written by reader Ray Blanco’s The Destruction of Telecom. “Apple-Fi” , “5G killer”. sevenfiguresolutions, Technology Profits Confidential teaser.

by teamgatos | May 22, 2020 8:35 pm

I got an email today that got my attention. ’The Destruction of Telecom” was the header. It went on to say this…
…………..The Man Who First Said:
“Buy 5G Stocks” in 2011
Now Warns:
“Do NOT Buy One Single
5G Stock Until You See This”……
Well, the email hit me a little late, I already have stock in eight ”5G” companies. He should have told me sooner.
Then it went on to say..
…….That’s because a much bigger new technology — one I call the “5G Killer” — could soon make 5G technology obsolete. Take a look at this patent and you’ll see what I mean…..
Graphic of patent,
………What you’re looking at is Patent No. 20130271317. One that could put giant service providers like AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, and others out of business…

And, more importantly, make 5G technology obsolete overnight. Bloomberg[1] calls the technology behind this patent, ”Internet-delivered from the heavens” In fact, almost nobody else in the world knows about Apple’s top-secret project yet.

But on June 22, I believe this “5G Killer” will be revealed to the world…
Later on he says.
…….What is “Apple-Fi”?

In short, Apple will soon cut out traditional wireless networks and internet providers…

And beam fast, reliable, unlimited internet through the air… directly to your device……
Numerous charts and examples followed that and then.
As I mentioned, by buying Apple you’ll do very well when “Apple-Fi” is revealed
to the world…

………………..But by buying the tiny companies Apple is partnering with to launch this revolution, you could make a fortune. The “Apple-Fi” Rollout Will Send This
Tiny Company Exploding As mentioned, in the race to deploy “Apple-Fi,” Apple may launch between 1,400 and 3,000 satellites into space.

And for one tiny company based in California, these plans will be a bonanza.

You see, this little $3 billion company is the leading provider of rocket engines in America. This little company’s revenue could explode by a massive $6 billion.

Needless to say, when a tiny company’s revenue shoots up by $6 billion in a matter of weeks or months…

Its share price could easily explode 250%, 500%, 1,000%, or even higher. …….

It goes on…
……This is just one of the several companies I’ve found that could be key partners of Apple.

In fact, another that I’ve identified could explode even higher than this engine producer.

Let me tell you more about this company now…

Even A Tiny Stake In This Next Company Could Turn Into Massive Wealth As
“Apple-Fi” Is Launched Worldwide
At just $500 million and 21 employees, this next company is small — ultra-small.You see, after launching up to 3,000 satellites, Apple will need to allocate billions of dollars annually to maintain this network of satellites.

This includes doing things like swapping out satellites when they break and ensuring service isn’t interrupted, for example.

And this company is uniquely positioned to help them do that.

With years of experience in this field, this little company is a leader in deploying and maintaining an extensive network of satellites.

No other company in the world can do what they do — and I believe they’ll be a key partner in “Apple-Fi”…..
…….On page 2, you’ll find the company that could be responsible for helping Apple transmit Wi-Fi from their satellites in space directly to your device. Since DISH spun this company off in 2009, shares have already soared as high as 200%… but this is only the beginning. I predict this company could become a key partner to Apple in the coming months… and could be rewarded with billions of dollars in extra profits. Even a tiny stake today could hand you a fortune…
Up next, you’ll find the company that was just named as one of the best stocks to buy in 2020 by Yahoo[2]! Finance. And I’m not surprised… they’ve already entered into talks about a partnership with Apple to assist in
“Apple-Fi”. And as “Apple-Fi” is announced to the world and rolled out, this company could be one of the biggest winners… fast movers could reap windfall fortunes…
This next company you’ll find is incredible… founded by a brilliant billionaire, it’s one of the leading space companies in the world. Shares are already up nearly 400% since December… but if you move fast, you can still get in dirt-cheap… before a potential partnership with Apple pushes this stock to the moon…
…..Finally, you’ll also find an off-the-radar space manufacturing company from Colorado. I expect it could lock in a major contract with Apple… that could send shares exploding 10x higher or more when the news is announced.
The time to secure your stake is now…

That is the basic idea. Just editing out the ad copy and pasting these details was enough to give me a headache.
So does anyone know what the companies mentioned are?
I would be really interested in your thoughts.
Thank you.

  1. Bloomberg: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/bloomberg/
  2. Yahoo: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/yahoo/

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2020/05/microblog-ray-blancos-the-destruction-of-telecom-apple-fi-5g-killer-sevenfiguresolutions-technology-profits-confidential-teaser/

13 responses to “written by reader Ray Blanco’s The Destruction of Telecom. “Apple-Fi” , “5G killer”. sevenfiguresolutions, Technology Profits Confidential teaser.”

  1. John says:

    Without quantum entanglement it seems timing delays inherent in satellite communications (especially in 2003) would not support a WIFI conversation as the apps would timeout awaiting latency delays. Even with fully transparent mesh LEO, delays would frustrate users. Whereas the 802.11 protocol itself could likely be made to work, the user experience of WiFi data transmissions would not be satisfactory to the standard Apple user.

  2. Al says:

    Would one of the companies be Echostar..?

  3. warrenator says:

    Well, Blanco’s been touting Softbank for years for their satellite aspirations. A google search of satellite companies gives a rather long list, but I’d guess Blanco is honing in on some of them. FWIW, I followed one of his early reco’s on Intelsat & made a killing on half my holdings before the FCC changed the rules about auctioning spectrum and the shares took a nosedive. Win some, lose some.

  4. Roberto says:

    I don’t know what 5G companies they are talking about…. I wasn’t willing to pay the $49 dollars to find out LOL.I would like to know also if anyone knows as I already have investments in several 5G companies myself.

  5. Eureka says:

    Just wait for the first major CME and then ask me if Apple Fi will live or die. Besides that the sky is so filled we are at the brink of catastrophic event that will trap us on the planet for some time. If the old derelicts aren’t cleared and we start a billiards cascade we will lose 80% of our satellites in a year and have launch windows that will be seconds long and like trying to thread a moving needle. First we need to insist the skies are cleaned up

  6. Geo says:

    For those of you who have experience with Dish Network for T.V. service. What happens when thunderstorms pass through. We loose the signal, I speak from experience as a used to be customer. Well what do you think will happen with Apple-FI? Let’s make it even more dramatic with seasonal hurricanes where Thick clouds lasts for more than a day or so. What will happen then? One also needs to consider the shape of the antenna on top of our roofs or back patios or balconies. What will 80-120 mph winds do to it. Or rather should I ask which direction will it fly off to ? The idea is great for only $4.99 a month for internet service, and if I can live with the outages, its a deal. Especially if I’m traversing the Middle Eastern Desserts on my camel from one Oasis to the next using a solar powered laptop recharger for my HP or Dell laptop. “I’ve got it made in the shade.” But if I’m a stock trader or forex trader, internet outages would be nerve racking.

  7. eb0079 says:

    Iridium Communications (NASDAQ: IRDM) is the new recommendation
    Not sure it will be the biggest winner ???

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