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“Blue Blood” — Which “Tiny Biotech Owns Only Source of Rare Cancer-Curing Chemical?”

Checking out the latest tease from Nick Hodge at Early Advantage

The following article originally appeared on February 11, 2014 — several readers have asked about the “blue blood” pitch for this “cancer cure” (there’s a reason why we use quotes there) so we’re putting it on top of the page in case you’re curious.

My opinion on this one is unchanged, I’m still pretty skeptical but the stock has gotten cut in half so perhaps they’ll try to drive it back up again.

What follows is unchanged from when it ran on 2/11/14


A couple days ago we started getting a deluge of new queries from subscribers about something called “blue blood” — teasing a company that was about to sign contracts with major pharmaceutical companies, and which had a “lockdown” on a secret “blue blood” protein that will cure cancer.

I was a little baffled at first, because I hadn’t actually seen the ad — but more folks kept asking what “blue blood” was, so I looked a little closer and finally did find that we had a copy of that email in the vast Gumshoe teaser vaults. So let’s solve it for you, shall we?

The newsletter being promoted here is Early Advantage, from Nick Hodge, and it’ll run you $499 per year at the current price. Dunno what else they may be investing in, but we can at least get you this answer for a better price. Like, more free-ish. Then you can think it over and discuss it on your own … feel free to subscribe to Early Advantage if you like, but don’t do so just to learn what the secret “blue blood” thingamajiggery is all about.

Here’s the opening of the pitch:

“Tiny Biotech Owns World’s Only Source Of Rare Cancer-Curing Chemical

“Early investors are looking to bank 300 times their money

“This urgent video has live footage of the company in action….

“At the center of it all is its main product, which is on a worldwide lockdown: ‘Blue Blood.'”

Frankly, that sounds like hooey. And probably the kind of teaser that should have us all running for the exits (or at the very least, hitting the delete key), but a core precept of Gumshoedom is that even if a stock is touted with ridiculous, overhyped promise — like curing cancer with a secret chemical that only they own — it doesn’t mean it’s worthless. We have to go into this with an open mind — it’s almost certainly not as good as the teasers say it is, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad.

So what is it? Honestly, once we were into the ad a few paragraphs and saw the little snippet of video for this “blue blood” business we had our answer quickly at hand … but we don’t want to spoil the surprise, so let me share a few more of the clues they tossed out for us:

“Amgen, Pfizer, Merck, Abbott, Bayer, and others pay $35,000–$900,000 for one gram of this molecule.

“A single biotech company trading under $3 controls the world’s only source.

“Its stock is already up 300%!

“Highly rich Blue Blood Protein — which really is blue — is extracted from one of the rarest and most endangered animals on the face of this planet… a sea snail called a Limpet.

“What makes this blood so unique and life-changing?

“Well, it’s a major component of over 100 vaccines and drugs currently going through clinical trials with the FDA. In other words, these drugs simply cannot work without Blue Blood… and there is nothing in the world that can replace it.

“And here’s the mind-blowing peculiarity in all of this…

“Blue Blood is so vital to breakthrough vaccines and drugs today… one gram of it can sell for up to $900,000.”

Sound familiar? Yes, this is our old favorite “miracle mollusk” tease reborn. Hodge is now reworking his (very successful, so far) tease for Stellar Biotechnologies (KLH in Canada, SBOTF on the pink sheets).

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And yes, we’ve covered that one to death here in its run from 60 cents or so last Spring — Hodge started teasing it in May, I think, and we covered it then … it got as high as about $2 a share a couple times in recent months, and is recently at roughly $1.60.

I didn’t cover the stock much after that, but we had an eager bunch of folks discussing it — led for a while by our own “blind squirrel,” Jim Skelton, as he started a discussion thread on the site and followed it up through last month with many, many detailed comments. There’s a lot more in that thread than I can tell you about Stellar, but there’s also a lot more optimism about Stellar in that thread than I could come up with.

Stellar Biotechnologies is essentially a pharmaceutical supplier — they have created an aquaculture and harvesting technique for extracting Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (KLH), which is apparently a very widely used protein for stimulating an immune response, and is of use particularly in vaccines but also as a tool for delivering other drugs.

My initial sense of the stock back in May was that it was tiny enough and a good enough story to be driven quite high by Nick Hodge and his relentless boosterism … but that the possibility of real volume production of their product or any kind of dramatic sales growth was very far away.

I may be too conservative on this point, I like the model of Stellar Biotech — develop a supply of a high-quality “drug carrier” (the KLH protein, in this case — which is produced from their aquaculture farm full of Keyhole Limpets, with Stellar’s primary “uniqueness” coming from their ability to harvest this hemocyanin from the limpets without killing them or decimating the shrinking wild population), then make money by both selling the ingredient to drug companies and by using their unique offering as leverage to get royalties on future products that are made using this chemical. It’s a great idea. It’s just that even if they are successful, it’s a long way off.

[As an aside, I like the model but I’m a lot more comfortable with the much larger biotech stock in my portfolio, Ligand (LGND), that has a somewhat similar business model (though more of a “prospect generator” that also is an ingredient supplier) but is already generating millions in royalties. Unfortunately, LGND is now a growth darling and ain’t exactly cheap at the moment.]

Stellar’s latest investor presentation is on their website here, and they do well in talking up the potential markets for their KHL — with dozens of clinical trials using this ingredient currently underway. From the presentation, I can’t tell whether they’re getting potential royalties on any of these drugs, or just potentially making long-term supply arrangements — the word royalty only comes up for their own proprietary stuff, like their potential clostridium difficile vaccine (that one is still in the lab, not in the clinic, and therefore probably at least many years away from real human results being known).

If they’re not going to earn royalties on any of the drugs in the KLH pipeline that are currently in late-stage clinical trials (I haven’t asked them), then their revenue for the next several years will be dependent on sales of the material to the firms who are making these drugs and vaccines. So I won’t guess about which of these drugs might be approved or even reach high-volume clinical trials, but we’ll look quickly at it from the other end — how much can they produce, and what will they be able to charge for it?

Hodge teases the fact that this hemocyanin is priced at up to $90,000 a gram, but it’s available now from Sigma Aldrich for $75 for 20mg — which would be $3,750 per gram. I don’t know whether a pharma company would expect to pay a premium over that amount in order to get guaranteed supply, or would demand a discount for taking up much of the production, or whether there’s something better about that expensive gram, but $3,750 is a LOT less than $90,000.

At $3,750, Stellar Biotech would be able to hit revenues of $75 million if they sell 20kg a year — 20kg is their goal production level over the next six or seven years, but that seems to be the “stretch” goal, the goal by 2017, according to comments in a press release last year, is annual production of 5kg. If they do reach 5kg, over the next three years as they hope, that would mean potential sales — at that lower, current $3,750 price per gram — of just under $19 million.

$19 million is approximately how much money KLH lost over the last twelve months, according to Yahoo Finance’s numbers … so put that way, a cynic would say that if they can keep their costs under control and not have costs rise dramatically over the next three years as they expand capacity (in my quick look at recent filings, I see no announcement of what their current production level might be), then they might be able to break even by 2017 on material sales… but it doesn’t sound like limpet aquaculture is necessarily “low cost” so expansion might be pricey. Whatever their production level is right now, it costs more than it brings in according to their latest quarterly filing but, again, we don’t know whether they’re currently producing 100 grams or 2 kg per year, or more or less, and we don’t know what they’re charging per gram.

The optimist, on the other hand, would say that they’re going to get better prices as competition for bulk delivery of this material begins because of approval of high-volume drugs requiring this hemocyanin … or that they will make strides in their own clinical trials or begin to receive milestone or royalty payments on drugs that use KLH (again, I have no idea what their deals with pharma companies are like, or whether they’re anything but a material supplier to any of these firms). There may be ammunition for the optimist’s take, too, in their partnership with Amaran, which invested in KLH in December and is partnering with them on two cancer drugs in clinical trials … I just don’t know much about the science or timeline there, and I don’t know enough to be confident in the uniqueness or value of this particular hemocyanin as a drug carrier protein (we have, at least, been told that it can’t be created artificially just yet — the molecules are apparently too big and complex. Whatever that means).

I know we’ve got plenty of folks who have traded Stellar Biotechnologies on both sides here in Gumshoedom, so let’s hear your updated thoughts — feel comfortable with Stellar as a long-term stock in this range? Feel like it’s going to run again, or has the story lost its mojo? Let us know with a comment below.

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February 11, 2014 4:40 pm

I’ve been long KLH for a couple of years now. I like their story but it’s hard to tell where their stock price will be in three to five years.

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👍 1
February 11, 2014 4:40 pm

heh heh. Forget about limpets. The real secret ingredient to make cancer drugs work better is not blue blood from limpets but good old vitamin c from OJ. It improves the outcome when patients are given chemotherapy according to the latest headlines from health sites.
So Linus Pauling was right! Us old codgers remember Linus who won not one but two Nobel Prizes, for physics and peace, and was also a real character extremely fond of high doses of vitamin C.
To work against cancer you need even higher doses than even Linus was able to take orally; it has to be injected. But it is widely available, unpatentable, and now entering the trials stage. That means a bunch of cancer patients will be matched by type and severity of cancer and while both lots will be given chemo, half will also get jabs of vitamin c.
And then if it pans out they will survive longer and then everyone will be given vitamin c as part of cancer therapy.

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February 16, 2014 10:40 am
Reply to  vivian lewis

my understanding is the reason the intravenous vitamin C works is because the body transforms it into Hydrogen Peroxide – that’s what kills the cancer cells. This is why you see all the hoopla on the Hydrogen Peroxide or H202 “cure”.
Google “DR Ronald Hoffman podcasts and listen to one on vitamin C- he has a great program called ‘Intelligent Health” and is well aware of the war on supplements by Big Pharma and the dangers of Codex Alimentarius

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👍 45
Phil Van Huffel
February 11, 2014 4:59 pm

I have owned this stock for a while. I got my investment back and continue to hold some shares. The downside I realized is that this is a Canadian company. Nick Hodges seems to tout mostly Canadian companies. These companies have terrible track records for sales and earnings and cash burns. Still, US government research money was invested with seemingly positive results. I think I will ride the roller coaster.

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February 11, 2014 4:59 pm

The fair value of SBOTF is about (4.50) and technically has been going sideways for while. It is 1.61 a share now and might be worth some mad money, Maybe a 100 shares if that.

February 11, 2014 5:58 pm

I was once a believer but have recently sold SBOTF based on some very good science from Dr. KarmaSwamiSwim on GumShoe who has done some pretty extensive research on KLH finding that it is failing in trials. It’s C Difficile vaccine is in the very early stages and seems unlikely to succeed. KSS also believes that if KLH does become the next great thing then someone will figure out how to clone it. KSS can explain all of this much better than I and I imagine that he will. I wish all Stellar longs well and hope that KLH does become successful; I just don’t like the risk reward anymore based on what I am discovering. This may explain why the stock has been slowly dropping in recent months from about 1.90 to it’s current levels.

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April 12, 2014 5:40 pm
Reply to  David B.

I definitely can’t speak to the science (per Dr KSS), or the financials (per Travis). But I see a couple things. There are an awful lot of clinical trials using KLH, including Celldex’s Rindpepimut. If KLH proves effective, even in one, and demand increases, it is highly unlikely the Cal. Fish and Wildlife Dept. will allow an army of divers to inundate their coast looking for KLH sources. That’s why CF&W and NIH gave generous grants to Stellar. To provide a sustainable source in such an event.

But Dr KSS says that if that event happens someone somewhere will develop a substitute. I wouldn’t argue with Dr KSS. But I would guess that it would take at least 1-2 years to develop and 3-4 years of trials to prove it’s an acceptable substitute. In the meantime SBOTF would skyrocket. Time to take your money and on to the next thing.

Pure speculation. But I think SBOTF has a nice upside and considering present and future trials using KLH and their partnership with Amaran a limited downside. So I’m holding for a while longer.

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👍 66
June 30, 2014 9:06 pm
Reply to  David B.

Though I do not question Dr KSS’s research on the fact that it may be failing it’s trials, of which there are a large number ongoing, only one of which is needed to show some success for further trials to be allowed, I do understand something about FDA trials that every human being deserves to be informed about. When the FDA gives their permission for trials to be conducted, the tested new item, whatever it may be, is ONLY allowed to be tested after the patients who are accepted for testing purposes have already undergone chemotherapy, if the new product is being tested for it’s efficacy in slowing, inhibiting, or eradicating any kind of cancer. This is in itself a recipe for failure, as it is intended to be, by the FDA, perhaps to reduce their overload for requested testing of hundreds or more new potential therapies. Once chemotherapy is used, in an overwhelming majority of all cancers it is prescribed as therapy for, the patients seldom survive for more than a few years, since the weakening of the patient’s immune system as a guaranteed side effect of the use of chemo only delays how long it will be before the cancer returns, or some other disease kills the patient as a result of the compromising of their immune system by the use of chemotherapy. The only thing the FDA, in conducting new tests, is concerned about is whether the patient lives for at least 5 years, after the potential new product is used in the patient’s therapy, not whether the patient becomes entirely cancer free, permanently, or dies later, possibly and quite likely from the ravages of the chemotherapy they require to be used first, before being tested with the candidate new product. While this might not be of concern to those who are only interested in profitable investment in a company trying to gain FDA acceptance of their new product, it remains a major obstacle to most new products ever being accepted, since the patient’s chosen for the tests may also be those considered to be beyond help by any known and already approved therapies, which is unscientific as a test for how well such a product might work for people who have had an early diagnosis of cancer who might benefit from some new products that never become approved because of the draconian limits placed upon testing by the FDA.
For anyone interested in acquiring a better understanding about how the FDA operates, I suggest watching a YouTube video. It may not help you to make better investments, but it will open your eyes, perhaps, to the way new products are tested for FDA approval, which in many or even most cases has little to do with using legitimate scientific testing procedures, which would not first require the use of potentially or known actually fatal therapies such as chemotherapy, on the same candidate patients, before allowing testing to evaluate a potential new product for use in the medical profession.
Here is the address of the video [posted on YouTube in 2011]:

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June 30, 2014 9:17 pm
Reply to  Lw

I need to correct one statement in my long earlier one: the FDA is not concerned AT ALL how long a patient being tested with a potential new product, but merely if the patient shows SOME improvement as a result of the use of the item being tested. When a cancer patient lives for at least five years, after undergoing ANY kind of cancer therapy, it is considered to be a closed case: RESOLVED. If sufficient numbers of the tested patients show improvement, then the new item being tested may be considered for additional testing, which is done in several stages before a new product is approved for use.

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August 15, 2014 5:14 pm
Reply to  Lw

That has been my conclusion over many years of research and experience.
The FDA has many strange characteristics. I cannot comprehend why they do things the way they do. I know from personal experience, having worked as QC tech at Calbiochem in the late 70’s, they are a political organization more than a medical one, subject to some amount of corruption. I compare them to the way NASA has been run over the years. The FDA needs more Doctors, scientists, and biochemists and less beaurocrats

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👍 223
August 15, 2014 5:17 pm
Reply to  gard

The science of klh from limpets seems sound to me. The production and marketing, I am less sure of. If it comes back down to .75 I would go long.

👍 223
February 11, 2014 6:32 pm

hello all, i was just wondering if anyone here has heard of or maybe even traded PVCT? i have been following this one for a couple months, and not gonna lie, when i saw the title of this article i crossed my fingers in hopes that it was in fact PVCT……….. i’d like to see if anyone else has done any research on this small biotech? thank you very much for your time , and happy hunting…..Jeremy THE VIKING Bellar hehehehe

February 11, 2014 10:03 pm
Reply to  jailbreak74

Dr. Karmaswimswami has some comments on it elsewhere on stockgumshoe; you can most likely find them using the search feature for “Provectus” or “rose Bengal”.

👍 37
February 11, 2014 7:00 pm

Thank you very much for the article, Travis. I am sure that you are 100% right; except that I had a concern because the advertisement said that an IPO is coming up. However, probably it is right because their website states, “Prepare for transition to major U.S. stock exchange in 2014”. Surely, this is a final check of your accuracy in solving the teasers.

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February 11, 2014 7:07 pm

I think I’ll leave my money in unobtainum.

Carl May
February 11, 2014 7:47 pm

Wikipedia has a good introduction to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH), including references to what areas of research are going on in the health sciences.
I’m not much of an investor in individual stocks–the only thing I took a flyer on in recent years the week it went public was Tesla–and currently I let a mutual fund at T. Rowe Price do what it can for me in the health sciences. That said, teasers that can’t get the most basic biology right instantly discredit themselves. Any reference to “the limpet” as rare is ignorant–there are dozens of species of limpets, some of which are quite common. One taxonomic clade covers the “true limpets,” but many other species of roughly conical aquatic gastropods (snails) in several other clades are also referred to as limpets. Later we learn the Keyhole Limpet (incorrect capitalization theirs or Travis’s? Tsk, tsk ) is the source of KLH. Fine, but there are many species of keyhole limpets; and, by the way, the keyholes are not true limpets, constituting a separate family of gastropods. KLH comes from the giant keyhole limpet, a species found along the California coast, and one of some concern to conservationists because its potential medical value could lead to overharvesting in the wild. That is why an outfit developing techniques for farming the species and for obtaining the KLH-containing hemolymph without killing the animals in its tanks might have a leg up on the competition. Whether or not that is an investable advantage is beyond me. I’d never invest on the recommendation of some self-appointed expert who can’t even get the source of the magic molecule straight.

February 11, 2014 9:09 pm

There is a lot of pro and con discussion re PVCT on this other Gumshoe thread. This thread is quite large; use find PVCT to locate.

👍 644
February 11, 2014 9:22 pm
Reply to  tanglewood

Thank you very much tanglewood! i am so green i can use all the help i can get…….

February 11, 2014 9:44 pm

Checking out the medscape site to find corroborating evidence to support their claim I note that the blue blood limpet protein test did not perform as well as another.

March 15, 2014 5:18 pm
Reply to  jan

Not All Things are of course, but we can eliminate many toxins in our bodies by employing
Cold Brew Apple Cider Vinegar which has a great record for reducing acids and PH balancing
the Blood stream. The Benefits have hardly even been studied. Inflammation is removed from joints and circulation is increased dramatically over time with just 1 tablespoon daily with clean water and honey. Some studies even indicate type2 diabetics have a dramatic decrease in blood sugar levels. Now, I’ve been using Bragg’s apple cider vinegar which is the only one out there that cold brews I can find. The enzyme complexes must remain intact and cold brewing maintains this structure which the body can use efficiently. I have no problems with my joints or sickness in some 6 years I’ve been using it. So weather it will work on all people in the natural sense I can not say, but all my friends that use it (40 or so) have the same results. Something so simple yet so effective is impossible right.

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February 12, 2014 7:54 am

Another thing to consider is that the market model frequently motivates the impulse to violate the most basic understandings about health care and medicine . There never has been, nor will there ever be, some “magic bullet” that solves “all” of any condition or disease, no matter the “natural” or “unknown” source.
When you fall for copywriters having a field day with such fantasy claims, you mistake a doctored photograph for a reality that can’t be. Clinical trials are so loaded with the taint of industry politics, no matter the “drug,” just realize you’re betting not on products, but hype. A company that plunders nature for elephant tusks, rhino horns, shark fins, or whatever fetish is next, is a hype ride.

February 12, 2014 9:22 am

Very well said cookie, “There never has been, nor will there ever be, some “magic bullet” that solves “all” of any condition or disease, no matter the “natural” or “unknown” source.”

The last I heard the natural laws of “cause and effect” have not been repealed any more than the laws of gravity. Good health has to be EARNED by attention to the laws of health that require breathing pure air, drinking pure water, getting enough exercise, and sleep. Most important of all, eating a balanced diet of fresh and unprocessed foods that supply all the vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fiber, while avoiding processed foods laced with too much sugar and salt, preservatives, artificial colours and chemical flavourings that simulate the real thing. You can’t habitually violate the laws of good health and “pop a pill” to nullify the effects. Even the best of natural food supplements are no substitute for a healthy diet as a foundation.

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👍 418
February 12, 2014 12:50 pm
Reply to  takeprofits

Martin I certainly agree. I think it was Leonardo Da Vinci who said “nature never breaks its own laws.” Einstein said ” god does not play dice with the universe” I think that leads to “It is impossible to avoid/avert the “law of unintended consequences”.

👍 7797
February 12, 2014 12:54 pm
Reply to  arch1

Addition; I think this may also apply;I once heard a wise scientist say “We invent nothing ,We discover all “.

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👍 7797
February 12, 2014 1:57 pm

I have it. I bought in at $1.38. Was an optimist and bought some more for the kids. Will sell if it EVER gets back to $2.00. It was mad money.

👍 5
August 15, 2014 5:23 pm
Reply to  aterosin

Way to go. I think you will get to $2.00

👍 223
February 12, 2014 3:02 pm

Got this email this morning. I own a few shares.

Dear Stellar Biotechnologies Supporter:

Please see this morning’s press release below

Stellar Biotechnologies Presents KLH Verification Method at Aquaculture America Conference

PORT HUENEME, CA, (February 12, 2014) — Stellar Biotechnologies, Inc. (“Stellar” or “the Company”) (OTCQB: SBOTF) (TSX-V: KLH), announced today the presentation of a poster at Aquaculture America 2014 (Seattle, February 9-12, 2014), describing a new method for verifying authenticity of Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (KLH) product.

KLH is an important protein widely used in the pharmaceutical industry as a hapten carrier in active immune therapies and as an injectable product for immune function testing. KLH product is obtained only from the hemolymph of the Giant Keyhole Limpet (Megathura crenulata), a relatively scarce marine gastropod.

The poster titled “When Is A Keyhole Limpet a Giant?: A Rapid Assay to Verify Megathura Crenulata Hemocyanin” is the result of work conducted jointly by California State University, Fullerton and Stellar’s scientists. The study goal was to design a rapid, cost-effective test to distinguish Megathura crenulata KLH from hemocyanins of non-Megathura crenulata source.

The project involved development of a rapid, cost-effective method of verifying the source of a hemolymph product; specifically, a PCR-based test to positively identify if hemolymph is actually KLH (keyhole limpet hemocyanin), not from another gastropod species. The method relies on polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a molecular technique that amplifies DNA for analysis.

“Verification of starting material is the foundation for ensuring KLH authenticity and quality,” said Catherine Brisson, Ph.D., Stellar’s Chief Operating Officer. “At Stellar, we are continually assessing advanced analytical methods for use in KLH production; a hallmark of our leading position in KLH manufacture and quality control.”

Aquaculture America 2014 is the largest aquaculture conference in the Western hemisphere. It is hosted by the U.S. Aquaculture Society, a chapter of the World Aquaculture Society, dedicated to the exchange of information among the diverse aquaculture in the advancement of aquaculture industry.

About Stellar Biotechnologies, Inc.

Stellar Biotechnologies, Inc. (TSX-V: KLH) (US OTCQB: SBOTF) is the world leader in sustainable manufacture of Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (KLH), an important immune-stimulating protein used in wide-ranging therapeutic and diagnostic markets. KLH is both an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) in many new immunotherapies (targeting cancer, infectious diseases, and immune disorders) as well as a finished product for measuring immune status. Stellar Biotechnologies is unique in its proprietary methods, facilities, and KLH technology. We are committed to meeting the growing demand for commercial-scale supplies of GMP grade KLH, ensuring environmentally sound KLH production, and developing KLH-based active immunotherapies.

To receive regular updates, enter email at

Visit and the KLH knowledge base

Company Contacts:

Frank Oakes
President and CEO
Phone +1 (805) 488-2800

Mark A. McPartland
Vice President of Corporate Development and Communications
Phone: +1 (805) 488-2800

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February 12, 2014 10:46 pm

I am still conservative about biotech investments, although I know a good number of them are likely to be worth the risk.

February 15, 2014 1:57 pm

KLH, as described above, is used as an adjuvant or substance to boost immune reactivity to compounds with lower immunogenicity or enhance immune reactions. This is because of its lack of exposure in most humans and mammals and its general ability to elicit good responses. Many researchers use it because of its generally accepted uses and because of apriori use in studies establishing the compound(s) of interest. However, there are many other adjuvants in use and KLH would certainly be replaced if unavailable or too expensive.

February 15, 2014 4:44 pm

Thanks for another good article Travis.
I think that the price comparison you make for hemocyanin will be off somewhat because the product sold by Sigma Aldrich at $75 for 20 mg is ‘Premium’ grade and not the pharma grade that Stellar will be producing. As a result I suspect that the speculative 20 kg/year would see them generating revenues over the $75 million that you state. Whether they can really get $900,000 for a gram is another matter!

February 18, 2014 7:32 am

I’ve been reeled in by the KLH stories. I hope it turns out to be true. Both my wife and I have lost friends to the big C. I bought 1000 @ 1.60. Mad money as everyone is saying. But then I also was fool enough to get caught in the BioZoom scam. Live and learn.

February 25, 2014 4:34 pm

I’m an amateur as far as analyzing daily market actions, but it seems to me that recent trading in SBOTF indicates some large buyer is knocking the price down while picking up truckloads of shares. Does anyone else read it this way? Today was a good example. If this is correct, the next conclusion might be that it would be wise to hold onto this stock to see if and when the price resumes its uptrend. Is this naive?

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