written by reader Curzio – left for dead company to Revolutionize the customer experience

by gdoggcrunch | April 10, 2019 6:41 pm

Curzio’s next letter is supposed to recommend a ”left for dead” company thats going to ”implement a revolutionary new customer experience”. I’ve been trolling the dead for buys the last couple of weeks and there are several. I don’t know about the revolutionary customer experience thing though. ATT seems to keep trying to add mobile apps and other goodies to its Uverse service that I currently use. The stock is definitely dead looking when compared to Verizon. From my personal experience, their billing system is certainly NOT a revolutionary customer experience.

Anyway, I just bought some Sony out of the left for dead pile too, but I don’t know about anything revolutionary there either.

My bet it on T. Appreciate any thoughts.

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2019/04/microblog-curzio-left-for-dead-company-to-revolutionize-the-customer-experience/

8 responses to “written by reader Curzio – left for dead company to Revolutionize the customer experience”

  1. gdoggcrunch says:

    and a related link regarding the customer experience.


  2. Haven’t seen any recent ads from Frank, but he has been a vocal fan of AT&T for a few years — I don’t know if he actually recommends it in his newsletters, but he talks it up a lot on his podcast.

  3. gdoggcrunch says:

    If KSS was indeed the Curzio CRA pick, his readers that followed his advise would have taken a position probably between 67.50 – $73. Not in the stock but its suffering an earnings release drop to $57 area. That pushes the yield on this to over 4%. Might be worth watching if you can convince yourself that the model is sustainable.

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