nothing that has come before.

    To be clear… I’m not talking about hyperinflation, defaulting on debt, the U.S. dollar losing its status as the world’s reserve currency, or anything you’ve likely heard before.

    If you own gold… if you invest in stocks… if you depend on a fixed income… you must hear what I’m about to say.

    Every American deserves to know what’s coming.

    As you’ll see in a moment, this event could greatly extend the reach of Big Government. It will punish ordinary law-abiding Americans who refuse to adopt the new rules or, worse, are simply ignorant of them.

    That’s why I sent you this message. I want you to be aware of what’s happening.

    More importantly, I want to share my simple five-step solution to what could be the gravest threats to our money… in our lifetime.

    The situation is unfolding fast.

    As I’ll reveal in a minute, I expect it to be fully underway by early 2019.

    In fact, we could be days away from a major announcement.

    That means you need to start preparing today. Every minute you wait could cost you big money.

    Retirements will get crushed… jobs will be lost… home prices will plunge…

    There’s little doubt that this movement will ruin American families… but those who take a few carefully planned steps today could end up coming out of this in a far better financial position than they ever dreamed.

    But I’m getting ahead of myself.

    Before I get into the five steps you must take today and the way to claim your free Survival Kit, you first need to know the full story of what’s going on.

    To understand what will start happening in the next few weeks, we need to start at the beginning…

    The Strange History of American Money

    The root cause of the coming event goes all the way back to the founding of our once great nation.

    From the very start, it didn’t take long for the United States to get a lesson in the dangers of currency manipulation.

    On May 10, 1775, the upstart American revolutionaries issued their first currency, the Continental.

    In dire need of cash to fight the British, they issued Continentals to pay for the war effort.

    And at first, it worked.

    The Continental was equal to the value of one Spanish milled dollar, the most common coin in the Colonies. And as such, people accepted the Continental for trade and banking just as we use dollars today.

    But as the Revolutionary War went on and the bills piled up, the new United States government did what all governments do.

    It printed more.

    By 1779, just four years after creating the Continental, the bill had depreciated by 3,900%. George Washington complained that “a wagonload of money will scarcely purchase a wagonload of provisions.”

    But did the government give up and recognize its mistake – that you can’t print wealth?

    Of course not. As we know, it still hasn’t learned its lesson.

    Instead, it made it a crime not to accept Continentals. Congress declared citizens “evil-minded” if they refused them.

    In Virginia, if you declined Continentals, the debt you were owed would be instantly canceled. In North Carolina, if you even spoke negatively about the Continental, you were declared “an enemy of the state.”

    Predictably, the Continental – like all currencies eventually do – went belly up.

    It dropped in value by 1,000-fold in just five years… until, surprise, nobody would accept them.

    That’s when the founding fathers did something peculiar…

    They added an important line to the Constitution that would change the course of American history.

    The line declared that “no state shall make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payments of debts.”

    In short, the founding fathers recognized that money holds its worth only if there is something of real value backing it up – like gold and silver.

    This ushered in the next phase of American money – the hard-asset period.

    The Hard-Asset Period

    For nearly 100 years, physical gold and silver coins such as the Morgan silver dollar, the $20 Liberty gold piece and the $10 Indian coin were the standard.

    It wasn’t until 1875 that the United States began printing paper money again.

    Instead of backing the money with nothing but empty promises, each bill came with a legal contract printed on its front. You can see it here on this old $100 bill.

    It says this note is “redeemable in gold on demand at the United States Treasury.”

    And because of this legal guarantee, the dollar became the most valuable currency in the world… the American economy boomed… and the United States became the one true global superpower.

    But Washington didn’t like it… the ties to gold limited its size and scope. It hacked away at the power of Big Government.

    That’s why, in 1971, one of the most corrupt presidents in American history did something that many economists today still regret.

    That’s when President Richard Nixon stunned the world and removed this “legal contract” that the dollar could be exchanged for gold.

    Known as “the Nixon Shock,” this ushered in the pure “fiat money” phase of American currency.

    Today’s bills say nothing of gold but instead are backed merely by the word of our political leaders (which isn’t worth much, I think you’ll agree).

    If you take it to the Treasury or a bank and ask for gold in exchange, you’ll get a quick laugh before they show you the door.

    And this simple change to no longer back our currency with gold allowed the government to completely transform the way it does business.

    No longer did it need to restrict its spending, borrowing and money-printing to what gold it had stored in the Treasury… Now it had access to virtually unlimited credit and money.

    The power of Big Government could no longer be contained. Money literally means nothing in Washington.

    Since the Nixon Shock, both the amount of money printed and the amount of money borrowed spiraled out of control.

    Debt exploded.

    And the value of the dollar collapsed.

    And that’s led us to where we are today… where once again Big Government and the economy it created is desperately struggling to survive.

    We’re a nation with a government that’s deeply in debt, with a rapidly depreciating currency and a banking system that nearly imploded just a few years ago.

    Thanks to Washington’s manipulation, the American economy sits balanced on the edge of a cliff.

    And Jay Powell and his unelected cronies at the Fed (almost all of them leftovers from the Obama administration) know it.

    They recognize that despite a booming stock market, we’re still $806,160 in debt per U.S. family.

    They see that the number of Americans willing to work is stuck near a 38-year low… and that 94 million Americans are not in the labor force.

    They understand that stocks are overvalued by a wide margin by almost every fundamental measure. They’re at their highest valuations at any time in history except for the dot-com collapse.

    The central bankers know this situation cannot last, which is why they are on the verge of doing something radical.

    It all hinges on a big announcement from Washington that I expect in the next few weeks.

    Our money supply could undergo a complete transformation… a stunning transformation the likes of which few Americans are prepared for.

    This will be a worldwide shift that brings waves of disruption to our economy and our culture.

    I’ll show you the five steps that every smart American should take immediately to ensure that their wealth is protected.

    Plus, as I’ll reveal nowhere else but here, that there are several ways to make a great deal of money because of this coming event.

    The time to prepare is now.

    Here’s why…

    Overturning 2,699 Years of World Monetary History

    Since ancient times, physical money has afforded people a measure of security – and freedom – unlike anything else.

    But for the first time in human history, our money supply is about to leave physical reality.

    We will no longer have a hard-asset currency or even a fiat paper currency…

    Just days from now, our economy could begin a radical shift away from cash – and toward an all-electronic money supply.

    Just like when the U.S. government criminalized anyone who refused to accept the Continental… or when FDR criminalized the ownership of gold with Executive Order 6102 in 1933… I believe central bankers are set to eliminate and criminalize the use of physical cash.

    In this new world, paper money will become illegal.

    And by holding or trying to use cash for simple, everyday things like paying to get your lawn mowed, placing a few bucks into the collection plate at church or even giving a birthday gift to a grandchild, you’ll be committing a crime.

    I’m calling this unusual event…

    The Death of Cash.

    Here in the United States, I believe this legislation will be fully underway by September 18, 2019, the date of the Fed’s key September meeting.

    In fact, the banking industry’s academic propaganda wing has already started promoting the elimination of the $50 and $100 bills.

    Harvard professor and former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers recently published a piece in The Washington Post titled “It’s time to kill the $100 bill.”

    Kenneth Rogoff, former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, published an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal declaring “the U.S. should get rid of the $100 bill and other large notes.”

    Meanwhile, the central bankers in Europe and Asia are moving ahead with the plan to eliminate cash at a breakneck pace.

    Charles Goodhart, former member of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee, has stated his plan outright: “Let’s get rid of all high-denomination notes as a starter.”

    Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, is already pushing for the elimination of its highest denomination bills. German newspapers confirm the ECB council agreed to discuss ways to eliminate these bills in the next few months.

    Soon, using these forms of physical cash for any transaction could be considered a crime punishable by major fines and possible jail time.

    From there, banks across the globe would move to destroy the use of all physical cash worldwide. Time reports that Sweden, Norway and Denmark are all moving away from cash.

    Former Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti already banned any cash transactions of more than 1,000 euros.

    In India, the government recently banned the 500- and 1,000-rupee notes.

    This is just the beginning of what will soon be a worldwide war on cash.

    Even if he wanted to, Trump couldn’t stop this train wreck. It’s outside of his reign.

    So why are unelected central bankers and ivory tower “academics” across the world calling for the death of cash?

    These shills for the banking industry inside the Fed claim physical cash, especially high-denomination bills, is a danger to the global financial system.

    They’re pushing the false narrative that cash is only used by criminals, terrorists and tax cheats.

    And the mainstream media is complicit or simply too stupid to see what’s really going on.

    But I suspect the real reason the Fed and every one of the big banks want to eliminate and criminalize the use of cash is it gives them total and complete control of the money supply.

    As you’ll see in a minute, the shift to all-electronic money will allow them to alter the monetary system in ways that give them massive advantages.

    Plus, this sinister move will allow the folks who truly run this country to track (and profit from) your financial transactions like never before.

    Just as Facebook, Amazon and Google have learned to track your buying habits… your hobbies… and even the route you take to work… an all-electronic currency will let Washington’s chosen corporate “partners” to track every penny you spend.

    It’s a massive power grab for the government and the select companies that it lets in on the game.

    Clearly, the coming event will require smart, quick action on your part to avoid the fallout… or you risk losing a huge chunk of your net worth.

    Cash you hold in the bank is at risk… as are the bills in your safe at home.

    What’s happening will forever change the ideals of individuality and freedom in America.

    Total Control Over Your Life and Finances

    Again, it’s the end of privacy as we know it.

    Cash is anonymous.

    If you buy something with cash from your neighbor, you don’t have to report it to the government.

    It’s between you and your neighbor.

    Nobody else.

    But that all could soon change.

    In fact, thanks to state bill R.S. 37:1866, you can already be arrested in Louisiana for trying to exchange cash for precious metals.

    Shockingly, this bill mandates, “A secondhand dealer shall not enter into any cash transactions in payment for the purchase of any precious metal object.”

    This is how Big Government wants it. This is how it’s preparing for what’s ahead.

    If there is no cash, all payments must go through an electronic system that can be tracked, monitored and, most importantly, TAXED at all times.

    In the future, if the folks in charge don’t like how you’re spending your money – like, say, donating to a political group it doesn’t support – you better believe they will pay you a visit.

    If you don’t believe the elimination of physical cash is coming, try this…

    Walk into your local bank and try to take out more than $1,000 in cash.

    Radio host Dave Hodges recently attempted to do just that.

    Here’s the transcript of his experience…

    Scary, isn’t it?

    The fact is… in today’s world, not only will the bankers reject your request, but you’re likely to end up in hot water.

    Are you aware that banks are required to file a report on you with the government if you pull out any more than $10,000 of your own cash?

    This is called a “cash transaction report.”

    Most folks would assume that if they withdraw less than $10,000, they’re in the clear.

    BUT, and this is important, banks can also report you for pulling out as little as $1,000 because they believe you are trying to skirt the rules.

    This is called a “Suspicious Activity Report.”

    As a recent investigation found, any person found making regular cash withdrawals or deposits of LESS THAN $10,000 in order to avoid being monitored “despite having no intention of using the money for an illegal purpose, is committing a crime.”

    Withdraw any amount more than $1,000 in cash, and it’s likely the bank will report you. From there, your sin of taking your own money out of the bank will go into your permanent government file.

    Once on a government watch list, you’re an easy target for IRS audits… investigations into your business dealings and relationships… scrutiny of your political and religious beliefs. Your every financial move could be questioned…

    Once it starts, it never stops.

    We’re hearing story after story of people who committed no crime but are having funds frozen or seized by the government just because they were doing business in cash.

    The so-called “cash crimes” are creating a whole new class of criminals across America.

    A North Carolina convenience store owner recently got into trouble for simply taking his cash from the store to the bank.

    The bank reported he was making large transactions in cash – about $8,000 each, not that much for a business – and the government swooped in and cleared out his entire $107,000 bank account.

    When the man complained, the government sent him a letter stating a “take it or leave it” offer to give him back “50% of the money” with a strict deadline.

    In another example… during a routine traffic stop, a 40-year-old carpenter from New Jersey had $18,000 for a used car seized simply because Big Government deemed it too much cash for one man to carry.

    A 35-year-old barbeque restaurant owner had $17,500 taken that was meant to pay his employees and overhead.

    All of these folks faced long legal battles to get their rightful property back.

    The Washington Post noted in its “Stop and Seize” investigation that the U.S. government is already taking “hundreds of millions of dollars” from people not charged with crimes.

    Another report found that when the government can subject you to scrutiny without charging you with a crime, “everyone’s privacy and freedom from unjust arrest is undermined.”

    If the central bankers have their way and eliminate the use of cash, Big Government could soon have the right to criminalize and jail anyone who disobeys the new laws.

    It’s one of the key reasons you MUST take the five steps that I’m about to reveal. It’s the only way to make certain your money is secure going forward.

    The hard truth is… the war on cash is already happening all over the country.

    For example…

    Businesses and State Governments Already Banning Cash

    Chase, the largest bank in the U.S., recently put out a new policy that restricts borrowers from using cash to make payments on credit cards, mortgages, equity lines and auto loans.

    If you want to use its powerful network… you’d better be a part of this new “system.”

    Even worse, you can’t store physical cash at its banks. In an “Updated Safe Deposit Lease Agreement” to customers, a new item reads, “You agree not to store any cash or coins other than those found to have collectible value.”

    Again, welcome to the system. Leave your freedom at the door.

    Chase, sadly, isn’t alone.

    Barclays bank has given its branches the authority to create a secret “cash withdrawal limit” that can restrict customers to pulling out as little as $1,500.

    In 2015, Wisconsin banned patients paying for trips to medical clinics in cash in Assembly Bill 366.

    The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons wrote that “a law outlawing the payment of cash for a legal product would seem unthinkable in the United States, yet the Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Health has already […] unanimously recommended AB 366 for passage.”

    The Comptroller of Maryland outlawed all cash payments at 11 of the 12 branch offices statewide. Whether you’re paying taxes, traffic tickets or zoning fines… your cash is no longer accepted.

    It’s proof that there are few places to hide.

    And it’s going global…

    Canada outlawed paying taxes in cash, while Spain and Italy made it illegal to make any large transactions in cash.

    Perhaps scariest, the biggest company in America – and one with maybe the most to gain thanks to its technology – has also gotten on board.

    During a recent iPad product launch, Apple – one of the private proponents of a cashless society — quietly instituted a new policy. It would ban cash for all purchases of the new gadgets.

    Dina Cartwright, a woman with disabilities on a fixed income, saved up $600 in cash for her purchase. When she got to the counter of the company’s flagship store in Palo Alto, they turned her away cold.

    The difficulties a growing number of Americans are now experiencing will soon come crashing down on all of us… including you.

    But the few people who recognize what’s happening now and take the five easy steps I’m about to outline will end up protecting their hard-earned savings and even growing them in the face of all this.

    It’s an opportunity for you to take control of your wealth and tell the government “hell no!” when it comes to take it.

    From what I’ve uncovered over the last few months, the transition to a cashless economy has been a long time coming.

    The real question is… why now?

    What just happened that made central bankers so damned anxious to rush to eliminate physical cash?

    Here’s the answer… it’s one of the most fascinating events in economic history…

    The Death of Interest Rates

    Since the U.S. officially left the gold standard in 1971, we’ve done a lot of screwy things.

    We’ve printed money wildly… ran up trillions in debt… committed ourselves to debt obligations that can never be repaid.

    But perhaps nothing is more screwy than what we’ve done to interest rates.

    Interest rates should be controlled by the free market. Traditionally, they were. I’ve studied them intensively.

    But somewhere along the way, the geniuses in charge decided rates ought to be controlled by the central bankers, with no accountability to the rest of us.

    And so they decided to start artificially lowering interest rates to try to boost the economy.

    This worked at first, but it also created a dangerous cycle.

    As you can see in this chart, every time we hit a crisis, the Fed lowered rates dramatically, but the rates would never quite return to normal levels.

    As each crisis hit, it would take interest rates lower and lower… and still lower.

    Until, after the 2008 financial crisis, we finally hit bottom at essentially zero.

    But here’s the real problem…

    With the next crisis, they’ll need to go below zero.

    Historically, since the Great Depression, the United States has seen a recession once every four years on average.

    We’re now nearly a DECADE removed from the last recession.

    We’re more than due.

    What will we do when it happens?

    That’s why I believe the Federal Reserve has been desperate to raise rates in recent months.

    But the Fed will only be able to raise rates so far before markets – and Trump — start to fight back. Soon, they’ll both be screaming.

    The nation’s money maestros will be forced to do something different. We’re already seeing it.

    That’s where the death of cash comes in.

    And again, it’s not just here in the U.S.

    Nearly every major developed nation worldwide is also close to or at zero interest rates.

    A global recession would be catastrophic right now because global central banks would have no ammunition to stop it.

    Once again, their only choice is to eliminate and criminalize the use of all physical cash.

    It’s their best solution to what they call the “zero-bound problem.”

    The Zero-Bound Problem

    In short, central banks and governments around the globe have a serious problem… They know their economies face a nasty storm that’s just across the horizon.

    They all want the ability to go to negative interest rates.

    The commercial banks they serve love the idea because they can borrow an infinite amount of money and never pay interest on it.

    And government bureaucrats love it too.

    Negative interest rates mean Big Government can continue running up as much debt as it likes, all while pumping cash into the coffers of its friends at the banks.

    But there is a practical reason they can’t go negative yet.

    Again, it’s the zero-bound problem.

    Time summed up the problem this way: “If interest rates dip below zero, meaning banks effectively charge savers, customers can simply withdraw their cash and sidestep the policy entirely.”

    This means governments and banks can’t offer negative interest rates, because customers can always go to cash.

    Think about it…

    What would happen if banks across the country suddenly declared that all deposits would now be charged a negative 5% interest rate?

    People everywhere – you, your friends and your neighbors – would storm into the banks and demand cash!

    If everyone did this at once, banks would collapse. The economy would come crashing down, and it would be a complete disaster.

    Look at what happened in Switzerland.

    It dipped its toe into negative interest rates in 2015 – at just negative 0.75%.

    And the public backlash was immediate.

    The Wall Street Journal reported that demand for the Swiss’ 1,000-franc note “rose sharply” as customers began “cash hoarding” to avoid their money getting stolen by the banks.

    Bloomberg reports that companies built up physical cash stockpiles in Switzerland worth up to 500 million francs!

    This is the reason interest rates can’t go below zero.

    The existence of physical cash is a natural check on the power of banks and governments.

    It’s the last thing keeping them from taking complete control of everyone’s money.

    And as we know, the banks and Big Government do not like the people to have any power.

    That’s why they’re quietly implementing new rules that will make it difficult to do business in cash.

    It’s their way of preparing for the next big storm.

    It’s why if you hate the idea of Big Government getting even bigger, you must take five steps today to secure your financial freedom.

    You simply cannot wait on this.

    The moment physical cash is eliminated, it will bring immediate chaos.

    How do we know?

    The Chaos in India Shows Exactly What Life Will Be Like in the Months After the Ban on Cash

    We’re already seeing it in India.

    On November 9, 2016, the Indian government issued a shocking overnight decree that made high-denomination notes worthless.

    The 500- and 1,000-rupee notes – which made up 90% of India’s legal tender – were eliminated in 24 hours.

    “The great task that the country wants to accomplish today is the realization of our dream of a cashless society,” the prime minister said in a radio address.

    Some dream.

    As The Wall Street Journal reported, “The disruption has been significant.”

    Banks and ATMs were shut down immediately.

    Home sales flatlined. Laborers found themselves unable to get work. Some businesses started paying workers in groceries.

    The value of the currency collapsed…

    Citizens rushed to the banks to try to protect their meager savings.

    A “run” on the bank ensued. Here’s a video of one of the longest bank lines I’ve seen in my life.

    Journalists reported that “crowds at many branches grew so large that battalions of security guards were needed to keep order.”

    But it wasn’t all bad news.

    Retail gold in India shot up to $2,294 an ounce – almost twice the price everywhere else in the world.

    As The New York Times reported, “Merchants saw the price for 10 ounces of gold nearly double.”

    Shops selling gold jewelry were slammed with customers.

    Meanwhile, the companies that enable cashless payments made a fortune.

    One of them, MobiKwik, recorded transactions at 18 times normal levels.

    India’s largest mobile payment company, Paytm, brought on 500,000 new customers per day.

    The government’s move has given the company “an unexpected record windfall.”

    Investors in these companies are undoubtedly collecting massive gains.

    The point is… if you prepare well for the inevitable death of cash in America, you can set yourself up to avoid the pain and collect a hefty sum of money.

    Very soon, I expect the Federal Reserve will make the historic move away from cash and toward electronic money. It will accelerate the shift to a cashless America at light speed.

    Some investors will get killed; some will get very rich.

    Five Steps for Surviving the Death of Cash

    I’ve developed a simple five-step plan you can start using today. It will help you protect your family and profit handsomely as this event unfolds.

    Let’s take a closer look at it now…

    STEP NO. 1: Secure Your “Personal Money Supply”

    Of all the solutions to the problems we’ll face from the death of cash, one stands above all the rest. This investment can protect you from market volatility… inflation… lack of privacy… and the dangerous confiscation of cash.

    We’re talking, of course, about gold.

    India’s cash ban proved gold would profit mightily in a cashless society.

    In fact, using the technology I’m about to tell you about, victims of this government-initiated crime could’ve doubled their purchasing power overnight.

    Imagine that…

    Suddenly, instead of buying a 2,000-square-foot home, you could afford a 4,000-square-foot palace. If you were in the market for a luxury SUV, you could now buy one for you – and one for your sweetheart.

    But here’s the problem…

    Most folks don’t know this opportunity even exists.

    More than 85% of investors are going about gold investing all wrong.

    There’s a good chance that if you own gold the wrong way… you could end up with NOTHING when the ban on cash hits.

    Most folks are stuck in what I call the “old world” of gold investing. They buy a chunk of gold and hold on to it, expecting it to someday soar in value.

    When the death of cash comes, it very well could soar.

    But then what? Is it realistic to expect the world’s largest economy to suddenly start using gold as its currency? Will we suddenly start handing the cashier at the grocery store a sliver of gold to pay for our chicken dinner?


    But here’s what will happen.

    When the government outlaws cash, most folks won’t have a choice but to stick with the dollar.

    After all, the all-electronic system created by the government was developed by the government to trap folks and give them no way out.

    They’re forced to spend devalued dollars.

    But I recently found a rather secret solution. It allows you to own gold… and remain in the government’s all-electronic systems.

    It’s ingenious.

    Nobody but you will know that you aren’t spending increasingly worthless dollars each time you swipe your card. You’ll be gold.

    In other words, while everybody else’s purchasing power is plunging… you’re getting richer and richer by the day thanks to gold’s unprecedented ability to hold its value.

    Call a cab… pay for it in gold.

    Buy groceries… use gold.

    Get paid… immediately convert those dollars to gold — the currency of currencies.

    Thanks to the technology I’ve recently uncovered, gold has become money once again.

    It’s the ultimate armor against the Death of Cash.

    It’s why I’ve recently created a brand-new guide called “Manward’s Guide to Owning and Profiting From Gold.” It contains all the details on this must-have technology… plus a whole lot more.

    This full-length manual outlines a precise plan for owning and profiting from gold. You’ll discover:

    My proven strategy for investing in the yellow metal…
    What percentage of your portfolio should be in gold for maximum safety and profits…
    And the best gold investments to own now, as the death of cash takes hold.

    The gold-as-a-currency technology I’ve just discovered is an absolute must-have.

    The timing has never been better.

    What’s more, “Manward’s Guide to Owning and Profiting From Gold” will reveal to you the most common mistakes gold investors make and how to avoid them.

    Fact is, gold can save a portfolio – or destroy it. It all depends on how you invest and what you do with your gold after you own it. This guide lays out a simple game plan – right down to specific investments and systems you must have in place – to slash your risk, double your potential gains and secretly use gold to preserve your buying power.

    And I’d like to send you a copy of this blockbuster guide for free today.

    STEP NO. 2: Forget the Digital Dollar – Get Ready For Million-Dollar Bitcon

    Let’s face it. When the dollar goes all digital… many Americans are going to revolt.

    We already saw it during the 2017 crypto mania.

    The folks wise enough to pay attention to the dangerous consequences of what Washington is doing poured into a host of electronic dollar alternatives.

    But I’m convinced that we haven’t seen anything yet… and that today’s low prices are the ultimate buying opportunity.

    It’s no secret that bitcoin was the hottest asset on the planet in 2017.

    It was flat-out one of the strongest millionaire-makers ever.

    It soared nearly 2000% in 2017. It was up 126% in 2016. And that was after a whopping 5,429% surge in 2013.

    It was all in anticipation of what’s to come… the death of cash.

    It’s why I’m convinced that even bigger gains are on the way. Million-dollar bitcoin is not out of the question.

    Clearly, you must own this revolutionary currency before news of the death of cash spreads further… especially now that cryptos are dirt cheap.

    What’s happened over the last 24 months in the world of cryptocurrencies is flat-out fascinating. It’s revolutionized the idea of money.

    And it’s coming at exactly the right time.

    But with dozens of options – many of them with nefarious beginnings – how are you to know which cryptos to trust and which to avoid from here on out?

    Some will soar when Washington makes its move… others will fall.

    Millionaire-makers… and deal breakers.

    I’ve got it figured out. I’ve done the research.

    And I’ve detailed everything in a special report. It’s called “Crypto Profits: Everything You Need to Know to Win With Digital Currencies.”

    In this guide, I detail the hottest electronic currencies. I highlight which to avoid… and reveal the three that you absolutely need to own right away.

    Big Government will hate this report. It outlines a simple way that allows ordinary Americans to not only get rich, but to jump out of the rigged system and into a currency that’s entirely concealed and virtually untraceable.

    All the details are in my new report “Crypto-Profits: Everything You Need to Know to Win With Digital Currencies.”

    I’ll show you how to get a copy of it in a minute.

    But first…

    STEP NO. 3: Collect Your Share of Billions of Cashless Payments

    Like it or not, as the world’s money supply leaves physical reality, it will require a whole new financial system. I’m talking about the vast global networks that will process trillions of annual cashless payments.

    In India, when it banned high-denomination notes, we saw business at its global payments companies rocket as much as 1,800%.

    In Europe and the U.S., we’ll see even bigger profits.

    And we don’t even have to wait. The amount of money in the cashless transaction space is already increasing at a record pace.

    Our research has pinpointed one company poised to cash in first. It’s constructing electronic payment systems for consumers and companies all over the globe.

    One of the fastest-growing businesses in the world involves coming up with new ways to transfer money electronically.

    Look at a company like Square. It represents a tiny microscopic sliver of the market, and yet the company grew from $40 million to $6 billion at its peak.

    That’s an increase of 149-fold over just five years!

    Total every dollar you have in savings right now… and then imagine having 149 times that number!

    Of course, all investments come with at least some risk. And past performance doesn’t necessarily guarantee what’s going to happen in the future.

    If that were the case, the folks in Washington would have a much easier job. This issue of eradicating cash wouldn’t even be on the table.

    This economy-rattling event is about something entirely new… unlike anything in history.

    That’s why I’m convinced what we’ve seen is nothing compared to the potential growth of the one company I’m looking at.

    In the coming years, when most Americans shop for groceries, clothes, cars or even a new home, chances are this company will process their payment.

    And every time it does, it’ll take a cut of the transaction.

    Over the course of a year, we’ll be talking about trillions of transactions and billions in revenue.

    Bank Innovation reports that it’s “growing fast – really fast!”

    Here’s a chart showing the number of payments made through its system skyrocketing over the last few years…

    In 2017, it hit more than $34 billion in payments processed… but it’s just getting started.

    It’s hitting the early stages of what I call the “parabola” phase in an extreme growth business.

    This is the moment when a business hits hypergrowth and rewards shareholders with the biggest increase in value.

    Taking this simple step and investing just a few bucks into this little-understood company could be one of the most profitable trades in the history of the stock market.

    And that’s why this company headlines another new report I’d like to send you today for free. It’s called “Cashing In on the Cashless Payments Revolution.”

    Inside, you’ll find my in-depth research on this company, plus several more we expect to be huge winners in the coming months.

    Remember, this is one of the biggest markets in the world. The entirety of all money transactions will soon be conducted through each of these systems. And the companies behind them are going to make a fortune. Even a tiny $1,000 investment could turn into a $100,000 windfall or more.

    My report will show you exactly how to do it.

    STEP NO. 4: Get a Yield of Up to 24% in a Zero-Bound World

    One of the hardest things about the record-shattering low-interest-rate environment we’ve had since the financial crisis is that it’s almost impossible to earn any income on your savings.

    Savings accounts pay as little as 0.1%. Treasurys and CDs barely top 1%.

    More risky corporate bonds often pay only 2%.

    If interest rates eventually go negative, it will only get worse.

    The question is… how will you make income off your savings once the news I expect on September 18 hits the headlines??

    I’ve found the perfect answer. It’s something I call a “private savings note.”

    In short, a private savings note is a little-known way to get a yield of up to 24% paid in income directly to you.

    This is something that’s becoming very popular among financial analysts looking to help their wealthy clients find much higher retirement income.

    For example, Joseph Holler, a noted CFA with a big following, said, “One new asset class is offering investors the chance to boost their returns and reduce risk.”

    He said he’s continually “surprised that more investors are not in the new asset class.”

    That’s what most folks don’t understand. You don’t have to be rich to take advantage of this opportunity.

    You can start earning monthly payments with just a few bucks.

    That’s why I’ve created another new research report called “How to Get a 24% Yield in a Zero Interest Rate World.”

    In it, you’ll discover how you can start collecting these very high yields with private savings notes.

    24% is nothing to sneeze at.

    At that rate, you double your money every three years.

    And you multiply it by ninefold every 10 years.

    Visualize that for a second. If you started with a hundred grand, you’d be nearing millionaire status within a decade. With no work… no nail-biting… just a simple one-time investment.

    I’d like to send you a copy of this report right away, for free, and show you exactly which steps to take. But there’s something else I’d like to send you.

    There’s one final step in our strategy for playing the death of cash.

    STEP NO. 5: Create Your Own Bank

    This report will be perhaps the most important leading up to the elimination of cash in America.

    It will show you how you can get your money out of the banking system so it’s safe, and you won’t be forced to stand by as the value of your money disappears.

    I’ll show you how to secretly store your wealth – fully protected – in safe assets that can be conveniently stored anywhere in the world… and moved at a moment’s notice..

    There’s little doubt that as the banks work to kill cash, other means of transaction will take hold.

    Gold, silver and platinum, sure… but other assets will also become much more valuable as instruments of private exchange.

    My final report will show you how you can get your hands on those assets now… store them safely, legally (and secretly)… and profit heavily when all of this goes down.

    I call this report “Create Your Own Bank: How to Acquire and Store the Physical Money of the Future.”

    You can get this report – and all the others mentioned above – as part of something I’m calling the Death of Cash Survival Kit. I’d like to send you the entire kit today for free.

    All I ask is that you join me and my cadre of 15,000 freedom-lovers in our fight for the truth.

    Here’s what I mean…

    How to Claim Your FREE Death of Cash Survival Kit

    The death of cash is not coming – in many ways, it’s already begun.

    That’s why I’m about to release my new Death of Cash Survival Kit. The kit will go out free to anyone who claims it today. It includes all the proprietary research reports I’ve mentioned so far… and much more.

    Within the pages of these reports, you’ll find my simple strategy for protecting your family from the coming shift and profiting every step of the way.

    Simply join me in this fight for your freedom and I’ll immediately send you my Death of Cash Survival Kit for free.

    And that’s just for starters.

    You’ll also get a subscription to my underground communique…

    Manward Letter is unlike anything else you’ve ever read.

    That’s because it focuses on revealing the truth… the truth that the mainstream media refuses to tell you about.

    Just look at what I’ve written about in recent months:

    My off-the-record lunch with
    The $10 All-American stock that every patriot should own
    The anti-cancer diet: How one little-known ingredient could add decades to your life
    The real reason Ronald Reagan carried a gun
    And how you can become fitter, calmer and, yes, sexier without a single pill.

    If you were captivated by what you read today, you can bet you’ll like each jam-packed issue of Manward Letter.

    Again, I’m on a quest to change people from being sheep, blindly following everything they are told and never questioning “authority,” to being freedom-focused patriots who can get the job done without depending on others.

    Most people get their information from the news.

    They turn on the TV and naively accept whatever they hear as reality.

    But not me… not Manward subscribers… and, I have a feeling, not you either.

    That’s exactly why I’ve sent this message to you today.

    People like us question everything. We study, we do our own research… and we find our own truth.

    But Manward is about more than peeking behind the curtain… or finding your freedom by investing in the stocks I recommend each month.

    It’s about surviving in an increasingly dangerous world.

    That’s why with each monthly issue of Manward Letter, you’ll receive valuable information – as well as 24/7 access to a library of powerful reports, just like those in my Death of Cash Survival Kit – that will help you protect yourself and your family…

    No matter what.

    I have no doubt that you’ll have an experience like subscriber and satisfied reader Sean Thompson did…

    “I really enjoy your Manward Press publication. It is one of the very few emails I read that I enjoy purely for the knowledge and insight.”

    Or like Chris Worth did, who wrote in to say…

    “Andy, thanks for all that you do. You are a breath of fresh air!!!”

    Larry C. writes:

    “I’ve been enjoying your Manward Letter since you first began… Thank you for what you’re

    I could go on and on about the nuances and ideas contained in Manward Letter. But you’ll get all the details in your welcome package that I’ll put in the mail for you today… along with your Death of Cash Survival Kit.

    So how much does a Manward Letter subscription cost?

    The normal price for first-year subscribers is $149.

    But you won’t pay $149 today.

    I believe the death of cash is so dangerous that everyone deserves a fair shot at avoiding the pain that’s ahead.

    That’s why I’m slashing the price by more than HALF… and am adding an invaluable benefit that could put as much as an extra $7,190 in your pocket each month.

    It’s all thanks to President Trump and his plans to revitalize a little-known section of the law book.

    I call it the “1531(b) program” and like I said, it could hand you as much as $7,190 every month… for the next 22 years.

    It’s already happening.

    Golfing hobbyist and grandfather of three Barry Hackett stands to collect $4,066.

    Bill Dahlman is a set to receive $8,296.

    Selma Langton, an executive secretary from Phoenix, Arizona will receive a massive payout of $15,735.

    These are just a few of the Americans poised to collect enormous checks from this lucrative “program.”

    You could be one of them.

    There’s no income requirement. You can participate if you’re rich, middle class or of modest means.

    All the details are in the BONUS report I will get in your hands today.

    It’s called “The 1531(b) Program: How to Claim as Much as $7,190 Every Month.”

    Everything you need to know can be found in this report that you won’t find anywhere else.

    Again, it’s my gift when you pay just $49 for my exclusive Death of Cash Survival Kit along with a one-year subscription to Manward Letter.

    If that’s not good enough, let me make this an absolute no-brainer.

    If you join us today, I’ll make this a no-risk offer.

    If for any reason you decide over the next 365 days – that’s right, a full year – that Manward Letter is not right for you, simply call us. You’ll receive a full, prompt refund of your subscription cost.

    But I’m confident that won’t happen. I’m so confident, in fact, that I’ll let you keep everything you’ve received – including all the reports mentioned above – even if you cancel.

    So how do you collect this report and everything else I’ve mentioned?

    Simply click the ACCEPT NOW button below and follow the easy instructions.

    Claim Your Kit Now and Enjoy This “Risk-Free” Guarantee… for a Full Year

    Again, if for any reason you decide over the next 365 days that Manward Letter is not right for you, simply call us. You’ll receive a full, prompt refund of your subscription cost.

    You’ll get to keep everything I’ll send to you today including the Death of Cash Survival Kit and my exclusive income-generating report “The 1531(b) Program: How to Claim as Much as $7,190 Every Month” even if you cancel.

    Simply click the ACCEPT NOW button below to get started.

    Or you can call us toll-free at 800.682.5210 (or locally at 1.443.353.4263) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

    Thanks for your time, and welcome to Manward.

    Andy Snyder
    Founder, Manward Press
    August 2018

    P.S. To receive your FREE Death of Cash Survival Kit, please click here and follow the simple instructions. You’ll receive an online version of your kit via email immediately. But shortly after, you’ll also receive a hard-copy version of your kit.

    P.P.S. If you respond right away, there’s something else I would like to send you for free. We believe the death of cash will bring some very difficult times for unprepared folks. And we’ve created a special report – “Financial Toolbox: Invest in What You Know Best” – that offers three unique recommended stocks that offer some of the best portfolio protection you can buy. This bonus report will be added to everything you’ve been promised when you click here.

  7. Bryan says:

    He puts out this same info every year. Just keeps changing the event date. Here we are in 2022, and it is the same fear tactic, though now it is Biden, not Obama that is going to cause this. June 15 2022 is the new date. Remember when Y2K was going be catastrophic to the world ?

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