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“Miracle Stem Cell ‘Cure’ Could Allow 10 Million Blind To See Again”

Sniffing out the latest teaser from Patrick Cox's Breakthrough Technology Alert

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, January 9, 2012

Curing the blind — that sounds lovely, eh? That’s the headline of the latest ad from Patrick Cox

… we’ve seen many overpromising ads from Cox’s Breakthrough Technology Alert over the years, and they never fail to catch the attention of the great Gumshoe readership. It is, after all, just the kind of thing that newsletter subscribers yearn for: investments that will be so ridiculously successful that your life will be transformed, turning us all into tycoons. And not incidentally, giving us something to brag about while we’re playing golf with old college buddies.

Funny how rarely that transformational wealth actually happens, eh? At least for me. Still, hope bubbles up from underground — and we wouldn’t have it any other way. What fun is life without daydreams?

“And starting today, here’s how you could become richer than you ever imagined by tapping into the explosive $64 BILLION stem cell market…”

This ad brings us several phrases that sound awfully familiar from past ads — not just from this same editor, Patrick Cox of the Breakthrough Technology Alert, but from lots of folks who dabble in biotech. Phrases like …

“It’s a medical breakthrough that is unprecedented in human history….”

And ….

“Could improve and extend the life of every person on earth….”


“… one of the most important companies of our time….”

And of course, if we’re to improve and extend every life, there’s riches in them thar hills:

“ONE tiny California-based company, priced under 80 cents per share, has the exclusive rights to this patented new stem cell technology.”

So yep, it’s another life-changing, the world will never be the same, the buckets of cash will rain down like rain from the sky kind of teaser about stem cell technology. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. So who’s he pitching?

Well, it’s one of the “no embryos” stem cell companies — as Cox puts it,

“technology which has the power to ‘cure’ … by rebuilding damaged cells and generating new tissue … without the use of controversial human embryos”

And the eye business? Curing 10 million blind people?

“… scientists at this tiny biotech have developed a patented process that has the potential to create human corneal tissue from their new stem cell technology.”

This technology can apparently create corneal tissue, which would help with the dire shortage of donor corneas.

Cox goes on to quote an expert as saying that most consumers are reluctant to cut back spending on their health even in a bad economy (there are, of course, plenty of folks who can cite facts pointing to the opposite — that elective procedures, in particular, get postponed during weak economic cycles, but certainly big healthcare companies are often considered to be steady and counter-cyclical — or at least, they were before medical investing became so entwined with patent expirations and regulatory upheaval).

But yes, we can stipulate to Cox’s main point, that biotech companies can “soar on new breakthroughs” even if the economy stinks.

And this breakthrough is apparently that someone can take non-embryos and build human stem cells — Cox simplifies it to say that they take an unfertilized egg and “trick it into growing and dividing.”

Thereby sidestepping, he says, all the political and ethical issues that arise when you’re talking about human embryos. He also says that it might solve the problem of immune suppression and prevent rejection of transplanted stem cells. Sounds impressive, no? That is, if you were willing to sit through his looooong “presentation” on this teaser (for whatever reason, Cox’s ads don’t usually let you get at that handy transcript like most publishers do)

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And he says they have “multiple clinical trials in the works… for Parkinson’s, liver disease, eye disease, and more.”

And that they’ve “taken the first major step” to build a bank of stem cells in the U.S. — whereby, it sounds like, individualized personal stem cells could be banked for future use.

So what’s the company? Well, I’m sure he’ll tell you if you pony up $895 to subscribe to his newsletter and get his special report (which is subtly entitled, “How to Live Longer, Healthier and Richer with this One Tiny California Company’s Potential Stem Cell Miracle.”)

But if you’re like us, “Free” sounds better than $895″ … so let’s feed those clues into the mighty, mighty Thinkolator and see what our solution is, shall we? Of course, or “free” solution doesn’t come with all the fancy-pants explanations that I presume you would get for nine hundred bucks (I guess they’re not doing too bad, they’ve raised the price from the old “discount” of $695) … but we’ll try to get you started.

guardian — discovery of non-embryo stem cells will “truly revolutionize the treatment of life-threatening illnesses”

A few more clues to toss in …

“$58 million market cap at under 85 cents per share…

“128 international patents or patent applications….”

Then, if you’re willing to sit through the whole “presentation” (we did so, but at the cost of much suffering and fidgeting), you even get a couple bonus clues — such as that this company, though it doesn’t yet have any FDA-approved products, does have a “fast-growing skin care line” using an extract that’s based on an accidental discovery from their stem cell research. That has brought a 270% increase in revenue as of the last quarter — and they’re trying to milk this skincare line to provide cash for their core business.

And they’ve also got a “revenue giant” business that sells research-grade stem cell lines to other researchers. That division introduced 30 new products last year.

So those two cash-generating divisions are expected to fund the company internally, and give them the strength to get far enough along to get good partnerships and development deals for the real money-makers that just might cure the blind and eradicate disease and human suffering.

And, of course, lest we forget the promise of great wealth, Cox tells us that …

“a tiny $25,000 stake in this emerging biotech powerhouse could make you as much as $2.1 million, if it all works out as I expect it to, and allow you to retire at your leisure.”

Which gets the drool flowing a bit, even if we consider that most of my readers wouldn’t call a $25,000 stake in a penny stock “tiny.”

But it’s certainly enough to toss into the ol’ Thinkolator — we’re running a little low on propane up here at Gumshoe Castle, but it’s still enough to spin up the ‘olator and get a quick answer for you. This is …

International Stem Cell (ISCO, trades over the counter)

And yes, those who’ve been astride the Stock Gumshoe pocket rocket for more than a few months will recognize the name — turns out, this is one that Cox has teased and touted a few times in the past, though it hasn’t been actively featured as a red-hot pick over the last year or so as far as I’ve seen. I think the last time I wrote about this one at all was for a Breakthrough Technology Alert tease two years ago.

I remember hearing from somewhere that Cox had stopped coverage on ISCO in the last couple years because of conflicts of interest — he was involved somehow in marketing their skincare line, along with fellow marketer/investment newsletter guy John Mauldin, and that got his Agora employers a bit nervous, I guess. Still, this is certainly ISCO that he’s teasing here, so perhaps he’s no longer working with them or the situation has somehow otherwise changed.

ISCO is an interesting three-headed beast of a company for one so small — and small it is, even smaller than Cox’s tease now. It’s down well below $50 million in market cap now that the stock has continued its year-long decline, with a share price down to below 60 cents … even after Cox’s tease running late last week gave the stock a big bump on Friday (and I do mean a BIG jump, it went from about 40 cents to 60 cents, a 50% increase, on no other news that I can find aside from the new Cox ad).

They do have two revenue-growth businesses, with revenue up by over 200% in the last quarter … but that’s still not nearly enough, of course. As of their last report, over nine months they had recorded net losses of just under $9 million. So we can extrapolate that very basic math to say they’ve been losing roughly a million bucks a month. That number had improved slightly in the third quarter, so it was down to maybe $800,000 in losses per month. They did see huge demand, much more than expected, for their cosmetic product launch, and folks aside from Patrick Cox are also forecasting that they have the potential to become break-even or profitable within the next year or two, but they’ll probably have to again raise money before that happens, even in an optimistic scenario (even if their losses drop to half a million bucks a month, they reportedly had less than $3 million in cash at the end of September … so you can do the math).

Still, these ideas from Cox are never about which stock has the cash to avoid dilution, or which one is about to get FDA approval — his companies are almost always far, far earlier in the development process (though he’s also shown that he likes “real” products that might get consumer attention, especially those like ISCO’s cosmetic line or Star Scientific’s Anatabloc that can be sold without FDA review).

It’s a compelling business plan — get rid of wrinkles as a way to fund your cure for blindness — but it’s still a long-range plan, the parthenogenic stem cells (that’s their technology — and yes, they come from unfertilized human eggs) have come a long way since their breakthrough discovery, with pretty impressive milestones passed as they get regulatory approvals for their cell bank and increase their capacity to sell products to other researchers, but it’s still a huge leap ahead to actually develop a stem cell therapy that gets FDA approval to treat one of the dreaded diseases. I’m no biotech expert, but I’d guess that they’re at least a decade from a product in that area.

But then again, if their Lifeline Skin Care products can really get rid of wrinkles better than other creams … well, there are probably plenty of baby boomers out there who would put another mortgage on the house for a shot at that.

The revenue is growing, their skin care product seems to have been at least an initial hit, their “real” science of cell research products is in demand, and their parthenogenic stem cell therapy has wonderful pie-in-the-sky potential eventually. And some folks think their revenue might catch up with expenses by 2014 … so given that, is the company worth $10 million or $200 million today?

Beats the heck out of me — the company has developed fairly steadily on its path in recent years, at least for a teensy OTC stock, but has still seen share prices of both $2.50 and $0.50 over the past year or so, with the very clear trend over the last 12 months being “down.” Feel free to opine below if you’ve got a thought to share.

P.S. Curious about the second report that Cox throws in as a “bonus”? It’s a company that sells a “Super treatment” that will provide you with generations of wealth, and that could be the last stock you’ll ever need as it aims to stop Alzheimer’s Disease. That’s a reiteration of his oft-teased pick of Star Scientific, you can see our comments about it here (I do have a few LEAP options on Star Scientific, just FYI, but it’s definitely very speculative).



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January 14, 2012 4:13 pm

Medivet is a company in the field of veterinary medicine which harvests some of the animal’s fat to produce stem cells, therefore, no rejection issues. I have talked to a respected veterinarian that has seen remarkable results in arthritic patients. I wonder if any of the human stem cell industry uses the fatty tissue to harvest the stem cells as does Medivet.

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Mark H.
Mark H.
January 14, 2012 4:39 pm

I have owned (and lost money) on several occasions with ISCO in the last couple years; currently down almost 50% even with the latest pop in price. That said, at around 40-50 cents, it might be worth a modest amount of risk capital, as long as you don’t mind waiting possibly for years before they have a product line beyond their cosmetics. I think Patrick Cox tends to fall in love with his picks way too easily, without much regard to economic realities. So far, I’ve lost a bunch of $$ on not only ISCO, but also NanoViricides (NNVC), down around 60% since I bought it. Other picks of his are up modestly, such as BTM and CIGX. Net net, subscribing to his newsletter has cost me a boatload of money (and I’m not talking subscription costs).

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January 15, 2012 3:44 pm

I am an ISCO stockholder….have researched the company and followed it for about two years….price is about 50% below what I purchased it for but I didn’t buy it based on “INSTANT RICHES”….the potential is enormous, the research ongoing and significant, and I see the possibility of success very likely. Also, have turned many female acquaintances onto the Lifeline Skin products and been thanked profusely by them.
Major Truth….he who stands in the middle of the road shouting “IT CAN’T BE DONE”
usually gets knocked on his ass by someone doing it!!!!!

Harry Fish
Harry Fish
January 16, 2012 8:57 pm

Have you ever looked at Mesoblast? They’re an Aussie company that does stem-cell injections reputed to rebuild heart muscle. Seems like a disruptive technology to me

👍 21836
January 19, 2012 11:36 pm

Did you ever read the Bible, where at the tower of babble God said the people are one speech and one language, nothing is restrained from them. Whatever they set out to do can be done. God said if people would work as one they could do anything. Can you say make body parts.

January 20, 2012 2:06 am

Thank you Namlak. This is truly the future of Medacine. In the future they faze out drugs. Stemcell is the FUTURE. When they get this right. We will all be better for it.

January 23, 2012 7:17 pm

Just trolled through the many responses to Cox’s latest “pssst.. wanna make a few bucks” story, and was pleasantly surprised to come across Harry Fish’s reference to Mesoblast (ASX:MSB) on January 16 @ 8.57pm. I have been a very happy holder of this stock for some time. Bought at around $1.94, then sold half at around $9, I am having a free-ride on the balance. I will not toss in the many reasons behind my decision to buy this stock, but if you get onto their website and follow the various significant announcements made, you will be able to see for yourself why this stock has been consistently trending upwards, unlike many of the touted “pump and dump” stocks that you often come across. No “pie in the sky” bulldust but regularly knocking over the ducks as they line up. It supports the basic premise that if you do your homework thoroughly enough, and can discount quickly the peripheral garbage you find on such a journey, the rewards are there to be had…. For every good stock you find with above-average potentional, there are 100 that are losers. But that one good stock is all you need to recompense you for the hard slog in finding it. As Voltaire once said: “common sense is anything but common” and you need to apply this assiduously to find stocks that merit your further attention. Moving on from the specific stem cell research area, I now ask the burning question that most are afraid to ask when discussing major medical breakthroughs: In deference to Malthus, given the world population is growing at a geometric pace, and food supplies are growing at an arithmetic pace, where do we house all these “miraculously healed” extra bodies and how do we feed them? It is all very well to pursue the moral objective of improving the lives of the less fortunate but many people fail to take respponsibility for the practical after-effects of such a notion. The world is becoming smaller every day and we are running out of habitable and productive space. Exploring and colonising other planets in our immedaite solar system would be a pressure release valve, but that is many years away……..

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Tzvi Yisrael
January 28, 2012 3:58 pm

ISCO a research company brought to you by not one, but two extra subsidiary companies… All that extra management needs to be paid for somewhere. No wonder why the company trades at a hefty .49 cents! Who will get the first set of profits if and when things get approved by the FDA (years from now) and procedures work, and they have something to sell, etc. etc.

Not the stockholders!

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Robert Michael
January 30, 2012 12:26 am

Wow…lots of off-point whining is right-sheesh. Marksman, necessity is the mother of invention-no need for population control (How about you take Ted Turner, Obama, his lead scientist, and all others dumping feminizing chemicals into our water-along with Monsanto-the REAL reason people are starving, find a nice island, & practice your beliefs on each other-the rest of us will be just fine here, TYVM). Back to Travis’ article-long overdue. I bought BTA ~2yrs ago for $695, because he was plugging Three big key SC Co’s-turned out to be Geron (GERN), BioTime (new ticker=BTX), and ISCO. The newsletter said you could buy 100 shares each of GERN & BTX for $450-by the time I received the newsletter, it was more like 2x that, as GERN blasted off, and BTX was up 50%. I requested a refund, of course-they’d been up for six months-well before ad came out…had he been honest & updated the info, I’d have stayed subscribed-dishonesty is my greatest pet peeve. I got more of it when I was charged re-stocking fees, S/H charges-great to discourage people from just buying for the reports–yet my reason for returning was the information was out-dated…for a small time yet Honest guy like me this created great Badwill…Cox sux…his last name-sorry. So this info wound up costing me $250-sorry Mohd, I doubt you’re up against this Cox sucker. Being objective though, even though he had his standard “____trial info due out this Weds., so sign-up ASAP!” BS, he DID say these plays were game changers-but hold & wait ones…”Like owning MS in ’84-but this will effect EVERYONE!” (as if MS didn’t?) So, I was priced out of GERN AND BTX-both doubled again-BTX actually tripled from the outdated info I received-even though it was well above his “buy ANYWHERE below” mark-could have been fun rides-both of them. I bought ISCO though, and it doubled+ from my $1.24 price to $2.94. I was hoping it was finally beginning, I had no Internet Service due to being hospitalized (I am a Paraplegic-could’ve benefitted from GERN’s SCI trials’ outcome-last report on Scottrade’s site says they’re now out of the ESC business-working on some peptide stuff-not what took them to ~$10-oh, the Irony), and Scottrade doesn’t allow stop losses on penny stocks, so I’m still holding my original ISCO purchase at 1/3-1/2 what I paid, wondering-do I get more on this dip? GERN is way down-$1.92 from $9.84-but why buy? So much research to do. Bottom line-I KNOW SC Co’s are the future- I’ve been trying to build a Global company on anti-aging/Alzheimers buy-some-time-for-SC-to-catch-up/Dysentary relief, et al-a bridge for us from here til then. NNVC-not an SC Co., but awesome!-so many players. I still say Dr. Michael West, part of the Cox three, is still the man to lead this…yet, as Carol asked about Germany, I must ask about Malaysia? Kuala Lumpur, home of the largest twin towers in the world, was recruiting THE top R&D people to fill a mini-version of those towers-info gleaned not from another Newsletter, but an MSM article (Time, I believe)-“Imagine-instead of Harvard and Stanford scientists e-mailing each other, then flying for face to face meetings, one walking across the beautiful glass walkway that connects them-in 10 minutes, not ten hours!” Was the gist of it. The U.S. had the most cell lines THEN (this was back when Korea fraudulently claimed…more lines, +++…), yet Malaysia would overtake them-also, sans any worries of cross contamination from rabbit placenta used to grow SC lines-TY Pres. Bush- “Wouldn’t be prudent”, lol…Anyone know what’s secretly going on there-ANYONE?

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ben blumberg
April 27, 2012 11:05 pm

Replacement corneas aside, the stem cell approach also offers the possibility of repair of damaged retinas, as in macular degeneration. This was actually successfully tested several years ago, in an unpublished study, before stem cells became diffucult to obtain.

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john mcvey
john mcvey
April 28, 2012 9:26 am
Reply to  ben blumberg

can you supply the coords to this study you refer to?
thanks – john

April 28, 2012 2:02 pm

Despite all the blather you hear these days “Quote from Oil Barron plus Silver Guru” From reading many suppossedly prof’s ,, it is a pile of ,,,,,,, Many years of reading and with just 10% of all the profits they all say to get your CASH Id be long retired on 10%, Take your equities with fatastic gains but more likely LOSSES and forget it ,,, ITS FIXED , ONE variable they cant control is volitility,,, To wager on peoples emotions and greed is safer than any recommendation I have been able to prove for any equity or money grab scheme, Now you could wager that under sea gold mining is the next big BONANAZA but a stretch to,,, Asteroids fall in the same GREED but Volitility will remain,, COX Inhibitors included

Just an observation of Dubious

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May 3, 2012 11:18 am

Thanks for your eluminating article on ISCO glad to hear that I was not the only one fidgeting during the Cox Infomercial. He is the modern day Internet version of the Snake Oil Salesman in the horse and buggy!

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May 7, 2012 8:24 pm

To say I was an amature investr would be both grandious and insulting to true amature investors…. What I want to know is: when a development stage company of any field pops, all kinds of hysteria ensues, funds flow in, then either it tanks or is bought out. Those that stay the course seem to be of the slow and steady variety. OK… What I want to know is : is there a “rule of thumb” on waiting out the initial hysteria? I was bummed when I missed out on A123 debuting at 19 going up and, well, have you seen then lately?
FSLR now at $16, down from $300 or so. If I get my fingers burned again I’ll be eating with my feet!

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