written by reader Liberty Vouchers

by stellaj84 | May 9, 2018 11:10 pm

Anyone have information on the Liberty Vouchers that Tim Sykes[1] is promoting?

  1. Tim Sykes: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/tim-sykes/

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2018/05/microblog-liberty-vouchers/

9 responses to “written by reader Liberty Vouchers”

  1. steve1207 says:

    I see Nilus Nattive is also promoting this. It looks kike some type of offshore investment or a royalty system

  2. CB Snow says:

    Since Nilus Mattive left Weiss and joined Agora, he has been touting more and more “schemes” in my opinion. But I am intrigued by what are Liberty Vouchers – surely there is another “real” name for them – does anybody know ? and how they work ? As a 72 year old semi-retiree I am interested. Nilus wants $49 for a year’s subscription, which is reasonable so I guess if no one replies here, I will go and see with him.

  3. Bruce Conaway says:

    Nilus calls American Depository Receipts “Liberty Vouchers” in his promotion of his newsletter. Gumshoe, I sdon’t want another newsletter subscription (even only $49.) so how is Buffet, Trump. Joe Blow and the rest getting this income stream??

  4. Lori says:

    Thank you for the true name. I, too, have gotten information on this. I’m going to do a little research on them.

  5. steve1207 says:

    Here is a site with an explanation
    It seems they are a package of foreign stocks that are generated by a US bank and traded on the US market. So they have the same market risks as a stock or mutual fund as well as the foreign risks. They could do very well or very badly.

  6. David says:

    Guess who takes all the risk? Guess who makes money regardless? The promoters make the money. You take the risk. If you lose your money will “these guys” pay you back? Of course not!! When a man with money meets a man with experience, pretty quick the man with money now has the experience…..:)

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