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Travis, Agora Financial/Technology Profits Confidential is hyping a ”Gold Protocol” approach to Cancer detection and treatment by a very small company that is supposed to make a PMA application to the FDA in the first Quarter of 2017. They want you to subscribe to a special flash drive presentation. This company is supposed to have […]

Recent Author Comments

On The Twelve Biotechs of Christmas 2018: Balthasar

No Ticker- Where Is DrKSS?[...]

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On Tear Sheet: CohBar Inc. ($CWBR)

$AKBA, AKAO, ARTH, AUPH, AKTX, BPMC, CLRB.... One of the worse days I've ever had in the Market[...]

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On Tear Sheet: CohBar Inc. ($CWBR)

$WINT Up more than 25% this am.[...]

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On Tear Sheet: CohBar Inc. ($CWBR)

$WINT Windtree has completed its financial restructuring program which resulted in Lees Pharma having a controlling interest. According to the company"this better positions us to raise the capital needed to fund continued development of AEROSURF for resp[...]

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On Tear Sheet: CohBar Inc. ($CWBR)

AKTX Does anyone understand why Akari would make a public offer at more than a 20% discount to the list price.[...]

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On Oncotutorial

$AKTX. Doc any idea when the slide in Akari might stop. They have just appointed a new CEO and I don't know of any news since the Class action suite in June. I would have expected it to start to recover by now especially with the recent Biotec recovery[...]

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On Oncotutorial

Top "Ten" list- Sorry, left BSTG- 9 off the list.[...]

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On Oncotutorial

Top "Ten" list- Another update after 16 contributions. Shown are all stocks that had at least 3 listings. AUPH- 14 ARTH- 12 APTO- 12 CUR- 10 BLPH- 9 AKAO- 9 ZFGN- 8 SNDX- 6 CLRB- 6 AFMD- 6 AKBA- 5 ESPR- 5 AAVXF- 3Anyone think any of thes[...]

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On Oncotutorial

Top "Ten" list- Sorry everyone- RXDX- 2 should be added to the list and CLRB should be CLBR.[...]

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On Oncotutorial

Top "Ten" list- Here's another consensus list. Now have 11 contributors. The total inclusions for each stock is shown. AUPH- 9 CUR- 8 ARTH- 8 APTO- 8 BLPH- 7 AKAO- 7 BSTG- 6 ZFGN- 5 SNDX- 5 AKBA- 5 CLBR- 5 ESPR- 4 AFMD- 4 AAVXF- 3 AXSM- 2[...]

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On Oncotutorial

Frankw7, You're right. CLRB is the correct symbol. Thanks for pointing out the error.[...]

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On Oncotutorial

Top "Ten" List-- Three more Gummies have provided their list for a total of 10.. Integrating them into the list doesn't change it much. AKAO moved up, AXSM moved down and AAVAF and RXDX were aded by virtue of having multiple (at least 2) inclusions. Be[...]

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On Oncotutorial

Alanh, We've had seven Gummies submit a TOP TEN list so far. The top stocks listed with the number of times listed are: AUPH 6 CUR 6 ARTH 5 APTO 5 BLPH 5 ZFGN 4 BSTG 4 SNDX 4 AKAO 3 AKBA 3 ESPR 3 CLRB 2 AXSM 2 AFMD 2 All others listed w[...]

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On Oncotutorial

Alan, Why not stop the debate about having a list and debate a list. Let's keep Doc out of it and have a Gummies Top Ten list. Here's my guess at what it would be. Everyone can suggest adds and subtracts and give a sentence or two of rational and we ca[...]

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On Long Idea of the Year

Doc, I can't find the new thread![...]

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On Long Idea of the Year

Response to Achandra13 lists-- Some that maybe should be on list- quotes are what I think Doc said last- AXSM- "will do fine"/fast track granted ESPR-certainly should be on every favorite list GNFTF-"glory bound"/KSS got out but intends to get back in [...]

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On Long Idea of the Year

No ticker Has anyone got any insight on this current Bio market. Real slide since early March. Whats the driver behind it? Is it likely to continue this slide for some time?[...]

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On Long Idea of the Year

$FLXN Thanks everyone for your responses to my plea for thoughts on how to relieve knee pain.I knew that Gummie Land was the best place to go for the real scoop. Priceless advice for $45. My conclusion is to try gelatin. Why not? Low cost, no pain, [...]

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On Long Idea of the Year

FLXN Shredlee-Do you know if halyuron can be administered along with steroid shots?[...]

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On Long Idea of the Year

$FLXN As an alternative to knee replacement, my doctor has recommended that I consider "Stem Cell Injection Therapy" as performed by a group in Indianapolis (near me). The therapy uses Stem Cells obtained from the patients fat which are mixed with platel[...]

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