written by reader Crypto and Block Chain Security

by whatsup80 | June 8, 2021 9:50 am

Great to see that the Feds gave the Russian hackers a kick in the pants (Re: Colonial Pipeline). But, since most ordinary folks (and even Pros) do not have comparable government resources, the reported U.S. ability to recover almost all the ransom BTC after tracing multiple transfers does raise some concerns about the belief in the imperviousness of crypto, and by extension, block chain security. Comments, thoughts?

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2021/06/microblog-crypto-and-block-chain-security/

One response to “written by reader Crypto and Block Chain Security”

  1. The hackers didn’t try very hard to hide their bitcoin, from what I read, and left it visible instead of pulling it off into cold storage or moving it around a lot to try to stay ahead of the FBI’s hackers. I have no idea how secure Bitcoin is to government monitoring, but I’ll bet that all of law enforcement and the “white hats” are paying a lot more attention than they did a few years ago, thanks largely to those high-profile ransomware demands that have been making the rounds in recent years.

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