written by reader What is the cryptocurrency Jim Rickards is about to recommend Saturday?

by arnosthe1 | January 19, 2018 6:35 pm

In an email from Rickards today (jan. 19) he says he will reveal his only crypto recommendation tomorrow. I figure if I knew what it was I could beat the stampede.

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2018/01/microblog-what-is-the-cryptocurrency-jim-rickards-is-about-to-recommend-saturday/

33 responses to “written by reader What is the cryptocurrency Jim Rickards is about to recommend Saturday?”

  1. tdmalin says:

    My guess is Stellar Lumens (XLM).

  2. Steve says:

    I think it is Stellar Lumens… Da

  3. arnosthe1 says:

    Unbelievable. I have to send in $3000 for Rickards’ newsletter to get the name. I’m pretty sure now it is XLM, as others have suggested.

  4. loglog says:

    Call over, yet no mention of which currency he is hinting at… unless you subscribe to another product. For $2k. Mentioned partnership with IBM, which further supports the XLM hypothesis.

  5. helloopop says:

    XLM does appear to have a relationship with IBM (just search), but ADA is another currency that is around .70.

    Not sure either of these has the potential to zoom up more than 10x over time if you go to coinmarketcap and check their total units vs. price.

    I would love them both to go much higher, cuz I own both, but if XLM has a 17B supply of units x current price of $.53/unit = around $9B of market cap.

    If it increased to $5.00/unit, that would be around $90B of market cap. Bitcoin is currently only $216B of market cap. In conclusion, if XLM went even 10x from its current pricing, it would be move from #9 to #3 largest crypto and that would truly be Stellar! 😉

  6. garybolster27 says:

    I just fell off the turnip truck, how does one buy into MLX and ADA?

  7. Andrew says:

    XLM has a huge market cap right now as it is, can’t see it with the gains Jim was talking about. And IBM and Stellar have been working on stuff together for a few months (http://fortune.com/2017/10/16/ibm-blockchain-stellar/) not really hush hush. If Stellar grows 100x it would be 5x bigger than Bitcoin right now. I think everyone in the crypto space knows Stellar too.

  8. DMC says:

    Looking at coinmarketcap.com today, it would appear that may thought it may be EBTC. Price prior to 1pm was about 0.7 and spiked immediately afterwards.

  9. Andrew says:

    It’s prob a scam

  10. Bob says:

    what about TRX USD Tronix – it is $ .70 as well

  11. Idoced says:

    Received this Rickards “pitch” also…so any announcements from IBM today?

  12. Eric says:

    Has anyone heard if Jim Rickards actually recommended Stellar Lumens? The price has been increasing rapidly this week and it appears that is due to in part to his recommendation.

  13. SoftFork says:

    I guess there is a segment of the population that no longer reads Fortune. This is old news. FWIW – I agree Stellar looks promising. Is it the cure to cancer, probably not.

  14. steve says:

    He also mentioned the London Exchange in the Presentation. What if something really big is on it way. He is a very respected gold bug and investor. Yet he only recommend allocation 10% in precious metals and recommends more in cash for liquidity. He also uses IMB Watson for his project prophecy which the government version of it was used to find illegal trading right before 911. it was a computer system put in place to see if something illegal was being done on the stock market prior to 911. Almost irrefutable evidence says some type of insider trading occurred. Who knows for sure. But IBM Watson beat the years best Jeopardy Players hands down its a top 5 worlds most smartest type of thinking computing predictive computer. It is possible it could be a pump or his relations ship with IBM and his Project Prophecy has given him privy information. I really think the coin is XLM steallar Lumen. Did anyone buy the membership? that person would know for sure at least what the coin may be.

  15. Guest says:

    He’s talking about XLM. Jim has very close ties to IBM… Jim is currently spinning up Meraglim which is a big data project to read markets using IBM Watson tech, running it through his Bayesian models developed for the CIA. Jim’s son also runs Waterfund, who Jim helped get hooked up with IBM to develop the first ever water price indexing model. Jim also fairly regularly talks about Hyperledger fabric tech. So it’s XLM. He must be hearing some stuff he’s convinced about from IBM about the future of Stellar.

  16. idoced says:

    Why did Ethereum ETH drop off so suddenly this weekend?

  17. Sean says:

    If this joint venture between IBM and Stellar is supposed to make XLM go way up past the 70 cents level, than why is it down to 34 cents today?

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