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written by reader Scandium, Cobalt, and Water Purification: Clean Teq Holdings,Volume 2, 2018

By hendrixnuzzles, January 31, 2018

2017 was a year of tremendous accomplishment for Clean Teq Holdings in every respect.

We saw remarkable achievements in mine construction, in finance, and in market development, with landmark contracts in every business segment;

We saw a complex business appear as if by magic, including business offices on four continents, and the launch of business website in the water division;

We were informed of superb existing and newly-formed strategic partnerships,
with the likes of Airbus, Peng-Xin Mining, Chinese state and power entities, Chinalco, and Multotec;

We were witness to a major off-take agreement with a leading battery manufacture;

We learned of an astute acquisition of a controlling interest in a VRB business by Mr. Friedland;

We learned of deep and valuable research and development support at prestigious universities and manufacturers;
and we became sure of unseen low-cost manufacturing contacts and alliances.

And oh-by-the-way, we got a listing on the TSX.

The company inspires confidence and optimism. Robert Friedland has a deep long-term strategy, and he knows what he is doing.
I am not sure what is more impressive: His strategic vision, or his managerial talent in executing it.

Clean Teq is a company that is worth following. It is by far my largest position.
There are a lot of companies with good concepts. But Clean Teq has a deep and brilliant strategic concept which is at the heart of major world trends; a revolutionary technology; and a management that executes flawlessly.

1. CLEAN TEQ HOLDINGS, CLEAN TEQ WATER, and their interests, or related companies.

2. Miners and producers of COBALT, VANADIUM, SCANDIUM; also nickel, zinc, graphite, lithium, rare earths, silica, and manganese.

3. WATER PURIFICATION, especially when tied into mineral extraction therefrom.

4. “TECHNO MINERS” and other innovators in mining and material extraction

See notes below on thread and topic overlaps, which are unavoidable.
One year ago this week, I wrote an article on Clean Teq Holdings. It was a speculative company, but
one with a visionary and proven leader, dramatic potential in specific, attractive commodities,
innovative methods and IP for mineral extraction, and big ambitions in water purification.

Clean Teq Holdings defied easy categorization, and continues to do so.
One year later, Clean Teq has not disappointed. Clean Teq has exceeded all reasonable expectations.
If you need background on Clean Teq, I refer you to the predecessor of this thread: “Scandium, Cobalt,
and Water Purification: Clean Teq Holdings”, where you will also find the guidelines and rules for this
thread; and to the Clean Teq and Clean Teq Water websites, which warrant close examination.

This thread is for those who believe in the coming EV wave, light weighting of transport, and most importantly,
in the importance of energy storage and batteries of all scales;
and also, it is for those who believe that the disruptions caused thereby will be rapid.

Because of this opinion, it follows that the existing viable battery technologies and the materials needed
for them are important. We anticipate rapid change; we subscribe to the Tony Seba “Disruption Scenario”,
that suggests disruptiv changes are occuring faster.
If you disagree with the Disruption Scenario, or the eventual proliferation of EVs,
that is fine; but please do not debate it on this thread. The thread is for those who believe in the future of battery power,
and in the immediate opporunities in commodities related to batteries and energy storage.
We will be able to see in shortly whether we are right or wrong in this belief.
If it takes longer than we think, we will complain about ”being early.”

My perspective is for the next five years. That is “long term”. This is not a trading thread.
Occasionally short-term opportunities are appropriate to call out,
but short-term trading is not the emphasis here.

On the other hand should restrain ourselves from too much attention
to developments and materials for technologies that are likely to take longer than five years to have an impact.
We are looking for investable ideas, not 10 year forecasts on the Future of Civilization.
So let’s keep it down on hydrogen fuel cells and molten salt batteries for a couple of months.
Our assumption is that Li-NCM, VRB’s, and zinc batteries are going to be the main battery formats purchased,
installed or contracted for in the near-term, hence the commodities needed for them are of interest.

New battery technologies are better discussed on the #batteries thread ,
unless they involve a vertical commodity/battery producer.
We are interested in what is going to have an impact in five years.

For example, if you are convinced that Google is about to conquer the world with a molten salt battery,
then come on over here and recommend Morton Salt as a buy-out candidate.

But debate whether molten salt batteries have a future, and when, on the #batteries thread.

News that shows increasing penetration on solar are relevant,
as they confirm the importance of large-scale energy storage.
But we would like to know who is getting the contracts and what type of battery they are using.

There is going to be some unavoidable overlap. Nickel and manganese sources are swing metals,
sometimes they may be better discussed on the Hard Asset thread as base metals.

If you make a post on the wrong thread, don’t worry too much, there are
no fines or jail time. I do it myself all the time and I understand it can be confusing.
You can also use Travis’ new cross-reference gizmo.

Long $CTEQF $CLQ Clean Teq Holdings

This is a discussion topic or guest posting submitted by a Stock Gumshoe reader. The content has not been edited or reviewed by Stock Gumshoe, and any opinions expressed are those of the author alone.



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November 21, 2018 8:19 pm

$CTEQF In the week before the DFS on june 25th, the stock price sat at US$.80, Upon its release, it pretty much immediately crashed to .60, and has slid down relentlessly to as low as .28 now standing at .33. Looking back, both my diligence for being ready for that DFS, my correct interpretation of what the market reaction would be, plus my quick action all came in to play to save me. I immediately read the DFS as it was released, came to the quick interpretation that the SP was going to be headed down the elevator, and acted immediately to dump 80% of my shares at a price of .69. While I’ll give myself credit for the game saving move, if I really played it like a genius, I’d have taken some profits when the SP was at $1.30, and waited even longer to move that money into ardea.

I am of the strong opinion that Ardea is the far better value right now, and actually it could be the bargain of the decade at 70 billion US$ for a world class massive nickel/cobalt/scandium deposit in an ideal jurisdiction. They also have other interesting properties in Australia. Clean Teq is valued 5x what Ardea is at todays market caps, that is an actionable anomaly. The two stocks traced each other from jan thru august, now Ardea has diverged upward and seems to be breaking out. Todays prices ARRRF 50 CTEQF 33.

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👍 964
November 21, 2018 8:51 pm
Reply to  renbycage

What about tax loss selling through the end of the year. Lots of people are underwater with the stocks talked about on this thread. Could put additional downward pressure on them. Long CTEQF

November 22, 2018 9:47 pm
Reply to  renbycage

renbycage re $ARL.AX Ardea Resources I think you meant 70 million.

👍 644
November 22, 2018 1:38 pm

Eric Finlayson, Director of @cleanteq, took up his options and bought 750,000 shares.

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👍 11604
November 22, 2018 5:44 pm

$FYI – Nanothings Letter of Intent and IDTechEx Presentation

C&P”Ionic Industries and US-based IoT technology company, Nanothings Inc, have signed a Letter of Intent for development of graphene supercapacitors for IoT applications and Ionic MD, Simon Savage presented to the IDTechEx Show! conference.
Dear Ionic shareholders and friends,

We’re excited to announce that we have signed an LOI with US-based company Nanothings Inc. This is a significant step along the road to commercialising our Origami Supercapacitor technology; it demonstrates clearly who is likely to be our first customer and the extraordinary size of IoT markets we are targeting. The size and Nanothings own network of backers and affiliates also indicates the potential value that this LOI can bring to Ionic.

You can read more about Nanothings Inc, their technologies and partners on their website here:

The terms of the LOI cover a range of details about how the technology will be developed and how it might be commercialised jointly. The salient points are extracted below:”

The remainder of this email was back ground info it hadn’t appeared on either web site yet.

👍 3700
November 22, 2018 6:17 pm
Reply to  Griffin

#Griffin, You’re amazing. Thanks for all you do for the Gummunity. Happy #ThanksGiving!

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👍 11604
November 22, 2018 6:28 pm

Ionic > More of what Griifin posted above:


Nanothings has proprietary technology for printed circuitry and sensor tags, firmware, and software that enable disposable, long range, low cost applications in numerous industries.

To progress this technology, Nanothings requires an energy storage solution that is not currently available in the open market.

Nanothings also has significant market access for its technologies through relationships with major IoT companies including Semtech, Sigfox, Senet, M2Comm and MachineQ.

Ionic has proprietary technology in the field of graphene supercapacitors that we are confident has the potential to meet the performance requirements of Nanothings’ devices. Some further development work is required to produce a prototype device that specifically meets Nanothings requirements.

There is a rapidly growing global demand for IoT technologies. Nanothings and Ionic have valuable intellectual property, relationships and manufacturing capabilities relevant to IoT technologies and the objectives of the collaboration are to develop an energy storage solution that will enable a new generation of IoT tracking technologies based on Nanothings’ proprietary NanoTag devices.

We have identified areas of common interest for cooperation including:
Exchanges of information about IoT applications, specifically Nanothings NanoTag devices;
Exchanges of information about methods of manufacturing, handling and applying graphene-based supercapacitors;
Identification of commercialization opportunities, including markets, customers and commercial partnerships;
Development and protection of intellectual property in the field of graphene-based supercapacitors and IoT applications;
Opportunities for manufacturing devices to improve overall efficiency in the delivery of NanoTags devices to market
Identifying further areas for collaboration around the scientific and engineering disciplines associated with graphene-based supercapacitors in IoT applications; and
Planning for future commercial arrangements relating to incorporation of Ionic energy storage technologies into Nanothings NanoTag products.
The agreement sets out a path toward a commercial arrangement that will ensure seamless integration of Ionic technologies into Nanothings devices to deliver maximum value for Nanothings and Ionic.

The next step involves delivery of prototype devices to Nanothings in January, followed by commercial negotiations and further development of the manufacturing strategy.

We’re really excited about this development and look forward to seeing our devices deployed in a novel application that can only be serviced with our technology, addressing enormous markets and with the potential to deliver enormous value to our shareholders in the relatively near term.


On 15 November, Ionic Industries Managing Director, Simon Savage joined Ionic Research Leader, Prof Mainak Majumder to address the IDTechEx Show! conference in Santa Clara, CALIFORNIA. The conference focused on a range of technologies and markets including 3D printing, electric vehicles, energy storage innovations, graphene and 2D materials, IoT applications, printed electronics, sensors and wearables.
Our presentation on graphene micro planar supercapacitors (MICRENs), delivered in the showcase Exhibition Theatre, was well received and we’ve developed a number of leads to follow up on, particularly in regard to collaborations on developing our MICRENs technology. You can see the presentation here:

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👍 11604
November 22, 2018 6:57 pm
Reply to  SoGiAm
👍 11604
November 23, 2018 12:22 pm
👍 1233
November 23, 2018 9:14 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HN good to see you spending some more time here. Through all your posts on $CTEQF I’ve seen what RF is building a very large conglomerate which in itself presents an obstacle to over come for Investor Relations. IR to their credit has upped their game a bit in the last year by posting third party news releases. More has to be done if we are going to see a move in the share price before financial reports with a positive bottom line do up the SP.

👍 3700
November 24, 2018 1:16 pm

Speaking of lithium and vanadium, Queensland’s world-beating battery will be four times bigger than South Australia’s

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👍 1233
👍 453
👍 453
November 26, 2018 12:56 pm

$FYI – Cobalt Miners News For The Month Of November 2018
by Matt Bohlsen – Includes: AEOMF, AMSLF, ARRRF, ARTTF, AZRMF, BBBMF, BH

Cobalt spot prices were slightly down in November.
Cobalt market news – Uranium levels force Glencore unit Katanga to halt cobalt exports.
Cobalt miners news – Australian Mines delivers their BFS and Cobalt 27 to buy back their stock.


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👍 3700
November 27, 2018 10:06 pm

Ionic Industries AGM link >
AGM Presentation – November 2018
By simons / 2018-11-27

Ionic Industries held its Annual General Meeting on 26 November 2018. We had a large group compared to previous years who were all highly engaged at the meeting. The company provided a range of updates that were very well received and generated a lot of excitement in the room.

You can download a copy of the presentation here: AGM Presentation Best

👍 11604
November 28, 2018 9:31 pm
Reply to  SoGiAm

Fgr Asx if anyone is keen on graphite/ graphene, spend some time on researching.
Just starting to make some inroads.
It could be a world leader within 24 mths, in its field.

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👍 229
November 30, 2018 8:52 am
Reply to  williamstown

Totally agree williamstown!
They have accomplished actual SALES! That little word has been missing in mostly all of the Graphene companies.

👍 1073
November 29, 2018 1:00 am

EUC ASX AGM held today, it was quoted that Rob Jewson and Tolga both expressed their absolute confidence, in EUC, proving the commerciality of the project in Dobsina, during the 2019 year.
They also have been quoted as saying, they have received many inquiries from vehicle makers, which as you can gather, would be run of the mill for all Co explorers.
If they do happen to realise a commercialised project, this is fantastic news, considering the land holdings they hold.
Many up and coming small companies, and larger ones too, have been hit hard during 2018.
Some of them, have excellent medium term credentials, if they can prove up their projects.

November 30, 2018 9:10 am

I just wanted to share my experience with SER with you all. I bought into it trying to “back into” Ionic, as SER owns 15% of Ionic. HN made an excellent bet on buying into Ionic directly, but I could not afford the challenge, so I bought SER instead, at .004 cents a share. Laughable, I know, but I got “in”.

Funny about getting into a company with a lot of irons in the fire. I also knew of their talk of supercapacitors, and a little mining venture or two. Seemed to be going nowhere except liking living at ground level.

BHP just announced a potential new iron oxide, copper gold mineralized system in the same belt as a few other companies….including SER. Companies have been buying into and all around this area as a result.

I just purchased more last night at .007 , and I will continue watching and waiting for hopefully, a nice ride, with possibilities in a couple of areas, including Ionic.


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👍 1073
👍 9968
December 6, 2018 12:19 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Oh I think it is a rich deposit or RF would not be wasting his time. They should be producing in a few years time. Why the tears? There will be news of funding in the next few months. Aussie Super a retirement fund loves us! RF loves us. China loves us. Fidelity loves us. Follow the money..

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👍 453
December 6, 2018 11:04 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Hey HN….That was/is my thoughts for buying into it now. HAs it ever worked for me before? NO. BUT……my others didn’t have multi possibilities for “enrichment”. Heh….it may only work after I’m gone, and the estate gets the money!

👍 1073
December 3, 2018 12:10 am
👍 453
December 3, 2018 12:22 am

I have brought up MIN or EXMGF before. It’s copper. They now have all permits done and full funding. A little DD….

Our stage 1 – 25 million pounds is what? $50 mill plus the $8.4 mill JCM for $2.33 per pound installed capacity.

Stage 1 going to stage 3 is $300 mill/100 mill extra pounds? So $3 a pound installed capacity for expansion.

Average installed capacity is therefore less than $3 per pound.

And to boot – each one of those installed pounds for Excelsior has probably almost double the margin per pound of others who may be in a position to come to production.

👍 453

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