written by reader EXPERT PREDICTS: For the Third Time Since Our Republic Was Founded… Congress Is About to Invoke Its Powers to Radically Change America…

by Wes | February 28, 2019 6:10 am

I just received more spam from Agora[1] Financial hinting at new legislation that will Federalize the Fed and take us off a debt based fiat currency.

Discussion point 1, I would appreciate informed discussions of pros and cons of abolishing the Fed and putting the authority to create and control US currency back with the Congress as stated in the constitution. My personal thoughts are that the Fed was illegally formed after a well executed Psy-Op in the 1910s but that our Congress was never supposed to be elected directly by the people (but through the elected well informed and intelligent statesmen which there are too few of today) so trying to right the ship after going so far off course is not a viable solution and will most likely make things worse unless we manage to put the original form of government back in place which I don’t see happening.

I digress to discussion point 2, in this article/advertisement the author, Daniel Denning, Mentions something called the Chicago Plan, A Portfolio for America’s New Money, and several other publications that are supposed to provide a blueprint for thriving in the coming years regardless of whether we get rid of the FED of not. Has anyone else bought in to the Bill Bonner[2] Letter and been able to decider any actionable intelligence that identifies specific investments or ways to protect and grow your net worth?

I had bought the Bonner Letter a few years ago and while I did enjoy reading the daily reports when I had time or weekly summary The letters just seemed to be a way to market all of there many special reports and other newsletters that never panned out.

I would appreciate a more informed opinion than mine on The Bill Bonner Letter, Agora Financial[3], Daniel Denning, and the possible realistic solutions to the surmounting debt crisis that America is headed for.

Thanks in advance!

  1. Agora: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/agora/
  2. Bill Bonner: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/bill-bonner/
  3. Agora Financial: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/agora-financial/

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2019/02/microblog-expert-predicts-for-the-third-time-since-our-republic-was-founded-congress-is-about-to-invoke-its-powers-to-radically-change-america/

One response to “written by reader EXPERT PREDICTS: For the Third Time Since Our Republic Was Founded… Congress Is About to Invoke Its Powers to Radically Change America…”

  1. Gina K says:

    I believe the Bonner newsletters are a scam. They tirelessly go on and on and on about how having their insight has proven results with credible agents of visionary prediction ability and paint this fear based picture that ignites this survival mode of get in and don’t miss out before falling victim to their imagined doom and gloom scenario.
    I can tell you personally that I’ve invested in 3 of their “get in quick” stock picks, seeing charts that appear to be trending upwards. Within months though, they have all been steadily declining and I’ve already lost over half my investment in them all! Unfortunately it wasn’t until after going through this that I researched further and saw the investigations revealing their predatory financial advising tactics. I don’t doubt that they “pump and dump” their recommendations, profiting off of sorry saps like myself that buy into their schpiel not only by purchasing their crap but again by buying heavily into stocks then promoting them to hype people into buying it, raising the prices before they unload, laughing all the way to their next scheme! They use your own emotions against you to profiteer! Don’t fall for it :/

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