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De-Tease: DeHaemer’s “Blockchain Back Door” Investment

Teaser ad says, "This company owns the technology making both the digital dollar and the blockchain possible." What is it?

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, March 28, 2022

Remember DeHaemer’s “Bitcoin is about to be banned” pitch from last year? It’s been recycled, so we’re updating our coverage — parts of this article were originally published when we first saw that ad, back in April of 2021, but a new headline and new intro are driving a lot of questions our way, so I’ve also done a bunch of updating throughout… and, of course, confirmed that he’s still teasing the same investment.

The ad is still for Christian DeHaemer’s Bull & Bust Report ($99/yr) — most of the pitch is really about how the government is going to “ban” Bitcoin starting on May 4, but the bigger picture spiel is about what that means for blockchain… and for the companies who enable it. Ready?

This is the new headline that a lot of readers reacted to:

The Fed Purge

“Biden Wants to Fundamentally Change the U.S. Economy to Advance a Radical Left-Wing Agenda… Investors Who Understand How to Play This Aggressive Takeover Could Turn Every $1,000 Into as Much as $67,600 — but You Have to Act BEFORE May 4”

PANIC PANIC PANIC! Oh, wait, it’s OK, it’s an ad. We can handle this. What’s the story?

Well, it turns out that it’s the same story DeHaemer was selling about a year ago, so we’re probably looking at a repeat… but we’ll go through the pitch to make sure. Here’s some more from the ad:

“… this story is much bigger than just restraining Bitcoin.

“Because stalling Bitcoin as a new form of money is the first step…

“Biden wants to take monetary control to the next level.

“In order to achieve this, I expect him to usher in the biggest monetary transformation we’ll see in our lifetimes.

“I’m talking about the launch of a “digital dollar.”

“The Fed could announce it as soon as May 4.

“According to Fed Gov. Lael Brainard, a digital dollar will ensure government-issued money “[stays] at the center of [the U.S.] financial system.”

“And the transformation toward a digital dollar is the chance to turn every $1,000 into as much as $67,600 before the year ends.”

OK, we’re all delighted to get those kinds of gains, right? How is this related to Bitcoin then? More from DeHaemer:

“… this could be a much bigger millionaire-maker than Bitcoin ever was…

“The Economist calls it ‘the next big thing.’

“Fortune reported it will ‘change the world.’

“And the CEO of $2.5 trillion investment giant Fidelity said, ‘[This] will fundamentally change market structures.’

“Like I said, those who position themselves correctly now could have the opportunity to make 6,660% gains.”

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The “End of Bitcoin” part of this is step one, it begins with this “war on cryptocurrencies” that DeHaemer sees coming from the government…

“You see, this war is not only about Bitcoin, or any one cryptocurrency.

“This war is about preserving the dollar’s dominance throughout our economy.

“That’s why the authorities are cracking down on any new form of money that isn’t issued by the government.

“And this war has already started…

“The Government’s Crackdown Is in Full Swing”

The examples he gives of this are Facebook, which was pilloried for floating the idea of its Libra cryptocurrency a couple years ago and more recently has talked about an updated strategy using a token they call Diem for on-Facebook transactions, (though that project is pretty much dead now, a reminder that this urgent tease is really mostly recycling some fear-mongering headlines from a year ago)… and Ripple (XRP), which got sued by the SEC for doing illegal securities offerings.

And he compares this to gold

“In fact, this current turn of events bears an uncanny resemblance to the last time Americans were banned from owning a potential new currency.

“It happened almost 90 years ago when, just like today, the government wanted to squash a rival currency.

“I’m talking about Franklin D. Roosevelt’s gold ban.

“In 1933, FDR feared that physical gold could replace the U.S. dollar.

“As the Fed explains, ‘Individuals and firms preferred holding metallic gold to bank deposits or paper currency.’

“That’s why, with a single act, FDR forced Americans to turn in their gold savings.”

I don’t think that’s a reasonable comparison, though I guess we could argue about it if we feel like getting bogged down in Depression-era politics. The US dollar was backed by gold back then, which constrained the government from creating too much money — that didn’t work for FDR, because he wanted to increase the currency supply coming out of the Great Depression and generate more capacity to stimulate the economy with the New Deal and build the first real “safety net” programs like Social Security. Essentially, as I see it, he wanted to slash rates, increase government spending, and boost economic activity, in part by reducing the value of the dollar, and (unlike the politicians and central bankers of today) he couldn’t do it easily because the dollar was backed by gold… so the government seized all the privately-held gold, reset the dollar’s gold backing at a new level for foreign exchange and trade purposes but distanced the dollar from gold in the eyes of regular folks by getting rid of circulating gold coins, and therefore stimulated the economy with new money.

That’s not going to happen with cryptocurrencies — yes, they might (and probably will) face a lot more government regulation because of the craziness going on in the crypto space, and because the US doesn’t want to lose control of its currency by having people bypass it or build businesses that are harder to track and monitor. Governments and politicians absolutely do not want to lose control of their nation’s currency (which is why no government is genuinely interested in going back to a gold standard), and that means the Treasury will tax your Bitcoin trading but it won’t accept taxes paid in Bitcoins… but it’s not the same as the situation with gold in the 1930s.

So what’s going to happen? DeHaemer implies that somehow Biden will crush Bitcoin by replacing it with a “digital dollar” …

“I expect him to usher in the biggest monetary transformation we’ll see in our lifetimes.

“I’m talking about the launch of a ‘digital dollar.’

“The Fed could announce it as soon as June 16.

“According to Fed Gov. Lael Brainard, a digital dollar will ensure government-issued money ‘[stays] at the center of [the U.S.] financial system.’

“And the transformation toward a digital dollar is the chance to turn every $1,000 into as much as $67,600 before the year ends.”

So we’re still on that 6,600% pitch, but now he says “before the year ends” — which makes it extra crazy. Particularly because he was using the same “before the year ends” language about a year ago, when this ad ran under a different headline.

Does that “June 16” or “May 4” date mean anything? Probably not really… June 16 seems to be left over from last year’s version of this ad, when it referred to the June 16 meeting of the Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee (the folks who set overnight interest rates), and May 4 is the next meeting scheduled for this year. It could well be that a “digital dollar” will come up, or that talk of the risk of “stablecoins” as dollars substitutes in other countries is again part of the questioning, as has happened before, mostly because of Chinese talk about their own digital Yuan. But that’s not the lead story coming out of the Fed this year, this year it’s all about how fast they’ll increase interest rates, and what they see happening with inflation, and if they’ll lose control and get the US into a hyperinflation spiral like the late 1970s (or, perhaps, a more virtuous inflation spiral, like the late 1940s).

As for the timing of any big shift in the technological underpinning for the US$, though, whether that’s a real blockchain-powered ledger for dollars or something else, there are going to be Task Forces and Studies and White Papers, but I expect we’re nowhere near big changes. The Fed has always said this is a “years long” process.

I obviously don’t know what’s in the minds of politicians or of Federal Reserve staffers and board members… but changes at that level tend to be very slow. And conceptually, I’d be careful about assuming any huge or abrupt change from a shift to a “digital dollar” or “crypto dollar” even if that does come over time — the US Dollar is effectively already a digital currency, most of it does not exist in paper form, it’s in the form of ones and zeros in computers in the banking system and at the Federal Reserve. That is not going to change, and if the government begins to shift to some kind of cryptocurrency or blockchain-powered system to track and control the dollar, instead of the existing computer networks, it won’t necessarily mean anything for the value of the dollar (or Bitcoin). A new blockchain-driven system could also pretty well destroy financial privacy over time, and I expect that will raise a lot of hackles, so expect lots of pushback on whatever they do in the ‘fedcoin’ or ‘digital dollar’ realm. Politicians haven’t even been bold and brave enough to get rid of the penny for God’s sake, what makes you believe they’re going to get rid of the dollar?

Yes, a shift to a more efficient digital dollar might mean that the government gets more effective in taxation enforcement, or that the banking system gets more efficient — that might be a major benefit, a modernization of the interbank transfer system and a more secure way to move money around without paying fees to various intermediaries in the banking system… but any change like that would also be extremely slow, and would depend on the participation of the mega-banks and other companies, like Visa and Mastercard, who effectively control the flow of money in the US on a daily basis and are not going to want to give up the little slice of frosting that they lick from the cake each time it passes through their computer networks (though they are, I bet, far more involved with researching blockchain applications than the Feds are).

Changing the way that money moves and is tracked to cut out the middlemen, without involving companies like Visa or JP Morgan who effectively run much of the current infrastructure, would be like saying you’re going to invent a new internet without the participation of Google or the other tech giants. Yes, I suppose it could happen over time… but it ain’t gonna be easy or fast, there’s no flicking a switch to make it happen by fiat.

And as for the “Biden will kill bitcoin to advance a radical left-wing agenda” bit, well, if that got your blood boiling… then it worked. Political affinity is a common marketing tactic — any time a politician is mentioned in an ad and you start nodding your head and saying “Yeah!”, or anytime an ad throws out political talking points on either side (DeHaemer says “I’m talking about a drastic decision made behind closed doors… approved by Deep State cronies more than 74 million Americans didn’t vote for”), just remember that this is about selling you something. Y

The copywriter’s job is always to get you to have a visceral emotional reaction, because that’s what keeps you reading and gets you engaged and lets them build up the sales pitch to the point where you’ll be begging for the opportunity to join the club and get the inside info — often in newsletter teases that primary emotional reaction is greed and the fear of missing out (FOMO), but political sentiment works really well to build a connection between the newsletter and the potential subscribe, too. If you pound your desk and say “that’s what I’ve been telling everyone” when you read stuff like that, then try to step back and remember that your emotional response or your perceived rapport with the person spinning this tale, is being used to manipulate you to buy something.

It happens on both extremes of the political spectrum, to be clear — it’s just that in the investment newsletter business the audience, while it has been shifting over the years, tends to be relatively affluent older men, approaching retirement age… and that also happens to be the core demographic for conservative politics, so the crossover is a lot stronger on the right side of the political divide. But really, you can be pretty sure that any time a politician’s name or a hot-button political issue comes up in an ad, whether you vehemently agree or disagree… you’re being played by a marketer who knows how to poke you to get a strong response.

So yes, we want to try to short-circuit some of that marketing power before it moves from our brain to our wallet… but we’re still interested in the meat of the pitch. What exactly is being teased, and does it interest us as an investment once we try to wash a little of the emotional sludge off of it? That’s the heart of what we try to do here at Stock Gumshoe, so let’s move away from the “throwing red meat to the hounds” portion of the ad and see what he’s actually pitching… and yes, I heard you in the back of the room, muttering “finally” under your breath (sorry, sometimes the blatheration gets the best of me).

“Why Bitcoin’s Downturn Is a 94X Investment Opportunity

“What I believe to be Biden’s plan to dismantle Bitcoin can be found in this 110-page document you saw earlier.

“In his “Task Force Recommendations,” Biden pledges to achieve ‘net-zero carbon emissions across our economy’ …

“Companies that contribute to carbon emissions will be facing huge fines under Biden’s plans….

“And that’s a huge problem, because Bitcoin has a massive carbon footprint….

“The Bitcoin network consumes more power than 159 of all 195 countries in the world.”

And what happens when Biden supposedly “Bans Bitcoin?”

“While Biden starts to dismantle Bitcoin, I expect a digital dollar to take center stage…

“For investors who understand that the war against Bitcoin goes hand in hand with this huge shift toward a digital dollar, it adds up to an opportunity to generate immeasurable wealth in a short period of time.

“To give you an idea of how big this opportunity is, consider that about 6 billion paper notes are printed annually.

“The cost to print these notes amounted to $843 million in 2020.

“That’s almost $1 billion the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing has to spend each year just to produce our paper money.

“Imagine tapping into this stream of money… because that’s the kind of opportunity that presents itself today.

“You see, just like paper notes require a printing press, the digital dollar needs to run on specialized technology.”

Ah, so there we finally get into it — this isn’t a pitch for some competing cryptocurrency, or for something that will benefit from the supposed overnight collapse of Bitcoin when the feds ban it… it’s a technology company that sells what the Feds will need for this “digital dollar.”

So what’s the story? More hints:

“It’s the same kind of technology that’s behind Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

“Getting behind this technology could give you the chance to make 6,660% gains in the coming years…

“This technology is called the blockchain.

“You might’ve heard about it already. And if you’re like most people, it might seem hard to understand at first.

“However, it’s quite simple.

“Blockchain technology is the foundation of all digital currencies.

“You can think of the blockchain as a digital record that can never be manipulated….

“If you’ve received a FedEx package lately, chances are it was processed through the blockchain.

“The delivery giant started using the blockchain to record vital information concerning your shipment and live updates… “

So we’re dealing with some kind of company that makes money from the adoption of blockchain technologies. Here’s some more from the pitch:

So what’s our stock? Do we finally, for pete’s sake, gets some actual clues? Indeed, though they’re still limited…

“Inside, I’ve documented every detail necessary to help you strike it rich off one little-known company that’s at the heart of the impending blockchain gold rush.

“Its technology is the vital component for almost all blockchain hardware.

“Nasdaq says this company is at “The Top of the [Digital Currency] Food Chain.”

“Since the first blockchain went operational with Bitcoin’s launch on January 3, 2009, this company’s shares soared by 1,585%….

“This company owns the technology making both the digital dollar and the blockchain possible.”

And we get a handy-dandy stock chart for this secret company, so that will help with our confirmation if the Thinkolator can track down some good candidates…

Is there more to come? While this stock has already gone up by 1,500% since Bitcoin was introduced, DeHaemer points to some other tech suppliers who rose far more dramatically during that time period…

“The last time we were in a situation like this was on January 3, 2009.

“On that day, the first blockchain went online. It’s the date Bitcoin was launched.

“Of course, no one except hardcore computer nerds knew how to acquire Bitcoins back then. Crypto exchanges didn’t exist.

“But you could’ve easily bought shares of Nvidia and AMD.

“Both companies made the blockchain hardware the Bitcoin network used to run on until a few years ago.

“Did you cash in on their combined 10,280% run?”

So that’s the real possibility he’s hinting at — a second chance at a blockchain tech supplier>…

“Here’s your second chance.

“Based on my research, today we’re almost exactly where we were in 2009.

“Only we’re talking about a far BIGGER $400 trillion opportunity…

“And things are happening far FASTER this time.

“I expect share prices to go ballistic around June 16…

“When the Fed announces the digital dollar.

“This is precisely why you need to build up your investment position in this company dominating the blockchain sector today.”

So if we go with that “1,585% returns since January 2009” clue, and the matching chart that DeHaemer drops as a hint, we do start to see some potential but not quite matches… including Inphi (IPHI) and AMD (AMD)… but the one perfect match comes from a little bit of a surprising place, a much, much larger and more diversified company — the Thinkolator sez DeHaemer is pitching the biggest chipmaker in the world, Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM). Just exactly as he was doing a year ago… even the chart in the spiel is unchanged, cutting off in early 2021.

And yes, Taiwan Semiconductor is an extraordinary company, with a stock that roared to life in 2020 after being a super-boring investment for a decade or more (and one that I looked at many times as an undervalued play on global chip demand… but never bought, more’s the pity, because I wasn’t convinced they were going to be able to grow). It’s not overlooked or undervalued anymore, that’s for sure, though it’s more reasonably valued than it was when DeHaemer started pitching it last year.

Taiwan Semiconductor is essentially the world’s foundry — outside of Intel, most of the big chipmakers would rather pay someone else to do the challenging and relatively low-margin work of manufacturing microchips, so when NVIDIA or AMD or Apple wants to build a new chip that they’ve designed, TSM is the first call… and for any high-volume company, they may be the only supplier who can meet demand for tens of millions of high-end chips — or at least one of a very few (GlobalFoundries is getting bigger, though not really at the tip of the spear on technology, and Samsung is a real competitor and perhaps Intel will catch back up, but there aren’t many).

When we talk about “fabless” semiconductor companies, we really mean that those companies design computer chips and outsource the “fab” (fabrication) to a manufacturing plant, or foundry, owned by somebody else… and most of the time, that’s Taiwan Semiconductor, which built the first foundry for this outsourcing almost 35 years ago and remains the largest foundry operator. Almost 2/3 of the world’s fab capacity is in Taiwan, and Taiwan Semiconductor dominates production and capacity in its home country — their share of the global contract manufacturing business in chips is now reportedly 53%. Most of their foundries are in Taiwan, which has been a global flashpoint for decades (even before Mao’s revolution drove Chiang Kai-Shek’s Kuomintang to Taiwan in 1949, though things have certainly heated up during recent bouts of “independence” talk in Taiwan and fears following China’s crackdown on Hong Kong… and more recently, of course, China’s tacit acceptance of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine), but they do also have a little capacity in both mainland China and in the US.

Ten years ago, maybe even five years ago, it was probably still fair to say that Intel (INTC) was both the largest and most advanced chipmaker in the world. In recent years, Taiwan Semiconductor has arguably taken both of those crowns, partly because they invested heavily and successfully in the next-generation processes and technologies that continue to make chips smaller, faster and better… particularly the 7nm and 5nm processes that now make up roughly half of their revenue. 7nm has been the next-generation commercialized wafer tech for about three years now, since it was used to make Apple’s A12 chips for the iPhone that was introduced in 2018 (as well as the latest chips from Qualcomm, AMD and others that year), 5nm really started to come online in 2020.

To some degree the sizes of these chips have become so small, and the other details of those design platforms so similar, that reaching the next breakthrough foundry node seems like it’s as much a matter of bragging rights as it is actual functional improvement… but still, TSM and Samsung (to a lesser degree) have stolen quite a bit of the thunder from Intel over the past five years (Intel’s 7nm process was famously delayed and problematic, which meant that it at least looked like it was as much as five years behind TSM… that’s probably an exaggeration, but the impression has clearly been that TSM is the new bully on the block, they stole Intel’s lunch money and left them crying by the loading dock).

So what’s the connection to blockchain? Well Taiwan Semiconductor does work with big bitcoin miners to make chips for mining… and it’s not just the mining-specific ASIC chips that TSM makes (and sometimes designs, too) for folks like Bitmain or Canaan. Taiwan Semiconductor makes GPUs for both NVIDIA and AMD, the two leaders in that space, and those GPUs have been widely used by cryptocurrency miners. It’s not entirely clear how cryptocurrency mining or blockchain projects will impact future chip demand, but we should be a little careful in guessing at huge gains — Taiwan Semiconductor is a huge company, with a market cap of $550 billion and revenues last year of $57 billion. Mining chips are not going to suddenly become a bigger deal for Taiwan Semiconductor (or Intel, or Samsung, or the other foundry operators) than are big high-volume chips for consumer products, like Apple’s latest chips for iPhones or Mac computers.

Increasing blockchain use probably means more business for TSM, that’s true… but we’re talking about the world’s biggest chipmaker, and everything uses chips, the world continuing to spin on its access probably means more business for TSM. It’s hard to argue that blockchain specifically will move the needle in a big way for Taiwan Semiconductor over the next few years, but it will probably help — and you don’t get huge exposure to stuff like Bitcoin without huge risk… so the fact that TSM only fell 5% during the mining crash of 2018, when Bitcoin fell 80%, is both a comfort and a reminder that this is not a particularly levered “blockchain” play. They have made chips for many of the mining rig companies, including Chinese giant Bitmain, and at least one report estimated that the total mining chip-related income for TSM was roughly equivalent to their income from GPU maker NVIDIA, one of their largest individual customers.

Taiwan Semiconductor, like NVIDIA, has also done some work to minimize the volatility that cryptocurrency mining demand has caused — NVIDIA announced last year that they’re releasing special mining chips to help even out the rollercoaster of demand that crypto prices caused for their core GPU gaming chipsets, and demand immediately jumped for those, and Taiwan Semiconductor, as supply chains became tighter, throttled back the access that they give mining rig operators like Bitmain. No big surprise, when things are tight it’s the best and most predictable customers who get the production slots.

But really, Taiwan Semiconductor is not a bet specifically on blockchain or “dollar digitization” … it’s a bet on the continuing advancement of semiconductors, the increased demand for chips of all kinds, and the fact that both of those trends seem completely unstoppable and Taiwan Semiconductor is clearly the most dominant company in the space.

And, of course, it’s a bet on the semiconductor space in general, since so much of the growth in demand is from new fabless companies and new products. It might get complicated for a while, since the chip industry is just about guaranteed to remain in a supply crisis this year, thanks to rising demand for chips for automobiles and other products tied to the supply chain crisis that has been building over years, starting with the trade war but coming really to a head with the pandemic shutdowns of fabs and factories and the bottlenecks in the movement of goods around the world… and God knows what happens if China actually invades Taiwan… but so far things are looking quite strong in TSM’s fundamentals.

The challenge, for those who take a historical perspective, is that Taiwan Semiconductor has never been as richly valued as it got at the peak in late 2020, and it’s still quite expensive relative to its historical valuation — it was for a long time a boring outsourcer who kept its slice of the business but was never as sexy, in the eyes of investors, as the brands who hired them to make chips… not unlike Hon Hai/Foxconn (2317.TW HNHPF) or, for that matter, the automotive supplier/assembler Magna International (MGA).

That changed in 2020, with their jump in earnings growth and the perception that TSM had lapped Intel and was the core provider for the hottest chipmakers, from NVIDIA to AMD to Apple, and investors began to pay more for the company. That’s arguably rational, it’s certainly one of the more strategically important companies in the world (though that brings regulatory and political risk, as well), but it’s pretty new… and it’s hard to adjust your thinking about valuation all that quickly if, like me, you’ve watched TSM for years.

Does that mean we can’t buy it now? No, not necessarily — you can still make a good case that a strategically critical (and almost unique) supplier like TSM, with gradually improving gross margins over time, is worth a premium price. But still, it’s important to note that TSM’s advance over the past couple years has been driven by sentiment, not performance — the shares have been going up mostly because investors are willing to pay a lot more for a dollar of TSM revenue or earnings than was the case a few years ago.

That’s true of a lot of companies, to be fair, “multiple expansion” is one of the major drivers of stocks over the past several years (the S&P 500 traded at about 13X forward earnings ten years ago, topped out at 24X in late 2020, and is back to about 19X now), but it’s particularly obvious with TSM — here’s what that looks like in chart form, this is TSM’s share price (in purple) compared to the growth in revenue (orange) and earnings per share (blue) and the rise in the gross profit margin (green). The increased profitability in 2020 was clearly a factor, with earnings growing much faster than revenues for the first time in a while, but for the most recent five year period the earnings doubled… and the share price went up by 300% at the peak — mostly because the PE ratio (in pink) more than doubled.

There’s a general tendency for excessive moves to “revert to the mean” over time in markets, but there’s certainly no rule that says TSM has to go back to being sleepy and cheap — TSM’s forward PE went from about 18 at the beginning of 2020 to about 30 last year when we covered the first version of this pitch… and it’s back down to about 19 now. Even in what is typically a highly cyclical industry, that’s a pretty reasonable-sounding valuation, 19X earnings fro a company that will probably be able to grow its earnings at 15% a year, absent some crisis or big downturn in the global economy (“cyclical” just means it tends to follow the broad economic cycles — it rises fast when the economy is growing, and falls quickly when the economy goes into recession).

Maybe TSM is just getting started on squeezing out more profit from its operations and taking advantage of their relationships with huge technology leaders and their leadership in the sector. Really, judging the prospects for TSM depends on whether you think the Taiwan Semiconductor of 2014-2019 is the story you’re buying, with steady but very slow growth, or you think they’ve really turned a corner with their advanced node processing and new capacity expansions and the growth of 2019 and 2020 is what’s setting the stage for the years to come.

Maybe TSM is not a slow-growth company that is valued for its high dividend yield anymore, as was the case for many years (it often carried a yield of 3-4%, but is down well below 2% now)… maybe it’s really a “growth at a reasonable price” industry leader, with the kicker of a 1.5-2% yield that will probably continue to rise over time. You could talk me into that.

But no, it’s not because the Treasury Department or the Fed is going to somehow ban Bitcoin on May 4 and create a digital dollar that depends on some massive new supply of computer chips. The growth of the semiconductor industry, the strength of Taiwan Semiconductor, and the likelihood of increased demand for chips over time because of new blockchain applications are real… the panic over “Ban Bitcoin” or some mythical change that’s going to come down the pike are just there to provide false urgency and sell newsletters.

The bigger risk factor for Taiwan Semiconductor remains it’s reliance on its home island — most of its facilities are still in Taiwan. That long-disputed island, which is about as far from Mainland China as Cuba is from Florida, is tiny but very wealthy and populous (it’s about half the size of the state of Maine, but with a bigger population than Florida or New York, and the GDP per capita is similar to South Korea), and any effort by the Peoples Republic of China to take over what is still officially called the Republic of China would have the potential for shaking the world economy in more dramatic ways than Russia’s invasion of Ukraine… but also, of course, could have a dramatic impact on TSM, which is Taiwan’s largest corporation. I would like to say it’s impossible for Premier Xi to consider blockading Taiwan and taking it over by force, but, well, most people didn’t think Putin would really invade the Ukraine again, either. It’s an risk we can’t really quantify, but it’s there, and that’s as good a reason as any to pencil in your own little “risk discount” before thinking about buying Taiwan Semiconductor. Their big customers like Apple and NVIDIA are not facing that kind of discount, being once removed from the direct risk, but if you own a bunch of companies that rely on TSM… do you want to take that risk a second time?

I’m going to continue to pass h ere, partly because I have quite a bit of exposure to NVIDIA and AMD, both of whom rely heavily on TSM… if I add more semiconductor exposure, it would probably be slanted more to the US or Europe right now. That’s just what I think, though, and it’s your money we’re talking about, so you get to make the call — interested in Taiwan Semiconductor as a play on blockchain (or, perhaps just “more technology” in general)? Think it’s a good value here, or have better ideas for that space? Let us know with a comment below.

P.S. as always, readers always want to know what real subscribers to these newsletters think — have you ever subscribed to DeHaemer’s Bull & Bust Report? If so, please click here to share your experiences with your fellow investors. Thanks!

Disclosure: Of the stocks mentioned above, I currently own shares of and/or call options on NVIDIA, Advanced Micro Devices, and Google parent Alphabet, and I also own some Bitcoin. I will not trade in any covered stock for at least three days, per Stock Gumshoe’s trading rules.

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March 28, 2022 1:18 pm

I’d like to find a company in the US which is still making chips instead of designing them and is relatively cheap. That may be the golden unicorn for our future security

👍 21
March 28, 2022 1:40 pm
Reply to  wildbill2u

Seems to me you’ve just described Intel? Bring fab back to the US and investing heavily in it. Currently trades at P/E of just 10 or so but if you want to bet on domestic chip fab for national security Intel seems as good a shout as any.

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👍 4
March 28, 2022 4:53 pm
Reply to  peterlytle

SkyWater is the only U.S. owned and U.S. based pure play semiconductor foundry and it is a Department of Defense (DOD) accredited supplier. L3Harris and others are clients who receive Skywater’s state of the art technology and groundbreaking microchip fabrication and wafer processing solutions.

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👍 22025
March 28, 2022 5:08 pm

Micron is a pure play on memory chips which are used for storing digital data and in addition to the logic chips both are required to do all data computations (TSMC etc.).

👍 24
March 28, 2022 2:55 pm
Reply to  wildbill2u

SkyWater Technology, Inc. (Nasdaq: SKYT)

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👍 22025
March 30, 2022 12:35 pm

Hello Travis,
could you please tell me do you hold chew or you sold ? what is going on with that .

👍 48
March 30, 2022 3:53 pm
Reply to  vintee786


👍 48
March 29, 2022 3:39 pm
Reply to  wildbill2u

#wisesnacks (WISE) affordable

👍 92
April 3, 2022 1:19 am
Reply to  wildbill2u

I’d consider microchip or ti. Big on us manufacturing. Even NXP had quite a bit from their merger with Freescale/Motorola

Dave Pietka
Dave Pietka
March 28, 2022 1:36 pm

I have stumble across two companies that place portable data centers at base of renewable energy sources that mine bitcoin and also try to use unused power to do patch processing: MIGI and SLNH. Interesting combination, does anyone know anything about whether this is rea or not?

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March 28, 2022 2:31 pm

I prefer TXN

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March 28, 2022 3:27 pm

Intel is getting ready to break ground for it’s new plant in Columbus (New Albany), Ohio soon. Spending $20 billion for “the largest silicon manufacturing location on the planet.” Acquired 1000 acres for 2 chip factories to commence this year, and will spend approx. $100 billion over the next decade. Already planning expansion of 2,ooo acres for 8 chip factories.

👍 4
April 2, 2022 1:25 pm
Reply to  69jacquesglaze

You do remember 10 years ago INTC breaking ground on a similar venture in AZ. Guess what, it never came to fruition and now they are basically saying the same thing in Ohio, I own a ton on INTC, but don’t always believe what they say. The div alone has made me 6 figures, but the stock is a slowing steady mover.

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March 28, 2022 3:50 pm

This person does not have a clue what he is talking about when referring to Bitcoin power consumption and countries of the world.

Where is he plucking this information from? How does he back this up, pure marketing FUD.

Bitcoin is greener than all of the mainstream banks in all of the world, period.

quincy adams
quincy adams
March 28, 2022 4:21 pm

Morningstar currently rates the fair value of TSM at $179, making it more than 40% undervalued at today’s price in their view (strong buy). Yet it’s return since January 2021 is slightly negative. I bought it a few months ago based on the MS analysis. They also considered the China takeover risk, which of course cannot be quantified. After seeing no price improvement, as opposed to the 25% gain for the ETF SMH…which actually includes 10% TSM as their top holding…I sold it and later bought SMH on the dip. Clearly the China risk is holding back investors from jumping on TSM, but I think unfairly so relative to the risks to NVDA and other semiconductor companies who rely at least partly on them.

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March 28, 2022 4:33 pm

WOW, his story says the possibility of his prediction could change $1,000 into $67,600 ? I wonder he arrived that figure, and, why not $67,700 , or $65,300, or maybe $ 68, 497 dollars and 34 cents.

👍 483
March 28, 2022 4:51 pm

I think Nvidia is the safest play here if you like the semi space.

March 28, 2022 9:25 pm

It is depressing to contemplate the possibility that anything other than an extremely small number of gullible eccentrics would believe and pay for the nonsense that DeHaemer is peddling here, in what should be called “DeHaemer’s Bull Report.” I wish he would enlighten us with his predictions as to the timing and the effects on the economy and the stock market when this “radical left-wing agenda” is implemented.

Donald Laing
Donald Laing
March 29, 2022 2:26 pm

Travis – Love your work, many thanks for the (mind boggling amount of) time you spend on this. This was an especially good piece (love the ancillary commentary along the way). Slightly surprised (which may simply show my ignorance) that there was no mention in covering this topic of ASML. Any thoughts on that; anything teased about it lately? Don’t hold it (do hold AMD), and curious if it’s something to pursue.

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March 29, 2022 2:50 pm

TSM is building a mega factory in Phoenix, not far from where I live. That may easy the concerns about
Taiwan and China.

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👍 3
Donald Carter
Donald Carter
March 31, 2022 9:55 am

RR London GBP 100.78, $132.35 US -2.21% . 3/31/2022 /Time 1550

April 2, 2022 3:59 pm

Sorry to be redundant, as posted a version of this last year. Joe Biden will not kill crypto, but you can wager that US Congress will not abdicate this power with regard to currency.

The US Constitution states Article I Section 8 “Congress shall have the power to coin-mint money and determine the value thereof”. US Gov’t will soon implement the US Digital dollar and render all other cryptocurrencies moot and demised (in the crypt). NG To the average man, it was seen as salvation…
Yet, overnight, FDR’s plan did something radically different…

It allowed the Treasury to pay for all his pet programs — from Social Security to the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Civilian Conservation Corps — by making a massive change to the dollar.

At the time, our currency was backed by gold. And coins, like these, were popular.

But with this single act, the government forced Americans to turn in their gold savings.

In fact, the Federal Reserve Bank in New York snatched more than $30 million – worth almost $600 million in today’s dollars – on just one fateful day.

Each one-ounce coin was swapped for $20.67 in paper money. Failure to comply would result in a massive $10,000 fine – or jail time.

And once the government had its hand on the gold?

It changed the price to $35 an ounce… effectively stealing 69% of Americans’ savings.

Do you see a pattern here?

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👍 172
April 2, 2022 4:02 pm

GPUs are heavy use in AI, ML and DL (Deep Learning). However, I expect prices to go down on GPUs – Ethereum proof of Work is ending (probably by July or end of the 2022). Bitcoin is done on ASIC miners (not NVIDIA or commodity CPUs).

I prefer to take advantage of the volatility and buy up on corrections/dips or bear markets.

I prefer to invest directly in Cryptocurrencies. (Less reliant on a centralized companies mismanagement, regulations and overhead). Watch Bitcoin, Ethereum, Gaming/Metaverse projects, Polkadot ecosystem (DOT, MOVR, ACA, ASTR, RMRK), Cosmos ecosystem(ATOM, JUNO, OSMO) and others Avalanche(AVAX), JEWEL, Harmony(ONE), Solana(SOL).

Too much more interference by the SEC, Sec of State, Congress and we will see the number of expatriates renouncing increase. (The number is down, but likely mostly due to the offices were closed and limited interviews due to virus paranoia).

US Inflation is high (and higher than the fudged numbers in the current version of the CPI).

People will leave the US, especially once the US dollar is no longer the reserve currency (likely within 5-10 years if not earlier). I do how we can have a non-government controlled central currency where it is not controlled and manipulated like fiat.

NOTE: I am mostly in BTC and ETH 80%, and heavy in Polkadot/Kusama ecosystem (KSM,KAR,DOT,ACA,MOVR,EFI,ASTR) and Cosmos ecosystem (ATOM, OSMO, LUNA). Also in alternate ethereum tokens (TOKE,ILV). The nice thing about most of these is you earn rewards 5%-20% and more commonly. Plus free airdrops for some also.
There are some risks but seriously, not much more than investing in a company (Luckin Coffee is a good example). Also volatility is normal in the stock market, the cycle is just too long in stocks. Buying dips, and taking profits when it is high is the key (to protect your initial investment).

NOTE: AMD GPUs are improving, and some do very well. The software for them has even improved and just needs a little more work.
NOTE: some prefer centralized Crypto via the stock market:
Silvergate Capital (SI), HUT8 miners and HIVE.
Microstratgy (based on Bitcoin ownership), Coinbase, Grayscale, etc.

All the best.. When looking for Crypto.. “safer” is dips in BTC, ETH, higher gains with higher risks on lower market cap. (I would argue that Cardano[ADA], XRP are too high of market cap, and Cosmos is too low). And yes, there are risks (just like in companies in trusting companies), it is important to do your research and be aware of trends.


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👍 167
April 2, 2022 9:19 pm

Deluxe Corp. (NYSE: DLX)

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April 2, 2022 11:46 pm

Thank you for this information. You put in a lot of work.

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Doug B
Doug B
April 4, 2022 12:09 am

It’s interesting that you bring up a “crypto” and that Biden is trying to get rid of BTC. There was a meeting in Dubai just last week where they were very open about bringing in the one world order, and that the us was very close to following china in adapting a digital currency which would allow big brother to track all transactions in the country. This would also allow them to decide which ones to allow and which to stop. Big brother is getting too big for his britches!

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