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written by reader New Teaser…Frank Curzio

By partykkj, August 18, 2013

Any idea what company Frank Curzio (Editor, Small Stock Specialist)
A Real, ”Cash-In-Your-Hand” 30% Dividend

Why isn’t anyone talking about the biggest, most outrageous dividends in the public markets? I’m talking about a real, ”cash-in-your-hand” dividend so large it could change your life. What’s more, these are actually some of the safest – if not THE safest – in the entire market.

Dear Reader,

Why isn’t anyone talking about THE most outrageous dividend in America?

I’m talking about a way to collect a real, ”cash-in-your-hand” 30% dividend, paid by reputable American businesses… a dividend so large and safe you could, quite literally, live off it—

Use it to pay your monthly bills… pay off student loans… take a dream vacation… or even buy a second home.

Think I’m exaggerating?

Think again.
”I collected $80,000 in dividends in 2012”, says 63-year-old retiree Glenn M. ”My two homes, including a vacation home in Key West on the ocean, are paid for. This opportunity has allowed me to retire with no money worries.”

”Each of our 3 kids paid for their college educations with this stock” says Texas-based retiree Edaline M.,” ”…and two of them have since used some of the funds to buy their family homes. My husband and I use this too. We now own our home and three rental properties – and we’re debt free!”
Hi, my name is Frank Curzio. I’m an investment analyst at an independent financial research group called Stansberry & Associates.

I’ve spent my entire professional career researching and writing about little-known opportunities in the stock market, just like this one.

And I can tell you without hesitation, what I’m about to describe to you in this presentation is not only one of the most amazing investment opportunities I’ve ever witnessed…

But it is something that could forever change the way people in America retire today.

It’s that good.

Now, just to be clear… Just so we’re on the same page. I’m not talking about buying shares of some ”fly-by-night” penny stock operation… or companies whose share price has gotten hammered in recent months.

I’m talking about the type of company that has been in business for more than half a century… whose share price has gone up, on average, more than 8% a year for the past decade.

That’s generous capital gains ON TOP of already huge dividends.

Yet, practically no one in the mainstream financial industry is even talking about this investment (I’ll explain the surprising reason why in a moment).

Want to hear something even more surprising?

There are SEVERAL businesses that have the potential to payout this huge 30% dividend.

And many of them have been around for decades—

Yes, decades!

As Michigan resident Jerry C. told us:
”My father began with $1,500 in the 1970s… and the money just grew so fast. We withdrew about $24,000 in 2001 and another $31,000 in 2003 for personal needs. Today we have about $220,000.”
Or, as Illinois Retiree Drew W. told us:
”I’m collecting 30% per year on a position I started 25 years ago. People often ask me what I do for a living because they never see me work! This is as close to a free ride that you will ever get in life outside of an inheritance.”
So the question is…

How come 99% of the investing public has no clue that such an incredibly large, safe dividend exists? How could it go ”undetected” for so long? Why isn’t everyone doing this?

And most importantly, how can you begin collecting this massive dividend as soon as possible?

The answer to these questions, and more, are in this presentation.

A secret ”they” are keeping from you?

The best way to explain the ”secrecy” surrounding these investments is to tell you the incredible story of Ben Copple.

Ben – a self-proclaimed ”amateur investor with no particular expertise in the stock market” – discovered one of these companies… get this – all the way back in 1966.

(I told you this has been around for a while!)

Ben, a young man at the time with little money to invest, plunked down just $193 on the stock.

He let the money sit – and now he earns a BIG and SAFE 30% yield on his initial investment. That, of course, does not count the generous capital gains he’s made along the way.

How much has he made as a result?

Well, Ben’s original $193 stake has multiplied by a factor of 600. That’s right. That’s a 60,000% return on his money. That means, today, his account has grown to more than $120,000.

All from a tiny investment of less than $200.

That’s the power of creating a 30% dividend.


Believe it or not, this is NOT why Ben’s story is so important.

You see, it’s what Copple said in an interview with a popular financial magazine, back in 2006, that explains why these opportunities get so little attention.

Copple told the publication, ”I will probably never sell this stock.”

In fact, just about everyone we spoke with, who’s taken advantage of this opportunity said the exact same thing.

”I’ve owned the stock for DECADES… and I NEVER plan on selling it.”

Why is this important?

Well, this is probably the biggest reason most Americans don’t know about this opportunity. You see, brokers make money on commissions. They get a small fee every time you buy and sell a stock.

Think about that for a moment.

If you’re a stockbroker and your livelihood depends on the number of trades your clients make, are you going to tell them about a stock they’ll probably never, EVER want to sell?

Probably not.

Stockbrokers hate this opportunity because they know once you invest this way you’ll likely never want to buy another stock again…

In fact, this investment is so potentially harmful to the financial community, they’ve gone so far as to lobby the government to keep it hidden from the general public.

You heard that right.

Just listen to what CBS MarketWatch said about this:
”Brokers and money managers won’t tell you ’the best kept secret’ and they’ve made sure Congress and the SEC keep it a secret, too.”
Ben Copple confirms this sentiment: ”Most brokers would’ve had me sell this stock years ago.”

Or as Ed Middleton from the National Association of Investors put it,
”Everyone wants to do this they just didn’t know they could.”
Crazy, right?

But surely you would have heard about this opportunity from other financial professionals, right?

Financial planners… or bankers perhaps?

Not likely.

Financial planners will never tell you about this because once you know about it, you’ll never need a planner ever again. They’d much rather you put your money in things with really high fees, like mutual funds, annuities, and insurance products.

Big banks have no financial interest in telling you about this either. Tell me, are you going to park your money in a savings account or CD that pays less than 2% right now when there’s an opportunity to safely earn more than 10-TIMES that?

In short, NO ONE in the financial industry is going to tell you about a 30% dividend investment, because the only one it benefits is you!

It’s no wonder Jerry C. told us:
”The account has been the legacy investment for my family and will be passed on to my son upon my demise. In addition, my son now has his own account, and accounts are set up for the grandchildren.”
Or Glenn M. said:
”I have been able to help pay for college for eight of my grandchildren. I believe there is no better investment.”
The good news is I can show you exactly how to start on the path to collecting your own 30% dividend.

All you need to know is which company to buy… and the secrets of extracting a 30% dividend.

Let me show you how to get started…

Who are the 30% Dividend Companies?

The first thing you should know is that the 30% dividend companies we are talking about here are small. Their total current value on the stock market or ”market cap” (which is calculated by multiplying the stock price by the total number of shares on the open market) is less than $5 billion.

I know, $5 billion may not sound very small. But just consider that Exxon – one of the largest businesses in the world – is valued at around $400 billion. These companies are worth about 1/80th of Exxon’s value. That’s pretty small.

But here’s the thing. Because of their size, the 30% dividend companies aren’t widely owned on Wall Street.

This is actually a great thing. Let me show you why…

Let’s say a Wall Street fund manager has $10 billion in his portfolio. If the manager wants to divide the fund into 10 equal parts, that’s about $1 billion for each part.

As I mentioned, the 30% dividend companies are valued at no more than $5 billion. That means if the average big investor tried to buy shares, he’d be buying up more than 20% of the shares! And if the company trades for less than $5 billion (and many of them do) he’d be buying much more than that!

That would send the price through the roof – and the fund manager could never get a good deal.

Plus, SEC government regulations prohibit giant funds and other big banking firms from buying large percentages of a single company, without having to jump through some serious (and expensive) legal hurdles.

The point is, this gives you a clear advantage over Big Banks, Mutual Funds, and Wall Street managers, simply because they are less likely to touch these companies.

Regular investors like you and me finally have the upper hand. One more reason for Wall Street not to like this opportunity!

Another thing you should know about the 30% dividend companies is that, despite their size, they are safe, well-established businesses, many of which have been around for more than half a century (one company, which I profile below has been in business for over 100 years)!

In fact, demand for their products and services continues regardless of economic downturns (and it’s not dependent on economic upswings either).

These companies have lots of cash on hand… reliable earnings… stable profit margins… and the fastest growing dividends.

In fact, as you’re about to see, many of these small companies have even crushed the returns of some of Wall Street’s ”most favored” stocks over the past several years. Companies like Home Depot (HD), AT&T (T), and Bank of America (BAC).

In other words, few companies are as steady and consistent as these.

Another reason these businesses are so profitable for investors is because the people running these businesses are committed to paying out huge income checks to investors… year after year.

According to one company’s website:
”Dividends have doubled approximately every 5 years for the last 4 decades. We possess one of the best dividend growth records among the S&P 500.”
And that brings me to one final – and extremely important – thing you need to know…

And that is, this small group of companies allows you to compound your dividends in a unique and powerful way.

To realize the full potential of your payouts… and to collect 30% per year, you must learn how to compound your dividends.

This is one of the key secrets of getting a 30% dividend on your initial investment. The yields are not huge to begin with. But the longer you wait, the bigger your yield will potentially get. It’s not hard to do, but you have to understand the concept, and the strategy for powerfully putting it to use.

The good news is, I can show you exactly how to do this – let’s get into the details…

Case Study: W.P. Carey, Inc.

One of the 30% dividend companies, for example, is a business called W.P. Carey, Inc.

If you’ve never heard of it before, you’re not alone.

W.P. Carey is a $4.75 billion real estate trust that invests primarily in commercial office, warehouse, industrial, logistics, retail, hotel, R&D, and self-storage properties, all across the globe.

Sounds pretty safe… and pretty ”boring” too, right?

Now do you see what I mean when I say these 30% firms are small and not widely recognized?

But don’t let its size fool you. W.P. Carey has actually been one of the best performing stocks of the past few years, despite getting practically ZERO attention from Wall Street or the financial media.

Its share price alone has returned over 310% since 2000 (that DOESN’T include returns from dividends)!

That’s more than 17-TIMES better than the returns of the S&P 500 over the same period. In fact, that’s about 12-TIMES better than the returns from Home Depot… more than 20-TIMES better than AT&T… and more than 30-TIMES better than Bank of America over the same period too.

Like I said… generous share price gains ON TOP of huge dividends.

And when you learn how to ”compound” these dividends… well… the returns are simply off the charts.

The way this compounding works is pretty simple, but incredibly powerful.

First, you have to find a company like W.P. Carey. Very safe… very stable… which pays out more money to shareholders, not only reliably, year after year… but also has a mission to increase these payouts, year after year.

As the company says in one of its financial reports:
W. P. Carey has been providing investors with a constant source of income for nearly 40 years… We look forward to continuing our tradition of income generation for you and for generations of investors to come.
Then, you have to take another critical step.

And that is, rather than allowing your large and increasing dividends to simply sit in cash, in your brokerage firm’s money market account (which is where all brokerage houses deposit your dividend payments, by default), you make one simple switch… allowing your dividends to be reinvested back in more shares… so your dividends are actually earning MORE DIVIDENDS.

It’s when your dividends start earning dividends that the power of compounding goes to work… and over time, you are earning so much in cash each year that you may never go back to your old way of investing, ever again.

Let’s go back to W.P. Carey as an example…

Let’s say you decided to buy shares back in 2001. You collect your dividends the way most people do. You allow your 4 quarterly checks each year to be deposited into your brokerage firm’s money market account, where it earns (if you’re lucky) about 0.5% interest. Between then and now, you would have received a total of 58 checks. Your average annual yield during this time is around 10% per year.

(Keep in mind, your underlying share value would have gone up about 310% in value over this time.)

Not bad, right?

But now let’s say instead of collecting your dividends the ”normal” way you tell your broker or the company itself that you want to COMPOUND your increasing dividends instead.

Remember, you want your DIVIDENDS to start earning DIVIDENDS.

What would your investment look like today?

Well, the underlying stock value would have still gone up about 310%… nothing new there. But the BIG difference would be in your ”compounded” dividend yield.

Remember: You began compounding your dividend in 2001.By 2005, you’d be earning a nice 12% dividend, nearly 30% bigger than normal.
By 2008, you’d be earning a 19% yield – nearly double the regular rate.
By 2011 – just 10 years later – you’d be getting a massive 30% yield on your original investment – 250% bigger than the normal rate.

And get this, if you continued compounding to this day, you’d be earning a whopping 41% yield right now!

That’s over 400% bigger than normal.

And you could continue the compounding… or you could decide to use the cash for anything else you’d like… paying for a new house… your grandkids education… a European vacation… a huge donation to your favorite charity…. You name it.

Keep in mind: You cannot compound your dividends like this on any company. In fact, only a small fraction of companies meet our strict criteria necessary to compound in such a safe and steady opportunity (about 43 out of the 10,000 publicly traded stocks).

But perhaps you’re thinking, ”What about big companies like Home Depot, AT&T, and Bank of America? Can’t I compound my dividends on these companies?”

And the answer to that question is, ”yes” you can… let me explain how I see it…

You see, big companies like Home Depot and AT&T are already big corporations. It’s hard to get these big companies at a great price because everyone knows about them.

The 30% dividend companies, on the other hand, are much smaller. These little guys are way under the radar. You can get them at a great price right now. This is important because companies this size have much more room to grow than large blue chips… more room to grow their share value… more room to dramatically increase their dividends.

That’s why these lesser-known stocks give you the opportunity to compound your dividends to such incredible heights.

Again, let’s go back to W.P. Carey as an example…

Let’s look at what happens when you compare W.P. Carey’s compounded dividends to those of Home Depot, AT&T, and Bank of America, over the same period.

Remember – beginning with W.P. Carey in 2001 – you’d have amassed an incredible 41% yield today.

That’s 14-times bigger than Home Depot’s… 9-times bigger than AT&T’s… and more than 30-times bigger than Bank of America’s compounded dividends over the same period!

Now do you see what I mean when I say you can’t compound your dividends like this on just any company?

That’s the beauty of these 30% dividend companies. They’ve grown their share prices and their dividends… so they’ve paid investors two ways.

Generous capital gains ON TOP of huge dividends.

Let me show you another example…

Case Study: Vector Group

Another 30% dividend company is a business called Vector Group.

Vector is a small $1.5 billion holding company with interests in the tobacco, financial, and real estate industries.

Sounds like another ”safe” and ”boring” stock, right?

Well, not only has Vector Group been one of the best performing stocks since 2000…

It has also been one of the best in the business when it comes to compounding your dividends.

For example, let’s say you purchased shares back in 2000 and – instead of collecting your dividends as cash – told your broker to compound your dividends.

What would your yield look like today?

Well, by 2005 you’d be getting a solid 12% dividend – 36% bigger than the regular dividend rate.

By 2009, you’d have a huge 22% dividend – DOUBLE the rate most others have gotten.

By 2011, you’d have a mammoth 29% dividend yield…

And today, you’d be getting a massive 40.5% annual yield on your original investment… nearly five times bigger than what folks who DIDN’T compound their dividends are getting right now.

Tell me. Would you rather collect a 9% yield (as most Vector shareholders are getting)… or would you rather compound your dividends and collect an amazing 40.5% annual dividend yield – one that’s about 450% bigger than normal, and, in all likelihood, will probably never go away, instead?

Silly question, right?

A 40.5% dividend will obviously make you much richer in the coming years.

Vector’s compounded dividend, by the way, beat out those of many of the big name stocks, over the same period as well.

Keep in mind: You do have to wait for these dividends to grow. It’s like planting a money tree. The yields are not huge to begin with. But the longer you wait, the bigger your yield will potentially get. I know of one gentleman, featured in a popular news magazine, for example, who was found to be collecting more than 200% per year in dividends using this strategy!
My point is, if you’re OK with waiting – there’s really no limit to how much money you could see.

Just look at Louisiana resident, Simon W., who’s learned the secret of compounding his dividends, and within roughly five years was collecting more in dividends than most people earn from a full time job. He told us:
”I am currently making over $60,000 a year in dividends whereas, 10 years ago, I was making less than $10,000 per year.”
Or look at Peggy M., who’s earning a mammoth 34% DIVIDEND. She told us:
”I started out with 250 shares worth $13,250.00. Today, my investment is worth $136,824.00 and the current year dividend is $4,439.00 which gives me a 34% annual yield!”
Or Gina F., who’s made over $1 million. She said:
”My husband and I were able to turn $30,000 into over $1 million dollars doing this. Since my husband’s passing, I have continued the same program and feel very secure in my retirement.”
It’s pretty extraordinary, when you think about it. You’ve got a unique investment opportunity that is very conservative, very safe, and could pay you 30% a year or more.

So, which companies should you own today? Which ones are the best… and could help you retire with A LOT more cash?

I’ll show you…

Major project

My name, as I mentioned earlier, is Frank Curzio. I’m the lead small-cap analyst at Stansberry and Associates, a private investment research group headquartered in the Mt. Vernon district of Baltimore, MD.

Our group was formed in 1999. Today, individuals in 130 countries pay us for independent financial research and recommendations.

Unlike Wall Street investment banks, we are completely independent from the stocks and other investments we cover. We only sell our research. We don’t solicit banking business, and we don’t provide brokerage services. Our only income comes from selling our best ideas to our subscribers.

If our ideas work, our subscribers stay with us. If not, they can cancel, and even get their money back.

We believe this is how the financial research business should work. No hidden interests or secret agendas.

Again, my primary focus is on ”small stocks” – the kinds of stocks, like I’ve been describing here, that can turn small stakes into giant fortunes…

And that brings me to the subject of this presentation.

You see, over the past 12 months I have undertaken a very special research project… one of our firm’s biggest to date.

It began as a simple question: ”How can we help subscribers generate more income, more safely?”… and turned into a major endeavor, involving a half-dozen equity analysts, a half-dozen researchers… hundreds of hours of time… and tens of thousands of dollars.

The result of our efforts?

We have found what I believe is the ultimate way for you to get paid more income… more safely… from your investments.

And the solution, it turns out, lies in a rather unexpected place…

Here’s what I mean…

During the course of our research, we found that there are about 43 small stocks easily traded in the United States that meet our strict criteria necessary to quickly and easily compound your dividend to 30% per year and higher.

REMEMBER: Only small stocks (under a $5 billion market cap), that are not widely influenced by Wall Street, with lots of cash on hand, that have the most reliable earnings, stable profit margins, and fastest growing dividends, qualify for this strategy.

In other words – these stocks are EXTREMELY RARE.

And it takes just one of them to pave the way for your retirement.

I’ve already told you about two of these companies – W.P. Carey and Vector Group.

But the truth is, there are several other companies I like even better, that can help early investors easily make a fortune.

That’s why I recently put together a comprehensive Research Report detailing what I believe are the top three 30% dividend companies in the world right now.

My new report, called A Real, ”Hold-in-Your-Hand” 30% Dividend will give you the full story on these little-known and rarely-talked-about stocks, including…

The names and ticker symbols of all three ”30% dividend” companies (in terms of the fastest-growing and biggest potential yields) so you can build a portfolio of the highest quality stocks. One of these businesses, for example, has been in business for over 100 years and hasn’t missed a quarterly dividend payout in over HALF A CENTURY… I guarantee 99% of investors have never heard of this company.

How to compound your dividends. It takes just one simple switch in the way you collect your dividends. In a very short amount of time, you will probably be earning so much in cash each year that you will never want to go back to your old way of investing, ever again.

In this report, I’ll also provide a full financial analysis of each of my three favorite 30% dividend companies.

It’s all there in my Research Report, A Real, ”Hold-in-Your-Hand” 30% Dividend.

Even better, I’d like to give you access to this Research Report, absolutely free of charge.

But before I show you how to claim your free copy, there’s one more unique opportunity I’d like to tell you about in the world of small stocks.

I recommend you take advantage of this situation right away…

The Next Great Royalty Business

I’m not sure how much you know about the precious metals business, but probably the best way to make money in this industry is not as an explorer… or producer.

Instead, it’s to get a foothold on profitable mining royalties.

The way it works is, several smart geologists buy up the ”royalty rights” to some of the world’s most productive and lucrative mines.

And get this: These guys don’t do any digging, production, or actual mining… they simply get paid lucrative ”royalties” as the metals come out of the ground. It’s an incredibly simple and lucrative business.

One of the first companies to do this in the gold industry was an operation called Franco-Nevada. Franco got its start in the early 1980s as an exploration company. It wasn’t until the company discovered it could make a killing on royalty deals that it ditched the exploration business altogether.

Once it discovered this secret, Franco was able to pay investors an average of 38% gains for 18 consecutive years!

That means 2,404% after 10 years… and an incredible 32,000% over the full 18 years… which turns a $5,000 investment into $1.6 million!

Another company to set up a similar royalty business was a firm called Royal Gold.

The company entered the markets quietly in 1992. Research giants didn’t even know the company existed. Most mutual funds steered clear of it, too.

But after it secured a portfolio of rich royalty deals… Royal Gold ascended from a penny stock to more than $100 a share. The company has generated returns of more than 100,000% since 1992. And that’s not a typo!

It’s incredible. Owning royalty stakes in the world’s best mining operations is a low-risk, inexpensive, and simple way to make an absolute fortune.

Franco-Nevada and Royal Gold are mature royalty companies now. And I have no doubt they will be winners over the long term thanks to their portfolio of royalty-producing properties. But as a specialist in small-cap stocks, I’m always on the lookout for companies that will get us into the next potential Franco-Nevada or Royal Gold earlier in the growth cycle.

And… it looks like we may actually have the opportunity again, right now…

You see, I’ve found company that’s similar to what Royal Gold was 20 years ago. Most people have never heard of this small company. That’s because it’s just beginning its journey to become a royalty-streaming giant.

This company has already secured a portfolio of lucrative royalty deals on some of the world’s richest and most lucrative mines.

But here’s the thing – these huge royalties don’t begin being paid until 2015.

So right now, this small company is completely off everyone’s radar!

As the chart below shows, you can see the massive jump these royalties are projected to create in the company’s revenue…

Once these revenues kick in, it’s just the beginning… This company will use this cash to set up more royalties deals (like Royal Gold has done since the ’90s), which will generate massive returns for shareholders.

Based on my analysis, this stock could easily generate triple-digit returns over the next 12 to 18 months. And over the long term, once its royalty checks start rolling in, this stock has the ability to generate a five-fold return or more.

The time to get in on this stock is now, while it is still small, cheap, and unknown.

If you’d like the full details on this situation, I’ve published everything in my latest report: The Next Great Royalty Business. Keep in mind: This company went public in the U.S. just a few years ago. They employ less than two-dozen people… yet they are set to bring in more than $50 million a year!

This Research Report – along with A Real, ”Hold-in-Your-Hand” 30% Dividend – will be among the first things you have access to when you take a trial subscription to my monthly research advisory, called Small Stock Specialist.

Is the type of research I do appropriate for you?

I don’t know. But let me tell you a little bit about it so you can decide for yourself…

My Time-Tested (and Lucrative) Secrets

Small stocks are my life. Over the past decade, I’ve studied tens of thousands of them.

Prior to joining Stansberry Research, I worked for one of the richest and most well-known hedge fund managers on the planet – a name I guarantee you’d recognize.

It was my job to find for him the world’s best small stocks, which he would share with millions of people around the world.

In addition, I published my research in a monthly research advisory ranked by Hulbert Financial Digest as one of the best in America…

And shared my opinions of these firms on national programs like CNBC’s Kudlow Report and The Call, CNN Radio and Fox Business news.

And because of that experience, I’ve found that picking them can be just as safe as picking the biggest Blue Chip stock… But with much more profit potential.

Today, I share my recommendations in a publication called Small Stock Specialist, where once a month I report on what I believe are the best opportunities in the small-cap space.

You see, in addition to the opportunities I’ve been describing here today, there are actually a number of regular and proven ways to make money in small stocks…

For instance… •Secret Suppliers
One small-cap secret that I’ve used over and over again in my career is uncovering the tiny stocks that supply some of the biggest companies in the world.

For example, I know you’ve heard of Wal-Mart. But have you ever heard of NBTY?

In 1999, NBTY landed a deal with Wal-Mart to be their main vitamin and supplement supplier. Over the next 11 years, while Wal-Mart went up about 20%, shares of NBTY soared 2,005%.

Or what about LMI Aerospace? You probably don’t know the name. But I bet you’ve heard of Boeing. LMI supplies Boeing with sheet metal and aluminum components for their 737 and 777 jets. Since 2004, the stock is up 700%.

One of the first stocks I recommended to Small Stock Specialist readers, in fact, was one such company – a tiny semiconductor firm called TriQuint.

Again, I bet you never heard of them. But they recently landed an exclusive deal with Apple to supply components for their iPhone.

In just one year, the stock doubled.

The point is, with ”Secret Suppliers,” you’re leveraging the safety and earning power of a big name brand… by buying the tiny, unknown stocks that actually make these businesses run. •Government Contracts
Another one of my secrets is to find small companies that land big deals with the government.

For example, in late 2008, I found a small $7 stock that had won a key contract to supply nuclear components, fuels, and processing services to the U.S. Energy Department.

In the 9 months after I recommended it, shares popped 250%.

DynCorp is another example.

The company provides law-enforcement training for police officers in foreign countries, deploys translators to the military, and offers maintenance and logistics support for U.S. troops.

I recommended the stock in February 2010, noting that readers could see at least a 100% upside. Several months later, it was bought out at a 50% premium. •”Joint Ventures”
Sometimes small stocks will partner up with much larger firms in a unique legal arrangement called a ”joint venture.”

These relationships often give tiny firms access to the resources of much bigger and richer businesses.

For example, a few years ago I uncovered a small digital production company that entered into a ”joint venture” with one of the biggest movie theater circuits in America… and another deal with one of the biggest theater circuits in China.

The deals gave the small firm (and its technology) access to hundreds of theaters all across the world. The stock has gone as high as 203% since I recommended it.

I also found a small American chemical company that acquired a much larger firm with access to foreign markets. The acquisition gave the smaller company instant access to huge growth markets like China, Eastern Europe, and Brazil. Since my initial recommendation, the stock rose more than 325%.

The point is, investing in small stocks can be very safe… and extremely lucrative… if you know the kinds of ”tricks of the trade” I’ve learned after a career of studying this market.

I’ve included all of these details of all these secrets (and more) in the Small Stock Specialist Primer, which you will also be able to access, free of charge, as a new subscriber.

So what exactly can you expect when you sign up?

”You made me over 300%… But that’s
not the real reason I subscribe”

As soon as you sign up, you’ll have instant access to my special reports: A Real, ”Hold-in-Your-Hand” 30% Dividend and The Next Great Royalty Business.

You’ll also have instant access to The Small Stock Specialist Primer, which details all of the secrets I’ve learned in my career as a small-stock analyst.

Over the course of the next year, you’ll also receive twelve (12) monthly issues of Small Stock Specialist.

On the third Wednesday of every month, I’ll send you by email a full report on my favorite small stock opportunity in the market. You’ll also receive regular portfolio updates with up-to the-minute briefings on my recommendations.

And of course, you’ll have access to my full archive of past recommendations – some of which are still buys…

And you will be among the first to hear about any new opportunities I have my eye on.

And here’s the best part: You can try Small Stock Specialist risk-free for the next four (4) months.

What I mean is, sign up today, and you’ll have instant access to everything I’ve described in this letter.

You’ll also begin receiving my monthly reports and regular email updates.

Take the next four months to decide if my work is right for you. If so, great. If not, simply let me know and I’ll send you a full refund – 100%.

I think four months will give you plenty of time to decide. And I think, if you’re serious about making money in small stocks, my research will give you all the resources (and recommendations) you’ll ever need.

But don’t just take my word for it.

Here are a few of the letters my readers have sent in over the years:

Congratulations on your coup
”I can’t believe that you snagged Frank Curzio for an S&A analyst. I can tell you the guy is one of the best. He knows small caps like nobody else. You have a winner in Frank Curzio. His advice has made me a lot of money. Congratulations on your coup.”
Mike L., New York, NY

Never been up over 100% before
”Frank, I want to give you a pat on the back… I’ve never been up over 100% on a stock, let alone in 6 months. You are the best!”
Warren S., Taneytown, MD

Over 300% Returns
”Frank – your call on Imax made me over 300% returns. But that’s not the real reason I subscribe to your newsletter. You taught me to become a better investor and explain what doing the homework really is. Thank you for all your hard work.”
Finnegan P., Bend, OR

You want Frank on your side
”If you’re going to wander into the universe of single digit stocks, you want someone like Frank Curzio on your side. Frank does an abundance of homework for his stocks picks and has access to resources and reports that the average guy like myself would never have, much less have the time to read and make sense out of. You know you’re getting quality once you’ve read one of Frank’s research reports on a stock he recommends, and the best part about it… it’s in plain English that the average person can understand.”
Benjamin C., Fall River, MA

Rescued my 401(k)
”With your help, I have rescued my 401(k) and my Roth IRA and am now up on both for the year!!”
Kevin H., Youngstown, OH

So how much does Small Stock Specialist cost, and how can you get started?

Well, before I give you the full details, here’s one more opportunity I’d like to share with you as a new subscriber…

Amazon’s Secret Small Stock

Earlier, I talked about how one of my favorite small stock strategies is to find tiny companies that supply some of the biggest companies in the world.

Well, I recently found such an opportunity involving the online mega retailer,

The company, as you’re probably aware, is one of the most successful businesses on the planet. is now the world’s #1 retail website. Ten percent of all online purchases in North America are made on Its web sales are FIVE TIMES that of Wal-Mart and Target web sales COMBINED. Its $61 BILLION annual revenues are larger than the GDPs of half the countries in the world.

But what almost no one realizes is that one small stock, with an incredibly valuable and patent-protected Internet technology, has played a crucial role in helping Amazon become the world’s #1 online retailer.

If you’ve ever been to you’ve undoubtedly seen this technology in action. The amazing thing is, not one in one hundred investors know about this tiny company – or the secret role it serves in helping Amazon become the world’s largest online retailer.

But here’s the thing. There are so many other online businesses in competition with Amazon – or that want to achieve the same level of success – that they want a piece of this technology too.

That’s why Amazon’s secret is out and everyone from Apple to Sony to Toyota is signing deals with this small company…

I can’t say too much more about this opportunity here. Just that this situation is unfolding rather quickly. And I doubt this company will stay small and unnoticed for very long.

I’m talking about a very small window of opportunity here.

Everything you need to know is detailed in my Special Report, Amazon’s Secret Small Stock.

This report is also free for trying Small Stock Specialist today.

Here’s how to get started right away…

Get Started Today for 60% Off

Small Stock Specialist normally costs $99 a year.

But today, if you sign up through this special invitation, I’d like to offer you an even better deal:

One full year of my research advisory, including everything I’ve mentioned in this letter, for just $39.

That’s 60% OFF the regular rate.

Sign up now and you’ll have immediate online access to:
Research Report #1: A Real, ”Hold-in-Your-Hand” 30% Dividend

Research Report #2: The Next Great Royalty Business

Research Report #3: The Small Stock Specialist Primer

Research Report #4: Amazon’s Secret Small Stock
You’ll also begin receiving my monthly reports and regular email updates.

As this year unfolds, I expect to find many opportunities to make big money on tiny stocks.

I hope you’ll join me.


Frank Curzio
Editor, Small Stock Specialist
July 2013

This is a discussion topic or guest posting submitted by a Stock Gumshoe reader. The content has not been edited or reviewed by Stock Gumshoe, and any opinions expressed are those of the author alone.



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August 18, 2013 7:31 pm

So spring for $39., This is a good deal.

August 20, 2013 5:46 pm

The Next Great Royalty Business
By Frank Curzio, editor, Small Stock Specialist

He is talking about Altius Minerals.
Action to take: Buy Altius Minerals (TSX: ALS) up to C$12.50 a share.

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👍 6
August 21, 2013 9:59 am

Amazon’s secret small stock is: Tibco Software (TIBX)
The Dividend Stock’s are:
1.Diebold (DBD)
2.RPM International (RPM)
3.Brady Corporation (BRC)
4.Bemis Co. (BMS)

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Roger J
December 7, 2013 8:58 am
Reply to  gjordison

Greg, Those Dividend stocks do not match Franks….”under 5B market share” do they?

July 17, 2015 10:56 pm

I’ve been getting nervous seeing all these gloom and doom stories for October and finally ran into some positive thoughts for the next 2 1/2 years. Gives me some hope.

👍 450
July 13, 2019 3:15 pm

MRRL : had MORL but replaced it with its clone which sells for a cheaper price.

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