Friday File: Buying ID and Overpaying for cash, Checking up on some insurers

by Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe | March 2, 2018 4:07 pm

Updates from the Real Money Portfolio and watchlist, including thoughts on CTEQF, BOMN, SQ, JD, AXS and OKTA

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14 responses to “Friday File: Buying ID and Overpaying for cash, Checking up on some insurers”

  1. Investor Clouseau says:

    Thank you for a further detailed look in on BOMN

  2. creator says:

    It is indeed OKTA that Stansberry is promoting, as THE blockchain company that will beat them all.

  3. wonton says:

    Excellent details on companies that are not tracked by the talking heads of the investment world. Thank you for providing insights.

  4. goingloco says:

    Hi Travis. Regarding insurance, I own a Nordhavn motor yacht. I’m hearing some owners with current insurance renewals complaining that their premiums have gone up. It’s a very small sample from a very small sector but maybe it’s a straw in the wind?

  5. Interestingly, just this weekend came news of a huge takeover deal in insurance — Axa buying XL Group at a huge premium, which pretty clearly sounds like a bet on a “hard market” (though Axa is also streamlining the business a bit, spinning off Allianz and their life insurance business in a US IPO). XL Group has been an interesting idea that I’ve considered a couple times, too bad I didn’t actually buy it… but it’s also a stock that has typically traded at a small discount to book value, and the acquisition is at something like 1.5X book, so Axa shareholders are not so pleased.

    Axa is huge, so they can certainly absorb it and not have it be too dilutive to book value for long… but lots of folks watching M&A in this space now.

    Bloomberg article today:

  6. Investor Clouseau says:

    Boston Omaha dipped again today, any chance you’re thinking of adding again or are you waiting to see if your guess that it might fall to near book value will possibly pan out?

    Very interested in this stock, but also taking to heart your sound advice that the investment is mostly a pure confidence in young management play at this point.

  7. Investor Clouseau says:

    $BOMN Looks like the young Peterson and Rozek may have hit a snag:
    “Andrews & Springer LLC is Investigating Boston Omaha Corporation for Potential Breaches of Fiduciary Duty and Securities Violations”

    Think this will weigh down the stock for a great buy-in opportunity or do these initial investigations tend to pan out poorly investors? Im asking, because outside of loosely following what GE has been going through recently, I haven’t been investing long enough to know how these stories usually end.

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