written by reader Earn an extra $20,620 a year says Angel Publishing’s Chris Defamer

by saint stephen | April 8, 2018 7:26 am

”He was born by the financial crisis and now he has Uncle Sam by the balls. The U.S. government is obligated to pay him $20.4 million every month for 10 years. And to maintain this special deal he must pay you ”$20,620 a year…”

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2018/04/microblog-earn-an-extra-20620-a-year-says-angel-publishings-chris-defamer/

8 responses to “written by reader Earn an extra $20,620 a year says Angel Publishing’s Chris Defamer”

  1. saint stephen says:

    This is a pitch from the “Bubble and bust” report.

  2. Haven’t seen that ad, if you have a copy or link please forward it to ILoveStockSpam@gmail.com… or post a link here.

    From the gist, it sounds like a REIT but it could be a BDC. The government property REITs (GOV particularly) has been teased that way a couple times, though not by DeHaemer that I’ve seen.

  3. karin says:

    I just got an e-mail from them yesterday and finally looked at it today about Fed-Lord. Something about how he gets money because of rent the government pays. Sounds convincing! Then you have to pay $49 to get the information to get the money? Not sure if it’s far fetched or not?

  4. amanda L anderson says:

    still ongoing. any information? Is this a scam? Is it for real? If I pay him $49 as advertised, will I receive 4 payouts from Fed Lord /Uncle Sam EVERY YEAR?

  5. LKH says:

    I really wish there was a law that forced stock teasers to tell people that “the amount of income someone receives is dependent on the amount of shares you purchase. All income requires purchasing shares.”

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