written by reader Tim Bohen: 5 Silent Stocks, Tesla and Musk’s Partners on Project X

by uservirgo | February 10, 2023 8:35 am

Hello, Everyone:
I wonder if anyone is a subscriber to Tim Bohen[1]’s service StocksToTrade[2]? Please, share your thoughts about it if you are.
Here is the latest teaser by Tim Bohen featuring 5 mysterious smaller companies than Tesla, Musk’s “silent partners” in his Project X. It stands for “Elon’s Energy Revolution” meaning utility-grade batteries being built in certain locations around the world to power-up the homes of consumers:
Tim Bohen is also certain that TSLA stock will shoot to $600, proving that it is not just an EV company. He is mentioning certain dates, such as March 1 and April 19, 2023. Any thoughts on those dates? Thank you

  1. Tim Bohen: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/tim-bohen/
  2. StocksToTrade: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/tag/stockstotrade/

Source URL: https://www.stockgumshoe.com/2023/02/microblog-tim-bohen-5-silent-stocks-tesla-and-musks-partners-on-project-x/

12 responses to “written by reader Tim Bohen: 5 Silent Stocks, Tesla and Musk’s Partners on Project X”

  1. Todd A Reeder says:

    Several searches, but unable to find information about the 5 tiny stocks.

  2. tonylu says:

    I have not seen this pitch from Tim Bohen but I have seen quite a few. I’m pretty sure that Tim was part of “Raging Bulls” a few years back and most of it was just hype. Just adding my 2 cents!

  3. cbaylis says:

    what is Tim Bohen talking about with Tesla and Project x?

  4. Richard Francis SPENCER says:

    Hi there,
    I’m curious about the same 5 tiny companies. I bet that tim bohen & also andrew green are pushing the same companies. Andrew Green has done a presentation this date which goes on & on & on forever. How to make one huge killing. But, alas, I can’ t elaborate as well. All my searches have failed. Good luck.

  5. James Wilding-White says:

    what are the five small companies tim bohen is talking about

  6. James Wilding-White says:

    i have searched for the 5 companies assoiciated with project x mentioned by tim bohen. I have not gotten good results. Perhaps I will just ask tim during a live webinar on stocks to trade

  7. dljacoby says:

    At latest mention he gives Jan 24 2024 as a make or break date

  8. Richard Francis SPENCER says:

    With a little further scratching around, the 5 silent partners are :

    1. Solar City, was owned by the cousins of Musk. It is mentioned that Musk bought the company because of difficult financial problems of the company. (Probably bailed his cousins out with an extremely good offer for them so they could have some “Nice Dollars” between them).

    2.Grohmann Engineering. a German company. Musk asked Grohmann to stay on to the run the company. A few months after aquisition, a disagreement between Musk & Grohmann was how Musk was treating german customers, Grohmann was marched.

    3. Maxwell Technologies.

    4. Deepscale.

    5. Hibar Technologies

    This info is now readily available by googling Elon Musk’s 5 silent companies.

    These companies were all purchased between 1916-17-18.

    Hope this helps.

  9. Ed says:

    Tim Bohen Elon Musk article

  10. Schredd says:

    I was given the best stock tip ever, never invest in rumors; from friends, street, brokers, or anyone else.
    Research the stocks you want to invest in and make sure you support the company.

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