written by reader OptionsPlay Tony Zhang

by rhwphw | May 16, 2020 9:57 am

Anyone have experience With Options Play or Tony Zhang who runs it? It’s another subscription service for promoted option trades.
I’ve searched all over the web for reviews but there are no independent reviews. I find that unusual because there’s always some kind of review usually both positive and negative.
Also nothing on the BBB.

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2020/05/microblog-optionsplay-tony-zhang/

5 responses to “written by reader OptionsPlay Tony Zhang”

  1. rhwphw says:

    I have done a trial subscription a while back which was fine and I continued it for a short time. But then I subscribed to Chaikin Analytics who offered a very limited entry for Options Play on their site for free, which I used on occasion. My results with that OptionsPlay were just OK but not spectacular. It really was a very limited site compared to the subscription site.

    But, I recently cancelled Chaikin due to poor advisory stock purchase results and went back and re-joined Options Play. I revisited the site and their methodology and decided that Tony Zhang has created a very unique service. Lots of great education on the site.

    My initial results after re=subscribing were just OK, but that was because I became enthused with Covered Calls.
    Wrong time for Covered Calls as the market in May-June 2020 was a definite BULL market and not a good time to be selling covered calls on my holdings , as the stock prices were quickly catching up to the my strike prices, forcing me to sell them at a loss rather than being assigned and losing my fast appreciating stock.

    That was on ME not his program! I simply used the wrong tool at the wrong time.

    But the verticals worked out great!

    So the in my opinion, Tony has created a valuable service that shows you optimal trades, along with the probabilities of making a profit as well as the probabilities of credits expiring worthless. The decision is YOURS. That’s what I like. No get rich quick scheme. Just pure analysis and probabilities as well as a wealth of other helpful information to help me make an intelligent decision.
    I don’t know what else one could ask for. Just gimmee solid info and I’m happy. Let the chips fall where they may.

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