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written by reader Scandium, Cobalt, and Water Purification: Clean Teq Holdings,Volume 2, 2018

By hendrixnuzzles, January 31, 2018

2017 was a year of tremendous accomplishment for Clean Teq Holdings in every respect.

We saw remarkable achievements in mine construction, in finance, and in market development, with landmark contracts in every business segment;

We saw a complex business appear as if by magic, including business offices on four continents, and the launch of business website in the water division;

We were informed of superb existing and newly-formed strategic partnerships,
with the likes of Airbus, Peng-Xin Mining, Chinese state and power entities, Chinalco, and Multotec;

We were witness to a major off-take agreement with a leading battery manufacture;

We learned of an astute acquisition of a controlling interest in a VRB business by Mr. Friedland;

We learned of deep and valuable research and development support at prestigious universities and manufacturers;
and we became sure of unseen low-cost manufacturing contacts and alliances.

And oh-by-the-way, we got a listing on the TSX.

The company inspires confidence and optimism. Robert Friedland has a deep long-term strategy, and he knows what he is doing.
I am not sure what is more impressive: His strategic vision, or his managerial talent in executing it.

Clean Teq is a company that is worth following. It is by far my largest position.
There are a lot of companies with good concepts. But Clean Teq has a deep and brilliant strategic concept which is at the heart of major world trends; a revolutionary technology; and a management that executes flawlessly.

1. CLEAN TEQ HOLDINGS, CLEAN TEQ WATER, and their interests, or related companies.

2. Miners and producers of COBALT, VANADIUM, SCANDIUM; also nickel, zinc, graphite, lithium, rare earths, silica, and manganese.

3. WATER PURIFICATION, especially when tied into mineral extraction therefrom.

4. “TECHNO MINERS” and other innovators in mining and material extraction

See notes below on thread and topic overlaps, which are unavoidable.
One year ago this week, I wrote an article on Clean Teq Holdings. It was a speculative company, but
one with a visionary and proven leader, dramatic potential in specific, attractive commodities,
innovative methods and IP for mineral extraction, and big ambitions in water purification.

Clean Teq Holdings defied easy categorization, and continues to do so.
One year later, Clean Teq has not disappointed. Clean Teq has exceeded all reasonable expectations.
If you need background on Clean Teq, I refer you to the predecessor of this thread: “Scandium, Cobalt,
and Water Purification: Clean Teq Holdings”, where you will also find the guidelines and rules for this
thread; and to the Clean Teq and Clean Teq Water websites, which warrant close examination.

This thread is for those who believe in the coming EV wave, light weighting of transport, and most importantly,
in the importance of energy storage and batteries of all scales;
and also, it is for those who believe that the disruptions caused thereby will be rapid.

Because of this opinion, it follows that the existing viable battery technologies and the materials needed
for them are important. We anticipate rapid change; we subscribe to the Tony Seba “Disruption Scenario”,
that suggests disruptiv changes are occuring faster.
If you disagree with the Disruption Scenario, or the eventual proliferation of EVs,
that is fine; but please do not debate it on this thread. The thread is for those who believe in the future of battery power,
and in the immediate opporunities in commodities related to batteries and energy storage.
We will be able to see in shortly whether we are right or wrong in this belief.
If it takes longer than we think, we will complain about ”being early.”

My perspective is for the next five years. That is “long term”. This is not a trading thread.
Occasionally short-term opportunities are appropriate to call out,
but short-term trading is not the emphasis here.

On the other hand should restrain ourselves from too much attention
to developments and materials for technologies that are likely to take longer than five years to have an impact.
We are looking for investable ideas, not 10 year forecasts on the Future of Civilization.
So let’s keep it down on hydrogen fuel cells and molten salt batteries for a couple of months.
Our assumption is that Li-NCM, VRB’s, and zinc batteries are going to be the main battery formats purchased,
installed or contracted for in the near-term, hence the commodities needed for them are of interest.

New battery technologies are better discussed on the #batteries thread ,
unless they involve a vertical commodity/battery producer.
We are interested in what is going to have an impact in five years.

For example, if you are convinced that Google is about to conquer the world with a molten salt battery,
then come on over here and recommend Morton Salt as a buy-out candidate.

But debate whether molten salt batteries have a future, and when, on the #batteries thread.

News that shows increasing penetration on solar are relevant,
as they confirm the importance of large-scale energy storage.
But we would like to know who is getting the contracts and what type of battery they are using.

There is going to be some unavoidable overlap. Nickel and manganese sources are swing metals,
sometimes they may be better discussed on the Hard Asset thread as base metals.

If you make a post on the wrong thread, don’t worry too much, there are
no fines or jail time. I do it myself all the time and I understand it can be confusing.
You can also use Travis’ new cross-reference gizmo.

Long $CTEQF $CLQ Clean Teq Holdings

This is a discussion topic or guest posting submitted by a Stock Gumshoe reader. The content has not been edited or reviewed by Stock Gumshoe, and any opinions expressed are those of the author alone.



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March 1, 2018 9:14 am

Posted on HC by thaiinvest, whose posts re worth reading IMO. Am posting here as pretty much sums up most but not all of how I see the current AUZ situation. Written clearer than I could put.

Although I haven’t done any deals in Korea I have for many years dealt with the Chinese and found them more than honorable.

Date: 01/03/18

I have done many deals in my time in Korea, though not in the mining space
My views are there is nothing better than a Korean company who wants a deal they cannot do enough, if on the other hand you want a deal from a Korean company – good luck it very difficult. Its no doubt that SKI really wanted this deal.

Also you have to bear in mind that there are  2 languages (English and Korean) so everything takes longer and there will also be a Korean Agreement though I would hope the English one is the operative one and arbitration in the event of dispute is in Australia or in the International Court of Arbitration (that would be normal for international agreements of which SKI would no well). Also in Korean Companies everybody and there brother is required to sign off / chop internally on external agreements including from experience HR, Accounting and every department head this takes time and increases the number of people where leaks can occur.

AUZ had 9 potential partners and with all considered thought this was the best deal and I have do doubt that all considered AUZ supported by Medea selected the best deal available and I think this will be proven.

I believe the Koreans are significantly better and more professional at “partnerships” and trustworthy than Chinese entities and from what we have heard from Flippa and JD the Korean kit supplied by Korean manufacturers is significantly better than Chinese. In the end my view is that Chinese Companies always want to be Top Dog and want to own and over influence a company in which they have shareholdings and ultimately want to own you. For JV’s with Chinese Companies my feeling is that the Australian Company shareholders get shafted often they put in a Chinese sales company in-between the miner and end customers and thats where the real profits are made.

So I am very happy with 19.9 % SKI shareholding they have enough skin in the game to  in helping to successfully build the Sconi mine and plant and help finding finance but not enough to overly influence the company. Its good that there will probably be a Korean Director on the Board. For AUZ I am sure they were on the radar screen and had possibly been approached by potential buyers for a takeover, for the AUZ Board and Ben who want to to see this through from explorer to full scale miner the SKI deal provides the security of a friendly /semi institution share block to ensure protection from a takeover and makes sure Shareholders will get the full benefit.

As regards what happened in releasing the information on the deal. My experience is if there is a leaky ship on information its always in Korea. Up to now information has not previously got out from AUZ and Medea are use to deal making/ assistance and are a very professional company used to the importance of secrecy in such deals.

My sense is that this deal leaked in Korea the day before it was announced first by AUZ in Australia. I think someone said there was a press article in the Korean press a day before. I remember when I worked in Korea  the Korean press was publishing details of our supposed confidential salaries and stock options.

So I think if indeed it the deal was in the Korean press the day before the original release, it put pressure on AUZ to release something in more of a hurry than they may have originally planned and when you do thinks in a hurry there are normally screw ups.

I think the agreement with SKI will prove to be better than good for AUZ and its shareholders. Its 100% of production so easier to deal with the complete supply chain. AUZ – SKI – Mercedes (and others), I am sure samples sent by AUZ will be put into sample batteries that will be trailed in new EV Mercedes prototypes. Its not just AUZ that will be building the Sconi mine and plant, it will be SKI that are building their Hungarian Battery factory and expanding their Korean Factory as well as Mercedes that will be tooling up for their new EV models – these are all very long lead time things that all new to come together at the right quantity and quality parameters at the right time.

So yes its very normal to have agreements with clauses based on, specific hurdles time and quality requirements and time hurdles. Remember all agreements for any company will after all other hurdle and conditions have been met and mines and plants are in production will still have quantity and quality control clause requirements on supply of products, this is normal not a reason fro down ramping.

I have no doubt that Ben has been talking to SKI  (along with the 8 others) for at least 8 months since he first went to Korea and a good sense of “partnership” between AUZ and SKI staff has developed, the ability to work with your “partner” company is as important as the financial factors and what they can bring to the table.

I also have no doubt as others have said that SKI will be able to bring a lot of project management experience and manufacturing contacts to the table and will assist in helping find financial partners. With 19.9% SKI shareholding in AUZ and a binding agreement on supply and payment from SKI,  I have no doubt that the over capitalized Korean banks,  of which there are many and which SK has significant relationships with, will be falling over themselves to participate in financing the Sconi project in “very safe” Australia. The Korean banks have long and significant experience in support and financing of Korean companies and Chaebol like SK infrastructure projects all over the world.

My read of the clause that SKI can participate in future finance is simply so that if there is the need for any future fund raising CR’s in the future that SKI can keep its shareholding at the 19.99% as envisage in the current agreement. Also as noted by Ben in the AUZ AGM Q&A’s he envisages that future dilution will be minimal. (i.e Sconi Project I anticipate will be 100% debt financed however AUZ will still have funding needs for Corporate needs and drilling and proving up Flemington and Tackaringa.

Up to now Ben Bell and AUZ Board and Management have not put a foot wrong, in 2 years (24 months) they have completely transformed a minnow of a non successful gold mining entity to the pre-eminent non DRC highly focused EV Battery (Cobalt and Nickel Sulfate) and High tech mineral (Scandium Oxide) Company in the world. From a  Market cap of under A$10 million to a significant company that is capitalized at A$280 million enough to be part of the ASX 300 (ASX 300 participating companies are selected by ASX committee). Posters should read the AUZ presentation of Nov 2015 to see how far AUZ has come I do not know of many companies that have made such a successful and shareholder beneficial transition.

In the interest of Shareholder and minimizing expenses and shareholder dilution have Ben and the team tried to do too much with too little resources – probably. However in a fast growing company like AUZ HR resource hiring is always playing catch-up to the opportunities.

Net net was the SKI Agreement release well handled – NO, though there were probably mitigating circumstances that we do not fully understand (i.e Korean press leak, new team and advisors working together – new company secretary, new corporate advisors Medea and possibly a few other factors we do not know about)

So like everyone we all make mistake and live and learn plus hopefully correct and learn from our mistakes. I have no doubt at all the Ben Bell’s heart and commitment to shareholders is in the right place and so yes I am willing to cut Ben Bell some slack after what he has achieved in the last 24 months for long term shareholders thats the very least he deserves.

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👍 1233
👍 9968
March 2, 2018 8:11 am
Reply to  secretsquirrel

Dang SS…wonderfully written from experience. Well done.

👍 1073
March 3, 2018 11:33 am
Reply to  edski

edski, the post was taken from HC and written by thaiinvest as stated, just so we are clear.

Best SS.

👍 1233
👍 9968
March 7, 2018 12:37 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Yea well you’ll be Like a Dog out of a Kennel once released, I’m sure, quite funny really…. (-:

I mean it’s not as If you are the BIG Bad Wolf!

👍 9968
👍 9968
March 2, 2018 12:45 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

#Sc $PGM $PTNUF fp – Well then, what do you make of this?

This is Bob’s neighbor. Assume they can and do read their neighbor’s historical reports, probably study them, full time.

Post, drive by… ignore…

#btw $KRC.asx was given to the group by #SecretSquirrel, TY ss.

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👍 11604
March 2, 2018 2:10 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

$PGM.asx re: Owendale Pilot Plant 20180229

👍 11604
March 2, 2018 1:36 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Great post HN.

Interesting action today on the ASX – 2 days in a row now.

Someone’s taking a stake.

👍 9968
March 2, 2018 4:06 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Since 2014 & holding long.

March 2, 2018 2:29 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

yes, I appreciate you remembering I made the point, CTEQF is positioned unbelievably in the scandium field. As a result, I believe they will be able to sell a lot of it, because they can price it to sell, and still make a lot of money. And over time, the price is likely to rise, as I believe available supply will explode utilization.

I don’t think they will leave scandium out of the PFS. I think they will show the project works with room to spare at present N/Co prices, and then I hope they will show some upside cases with scandium and higher nickel/cobalt prices. I don’t think they are hiding anything from anybody, it isn’t like the scandium sector doesn’t know what’s going on.

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March 1, 2018 3:09 pm

MGXMF–Long..Nice over view on U-Tube from Jason Lazerson ( 2/25/18 ) on the Energy future. About 4 minutes long. MGXMF is getting back in the buy range near its 100 day moving average… …Cowboy

👍 709
👍 9968
March 1, 2018 5:58 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Remember this about Fluence!

Fluence- AES and Siemens project is still “private”, that is, a partnership between the two companies is developing BATTERY STORAGE, NOT listed as a company, and not into water. We are watching!!!!! Past attempts have failed because of lack of funding by lenders to those wanting to participate.
Siemens is the LENDER for the joint effort between them.

Fluence-FLC:AU….Australian Market….Up and running with a great program all around the world with water cleaning pods waiting to be delivered. I found it by mistake and ended up buying a bit. I like it’s work, quickness to perform, worldwide business, and a future of less and less available water for many.

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👍 1073
👍 9968
👍 9968
March 2, 2018 11:35 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I mentioned this a couple of times, got in Long a while back. They have a number of very interesting things, not just vanadium, I did take my position based on the vanadium, their vanadium purity achieved was very high.

They had a recent big hit on fluorite, which I’ve never heard of before.
Also a very promising gold situation under the great name of MT remarkable!

Appears to be a very well run company and can IMO only see this going up with the same early potential as AUZ.

Another one I’ve took a position on is AEE for their vanadium, they have uranium as well.

Piece below: sorry could not add the grades/tables as won’t cut n paste.


Häggån is located in central Sweden and is one of the largest undeveloped vanadium and polymetallic projects in the world.

The project has a resource of 7,870 Mlbs V, 1,640 Mlbs Ni, 2,230 Mlbs Zn, 1,070 Mlbs Mo and 803 Mlbs U3O8.

The Häggån project is located in a sparsely populated area of swamp and forest used mainly for commercial forestry. Sweden’s has a current and active mining industry, with a clear regulatory position and a well-established path from exploration to production.

A Scoping Study was completed in May 2012 suggests that the Häggån Project has excellent potential to become a major, low cost producer of a suite of strategic ‘green’ metals. Aura’s discovery that the mineralisation is ideally suited to bioleach metal extraction was the major breakthrough to creating a robust and economic project. Bioleaching, including bioheap leaching, is a proven technology widely used in copper and gold industries with some application to the battery metals and uranium industry.

The Häggån Inferred Resource contains 2.35 billion tonnes at the grades shown in the table below. Metal content is also shown.

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👍 1233
March 6, 2018 4:40 pm
Reply to  secretsquirrel

$AEE.AX SS, I have just reviewed the 2 AEE projects, based on the ‘downloads’. The Mautitania projects a breakeven @$35/lb U308 and the Haagen project is breakeven either @$13/lb +when nickel and molybdenum treated as by-products or $26/lb when nickel and molybdenum are included as U3O8 equivalents. While I did see they have vanadium, I did not see much (any?) discussion about mining it. Do you have any updated info? How good is HC info (I am having some troubles getting on HC) ?

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👍 846
March 6, 2018 5:09 pm
Reply to  d.mounts

AEE ASX deanbob, the best person to help you is SS with this stock.
Re HC I was talking to a friend yesterday an made the comment, ‘ you don’t know anything about who the person that is posting ‘.
There’s many on HC who promote, downramp to their advantage, so it’s important that you do your own research on a share.
Conversely their are many posters who have indepth knowledge.
We can say the same about 99%!of share forums.

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👍 229
March 7, 2018 5:22 pm
Reply to  williamstown

Very true williamstown, I tend to believe that we here on SG are truthful in our search and are not up/down ramping ever. I have my picks /opinions only as I see them, never do I try to pump them up for gain, not right sometimes but that’s different,

Some very good insightful posters on HC, but always be careful. Buyer beware comes to mind….

👍 1233
March 6, 2018 5:20 pm
Reply to  d.mounts

Hi deanbob, at the time I read enough to want to take a position along with my other vanadium play KRC. I find the HC info can vary but overall it is good starting point for certain, lots of DYOR reading required.

Not sure why you would have trouble getting access there, never any issue here…

Couple of posts, both from HC this year below:



Post #:
key points –  potential investors read september quarterly. its hard to believe in this market that AEE’s EV is around $20 million. A major rerate WILL occur.

The Häggån Polymetallic Project contains significant quantities of cobalt, vanadium, copper, uranium, molybdenum, nickel, zinc and neodymium.

In the 2012 Scoping Study the project value was US$1.8 billion. This value only incorporated a small portion of the Battery Metals. Todays value is $217 billion.

During the quarter, Aura continued to focus on development of ‘green’ and ‘Battery Group’ metals, including vanadium, nickel, cobalt, zinc and neodymium, at the Häggån polymetallic deposit in Sweden. Häggån represents one of the world’s largest undeveloped vanadium resources with significant value in nickel, zinc, copper and cobalt, in addition to the previously defined uranium value.

Aura conducted a study of Häggån’s gross metal content to highlight the significant polymetallic potential of the project and to illustrate the value of these metals at current prices

Metal Value Distribution Total Metal Current Prices

Mo $ 7,418,362,500

Ni $ 7,351,740,000

V2O5 $ 151,533,704,341

Zn $ 2,886,622,500

Cu $ 1,616,677,686

Co $ 3,007,044,071

Ag $ 663,721,731

Nd $ 3,446,651,000

Base metals $ 177,924,523,829

U3O8 $ 40,067,500,000

Total $ 217,992,023,800





Aura Energy Limited (AEE; ASX, AURA; AIM) is pleased to advise that it has commenced a process to list its 100% owned Haggan Project in Sweden separately on multiple international exchanges to maximise the significant value of the Battery Metal content in the project.

Aura has previously announced it was reviewing options for the Haggan Project given the large aggregate content of Battery Metals including vanadium, molybdenum, cobalt, neodymium, nickel and zinc. Most of these metals have not been fully considered in the previous technical studies.

Metal prices rises over the past 2 years, including 400% for vanadium and 300% for cobalt, have significantly altered the aggregate metal value, and value-mix, of the Haggan deposit. These changes are the key drivers to this reassessment of Haggan.

Peter Reeve, Aura Energy’s Executive Chairman said “Aura has always considered Haggan to be the company’s most valuable long-term asset and the significant recent price rise in Battery Metals has transformed Haggan’s current value proposition. Haggan now has potential to be one of the world’s largest sources of Battery Metals and the Company believes a separate listing in this environmn separately with a focussed Swedish management team and the resources to independently finance and propel the project with the new impetus of the growth in Batteries Metals is a very appealing strategy to drive development of this substantial multi-commodity project.

The Haggan Polymetallic project was the subject of a Scoping Study in August 2012 with very favourable technical and financial outcomes however that study did not consider;

Vanadium recovery

Cobalt recovery

Neodymium recovery

Optimisation and improvement of the by-product base metal recoveries or

Downstream processing of Battery Metals as integrated manufacturing industries

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👍 1233
👍 9968
March 2, 2018 3:34 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

The above parties should collaborate and establish the #CAPAJ Consortium, imho. 🙂 Amused
Long all except $JRV.asx, yet. Capaj i Venko Son sum sonil 😉 Published by
Чапај – Сон сум сонувал 🙂

👍 11604
👍 9968
March 2, 2018 1:34 am

$TAR.asx Taruga Gold –

01/03/2018 $ Reinstatement to Official Quotation 1 Page PDF

26/02/2018 $ Suspension from Official Quotation 2 Page PDF

$TAR don’t know if this cobalt project is legit, but if it is can’t not be in it at this tiny market cap. 100% downside, ridiculous upside if real. Small punt only. ty
#Tunez > It’s a Miracle 🙂
🙂 Things Left Unsaid 🙂

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👍 11604
March 2, 2018 5:17 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HN this hot copper post numbers 31487989 & 31488049, shows the companies who are situated in the Lachlan Belt area of NSW ie CLQ, AUZ, ARD and PGM amongst others.
Shown in colour.

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👍 9968
👍 9968
March 2, 2018 4:47 pm

China’s Staggering Demand for Commodities


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👍 1233
March 3, 2018 11:29 am

Apologies if anyone posted previously, sure it would have been. Anyway AUZ mentioned in article below, now is it not possible that either Apple, Tesla or BMW might do an O/T with CLQ. You could say CLQ cobalt is going to China (BYD?) because of the Pengxin Mining connection, but in the end the best overall deal wins the main prize here….

RF’s conversation with EM was a while back, maybe they spoken since, pure speculation of course.

Can phones be made out of scandium? It could be a new angle for Apple to exploit. As scandium (great name btw imo) will be used for planes/space travel from what I’m reading so image wise it’s very good.

And one last point, should any parts of CLQ be spun off separately, the water business comes to mind….. and others perhaps as sure has a lot of plates being spun at once.

Battery revolution:
Will Apple do to cobalt, what Tesla did for lithium?
By Filip Karinja – February 27, 2018

Apple, one of the world’s leading electronics manufacturers could be in trouble.

The company sells over 100 million devices such as its iconic iPhone, iPad and iMac products every year and wields one of the largest software libraries including its very own marketplace for content-hungry users.

But to maintain its assertive position as a leading device manufacturer, Apple needs to secure ample amounts of key raw materials such as graphite, lithium, cobalt and other rare earth minerals.

By far the most worrisome commodities that have thrown multiple manufacturers into ethical dilemmas have been lithium and cobalt.

The largest reserves of these two commodities are located in regions with questionable mining practices and challenging operating conditions for Western miners.

Already this year, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) officials have set pulses racing amongst Western cobalt miners operating in the DRC after abolishing cornerstone tax exemptions, introducing a 50% “super-tax” on most productive miners and is considering raising its tax royalty rate from the current 2% to as high as 10%, if the government decides to label cobalt a strategic metal.

The two metals are rather different but are having a rather familiar effect on both consumers and producers. The price of both metals has risen exponentially over the past 2 years, with several analysts predicting that what we’ve seen so far is only the start of the so-called ‘lithium-ion battery boom’.

If we look at just how much cobalt and lithium go into the average modern battery, it’s clear that the future of Energy is largely dependent on a slew of commodities with unique properties.

However, booming sales of lithium-ion batteries and greater use of storage-energy championed so efficiently by Tesla, is causing supply-side bottlenecks due to a combination of poor management and poorly understood geology.

The lax approach to mining standards has seen several companies go public in their criticism of countries such as the DRC and Mozambique, with some companies flat out refusing to source their raw materials from suppliers that do not fit pre-set criteria.

It may come as no surprise that Apple is reportedly in talks with cobalt miners directly, with powerhouse names like Glencore and Eurasian Resources Group mentioned as producers capable of satiating Apple’s large demand schedule.

According to Daniel Ives, Chief Strategy Officer at GBH Insights, “Apple could potentially save hundreds of billions of dollars over the next two to three years if it secures cobalt supplies,” which could explain why the tech giant has entered into discussions to secure enough to forward-dated cobalt supply to meet its hefty requirements.

Bloomberg analyst Jack Farchy believes that several large miners are in the frame to assist Apple, as well as many other device manufacturers, with its growing appetite for raw materials.

With Apple now in talks to buy long-term cobalt supplies for the first time, market analysts are expecting cobalt price uncertainty to keep growing, with spot prices already trading at record highs of around $80,000 per tonne.

The price inflation seen in cobalt has also been reflected in other battery-enabling commodities such as graphite, zinc and possibly most famously of all, in lithium.

Tesla’s lithium story in Nevada

A great example of what Apple could potentially be on course to achieving is currently being exemplified by Tesla in Nevada.

Elon Musk, Tesla’s enigmatic CEO, has embarked on a gargantuan mission to produce around 35 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of power from Tesla’s “Gigafactory” in Nevada, in close proximity to large reserves of lithium scattered around its operational area.

Early-stage explorers have already begun to strike offtake deals with Tesla, to supply its rapidly growing demand for high-grade lithium, graphite, cobalt and other rare earth minerals.

Pure Energy announced an offtake deal with Tesla back in 2014, which in itself could set a precedent for Apple to follow with respects to its own raw materials requirement for cobalt.

Deals over deals
The signing of new offtake deals for both lithium and cobalt is ramping up alongside broad consumer awareness of cobalt and lithium.

Bacanora Minerals and Rare Earth Minerals are currently in a joint-venture partnership to develop the Sonora project in Mexico.

Bacanora has already signed a deal with Tesla and has recently added another battery manufacturer in the form of Japan-based Hanwa Corporation, that will see the company acquire up to 100% of its lithium output coming from Sonora.

In May 2016, Bacanora secured an $11 million investment from Blackrock on the back of a recently-completed pre-feasibility study that showed Sonora has at least 2.1 million tonnes of lithium carbonate.

Since it became known that lithium and cobalt would be likely candidates for strong offtake demand by battery manufacturers, an almost limitless troop of lithium explorers has entered the fray to explore for the strategic metal.

Likewise with cobalt, since forecasts for its impending demand schedule began to be analysed, its price has soared and persuaded dozens of explorers to switch their attention away from less commercially-viable base metals into rapidly emerging energy-storage enablers such as cobalt and lithium.Tesla doesn’t intend to stop with one Gigafactory. The carmaker is expected to build a series of factories in both the US and Europe and has started signing offtake deals with well-positioned producers.

By the end of this year, Tesla’s first Gigactory is expected to reach full capacity and be producing lithium-ion batteries for at least 500,000 new electric cars each year.

Tesla’s supply-side issues seem to be largely resolved as offtake deals from proven mining locations are estimated to meet its anticipated demand. For Apple, the challenge is far greater and its path towards securing its required cobalt supply is only just beginning.

As offtake deals continue to be signed, it’s not just Apple and Tesla that are feeling the supply-side pinch. Apple and Tesla are vying for the same commodities as other powerhouse manufacturers such as BMW, Samsung and Volkswagen as just a few examples.

If we include Chinese electric car markers such as Warren Buffett-backed BYD — it is clear that manufacturers across the world are embracing battery technology rather quickly; maybe even a bit too quickly for miners to adapt in such a short time.

The world’s top manufacturers are forming orderly queues to secure reliable lithium/cobalt supplies to meet their ambitious targets with the biggest side-effect being the sharp price inflation seen in both lithium and cobalt over the past 2 years.

Closer to home, Australian Mines (ASX: AUZ) is currently developing the Sconi mine in Queensland.

Just recently, the company agreed to a cobalt and nickel offtake deal with SK Innovation Co, South Korea’s top oil refiner, worth around A$5 billion.

In this particular deal, SK Innovation has agreed to buy all of the project’s planned output for seven years, with the option to extend for a further six years.

Apple setting an example in mining ethics
Apple is tackling the problem of poor mining standards by setting a high example and forcing any potential suitors for its steep demand schedule to follow it.

Apple calls it “mapping the supply chain,” a systematic method of weeding out undesirable producers while setting the example of what Apple expects from future suppliers.

Apple has reiterated on many occasions that “100% of our conflict minerals and cobalt smelter/refiner partners are now participating in independent third-party audits to ensure their own business practices are conducted responsibly.”

In a comprehensive “Supplier Responsibility” report published last year, Apple said that its “commitment to responsible sourcing will not waiver and we will continue to drive our standards deep in our supply chain.”

In 2010, Apple was the first large devices manufacturer to map its supply chain to the smelter level for tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold.

In contrast, about a fifth of the DRC’s cobalt production is mined by hand by informal miners including children, often in dangerous conditions, according to rights group Amnesty International.

Apple says that working with independent assessors is a way of making sure its suppliers adhere to strict due diligence requirements and reports it partnered with the China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals and Chemicals Importers & Exporters (“CCCMC”) in 2016, to develop a third-party audit program for cobalt.

Additionally, Apple conducts dozens of spot audits on production suppliers to assess their accordance with set guidelines. Despite its efforts to stamp out poor mining practices, especially within artisanal cobalt mining, Apple says that it removed 22 smelters from its supply chain in 2016 because they were “either unwilling or unable to comply with Apple’s standards.”

With respect to artisanal mines in particular, Apple says that “these mines will be allowed into our supply chain when we are confident that the appropriate protections are in place,” and adds that, “we have also partnered with numerous NGOs to drive change, including Pact, who are working to provide essential health and safety training to artisanal mining communities.”

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👍 1233
March 3, 2018 11:54 am
Reply to  secretsquirrel

$CLQ, #Co, #Sc 45 – What A fabulous idea #SecretSquirrel and $AAPL is able to utilize my coined word #iScanDiem… 🙂 #Best2YOU!

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👍 11604
March 3, 2018 11:59 am
Reply to  SoGiAm

The meaning of the name Diem is Day. The origin of the name Diem is Latin. This is the culture in which the name originated, or in the case of a word, the language. Also a common Vietnamese name which means “pretty.”

March 3, 2018 12:06 pm
Reply to  secretsquirrel

$CLQ vow – #iScanDiem indeed #SecretSquirrel

👍 11604
Secret Squirrel
Secret Squirrel
March 3, 2018 5:57 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Could be a number of companies I guess, but I don’t believe for one minute that RF is not looking at all the options.

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March 3, 2018 1:06 pm

$AUD/$USD by Grant a Gr8Gummy!
Coming soon for USD bulls . Hehehehe.

Iceberg cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Truly looney tunes. #gold

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👍 11604
👍 9968
Secret Squirrel
Secret Squirrel
March 3, 2018 6:21 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Yes hn, far more exact summary than my speculation. We know something is coming and soon, once the details sorted. A large situation in positive Australia with the Chinese would be fantastic for the SP and our faith in this amazing company!!

Great year ahead….

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March 3, 2018 7:33 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

hn I think your surmise is spot on, no doubt something or ratber lots is going on in the background and all will be revealed in due course. No leaks from this ship. Thinking about it, all the different parts of CLQ are ideal and bound for China. Any other territories are not even in the consideration loop imo.

RF has this well in hand, don’t see him sitting around in this hot sector, that’s a given, but he akso plays a cool hand,

Great year ahead for all holding as the onion layers unfold….

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👍 1233
👍 9968
March 3, 2018 8:27 pm

#Co The Cobalt Crisis Just Hit Overdrive
Gr8Scott! 🙂

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👍 11604
March 5, 2018 7:57 pm

Well, it’s March 6 in Australia and AUZ.ASX is still not trading on the Sydney Exchange. I wonder what’s going on. Hot Copper is abuzz with concerned comments. Now, someone has said that there may be an announcement before 12noon Western Australia time. We’ll see.

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👍 465
March 6, 2018 7:10 am
Reply to  eagerbeaver

AUZ – a term sheet!! Unbelievable after all that.

👍 9968
👍 9968
March 6, 2018 3:57 am

$COB.asx Cobolt Blue fp – March ’18 Update:

$NCZ np – “$NCZ An excellent video to understand just how large this is with all details covered.” ~ Tolga #Zinc #Lead Mine

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👍 11604
March 6, 2018 4:16 am

$COB.asx Cobolt Blue fp – March ’18 Update:

$NCZ np – “$NCZ An excellent video to understand just how large this is with all details covered.” ~ Thank you, Tolga. 🙂 #Zinc #Lead #Silver Mine(s) … 1st in MODERATION

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👍 11604
March 6, 2018 8:47 am

We have now heard from Australian Mines (ASX.AUZ) in the form or a Term Sheet reaffirming its binding off-take agreement with SK Innovation for its Sconi project in Queensland.

The original details of the agreement are essentially confirmed but with the addition that “SK Innovation will be entitled to a modest commercial-in-confidence buyer discount on the base price, provided it exercises an option to subscribe for up to 19.9% Australian Mines’ ordinary shares or equivalent level of asset investment for the Sconi Project within three (3) months following the release of the Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS) on the Sconi Project. (The BFS is now scheduled to be completed in June 2018).

There are also two references in the terms to the relative purity of the battery grade Cobalt and Nickel Sulphates to be supplied by AUZ to SK. The announcement concludes with “The binding Term Sheet with SK Innovation confirms the Sconi Project’s status as Australia’s most advanced project of its type and Australian Mines as a leader in the Australian cobalt sector.”

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👍 465
👍 9968
👍 9968
March 6, 2018 2:33 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

HEY! Do you get a team jacket or ballcap with the deal?

I went thru the back door with SER:ASX

👍 1073
👍 9968
March 12, 2018 9:06 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Well good luck HN, Investing is investing, and if you follow your gut there isn’t much more that you can do. If you are able to try it, why not? I would ASSume that this is a much better position to be in with the company.
Bring home the Bacon!

I haven’t been around here much, kept away by life’s little games. Good to see things are running smoothly…………….

👍 1073
March 6, 2018 7:29 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Re: #Ionic pp > HendrixNuzzles, Did you consider going through or contact them concerning handling the traansaction? TIA #Best2YOU and all!

👍 11604
👍 9968
March 6, 2018 9:25 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

Ionic being a private company – with special tax privileges -only downside is when the time cames to sell, it could be difficult.
I think SER ASX owns approx. 18%, but cannot verify.
Also Ionic has impressive SC battery spec’s, from memory .173 Wh/ cm3, which is similar to a lithium ion battery.

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👍 229
👍 9968
March 7, 2018 5:43 am
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

I believe that previously Ionic attempted to list, but was rejected for whatever reasons.
Possibly had something to do with their ‘ Company structure ‘.
HN you’re correct in saying, in time, they may structure differently to satisfy the conditions of listing.
It would be a question to ask them.

👍 9968
👍 9968
March 12, 2018 9:14 am
Reply to  williamstown

$IONIC from last quarterly report
SER owns 16%

Building on the new patent filed in September 2017, Ionic has continued work on
development and testing of its printable, 3D-stacked micro supercapacitors –
“MICRENs”. The team are now in a testing phase that will last until February 2018.
The data from this testing will confirm the performance of these devices in the
configuration described in the patent material. Work is also continuing on
development of application-specific versions of the devices for use in medical
technology and remote sensing solutions.
Ionic’s water treatment work conducted under the CRC-P program Power Efficient
Waste Water Treatment Using Graphene Oxide Technology has reached the half
way mark and is on track to deliver waste water treatment technologies by late 2018.
Development of new methods for processing advanced graphene oxide (GO)
materials also continues with Ionic’s Korean partner Laminar. Lab work has been
completed and the next stage will see the team demonstrating the processes in a
scaled-up environment prior in preparation for industrial scale GO production.
On the research team, Ionic is please to inform that the research team leader,
Dr Mainak Majumder has been promoted to position of Professor and the leader of
our supercapacitor program Dr Parama Chakraborty Banerjee has been promoted to
Senior Lecturer in the Monash Chemical Engineering Department.

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👍 1073
March 6, 2018 5:46 pm

AUZ – 2 announcements.

Release Date: 07/03/18 09:38
Summary: High priority conductors detected at Thackaringa Project
Price Sensitive: Yes
The announcement content will be available in 14 minutes at 09:58

And of course trading resumes.

Release Date: 07/03/18 09:38
Summary: Reinstatement to Official Quotation
Price Sensitive: Yes
The announcement content will be available in 11 minutes at 09:58

Long $AUZ

👍 1233
March 6, 2018 6:04 pm
Reply to  secretsquirrel

$AUZ.asx – Whatever we build in Perth… 🙂

👍 11604
March 6, 2018 7:08 pm
Reply to  secretsquirrel

$AUZ.asx fp – The High Priority Conductors; 13 pages:

👍 11604
👍 9968
👍 9968
👍 9968
March 6, 2018 11:37 pm
Reply to  hendrixnuzzles

$AUZ.asx – Or gain profit potential if the price of the commodity was greater one to 90 days ago. 🙂

👍 11604
👍 9968
1 4 5 6 7 8 37

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