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Starting Feb 5: “6 Events In 2010 Could Reshape Your Future”

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, January 7, 2010

“6 Events In 2010 Could Reshape Your Future
“And Give You a One-Way Ticket to Unending Wealth…

“Today’s your ONE shot at the GOOD LIFE — the ultra-wealthy life — from 6 key events I predict for 2010.

“Many years from now, your family could remember your swift action today as the start of their unending wealth.

“Read on to see how the first event, on Feb. 5, 2010, could begin your incredible wealth.”

That’s how Patrick Cox opens the new ad for his Breakthrough Technology Alert — and it might sound a bit familiar. I’ve written about somewhat similar ads from him a couple times over the last year and a half or so, all of them pegged to some development in one of his targeted companies, and most of them teasing the same several stocks in the stem cell, regenerative medicine, and similar “breakthrough biotech” sectors.

But this ad is a little bit different, and it focuses on a different key stock, so I thought I’d give it a look.

The last couple times Patrick Cox sent out similar types of ads they were built around Michael West speeches and press releases — he’s the CEO of one of the stem cell companies and one of the real breakthrough scientists in stem cell research, and we’ve talked that one to death — you can see the most recent article about them here, from back in September, and it seems that’s probably still one of the favorite stock picks.

But today I want to look at the next headliner for the stem cell ads — the stock is already jumping like crazy, probably thanks almost entirely to this ad campaign, but it does indeed have a February 5 event upcoming. Here’s how Cox teases the idea of regenerative medicine:

“The Profit Revelation of a Generation: The Countdown to Friday, Feb. 5, 2010

“What you’re about to see is already happening. It can positively impact every life on the planet — and make a few folks like you unstoppably wealthy.

“Now here it is…

“Scientists are close to figuring out how to make the body heal itself.”

And then he gets into his first prediction, this February 5 event:

“THE IMPORTANT DETAILS: How Feb. 5, 2010 Could Change Lives and Fortunes Forever…

“My sources tell me that on Fri., Feb. 5, 2010 the chairman of the company behind much of this work will make an announcement for investors, the press, and market analysts…

“This chairman (who I’ll introduce to you in just a moment) will cover his firm’s ‘roadmap’ for 2010 and the years ahead. My sources report he has some amazing news to share…

“To put this ‘roadmap’ in context — it could prove to be on par with Albert Einstein telling his peers about The Theory of Relativity — months before he went public with it.

“I fully expect this company’s share price to rocket immediately after the call.

“But it gets better… because this chairman’s company is close to OFFERING THEIR WORK TO THE PUBLIC… possibly as early as 2010…

“You see, this company has a ‘toolbox’ of cure technology with limitless potential…

“It’s shocking just how many ailments stand to disappear due to this technology…

“Right now, for example, these researchers are working on a way to slow one of the leading causes of blindness.

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“When you consider the market cap of this company is less than $100 million — you have potential for AT LEAST 25x gains as the company rockets into history…

“And that’s a wildly conservative profit estimate…”

So that sounds good, right? But this company is apparently the target of not one, but two different February 5 breakthrough predictions … here’s the second one:

“2010 Prediction #2: Feb. 5, 2010 — News About the Age-Reversal Spray Ready to Make You Rich

“The same chairman giving the presentation on Feb. 5 will also reveal independent test results on a product of his that’s just about ready to hit the market.

“Right now, his company has a spray in a bottle that destroys wrinkles. It’s not makeup and it’s not simply a cosmetic fix.

“All you do is spray it regularly on and you’ll eventually look years younger — without ever leaving your home, without any surgery, without any injections. It’s fast and simple…

“I know folks (including the wife of a famous political figure) who have already secretly used this spray.

“The Miracle Cells Fueling Your Unending Wealth – Look at This Demonstration of
Just One Possible Use…

“Botox injections can run $1,000 or more and plastic surgery sometimes costs tens of thousands – but this amazing spray might sell for hundreds of dollars, and be a bargain.

“Now here’s the best part – what does it cost this amazing company to produce the spray? Pennies per unit. The margins will be astounding. The profits will change lives.

“Take a look at the results. (This data comes from independent tests just made public… Roll cursor over each image to see in larger detail.)

“The profits from this simple face spray alone could make millionaires from those who act on this tiny company NOW. Will you become one too? Today’s your chance…

“It gets better. This company also just hired the marketing firepower to help bring their first product to the public.

“This report, from just weeks ago, has the details — ‘[Name] has been a key corporate executive with responsibilities for marketing, R&D and sales at…Neutrogena, Colgate-Palmolive and Gillette…’

“If the mainstream press knew what was going on it would be on the cover of every magazine. Feb. 5, 2010 could very well be the day an epic profit windup begins — when this chairman I’m describing to you here makes his shocking presentation…”

OK, now the stuff about rebuilding the heart, and fighting disease … that’s nice, sure, but if you can get rid of wrinkles? Name your price, and don’t worry about health insurance reimbursement. Allergan has already proven that people are wiling to inject poison into their forehead, and pay through the nose for it, so I guess the sky’s the limit!

So who is this little sub-$100 million company that could be changing the world starting on February 5? I thought you’d never ask! This is …

International Stem Cell Corp. (ISCO) — shares have been jumping like mad this week, up about 25% just yesterday, so yes, it could be that either folks are doing their own gumshoeing or Cox got a lot of enthusiastic new subscribers. This one has swung wildly over the past two years, roughly between 20 cents and $1.20, it’s getting close to 80 cents as I type. This crazy week puts it in an uptrend, according to the free trend analysis from MarketClub (click here to see it yourself).

ISCO is indeed planning to hold a webinar to discuss their 2010 plans on February 5 — they’ve posted that fact on their website, but haven’t yet released any details (and no, I don’t know who that top secret source is who told Cox it would be “amazing news.”) And this is indeed a teensy company (market cap around $40 million), and has at times been an extremely news-driven and hype-driven stock, so it could easily move one direction or another based on that webinar. Of course, it’s already jumped thanks to Patrick Cox, I imagine, and it may well jump because it’s getting attention in this space, too, so predicting a move in a teensy stock is not exactly a wild conjecture … it’s predicting which direction it will move next time that’s tougher.

And they really are planning a skin care line based on their parthenogenic stem cells — the person they hired to launch it is Raulee Marcus, who did indeed work at those companies teased. They announced the status of the “launch strategy” in December, including the following quote from the President of Lifeline Skin Care, the ISCO subsidiary that will be developing these products:

“Early indications are that the skin care product, developed through the efforts of the ISCO scientists who created Parthenogenic Stem Cells, has unique characteristics for skin rejuvenation. Our next step is to validate these findings through independent testing and execute our product launch “

They also sell cells and media through their Lifeline Cell Technology subsidiary, but the core business is “developing therapeutic products from parthenogenic stem cells,” they are currently most advanced in retinal therapies, and also focused on diabetes and liver diseases. But it will, of course, be a long long time before you’re getting your macular degeneration fixed with stem cells — they still have press releases out stating that they plan to do human trials on this in 2009, but as far as I can tell the only pre-clinical work on this during the past year was on animals, and specifically on using donated human corneal cells to improve the results of a more effective kind of laser eye surgery (they say the stem cells they’ve developed can do this too, but this test didn’t use their manufactured corneal cells). I imagine they’re trying to get approval to test this in humans and to use the manufactured (instead of donor) cells, but don’t know how far along they are.

ISCO is focused on one specific kind of technology, they develop parthenogenic stem cells, which means that they create stem cells using unfertilized human eggs — they argue that this type of stem cell eases problems with rejection from the immune system and that it eases the moral qualms brought on in some by the use of embryonic stem cells.

I don’t know if ISCO’s approach will end up being a dominant one in the stem cell space, but of course there are no really dominant companies in this space yet and the tiny pioneers needn’t dominate in order to eventually become profitable. The science is extraordinarily new still, I’d imagine that if you’re betting on stem cells and regenerative medicine you’re probably better off spreading your eggs into several different baskets — in addition to earlier speculation about some of Patrick Cox’s other picks in this space from September when he called a “Tipping Point, and, earlier, when a November 2008 announcement launched your “wealth legacy”, we’ve seen other teasers recently in the sector, too, including those for Geron and Cytori Therapeutics. I’m certainly no expert on the science and have not been an active stem cell investor, but I’m sure some of you out there are — feel free to share your wisdom with a comment below.

If the past is prologue, the specific dates like that February 5 webinar (or the press conferences and presentations he’s similarly teased in the past) aren’t quite as world-changing in themselves, or even as stock-changing, as the ads might make them sound … the world usually changes a bit slower than that, and there’s rarely a single tipping point. I wouldn’t argue against stem cells, or even against ISCO, but I’d hesitate to wager too much on a key date that serves as much as anything else (probably more) as a way to let the ad copywriters put some urgency behind their words.

And Cox teased a few other ideas based on those “six events in 2010,” too, I’ll look over those clues and try to share some other ideas with you next time. In the meantime, if you’ve subscribed to the Breakthrough Technology Alert, click here to review it for us and let us know what you thought — most of the reviews (only a few in at this point) have been positive so far, but subscriber Tor suggested something back in a September review that sounds suspiciously like wisdom: “After the hype of a newsletter, wait for the stock to return to a lower level before buying.”



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January 8, 2010 1:54 am

Dear Sir;

I enjoyed reading your website.
Today I encountered a tease about
“The China Bubble Is Ready
to Pop”
By Jeff Clark

The Chinese growth miracle is hogwash.

At least, that’s the opinion of famed short seller Jim Chanos – who is most noted for uncovering the fundamental flaws with Enron. In a recent report put out by his hedge fund, Chanos compared the credit expansion in China to the U.S. subprime market and the housing boom before they went bust.

“It’s Dubai times 1,000,” he says.

Forbes has also joined the “bearish on China” party… A recent article points to “a speculative frenzy of borrowing” and “government bureaucracies foisting debt on state-owned business enterprises.”

Nothing says “bubble” like a rapidly increasing pile of debt. And right now, there is no bigger credit excess than the Chinese market.

The Chinese stock market is a balloon looking for a pin. By the look of the following chart, it may be close to finding it…

The Shanghai Stock Exchange peaked in August and quickly fell 20% the next month. It has bounced higher since then, spending most of the past two months confined to a rather tight trading range. The blue lines on the chart show the support and resistance levels.

The red lines show a bigger picture and a much more powerful consolidating-triangle pattern. When a chart breaks up or down out of a consolidating-triangle pattern, the potential move is equal to the height of the triangle itself. On this chart, the top of the triangle is just above 3,400 and the bottom is at about 2,700. So the Shanghai stock market is poised to make an explosive move one way or the other.

The Nine Chinese Men Who Control the Fate of America
Asia Is Going to Make Investors Rich with This Commodity

Based on the negative divergence on the MACD, a momentum indicator we’ve discussed many times in Growth Stock Wire, the odds favor break to the downside.

Given that the chart is bouncing up into its resistance line, now seems like as good a time as any to sell China short. There’s the potential for a huge move here. And if Jim Chanos and Forbes are right, there’s a lot of money to be made as the China bubble pops.

Best regards and good trading,

Jeff Clark

P.S. I know many of you still aren’t convinced the Chinese bubble is about to pop. That’s why I’ve recently found a trade that will make my Advanced Income subscribers big gains even if I’m wrong. You don’t often get a chance like this. To learn more, click here.
Collect $60,000 in extra income over the next 5 years.

Two things happened to Jeff Clark when he first made his fortune as an options trader – which have shaped his career ever since…

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Today, Jeff only manages his own money. He won’t manage your money – or anyone else’s – no matter how much you have.

The good news is, since Jeff “retired” he’s been exclusively writing a Stansberry & Associates research advisory called ADVANCED INCOME.

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But it was well worth it, because Advanced Income has quickly become one of our most effective research advisories. But don’t just take our word for it…

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“I have finally found something that works so I can worry less about my retirement.”

— Gregory Samos, Mesa, AZ
Each month, Jeff identifies a new options income play, which he’ll detail for you in full… showing you exactly how to execute it step by step.
** Among the proprietary techniques he’ll show you is the China opportunity I told you about earlier: A way to collect $25,000 or more by May 1st, thanks to increased volatility in Chinese stocks.
It’s Jeff’s little-known techniques like this that make Advanced Income so exciting. By following his recommendations, you could collect more money in just the next 90 days than most investors make in an entire year.

A $650 credit to your account in less than 24 hours…

Right now, Jeff has found a way you could collect $650, thanks to an options play in the Chinese market.

Most investors don’t even know this play exists. But in the next 15 minutes, this money could be sitting in your brokerage account. And you don’t even have to buy a single China-based investment to collect the money.

The reason why that’s important is, Jeff believes China will give you one of the best opportunities to make a killing over the next few months… but unlike the “pundits” you’ll see on CNBC, he’s not recommending you buy the hottest Chinese stocks on the market.

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Why am I making this offer to you right now? And how much does it typically cost to access Jeff’s income research?

I’ll give you the full details in a moment. But first, there’s something you need to know.

Despite everything I’ve just told you, there’s a chance that Jeff’s strategy may not be right for you.

So, before you consider taking advantage of Jeff’s little-known income strategies, I strongly encourage you to consider the following…

Please read this carefully:

To get the most out of Advanced Income, you should have a significant portfolio and be able to commit at least $5,000 to $10,000 to Jeff’s income strategies.

You should also have considerable investing experience. Remember: Jeff will only apply ADVANCED income strategies. They are very easy to use once you learn how, but they are definitely not intended for novices.

If all you’ve ever done, and all you ever want to do, is simply buy and sell ordinary stocks, the techniques Jeff reveals in Advanced Income are probably not for you.

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Finally and most critically – to act on Jeff’s recommendations if you so choose, you must read and sign what’s called an “Option Disclosure Document” with your stockbroker.

(When you join Advanced Income, we’ll show you exactly why and how to complete this document.)

Again, if you don’t see yourself following these principles, Advanced Income is probably not the best investment newsletter for you.

That said, if you do have enough experience and capital to follow Jeff’s strategies, you could receive enough extra monthly income to pay for all of your basic living expenses, and then some.

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Could you please help find what is the exact method to invest in this opportunity? Many thanks

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January 8, 2010 2:17 am

Could you find the option symbolin the U.S. to trade Chinese stock inedx?

Many thanks

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January 8, 2010 9:42 am

The stock ISCO will easily double by feb 5th get in ASAP. This is once in a lifetime oppurtunity i think.

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January 8, 2010 10:14 am

Cytori, which I mentioned above and sniffed out for a teaser a while back, got another big bump this am from an FDA approval for their fat grafting device — that means it has just about doubled since the pick was teased, not quite the 9,000% returns projected just yet, but pretty damn good to start. There are at least several newsletters on board with this one now, it’s getting quite a bit of buzz.

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👍 7
January 8, 2010 12:45 pm

I was lucky enough to access Patrick cox’s article,at the nick of time the other day,found the analysis compelling,felt a good vibe and took a chance at the opening bell and bought all 6 of his picks in that teaser article.
I’m never an impulsive investor, but something felt right….you’d have to read the analysis. It was well done.

Anyway, by the end of the day I was up 20%…which has held in the last 3 days.

The picks are about stem cell research,plus one in the nuclear energy field.

Should I preempt your next article about it and tell what they are?

Investing well is always about good timing as well as good stocks.

I happened to hit the timing right the other day.

Right now, maybe needs a pullback to get in on these. and then,maybe they wont pull back….theres always that risk.

But for those who want to research them over the weekend I’ll tell.

ISCO….stem cell
BTIM….stem cell
GERN….stem cell
MRNA….stem cell
NNVC…nano virus vaccine technology
and the nuclear energy

innovative because the nuclear power source is NOT uranium,but a cleaner ,safer element,(I’m going from memory here so dont quote me)….Thorium,?? something like that.
It proposes to be the wave for the future in nuclear energy.
and I suspect unless the atomic power industry tries to stifle this development to protect the uranium industry, or some such, (like the way the oil and auto industry stifled the electric car years ago, or the way they stifle gas mileage technology that already exists,as a kit you install ,which gets your car 100 miles per gallon.

auto manufacturers can make cars to get that mileage if they wanted to ,or were allowed to.

or like the corrupt drug industry and cancer industry which stifled research on herbal medicines that were found to cure cancer (in the 1970’s…Upjohn,and Graviola)
that sort of corruption….
I have no idea if the nuclear industry would stifle this new and better technology .but I bought the stock, and its up over 10% in 3 days.

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January 9, 2010 2:54 pm

This is a comment about NNVC, one of the six stocks listed from the Breakthrough Technology Report. I have been covering this company since 2006 when it was trading at about 10c a share. It ran to 3.75 and then fell all the way under 50c in 2009. At that point I started pounding the table for my readers to get in on this company and their new paradigm for eradicating viral diseases in humans and animals.

My target is $100.00 a share within four years. I have documented on my site why and how that target is reasonable and might even be only the start of a once-in-a-life run. I am on record as suggesting that every 10,000 shares of NNVC will be worth $1MM by 2014.

Although I write a blog, publish a subscription service and manage some private accounts, I am at heart just an investor, like everyone else. Only a handful of truly extraordinary investment opportunities comes our way in an investing lifetime. This is one of them.

I highly recommend everyone take a closer look at this sleeper stock.

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January 9, 2010 5:09 pm

a March 2010 huge opportunity to make $97,500! Anybody have any clue?

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Ken Steinbach
January 9, 2010 10:22 pm

A search of ISCO yielded this excerpt from The Daily Mail re: “Stem cell Facelifts, “Instead of cutting and stretching the skin, the new treatment takes fat and regenerative stem cells from the flabby parts of the body and injects them to fill out the patient’s face.” The article goes on to say that the procedure in the doctor’s office take about five hours. There was no mention of the “spritz” option.

Read more:

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January 10, 2010 12:13 am

Hi Alan H.
r u the famous Alan H loved by dozens if not millions?
or just …an ordinary ….
um,I dont mean to imply meaningless,but you know,…. not …its like if someone’s name was Gordon Howe…. and he was an accountant for a public works lets say,Lansing….
I would have to change my name.

January 10, 2010 1:24 pm

Hi Tom
If I had put my name to something as stupid as you did, I’d change my name too. I have no idea what you are on about, but please send some of that white powder…. it seems to block out reality, or as my mother used to say ‘ trouble with common sense is that its not very common.’
Luv and Kisses… bye bye to your $600… loser.



January 10, 2010 2:42 pm


You sure stirred the pot this time Travis – Glad to see all have recovered from New Years and are back to their “normal” temperments.

January 11, 2010 7:54 am

It doesn’t matter which investment newsletter you’ve subscribed to or how much you’ve paid for it. Most of them have cancellation policies, so cancel and get your money back. If you are at this site, you know to expect answers and to get them for whatever price you choose to or are able to pay for the service Travis provides. If you don’t like the service, don’t visit the site and if you don’t want input from others, certainly don’t read the comments. Do I like reading through the childish crap — no. I have a 3 year old. Perhaps you guys could just get an attitude adjustment??? Let’s get back to investing so we can have a Happy, Healthy, Wealthy New Year!

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January 11, 2010 10:28 am

Keep em coming Travis. I stopped spending hard to find bucks on subsciptions last year and decided to follow the Gumshoe. Your analysis, and those of your commentary friends give a welcome perspective on all the babble and sales pitch rambling.

January 23, 2010 2:25 pm

I subscribe to various FREE newsletters. When I recieved more than one notice about Feruary 5th, it caught my attention. Curiosity hit me. I picked key words like “Feruary 5 2010 stock” and hit Google. Here I am. I now have my answer. It has raised my confidence in researching. So thanks Tom. I feal much better about choosing stock than I did with my first pick… Um… AIG. And thanks GumShoe.

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January 24, 2010 4:51 pm

Thanks Travis For the work that you do and those out there that give their opinions, and picks from overpriced subscriptions. Tom if you have those picks post them if you can. Arby this is what you call the Freedom of sharing. In China or Russia something like this would be outlawed and we’d be in prison. Arby I paid twice for two separate subscriptions some were winner and others were losers. Have not bought any stocks yet but eventually I will and sooner or later become an Irregular

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January 28, 2010 11:17 am

LTBR, BTIM amd ISCO are up more than 9% today.

👍 1
Robert Berke
January 29, 2010 4:37 pm

You will find the Cox (Agora) article posted on the Lightbridge website for all the world to see.

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January 31, 2010 12:42 pm

I’ve been following stem cells for over ten yrs and you can see how the story has evolved by following the research of expert scientists or by following the stock price. What you don’t seem to understand is that there are many problems (aka opportunities)when it comes to putting stem cels into the body.
Overcoming these problems takes time so that the FDA can allow their administration (Safety, Safety, Safety. A phase 1 trial costs about 5 million, a phase 2 trial costs about 10-15 million, and a phase 3 costs 50-100 million. Plus you need to keep the company going for 5-7 yrs while thes trials are being run. Next, the patent positions have already been established; many of the patents overlap in their claims but look for the earlier filing dates for priority. These should be on the company’s website under Technology or Intellectual Property. Most of these patents were filed after 1996 and so have a expiration term of 20 yrs, so we are approaching expiration on some of them. Many of these early patents also explain or have claims similar to the later patents and so many of the later patents will be difficult to uphold in court. GERN is hoping for its first Phase 1 trial shortly but they said that in 2006 as well. Many of the other stem cell companies have a ways to go to prepare for their phase 1. ISCO has an interesting technology but a long way ($$$) to go to get to clinical trials. BioTime is the 4th? company M West has formed- each has struggled and lost money-only the traders have made money on GERN, ACT, BTIM and now they formed Oncocyte to play the passions of other investors. OSIR is the fathest along in developing a proprietary stem cell product (completed first phase 3 for deadly graft vs host transplant disease. This product worked well in children and grade 4 GVHD, but the trial missed its endpoints – Sept 09) but the stock fell by -60% and now is back up to -50%. As a disclosure, I owned OSIR but sold last summer, thinking I would buy back in if the trial succeeded. Its still the only stem cell company with any clinical data. SO, if you are still interested in these companies, buy low, sell on a double, and buy back in on the dips. Plan to stay in and play for 10 yrs. Remember the big pharmas (PFE, NVS, CELG, GENZ, others) are keeping an eye on this space and could buy out any one of the half dozen small developers for 3X. But don’t expect a 10 bagger any time soon.

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February 1, 2010 2:57 pm

Good call, John.

ISCO closed at 0.84 January 8. It’s 1.75 now.

👍 1
March 24, 2010 7:43 pm

More from Patrick Cox…

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Updating your Credit Card in PayPal

Your subscription is paid through your PayPal account.

To update your credit card or cancel, please log in to, go to your automatic payments, open the Stock Gumshoe payment, and make changes there.

More information here: Paypal — What Is an Automatic Payment and How Do I Update or Cancel One?

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