written by reader Marin Katusa’s Independence Day Royalty company

by Rays | June 14, 2018 10:46 am

Does anyone know what this Royalty company is which he says will be his biggest ever (!) investment and the price will take off on 4th July? He says it trades on the North American markets and it may be something related to Toll road operators?
If so please let us know (preferably before 4th July!)
Many thanks

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2018/06/microblog-marin-katusas-independence-day-royalty-company/

26 responses to “written by reader Marin Katusa’s Independence Day Royalty company”

  1. Pablo says:


  2. fred says:

    IT has nothing with actual toll roads, he is being cryptic on that. he also states that the stock has nothing to do with oil or battery metals.

  3. aaronyrf says:

    This biggest clue for me was this: “This new development – and the revolution it will bring to this market – will do more for the world than all of the green energy companies combined.” I think hes eluding to the massive investments that energy companies have made recently to facilitate blockchain p2p energy distribution, that seeks to disrupt the traditional energy delivery model. At first I thought it was Centrica US ticker CPYYY who have already piloted such a program. But they are located in Europe and Marin states that this is a “North American Company”


  4. shaw3 says:

    Lucara Diamond (OTCPK:LUCRF +18.2%) surges after agreeing to acquire blockchain company Clara Diamond Solutions for $29M, joining larger rival DeBeers in exploring blockchain technology.

    Clara is operator of a digital platform selling rough diamonds as well as blockchain technology that seeks to track gems through the industry supply chain.
    Yes I think Lucara is it and blockchain is the “sort of” toll road.

  5. Canuck66 says:

    Hmm, just checked a few things. The yearly retail market for diamonds is ~ 72 billion (very close to Katusa’s figure of 80 billion). I thought the company would be smaller (i.e., .10/share). Interesting to see the share price pop a few days ago (around the time of Katusa’s emails).

    Here’s the news release from LUC: https://www.lucaradiamond.com/investor-info/company/news-releases/2018/lucara-diamond-announces-acquisition-of-clara-diamond-solutions-corporation-122491

  6. Canuck66 says:

    Also, just looking through the presentation: https://www.lucaradiamond.com/assets/docs/presentations/20180605_LucaraDiamondCorp_London.pdf

    Look at p.22–> technology hasn’t changed in 100 years (mentioned in Katusa’s pitch)

    + Clara technology (owned by LUC) will be rolled out during Q3 (July –?)

  7. dimi123 says:

    I was guessing that it’s Lucara as well since he mentioned $80 billion market and I was already a Lucara shareholder so I knew about Clara. Last but not least he said himself in a conference that he’s just waiting for Eira Thomas’ next project to invest in it, and Clara has been that project. But it was great to come across this thread and confirm my suspicion.

    So yeah, I like the company anyway, just not sure if Clara will be the next big thing. De Beers have their own block-chain thing and they have much bigger influence…

  8. jeff says:

    Any updates on whether this came to be?

  9. Mike says:

    nobody still knows for certain what company it is.

  10. marcus25 says:

    Today, in a piece entitled “The Absolute Worst Thing You’ll Read about Uranium,” Katusa writes that he caught all the internet sleuths off guard and that in fact the “Independence Day royalties” firm is a uranium company–one that will do well if the uranium price stays rather low. Does anyone have any ideas?

  11. marcus25 says:

    I noticed that the postscript to today’s message seems to imply that the stock in question is a recent IPO. It reads, “If you want to be first in line to get all the details about the most exciting IPO to hit the mining world in over a decade, then you will want to get all the details from our uranium special report.” The uranium trader Yellow Cake (YCA.L) began trading on the London Stock Exchange on 5 July.

  12. Strzeszyn says:

    Western uranium with its new technology, looks like it.

  13. wateroperator1 says:

    He also said that it pays a royalty

  14. marcus25 says:

    I would like to thank Strzeszyn and agree that the stock is Western Uranium. Thank you, Strzeszyn.

  15. Jackson says:


    Uranium Royalty Corporation – private placement on July 3 and August 8 2018.

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